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DougRetired@50 • 4 years ago

This move is 100% political, it had nothing to do with productivity.

Only 25% of SSA Ops employees were teleworking and they've been doing it for years. They figured out who it worked for and didn't work for years ago. Plus some of the people teleworking in Ops are detailed from other components that also allow telework.

Other components in SSA are still being allowed to telework (for now - one component just won a lawsuit filed by a union, to keep it). If productivity was truly a problem then telework would have been eliminated for the entire agency. Eliminating it for Ops is testing the waters to see what the backlash is.

IAD • 4 years ago

Wow...Pretty surprised you printed "BS"'s note Mike. What BS and other seem to fail to realize is that they don't work for their Commissioner, they work for the American people. By blatantly admitting to work slowdowns to make the Commissioner look bad, they are hurting the very people that they are there to serve. Another interesting note is that Telework is being pulled back in the private industry, a fact lost to BS. IBM is one of the biggest to date (just google IBM telework for the details) but many others are scaling back telework. While morale and time savings for the employee are important, there are significant business impacts that are being realized that are moving the pendulum back the other way. Regardless, "BS"s work slowdown should not be tolerated and sounds like there needs to be some housecleaning at SSA.

KJ • 4 years ago

“Unfortunately many SSA employees have vowed they will not work hard for this commissioner and will take more leave, too." ~B.S.

fedgunny • 4 years ago

That's just shooting themselves in the foot. You either have a good work ethic or you don't and who the Commissioner is shouldn't make a lick of difference. My sense is that the overwhelming majority of SSA employees are long suffering, overworked, and underpaid - and they do not share BS's outlook on life.