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olmstra7 • 2 years ago

Earth's climate has changed for 100s of millions of years and will continue to do so for hundreds of millions of years. Humans have nothing to do with it.

Nancy Lou • 2 years ago

LOL Al Gore won't like you ... these people are so gullible ... and in being sheeple they are allowing them to destroy our country

olmstra7 • 2 years ago

That's ok I don't like him either

Carmen Louque • 2 years ago

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Gregory Fortner • 2 years ago

Humans can change the weather. Have you not heard of HAARP? The Air Force has laser guided direct energy weapons on certain aircraft.

olmstra7 • 2 years ago

Yes I've heard of DEW....human beings going about their normal daily lives have no impact on the climate

The_Devilbat • 2 years ago

It is not climate change. A DEW is a Directed energy Weapon. This fire looks suspiciously like such a weapon was purposely used. It could be the Chinese testing a DEW weapon from a satellite or even our own government.

antheaura • 2 years ago

The way things have been going for TOO MANY years now - I'd say without a DOUBT it's our "OWN" government! With all that's directed AGAINST our best interests on a day to day basis, right in our faces, and becoming more persistent each ticking moment - DEW events are not that much of a stretch. Fits right in with their m.o. in my opinion.

s.k. • 2 years ago


s.k. • 2 years ago

Trust me, it's the elite globalists.

maxx • 2 years ago

The WWF is at it again, as usual. For $12.00 a month they claim to "save the polar bears". I wrote and asked how they intend to do that. No response. Actually all of these "environmental activist groups" ARE A TOTAL CON. They use the money donated by well meaning people to pay the salaries of their employees that run the con game AND NOTHING ELSE. A few years back it was the Pandas. Pandas were saved by Chinese artificial insemination breeding practices at a very high cost per animal. I stopped donating to all environmental groups since they refuse to release any financial records. John Muir would be ashamed to be associated with the group he founded. Con artists every one of them.

twas brillig • 2 years ago

stfu olmstra...humans on a long term and short-term basis more so now than ever.... we certainly have the capacity to affect weather intentionally and unintentionally. EVERYTHING is possible. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

olmstra7 • 2 years ago

The sun laughs wholeheartedly in your face

Edwin • 2 years ago

Look at the pattern of Superstorm Sandy, 7 days before Obamas second election. Took a sharp left hook seemingly unlike how storms typically travel…

Malon • 2 years ago

They used in in California for the fires there, so many houses burnt down too, while trees and stuff close to it, had no damage. Impossible with a normal wildfire. We know the financial background, why the Californian government had this been done. It's always cui bono.

So who is interested in burning down suburbs in Colorado? Who's interested in getting the ground cheaply? Or is it about to destroy suburbs as these are homes of intact families?

s.k. • 2 years ago

Yep. Also chemtrails all over Iowa and our wind and weather has been bizarre for past two years.

TruePatriotInTX • 2 years ago

I don't think our own military is doing this, but how do we prove who is?

sadamerican • 2 years ago

Deep state

s.k. • 2 years ago

This is probably just preliminary target practice for the DS. Many false flags to follow.

Baracudda • 2 years ago

With the exception of our corrupt government using chem trails to achieve pushing their BS narrative of "Climate Change"!

northerner310b • 2 years ago

Mostly. Humans have been effing with the weather for generations trying to control it. Sometimes successfully, i. e. cloud seeding for rain, but note my HAARP post above. Technology advances sometimes faster than our integrity and sense of restraint.

Baracudda • 2 years ago

They are also using "chem trails" to affect our weather so that they can push their BS narrative to the DumbDown sheep who will believe everything & anything!

s.k. • 2 years ago

Constant chemtrails in Iowa where food used to be produced in a healthy manner. Our weather has been bizarre.

antheaura • 2 years ago

INTEGRITY or RESTRAINT from THIS BUNCH? Surely you jest!

Brad Scofield • 2 years ago

Hatred from the EVIL ONES manifests in many forms. This is but one. It's what happens when you have powerful tools at your disposal and a political ideology that says "Kill everyone but your own kind."

keane • 2 years ago

You’re exactly right Brad hasn’t anybody noticed all the trees are still green and not charred or burned just the houses from house to house kind of weird right that’s what I thought. It’s definitely a direct energy weapon by the cabal.

keane • 2 years ago

Until those evil people that can control the satellites aren’t blown out of the sky this will continue and they will keep zapping homes and people mostly because we caught them and what they are doing to our children, #AdrinaChrome. And child SEXtrafficking And the slaughter of them on a (massive) global scale..

Dan Bujold • 2 years ago

The local sherriff says it was dry brush and wind. What are you even thinking? Really?

TruePatriotInTX • 2 years ago

Can you imagine the PANIC if they said something different? This is an apocalyptic-style weapon that is being used against us. The question is, who controls it?

s.k. • 2 years ago

Elite Globalists.

s.k. • 2 years ago

He's in on it and everyone knows.

Guest • 2 years ago
Nancy Lou • 2 years ago

They are rabid now that they are so close to their goal (Trump had stopped it). They can't be stopped - used to be very covert but being so close they are now out of control

Donna Crowell • 2 years ago

Look at how tornados hit It. Again. In late. December

Dan Bujold • 2 years ago

Trump stopped nothing. What eveidence do you have that he did?

northerner310b • 2 years ago

A few years ago while curiosity surfing the net for webcams especially up towards Alaska having had family in Fairbanks in the 80s, I came across the HAARP project in Gakona AK. I did some further digging and found webcams from that site. Recent years I remember an admission by the government that it was indeed a weather modification transmitter. There was some reference to a statement that they were going to dismantle the transmitter but I never checked back for any follow up on the project. I don't think I have the HAARP webcams links saved anywhere to see if they are still operational. That site may still be on GOOGLE satellite photos. Or the remnants of it if they actually dismantled it.

I did a quick search on HAARP, here's a link, apparently the government did "divest" itself transferring control from the Air Force to the University of Alaska in 2015. The project was exposed in 2014. If you search "HAARP" you will get a few hits including a Wikipedia post on it plus some news links about conspiracy theories surrounding the project and some photos of the transmitter array. Interesting subject and there are references also to weather disasters possibly related to the transmitter operation. Anything's possible in our current technological "atmosphere":


Here's another link detailing the suspicions and information corroborating those clandestine motives and information on the scientist that founded the project:


TruePatriotInTX • 2 years ago

HAARP is used to create giant storms, not this. This is a satellite-based energy weapon. The question is, who controls the satellite?

s.k. • 2 years ago

Thank you.

Taylor Mason • 2 years ago

Constantly look for the open doors and cracks to your own survivable means in your community and beyond, and definitely make the note of the evil intenders and benchmarks to use against ......

Kicks • 2 years ago

The last photo caught my eye, houses burned to the ground, but trees still standing. The evergreens were still green, just odd.

eLeN eN • 2 years ago


TruePatriotInTX • 2 years ago

Exactly! Naturally-occurring forest fires don't burn houses into ashes on their foundation! This is something else entirely and terrifying.

Pure Speculation • 2 years ago

Climate Change? DEW?

All I know is, 2022 -- it's an election year. Expect lots of BS coming at you from every which way.

Bob Farley • 2 years ago

Climate change. It was happening LOOOONNNNGG before homo sapiens appeared on this planet, and it will continue long after we're gone. Just another scheme to separate the little people from their wallets.

As for the speed of the fires, have you ever experienced canyon winds? I had to use a road on the way to work that had a section perpendicular to a canyon when I lived in Utah. Riding my motorcycle was an adventure in the mornings. The rapidly expanding air caused by the heat of the sunrise felt like a hurricane. I approached this section on the shoulder of the right lane, knowing I'd get blown all the way across the lane by the time I got to the other side. Add the low humidity to the situation there around Boulder, and you've got great conditions for a fast-moving wildfire.

TruePatriotInTX • 2 years ago

This has nothing to do with climate change, wake up.

Mary L • 2 years ago

By whatever means, this was indeed planned. We live in the desert in Oregon and planes have been crisscrossing the skies for four months creating rain clouds even in the middle of perfectly sunny days. The fact that they have had no rain shows that this has been planned from the beginning. I can't imagine a better place to destroy and then tell people that it's climate change that caused the problem.

northerner310b • 2 years ago

They're still saying high winds may have downed power lines. It's happened many times not just here in Colorado. Maybe 5 years ago in the mountains just West of Pueblo a 3 am micro burst of high winds destroyed and blew the large pieces of a metal shed into a ranch's power lines sparking a terrible fast moving wild fire in the middle of the night. It eventually crested the mountains West of Pueblo and began working its way down towards rural communities. It is a plausible explanation. I'm not saying it couldn't have been started by something else SW of Boulder but we need to be careful of jumping to conclusions with definitive proof that it WASN'T downed power lines. Let the fire inspectors do their work. Then speculate on their conclusions. Yes, I'm a Trek fan, I get the reference, and I am aware of the developing pulsed energy weapons of the military.

Francisco Machado • 2 years ago

I've read that investigators found no power lines down, still (of that report) didn't find the cause.

Wendy Allen • 2 years ago

Directed energy weapons...see the video below in the comments.

James • 2 years ago

What an asinine article, D.E.W. my asp! It's called a wildfire, unusual this time of year in CO? YES, but shift happens!