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Ron Ruggieri • 4 years ago

These two conservative -libertarian voices are refreshingly honest in debunking smears that President Donald Trump is a white supremacist . I listen to them in the early morning hours free from the NOISE of the biased mainstream news media.
Tune in to " Red Eye Radio " with Eric Harley and Gary McNamara at 630 WPRO AM locally.
Last night they were quite effective in defending Trump against " white supremacist " slurs . The " progressive " Democrats have put all their political faith in the BIG LIE .

Kathe Scott • 4 years ago

The GOP is not interested in their sad despicable truth... They much prefer money, power and participation trophies for white folks.

JP • 4 years ago

Racist much?

USS Liberty • 4 years ago

LOL you think the GOP is pro-white. I mean seriously? "White people" are the people who shall not be named. What has Trump done for whites? ZILCH. What has Trump done for Israel and Jews? Whatever they want.

Ron Ruggieri • 4 years ago

Why is WHITE SUPREMACIST Trump so popular in Apartheid Israel ? Could a little clique of Zionist Jews in the USA be turning against generic " white people "? How ironic as Apartheid Israel is patterned after Apartheid South Africa . No way can Israel's settler class be described as " people of color ". My closest friend - who thinks like me on politics - comes from a Russian Jewish background . He is as WHITE as I am and there were blond blue eyed members of his family .
Could it be that Zionist Jews in the United States want to stir up black people and Latino people against the always DEPLORABLE white Christian working class ? Since when did Italo-Americans like Ruggieri ever enjoy WHITE PRIVILEGE or join asinine crusades for WHITE SUPREMACY ?

USS Liberty • 4 years ago

What they call White supremacy is really just White dignity. The dignity of a homeland. The dignity of cultural integrity. The dignity of communal pride. When they say they want to smash White supremacy it means they want to destroy your dignity as a people and humiliate you.

Ron Ruggieri • 4 years ago

If the " progressive " Democrats are relentless in smearing white people as jealous of this imagined WHITE PRIVILEGE , they will certainly create a WHITE SUPREMACIST movement in the United States.
The " progressive " Democrats -led by affluent Zionist Jews - can not even see UNDERPRIVILEGED, UNDER-SERVED -POOR - white people in the USA .
By silencing anti-Zionist Jews these neo-con Democrat Jews will make Jews as a people popular ONLY in Apartheid Israel.

USS Liberty • 4 years ago

There seems to be a coordinated attempt to meme "white supremacist terrorism" as the "real talk" explanation for occasional outbursts of psychotic violence. But when the country was more white, there were less of these shootings, whether by whites or nonwhites.

A talking point often brought out when they attempt to scapegoat whites for mass violence is "fear of losing power and privileges" It goes unmentioned that society is being deliberately restructured to remove these things from whites.

The shooting of 12 people in Brooklyn was blacked out by Jewish media. Gilroy Garlic festival violence got far more attention than Brownsville. The disparity is due to one having a black attacker and the other a white one: institutional anti-whiteness.

JP • 4 years ago

Which story would people pay more attention to? It has nothing to do with Jewish people just which story would sell the most product.

USS Liberty • 4 years ago

Says a lot about the J-media that they kick blacks to the curb when it matters most.

JP • 4 years ago

I don't understand what Jewish people have to do with this. News is business, plain and simple. You report the news that gathers the most listeners and viewers. It is nothing more than that.

USS Liberty • 4 years ago

Right, I forgot. They have no power and influence in media.

Ron Ruggieri • 4 years ago

Your point of view is not quite identical to mine . But I would hate to see it censored - and by who else ? By secular Zionist Jews .
I have been banned on a number of web sites as a " Catholic , anti-Semite , fascist ". Banned by Catholics , by Christians, by Libertarians, by socialist humanists ?
On this web site I am routinely called a hater, a white supremacist, a racist , a lover of Donald Trump . I have a personal blog going back to 1997 which any LITERATE person can see refutes these smears.
Prejudice is often a matter of generalizing from personal experience. If an individual has too many negative experiences with particular social groups, he can begin to DISLIKE them. Only in extreme cases does DISLIKE turn to psychotic violence.
I know one working class white kid who was a Marxist communist for a while then suddenly ordered a copy of " White Power " by American Nazi leader George Lincoln Rockwell . But he was never a HATER or CRAZY .

USS Liberty • 4 years ago

"White supremacy" literally just means white people being a demographic majority in any country, always remember that

NelsonLaw • 4 years ago

Warren is insane.

Pat Smith • 4 years ago

Or it could be that the most left wing democrats want power. First step in power is to make a large section of the population really dependent on you for all those 'entitlements'. And it does not hurt to have everyone mandated to take govt health insurance so that is an excuse to have a lot of information on every person. Must be pretty amazing these days what a computer can do with all that information .

Did you know that today, right now, if someone is on Medicare, and they come in for an 'annual wellness visit' they are asked 'are you incontinent of urine?" and "did you fall in the past few weeks.?" The government has decided that these two questions are really important. It ties in with doctor reimbursement.
Once we have Medicare for All only God knows what questions doctors will have to ask the patients.

Pat Smith • 4 years ago

He never talked about white supremacists as 'fine people". That is totally not accurate.
It all started with the tragedy at Charlottesville. He was referring to the peaceful protestors on both sides of the confederate statue debates. He was not referring to white supremacists or Antifa.
Why would Trump say that there were fine people on both sides...how could he refer to Antifa as 'fine people' ? You got it wrong again Sen Warren. And his daughter and grand children are orthodox Jews. how could he praise Neo Nazis?

Kathe Scott • 4 years ago

that's some fine dissembling... where were you in August of 2017? https://www.theatlantic.com...

Pat Smith • 4 years ago

what do you think of the behavior of Antifa? thank goodness they did not kill anyone but they are not exactly chanting Give Peace a Chance either.

Pat Smith • 4 years ago

Kathe, I would respectfully suggest you find the transcript of that very last minute press conference and also the video of that conference, where members of the Press were shouting questions at Trump
sometimes two persons at a time. I read the transcript and I also listened to the press conference

The press has done some fine dissembling.

Trump was reffering IMO to the peaceful protestors on both sides of the Confederate statues fight. There were peaceful people who wanted the statues to go and peaceful people who wanted the statues to stay.

What got all the press attention of course , understandably, were the Neo Nazis and white supremacists marching with their hateful language
and what should have gotten more attention were the Antifa side who also were involved with violence

Both the far left and the far right groups were violent.

Trump said there were fine people ON BOTH SIDES.

That means there are two sides. That means he would have to be saying, if you are correct, that there were fine Neo Nazis and fine Antifa people. It does not make sense; there is no way Trump would say Antifa has fine people. Can we agree on that? No way Trump would call Antifa 'fine people".

Here is the very first public comments Trump made regarding the horror in Charlottesville:


Then as second statements he had a impromptu press meeting in Trump Tower. That is when the phrase 'both sides' came up.

Trump, wisely, waited a couple of days to review information from the event; I myself have seen photos of Antifa violently attacking the other side.

He saw the violence I am sure from the far right. He saw the peaceful protests AFAIK, from both sides.

The Atlantic article focuses on what happened at the Trump Towers as a second public statement.

downtown21 • 4 years ago

She was watching Fox News, and now she's regurgitating their fake version of what happened in Charlottesville.

downtown21 • 4 years ago


rocketsredglare • 4 years ago


NotaMOONbat • 4 years ago

Mods at WBUR how about growing a backbone, you allow vile disgusting things to be said against a sitting President but any attacks on Elizabeth Warren get pulled like the post never existed.
Let me spell out why Elizabeth Warren is called Liarwatha. This is steeped in those pesky things called facts, Lizzy checked the minority box and claimed to be an American Indian to advance her career which makes her a liar and a fake Indian. First part of Liarwatha is liar, second part is watha a play on the name Hiawatha.

If Liz Warren wants to call people names she should expect to get called out.

Suck it up, and stop with the cowardice.

JP • 4 years ago

"has also "given aid and comfort to white supremacists."

Not really. She has though. Sad thing is she would never understand why.

Pat Smith • 4 years ago

IMHO as more and more Democrats focus on identity politics, and keep beating the drum of how people of color are victims and all white people have 'privilege'
it is going to be very irksome to many white voters even those who are independents.

The 25 year old white male with 2 kids who is working 60 hours a week in the coal mines to help his family, he does not feel privileged right now.

The 50 year old white female who just got laid off from her job an her family really needs her income, she does not feel real privileged right now.

The 40 year old white professional who is paying 100,000 dollars a year to put his or her kids thru college is not feeling too privileged IMO. Maybe they should feel gratitude that they make a good living, but privilege? No.

Enough with the identity politics I say and this myth, this lie that all white people have privilege. We need to recognize we are all americans and we all bleed the same.
Time to stop with the hierarchy of victimhood and with these absurd claims that Trump is a white supremacist. They could not take down Trump with "Russia, Russia, Mueller, Mueller", so now they have a new chant.

Mumbles • 4 years ago

I’m a very happy white individual. Now get over it. And Hillary lost.

Ron Ruggieri • 4 years ago

I am a lifelong democratic socialist . I think the ILLIBERAL LIBERALS of the Democratic Party have lost all touch with objective reality. Trump is no more a WHITE SUPREMACIST than Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are " socialists ".
Way back in 1965 Black Muslim Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism , between racism and imperialism. The ILLIBERAL LIBERAL Democrats today slobber over the FBI which , in fact , COLLUDED in the assassination of Malcolm X in 1965 and Martin Luther King in 1968 . Both King and Malcolm were evolving socialists.
The character assassination of President Trump as " Hitler " is a prelude to another national nightmare . JFK was not welcome in Dallas one day in November 1963.
I see the so called LEFT as more a threat of FASCISM than Middle American Republicans.
It sickens this democratic socialist to see how the generic LEFT has lost all respect for the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
Law & Order - a fundamental of civilization - will triumph over any insane race war .

Mean Girl • 4 years ago
I am a lifelong democratic socialist .

You are a Trump supporter, Ronnie. You support a vile racist.

Guest • 4 years ago
Ron Ruggieri • 4 years ago

What meds do " progressive " Zionist Jew psychiatrists- who wrecked the profession- recommend for students of British rationalism ? How about a vacation in Palestine with two million victims of Zionist Apartheid Israel ?

Mean Girl • 4 years ago

So your anxiety is getting worse, eh Ronnie?

Guest • 4 years ago
Mean Girl • 4 years ago

You support a vile racist, cupcake. And it looks like you are one too. I am not surprised.

Tom W • 4 years ago

It doesn't upset me that Elizabeth Warren called President Trump a white supremacist. I call her a lunatic several times a day.

X-Ray • 4 years ago

Well, there is a 'Congressional Black Caucus' in Congress. Why can't the White House have an 'Executive White Caucus'? What's sauce for the Goose is sauce for the Gander.

Kathe Scott • 4 years ago

Pretty much the entire rest of the government is the "White Caucus". They don't even need to name themselves. Plenty of "sauce for the Gander" already in existence.

X-Ray • 4 years ago

So, we make the 'balance' in the other direction? All these years of trying to stamp out discrimination and now we are going to label some acceptable because it is for the 'disadvantaged'. That Camel has a big nose.

Pat Smith • 4 years ago

you raise a good point.

NelsonLaw • 4 years ago

Warren has still not denounced the Dayton shooter's support for her. What is she waiting for? What message is she sending? Any supporter for her is a good supporter? Has she no shame?

Pat Smith • 4 years ago

I read that too that the Dayton shooter was a supporter for her.

JP • 4 years ago

With all the fake profiles created after each of these shootings I am still not convinced that there was ever any real support for her on the part of this nutcase. Even then, is it really important?

Pat Smith • 4 years ago

you have a good point, however, when a vile murderous white guy goes on a killing spree the media and others are too quick to blame Trump one way or the other. Either 'see, he was a Trump supporter" or "see, Trump supports white Neo Nazis...."

But if the shooter or killer supports a Democrat, the press often buries it and does not blame that Democrat.

JP • 4 years ago

Our local news even showed how one can take an unclaimed profile from MyLife and claim it as their own and modify it however they want. So long as the name matches someone in the news, it will get reported if it adds to the desired story. Not a good thing at all.

Ron Ruggieri • 4 years ago

" You support a vile racist " . Sounds familiar.

Mean Girl • 4 years ago

You support a vie racist, Nellie. How do you rationalize that?

rocketsredglare • 4 years ago

I just placed an order of cupcakes from Gibson's Bakery in Oberlin, Ohio for you and downtown21...

Guest • 4 years ago
Mean Girl • 4 years ago
rocketsredglare • 4 years ago

They forgot to add that he set the Reichstag ablaze...