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Ron Ruggieri • 6 years ago

A DNC coup in- oh- so DEMOCRATIC USA ? The case against Trump must have been inspired by a Franz Kafka novel " The Trial". The BIG LIE of a Putin/ Trump conspiracy has become a LIE " too big to fail ". The " liberal " Democrats and the mainstream news media could be " drain the swamp " victims very soon.
The anti-war Democrats should now find a new party - or organize an American Labor Party - similar to the British Labor Party -with more " class war " backbone.

Joy Roy • 6 years ago

Key point here.

"Comey's testimony, could be damning and lay the foundation for articles of impeachment when or if Democrats wrest back control of Congress at some point in the Trump presidency."


Impeachment is ultimately a POLITICAL ACT. However, for the sake of legitimacy, there will have to be something egregious done to justify it to the public, or....it becomes a COUP.

Breaking the law may be sufficient. Yet, Trump has broken no laws. And a thousand articles of innuendo do not add up to ONE SHRED on evidence. They never will. He isn't a Russian plant, and he's not covering that up. He is the duly elected president, in spite how badly the Left hates him.

After the Comey flop, you'd think the Liberal Press would be re-grouping, and digging for a fresh, new "controversy" to attack Trump with but NPR is going to double down on it. It's incredible. The hate for this man by the ruling classes is absolutely visceral. So much, it even surprises me! And I got low expectations.

Ron Ruggieri • 6 years ago

First of all US imperialism since the turn of the 20th century demands an " Imperial Presidency ". Is the FBI chief on a higher moral plane than the Commander in Chief ?

Obstruction of justice ? There is some implied nefarious crime here .

How is contact with Russians anymore sinister than routine contact with leaders of Zionist Apartheid Israel ?

Do the Democrats - now a neo-con War Party -think that " The Arrogance of Power " can do to Russia what George W. Bush did to Iraq and Saddam Hussein ? They should have a seance with the ghosts of Napoleon and Adolph Hitler.

Establishment USA cannot count on ANY support from working class Americans for nuclear World War III . Expect a resurgent anti-war movement soon - millions in the streets.

Joy Roy • 6 years ago

So, we get to peer yet again into the mind of Ron Ruggieri. And what do we find? An empty attic, save a lot cobwebs and dead mice.

Ron Ruggieri • 6 years ago

Check out the World Socialist Web Site and
http://radicalrons.blogspot.... The Hillary Democrats have created a LIE TOO BIG TO FAIL !