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Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

The mainstream news media must think that the vast majority of American citizens are easily propagandized dolts. It was not THEY who were shocked by the Trump victory in the 2016 presidential election. What cure is there for the self-deluded news media elite ?

A big lie comparable to " weapons of mass destruction in Iraq " : For some insane reason Russia- with events in Syria going their way- decided to collude in a war crime in Syria with Assad : the use of poison gas ?

All America's imperialist wars begin with the big lie. " Remember the Maine ! "
Expect ZERO SUPPORT from the American working class for new adventures in our New Colonialism in the Middle East.

What is so humane about our nuclear arsenal ? Atomic bombs are also not kind to " beautiful babies " . Google images of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Any BAN THE BOMB movement in the United States ?

Sanctimonious Wilsonian blather will not fool us again.