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Nice_Cat • 5 years ago

Rabbi Enkin at no point expresses the truth, and by omission is in effective denial, that the Whole House of Israel was in Egyptian bondage. All God's promises were to the Whole House of Israel, and the Whole House of Israel made exodus from Egypt and were directed to their promised land. I get so annoyed with my cousin Jews who think they are ALL of the Chosen People, completely ignoring the majority of the Chosen People, the Lost Ten Tribes. Those brother tribes are only temporarily lost in pagan "Christianity," and when the true messiah is recognized by Judah I do believe they will see the light. They are prophetically the "prodigal son," having wasted their inheritance. Prophecy is that Judah will be instrumental in bringing those currently lost tribes back to their promised land.

zentixzaneic • 5 years ago

Nice_Cat (:

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

about the messiah, the problem for now does not arise in an important way, because the problem of bringing together the 12 tribes of Israel is a political problem and not a religious problem.
in reality, the 12 tribes of Israel represent all the peoples of the world in my third Jewish temple.
so even more so are the sons of Abraham: Christian and Muslim Jews,
they are the ones who must give the best example of this love that demonstrates to the world: "Yes, God exists and that's why: we represent universal brotherhood" that's why it is they who must together start building this my third Jewish temple

circa il messia, il problema per ora non si pone in maniera importante, perché il problema di riunire le 12 tribù di Israele è un problema politico e non un problema religioso.
in realtà le 12 tribù di Israele rappresentano tutti i popoli del mondo nel mio terzo tempio ebraico.
quindi a maggior ragione sono i figli di Abramo: ebrei cristiani e mussulmani,
sono loro che devono dare l'esempio migliore di questo amore che dimostra al mondo: "si, Dio esiste ed ecco perché: noi rappresentiamo la fratellanza universale" ecco perché, sono loro che devono insieme iniziare a costruire questo mio terzo tempio ebraico

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

any Muslims christians and Jews They are all prophetically the "prodigal son," having wasted their inheritance.
because, really, in the Parable invented by Jesus: only the Father (God) or His Unius REI, ie, #uniusREI #Governor @UniusRei we are only prodigals, while the children: Christians Muslims and Jews, they are all evil selfish, envious of everyone, all dissoluted in reality!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

dear, you can not expect the Rabbi Enkin or that some rabbi should start to work for salvation also to Christians.
Of course if such a rabbi existed it would be such a great blessing, an extraordinary gift of God's love!
Of course, this scandal that the sons of Jacob before (Christians and Jews)
and the sons of Abraham later (Christian and Muslim Jews) this scandal must be overcome.
Because otherwise it would not be credible, for any Christian or Muslim Jew, it would not be credible for them to be able to say: in a credible way "certain, yes, God exists"

caro, tu non puoi pretendere che il Rabbi Enkin
o che qualche rabbino si metta ad amministrare la salvezza anche ai cristiani.
Certo se esistesse un tale rabbino sarebbe una così troppo grande benedizione, uno straordinario dono dell'amore di Dio!
Certo, questo scandalo che i figli di Giacobbe prima ( cristiani ed ebrei)
e i figli di Abramo dopo (ebrei cristiani e mussulmani) questo scandalo deve essere superato.
Perché diversamente non sarebbe credibile, per nessun ebreo cristiano o mussulmano, non sarebbe credibile per loro il poter dire: in modo credibile "certo Dio esiste"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Digital brigaders file patriots and dissidents: choc lists
A cell of digital brigadists is drafting proscription lists with confidential data then released:
The EU against to who twists against shariah Islamic invasion: Salvini and Vox included.
We invite you to report Junker and Merkel to the competent authorities:

Brigatisti digitali schedano patrioti e dissidenti: liste choc

Una cellula di brigatisti digitali sta stilando liste di proscrizione con dati riservati poi diffusi: La Ue scheda chi twitta contro l’invasione islamica: Salvini e Vox compresi. Vi invitiamo a segnalare Junker e Merkel indicati alle autorità competenti:

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Burkina Faso, an Italian Luca Tacchetto with his friend Edith Blais, 34 year old Canadian, have disappeared for 20 days: he was on his way to the capital: luca-tacchetto-italiano- disappeared-burkina-faso / Islam has become a global AGGRESSION threat

Burkina Faso, un italiano Luca Tacchetto insieme all'amica Edith Blais, 34enne canadese, sono scomparsi da 20 giorni: era in viaggio verso la capitale: Islam è diventata una AGGRESSIONE mondiale minaccia

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

"Allah turned the Jews into monkeys and pigs, vile traits infest their genes, humanity can not live with the Jews." [[ow ly / RmFC30n3Vdm]] but, this words Mohammedans have also said so of all the 50 Christian Nations, which have already suffered the Islamic shariah genocide of Ummah akbarr OCI UN ARAB LEaGue NAZI.

#uniusREI #Governor @UniusRei
instead I believe that UN should now answer my question: "what are the true human rights for you?"
#uniusREI #Governor Retweeted ⎛⎝ James the Bond⎠⎞

IRAN said: "good, good good" Friday sermon shariah on Palestinian TV: "Allah turned the Jews into monkeys and pigs, vile traits haunt their genes, humanity can not live with the Jews."

"Allah trasformò gli ebrei in scimmie e maiali. tratti vili infestano i loro geni. L'umanità non può convivere con gli ebrei." [[ ow ly/RmFC30n3Vdm ]] ma, maomettani hanno detto così anche di tutte le 50 Nazioni Cristiane, che hanno già subito il genocidio islamico shariah della LEGA ARABA

#uniusREI #Governor @UniusRei
invece io credo che ONU adesso dovrebbe rispondere alla mia domanda: "cosa sono i diritti umani per te?"
#uniusREI #Governor ha ritwittato ⎛⎝ James the Bond⎠⎞

IRAN said: "bravo, bravo bravo" Sermone shariah del venerdì sulla TV palestinese: "Allah trasformò gli ebrei in scimmie e maiali. I tratti vili infestano i loro geni. L'umanità non può convivere con gli ebrei."

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

no, it is not very serious: is why for Twitter Bilderberg UE facebook etc. .. Israelis are not human beings !! and he only defends Israel ] Warning: this account is temporarily limited
⎛⎝ James the Bond⎠⎞ @IAmJamesTheBond [Do you really want to go on? ]

no, non è molto grave: tanto per Twitter Bilderber UE facebook ecc.. israeliani non sono esseri umani!! lui difende soltanto Israele ] Attenzione: questo account è temporaneamente limitato
⎛⎝ James the Bond⎠⎞ @IAmJamesTheBond [ Vuoi davvero proseguire? ]

Sarah • 5 years ago

Boy so far a bunch of sickos have responded to this article. Deranged!!
What in the world are you poor souls indoctrinated with.....HATRED AND CONFUSION. Monkeys and pigs??? Very illiterate comments. Insults
will get you nothing. Hope you don't have kids. No wonder the world is
coming undone. Ugh and ugh to your hellish comments. There is a G-d in heaven. He still teaches manners. Beware!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

"HATRED and CONFUSION and Insults" ???
in this page the world has observed them: of course, but, that they were made only by you against me!
this is why there is a proverb that says: "when God hates you, he takes away your intelligence"
After all, at the height of your stupidity you have not contested: as wrong: none of my arguments!
and yet this is the observation: do all the Hebrew social media of Rothschild masonic and regime Bilderberg SpA NWO: they persecute the Israelis? why?

"HATRED and CONFUSION and Insults" ???
in questa pagina il mondo li ha osservati: certo, ma, che sono stati fatti soltanto da te contro di me!
ecco perché c'é un proverbio che dice: "quando Dio ti odia ti toglie l'intelligenza"
Dopotutto al sommo della tua stupidità tu non hai impugnato: come errato: nessuno dei miei argomenti!
ed invece questa è la constatazione: tutti gli ebraici social media di Rothschild perseguitano gli israeliani? perché?