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Gabriel Merselle • 4 years ago

The Talmud said long ago that Haman brought more Jews back to Judaism than did all the Prophets combined. When assimilated Jews realize that they will always be hated by the world, they eventually return to their beautiful religion and family

George • 4 years ago

I pray that every last Jew leaves the decaying UK and makes Israel their future home

Ernst Goldman • 4 years ago

“I am fiercely pro-Israel now. Wasn’t bothered before.” I can never understand Jews who do not care for Israel. It just makes no sense. How can you not care!? This is manifestation of your people self-determination and defiance in the face of the evil of antisemitism which sadly permeates every corner of the Earth. It is also demonstration of your people collective accomplishment which will never be recognized from contribution of Jewish individuals living in diaspora. And lastly, it is a safe heaven for Jews worldwide to make sure that Never Again principle is backed by actual state entity.

Fred • 4 years ago

It seems history is repeating itself, in the Hitler period Jews tried to blend in being more Arian than the Arians it did not work. Jeremyn Corbyn is copying Hitler by expelling Jews from the Labor Party in various way and succeeding, he excludes them from any participation by associating with Muslim enemies of Jews showing he has more affinity to Hamas & Hetzbullah then those pesky Jews he hates. He has supporter amongst the Pakistains and other Muslims in Parliament. Britains Moral high is in a deep dive into the morass of hate...

Don Spilman • 4 years ago

A wise person can always learn from a purposely evil person by going in the opposite direction. Corebin is about as screwed in the head evil as any!

Les Fayer • 4 years ago

I am glad the Jewish Community is uniting to face this onslaught in unity...We can be a tough bunch once we reach a final decide band together

Madeleine Donaldson • 4 years ago

I am also glad Jewish people are leaving anti Judeo Countries and returning to the homeland, but it is also opening the door for Islam which is a dangerous cult! Sadly Britain has had weak leadership, Wish Winston Churchill was back!

North • 4 years ago

The British will stay until they cannot leave. This time not Hitler, but the Muslims who will eventually rule Britain, with Sharia Law.

Francoise Farron • 4 years ago

Why keep living in a country that mocks you, insults you, treats you as one less than human, and would not mind expelling you, if it weren't against the law? Make Aliya into a country that welcomes you, that is young!! with so many children. Make Aliya into a country that celebrates LIFE every day, in the midst of all that hatred that the goyim spread using lies and defamation. The same is true for the US, where your college students are exposed to the poisonous BDS rallies, that the college administration welcomes, under the false pretense of upholding the First Amendment, when they bloody well know - or ought to know - that the First amendment is not without exceptions, and 'fighting words,' words that incite to violence or harming others, are NOT PROTECTED Speech. Make Aliya, join and live among your brethren.
They are not perfect - no one is - but they are several cuts above everyone else.

Fane Babanul • 4 years ago

Why would you expect that Corbyn and his Labour Party would respect any law, uf and when they seize power?
They would MAKE the law, not respect it!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

is true the Democratic Party / Labor are the border of satan himself: an extreme threat of Pharisees Rothschild high constitutional treason the bank seigniorage:a lethal fake against hope every people: and for the destruction of the same concept of Fatherland: and destruction of the sacredness of human life!Jewish member of parliament Margaret Hodge agrees, Levy wrote. "I remember my father tried to make me Jewish and failed," Hodge said recently. "The local rabbi tried to make me Jewish and failed. It took the Labor party leader to do it."

è vero il Partito democratico / laburisti sono il confine di satana stesso: una estrema minaccia di farisei Rothschild alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario:
un letale micaccia contro la speranza doi ogni popolo:e per la distruzione dello stesso concetto di Patria: e distruzione della sacralità della vita umana!
Membro ebreo del Parlamento Margaret Hodge concorda, ha scritto Levy. "Mi ricordo che mio padre ha cercato di farmi ebreo e non riuscito", ha detto recentemente Hodge. "Il rabbino locale ha cercato di farmi ebreo e non riuscita. Ci sono voluti il leader del partito laburista a farlo."

Fane Babanul • 4 years ago

Sorry to have say that, but the life of British Jews is in clear and immediate danger.
The situation in UK in 2019 is similar to the situation in January 1933 in Germany.
If and when Fuehrer Jeremy Corbyn and his National-Socialist British Labour Party seize power, they will start immediately massacring Jews, as many and as fast as they can.
The worst thing is that this scelerate madman would be in control of the nuke, and he would certainly order an attack on Israel if he is not deterred.

NRApatriot • 4 years ago

The Father said He would gather all His chosen back into the land from whence He scattered them in the last days. He didn't explain how but now we're seeing it!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

The greatest fraud invented by neoliberalism is that of the independent central bank: master: Rothschild & Morgan & Rochefeller: satanism and high Constitutional betrayal banking scam 666 seigniorage.
The independence of central banks, for neoliberalism, means dependence on private banks. Independent of Parliament and the people, dependent on financial elites.

La più grande truffa inventata dal neoliberismo è quella della banca centrale indipendente: padrone: Rothschild & Morgan & Rochefeller: satanismo e alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario.
L'indipendenza delle banche centrali, per il neoliberismo, vuol dire dipendenza dalle banche private. Indipendente dal Parlamento e dal popolo, dipendente dalle élite finanziarie.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

it is time to analyze the NAZISTA genocide of sharia in the UN [ Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️Kingdom BLOCK @lionjudahuniusreikingdom BLOCK ] Pence blasts 'outrage' of Ocasio-Cortez's concentration camps comparison you have been banned by World Israel News.
è il momento di analizzare in ONU il genocidio NAZISTA della sharia worldisraelnews com/pence-blasts-outrage-of-ocasio-cortezs-concentration-camps-comparison/

Photobug55 • 4 years ago
Levy shared that she has been trying to connect more with Israel through watching the Israeli hit Netflix shows “Shtissel” (about an ultra-Orthodox Jewish family in Jerusalem) and “Fauda” (about undercover Israeli forces.)

Two great shows, but not the most productive way to establish your link with Israel.

Michael Shookhtim • 4 years ago

Its not bad that she feels more connected to Judaism, but honestly does she think judaism is watching couple of Israeli TV shows and thinking about a trip to Israel?! Many non-Jews visit Israel every year, so what? Cause and effect. Rise of anti semitism is an effect, not the cause. But, we'll take whatever we can! If thats what she thinks it is, still better than before where majority of British Jews still side with Palestinians

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

It would have been better if they hadn't left. Then none of this would have happened in the first place.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

about children bled in synagogues? I have always replied to you Cia 666 Uk 322 Mossad 187AudioHoste: they have hidden all my answers from you!

circa i bambini dissanguati nelle Sinagoghe? io ti ho sempre risposto Cia 666 Uk Mossad hanno nascosto a te ogni mia risposta!

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

I'll have time to look into this; & respond before this weekend.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things G d works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Santo Simonino, a young man
Christian child killed in a Jewish ritual in Trento around 1475. Well, this
very bright Saint was deleted from the corrupt Hierarchy Conciliar on the same day
that the Masonic document "Nostra Aetate" was signed.

Santo Simonino, un giovane
bambino Cristiano ucciso in un rituale ebraico a Trento all'incirca nel 1475. Ebbene, questo
luminosissimo Santo è stato cancellato dalla Gerarchia corrotta Conciliare lo stesso giorno
che fu firmato il documento massonico "Nostra Aetate".

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

devozioni altervista org/testi/opuscoli_vari/san_simonino_odiato_da_alcuni_uomini_di_chiesa

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

This is quite involved, brother. I will be working on it off & on today. I will try to condense what I learn as much as possible. I'm in East Coast USA time zone, probably six or seven hours earlier than you, so you should have my thoughts by Saturday morning Italy's Time Zone.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

when a Jewish ritual murder was discovered: of bloodless children? then the Jews were exploded, so they were expelled thousands of times!
quando si scopriva un omicidio rituale ebraico: di bambni dissanguati? poi gli ebrei venivano esplusi, quindi sono stati espulsi migliaia di volte!
✞San Simonino di Trento e il culto rubato - Conferenza 22/03/2014 Milano

Pascendi Dominici Gregis

Milano, 22/03/2014 - a cura del Centro Studi Davide Albertario Simonino di Trento e il culto rubato. Presentazione del libro: La ...

antisemitismo - La storia di Simonino di Trento. part 1

Un documentario storico di Toni Amatulli e Gaia Stella Sangiovanni.

A spasso per la storia puntata 4 - Il delitto di Simonino

Tele Cuore Trentino

La quarta puntata di A spasso per la storia dedicata ad una grande ingiustizia del passato. Si tratta del cosiddetto caso Simonino, ...

antisemitismo - La storia di Simonino di Trento. part 3


Un documentario storico di Toni Amatulli e Gaia Stella Sangiovanni.

Rosario per San Simonino di Trento

Rosario dei fedeli trentino per chiedere la restituzione del corpo di San Simonino da Trento, occultato dalla curia trentina senza ...

San Simonino di Trento
Virum Mihi Camena
Rosario per San Simonino di Trento

antisemitismo - La storia di Simonino di Trento. part 2

Il libro censurato. Commento a "Pasque di Sangue" di Ariel Toaff

Sodalitium IMBC
Trento, 17/03/2007, conferenza di don Francesco Ricossa organizzata dal Comitato San Simonino, che chiede il ristabilimento ...

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

Sorry, Brother, I've been distracted. I'll get back to you after I investigate.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Pasque di sangue: Jews of Europe and ritual murders
Book of Ariel Toaff

Pasque di sangue: ebrei d'Europa e omicidi rituali
Libro di Ariel Toaff

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

Part 2 of 2 didn't make it. You should still be able to find it collapsed in the thread. If not, let me know & I'll re-post.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

if you put in google: "talmud satanic", then, you will understand what the Jewish Pharisees Rothschild lucifer enlightened of the great synedrium FED FMI NWO BM think of all mankind, what they think of us at Owl Bohemian Grove; really!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

with the destruction of the Jewish temple,and with the cessation of animal sacrifices:since: the satanic talmud said that: "the goiyms are animals of human form" and other aberrant things (which also the Koran said)then, the most holy and illustrious men were kidnapped: doctors and benefactors of poor Jews: all very lovable men (the best friends of the Jewish people), the most in love with the Jewish people, who were bled together with innocent children.their blood is still drunk to deceive the Jewish people (those without maternal genalogy): obviously the blood is turned into ash and its DNA is destroyed: (this is why all the rabbis of the world are forbidden to make them the material of their sacramentals) that is: so that: by the Rothschilds FED FMI BM NWO: all Jews can be cursed: up to the next: Holocaust shaoah, yet another time: shoah again!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

1. not me2. nor the son of the rabbi of Rome:"Last of blood. Jews of Europe and ritual murders"Ariel Toaff is an Italian rabbi, historian and academic. Son of the Chief Rabbi of Rome Elio Toaff Ariel Toaff is Professor Emeritus at the Bar-Ilan University of Ramat Gan where he taught History of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.answer.
We have never accused the Jewish people of these aberrant crimes of Satanism and human sacrifice. their leaders: Rothschild Rochefeller Morgan: and the supreme council are responsible

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

1 of 2
Brother, I pray to Messiah Yeshua to keep both our eyes open for His Light in this; & to bring us closer to His understanding.

It's complicated. It's also very simple: I do not believe the Jews sacrificed Simon of Trent. Too many glaring errors make everything suspect. A few:

Jews can't eat the blood of kosher animals: The Talmud would NEVER allow dried blood of Christian children to be used in matza & wine. It contradicts a very very very very strong prohibition in the Torah. Blood = Soul = ONLY for sacrifice on the Altar to G d for atonement = SHALL NOT EAT. I shortened the verses, so you can look them up for their entirety:

Gen. 9:4-6 But, flesh with its soul, its blood, you shall not eat . . . 6 Whoever sheds the blood of man through man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of G d He made man.

Lev 17:10-14 And any man of the House of Israel . . . who eats any blood, I will set My attention upon the soul who eats the blood, and I will cut him off from among his people. 11 For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I have therefore given it to you [to be placed] upon the altar, to atone for your souls. For it is the blood that atones for the soul. 12 . . . None of you shall eat blood . . . 14 For [regarding] the soul of all flesh its blood is in its soul, and I said to the children of Israel: You shall not eat the blood of any flesh, for the soul of any flesh is its blood all who eat it shall be cut off.

Deut. 12:23-25 However, be strong not to eat the blood, for the blood is the soul; and you shall not eat the soul with the flesh. 24 You shall not eat it . . . 25 You shall not eat it . . .
-Wikipedia, Simon of Trent: . . .After making an investigation, the papal agent denied the martyrdom of the child Simon and disputed the occurrence of a miracle at his grave. When Bishop Dei Giudici demanded the immediate release of the Jews he was denounced . . . and assailed by the mob . . .

Robin Rosenblatt • 4 years ago

Really, Most Jews have Abandon Israel and Even betrayed Israel.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Riyad & Rivlin] your secret services must stop to manipulate the Christians who: are in favor of my Kingdom of Israel: Acts 1.6
the Satanist FED FMI NWO Rothschild thrown overboard if you don't want to stab the revelation of Moses and the blessings of Abraham
you have been banned by World Israel News. now and again, now and again, now and again

Riyad & Rivlin ] la devono smettere i vostri servizi segreti di manipolare i cristiani che: sono a favore del mio Regno di Israele: Atti 1,6
gettate a mare il satanista FED FMI NWO Rothschild, se non volete pugnalare la rivelazione di Mosé e le benedizoni di Abramo

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

unitedwithisrael] THE SATANISTS that: I HUMILIZED IN YOUTUBE NWO FED FMI: "lucifer eye" Owl at bohemian Grove? surely, they were superior to the satanists of World Israel News #WorldIsraelNews

unitedwithisrael ] I SATANISTI CHE HO UMILIATO IN YOUTUBE NWO FED FMI: "occhio di lucifero"? sicuramente, loro erano superiori ai satanisti di World Israel News #WorldIsraelNews

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments Removed
Trump: Iran 'better be careful'
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 22 minutes ago
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Synagogue 666 cannibals Simonino di Trento
//fed-hitler-isis-sharia-nwo-satana blogspot com/2019/07/synagogue-cannibals
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Israeli First: Scientists Present Environmental Sustainability in Cuba
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 30 minutes ago
President RIVLIN ] as the CIA 666 UK Satanists MOSSAD reported to you: they closed my account:
but, my friend uselessly asked me: if there is evidence about the thousands of Christian children bled in the Synagogues: and I uselessly: I have answered her every time:
since, now, I can't see her, and she can't see me!
his last question: "when do you answer me about the evidence of cannibalism of Christian children in synagogues?"
even his question has disappeared!
I hope you won't kill her too (by your satanists CIA NWO FED), as Merkel had my friend in youtube killed (by her CIA NWO FED satanists) MarlaMarleen

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

#IRAN [ who like me: has fears the Lord Almighty? he can't have human respect!that's why, I'm coming to kill you (your nuclear? it's not a problem for me) in the name of Christian martyrs:
I have legal authority to destroy all the ARAB LEAGUE.
from your damned Prophet Erdogan Muhammad all genocide 1400 years ago, all sharia genocides still today?
to date: your Saudi Jiahdist galaxy of ISIS Wahhabis!
if, I don't kill all of you? I will certainly condemn the innocent human race: to sharia NAZI UMMA Islamic genocide!
imagine how nuclear can be left to you, right in your hands like a paranoid dogmatic madman!
you have been banned by World Israel News.
worldisraelnews com/trump-iran-better-be-careful/
Synagogue 666 cannibals Simonino di Trento
//fed-hitler-isis-sharia-nwo-satana blogspot com/2019/07/synagogue-cannibals
you have been banned by World Israel News.

#IRAN [ chi come me, teme: il Signore Onnipotente? lui non può avere rispetto umano!
ecco perché, io sto venendo ad ucciderti (il tuo nucleare? non è un problema per me) in nome dei martiri cristiani: io ho autorità giuridica per distruggere tutta la LEGA ARABA.
dal tuo maledetto Profeta Erdogan Maometto 1400 anni fa, tutti i genocidi sharia?
a tutt'oggi: la vostra galassia jiahdista saudita dei wahhabiti ISIS!
se, io non uccido tutti voi? certo condannerò il genere umano innocente a genocidio islamico sharia!
figurati come ti può essere lasciato il nucleare, proprio nelle tue mani da pazzo paranoico dogmatico!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

ISIS hamas Jeremy Komeini Corbyn sharia death to all the unfaithful slaves dhimmis, in why jihad sharia Erdogan will win

morte a tutti gli infedeli schiavi dhimmis sharia Erdogan vincerà

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

obviously I have never lied in all my life and all that I have written in these 13 years? it's state law! what never makes me derail and fall into contradiction is metaphysics: in fact I am coherent with the mathematical logic of the Natural Law which finds its perfection in the Universal Law (everything that exists finds only one logic in love)

ovviamente io non ho mai mentito in tutta la mia vita e tutto quello che io ho scritto in questi 13 anni? è legge dello Stato!
cosa non mi fa mai deragliare e cadere in contraddizione è la metafisica: infatti io sono coerente con la logica matematica della Legge Naturale che trova la sua perfezione nella Legge Universale (tutto quello che esiste trova una sola logica nell'amore)

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Unius REI is Universal government for universal brotherhood: ie, King of kingsand Lord of Lords: this for the unwary might seem the affirmation of a megalomaniac, but, perhaps, many humble men like me did not be exist in history.
I represent the Kingdom of God JHWH holy: on this earth in the political form of the Kingdom of Israel.

Unius REI is Universal government: ie, King of kings
and Lord of Lords:
questa per gli incauti potrebbe sembrare la affermazione di un megalomane, ma, forse non sono esistiti nella storia molti uomini umili come me.
io rappresento il Regno di Dio in terra nella forma politica del Regno di Israele.

qith • 4 years ago

I've been trying to get a region 0 or 1 DVD, of Fauda, but it is very expensive. Now, I will ask about Shtissel as well. Minister of Videos, please make these more accessible. Is there one called "when heroes fly" or a title like that? In some ways, the US is very far from Israel, haha. I wonder if I would have more luck if I ask for these by their Hebrew titles?

Liane Amper • 4 years ago

Maybe Corbyn is promoting more Antisemitism to convince his jewish population to move to Israel. but not because he really believes that life would be better for the jewish population in general, Be careful of his real intentions, because if all the Jewish population would really go to Israel, it will be much easier to get rid of us once and for all. All it takes is one atomic bomb to finish us off. As I see it, it isn´t in our interest to be gathered in one place, but rather be spread out around the whole world for our own protection

Ezratei • 4 years ago

Interesting point of view. During the 2nd temple period many Jews lived in the diaspora aka as the Roman empire. Greatest number of Jews that will make aliyah will come from the United States.

hannays29@gmail.com • 4 years ago

Corbyn envidia tanto a los Judíos que les molestan en Inglaterra, en Alemania, en Rusia en Estados Unidos, en países Árabes, China, Japón, India etc. etc. y en Tierra Santa Israel.
Es tanto el odio ignorante antisemita que quisieran volver a intentar el exterminio Judío.
La envidia no les permite acercarse a Dios y son infelices desgraciados que piensan que engañan a la humanidad. Envidian a Dios.