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QaakAufim • 5 years ago

(Warning) I’m not going to speak with erudition on this issue. For a Jew and/or Israeli to not support Israel because they disagree with the current government — I can sort of barely understand that. But those that shun Israel, refuse to defend it because “it’s not popular” or they want want to conform; those need to be called-out and punished.

For me, Natalie Portman is dead. I won’t spend a penny on her movies. I wish her dead. She is a traitor. Ditto for Bernie. Ditto for that new representative from NY, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who claims to be part Jewish, but constantly poor-mouths Israel.

Sorry, but this is an all-or-nothing for me. I, too, was born in Israel. I fully support Israel despite questioning this government’s as well as prior governments’ actions/stands. But there’s only one Israel, and if you’re Jewish, it belongs to you as well as me.

Right • 5 years ago

I killed them off with roger ymach shemo waters, Peter Gabriel and half if not 75% of enlandston

Ilya Ilya • 5 years ago


henry schachter • 5 years ago

You are right. There is no excuse for a Jew to promote anti Israel opinion.
When push comes to shove when the Nais come to get you there will be only one place for them to save their lives ISRAEL if they don't destroy it first

Isahiah62 • 5 years ago

Why is Hollywood populated by so many Jewish actors, directors, and studio heads who are utterly silent on defending Israel? B/C they are useful idiots of the LEFT, and all of them are Democraps

JB Silver • 5 years ago

I would argue that most of them are Democrats of Jewish origin, and NOT actually Jews themselves.
This is because they seem to put the values of Leftist Democratic belief ahead and above Jewish belief.

QaakAufim • 5 years ago

This has nothing to do with Dems v. Repubs. Are you stupid, or just ignorant? Stop trying to assign labels, and focus more on the names and their positions vis-a-vis Israel!

BonniePrinceCharlie • 5 years ago

Are you blind and deaf? Have you not noticed that it's the Democrats and their left-wing acolytes who are constantly condemning Israel whilst it tends to be Republicans and those who lean to the right support Israel?

Go and look at how the position of the Democrats - and that of the Labour Party in the UK - has changed over the years. Obama sent funds and people to help the left in the last Israeli General Election (and lost which simply confirmed my belief in Hashem). The leader of the UK Labour Party refused to mention the name of the country when addressing the Labour Friends of Israel but he's happy to sit down with the the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah.

QaakAufim • 5 years ago

You need to stop labeling everyone. Who appointed you to apply labels and judge?

This is NOT a D v. R issue. It’s much bigger than that.

And, just for your own edification, I am a D!

Isahiah62 • 5 years ago

no need to tell us- the denial from Obama Jews is classic..

zahav • 5 years ago

You obviously see things as black or white, unable to deal with complexities. I have always been a Democrat, but one who thinks Obama's foreign policy was a disaster in many ways, not only in the Middle East. I have been a Democrat because, flawed as it is, the party has adhered more closely to the Jewish values of chesed and rachamim. As the progressive party it has striven for positive change, for tikun olam, whereas the Republican party's goal was to protect the wealthy and priveleged with little or no concern for the less fortunate. In truth, I am not pleased with many Democrats, especially some of the newer members of Congress and Sanders who helped Trump win by taking votes from Clinton. But we don't march in lockstep like those hypocritical Republicans who rightfully scorned Trump when he was running but have gone along fully with his incompetent, senseless, destructive leadership. And I know many Democrats like me who fully care for and support Israel. So QA is right, it is a D v R issue only for the simpleminded.
Btw, BonniePince Charlie, the Democratic Party in the US and the Labour Party in the UK have no affiliation. I agree that Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semite.

Isahiah62 • 5 years ago

your fantasies/stereotypes of what modern R party is like are hysterical & wrong as your moral preening. But please continue to vote for the party that abandoned you long ago. I was once a Dem too but I don't sit with those who would betray me in a heartbeat for thier beloved commie/islamic values.

Ronald Reagan — ‘I didn’t leave the Democratic party, the Democratic Party left me.’

QaakAufim • 5 years ago

And...you would be wrong. Didn’t vote for O.

QaakAufim • 5 years ago

You are so myopic that is hilarious! An Arab in any one of the 20 or so Arab countries is neither D nor R.

You have a very small world view. You live in an R bubble that has blinded you to the outside world.

So parochial. Deplorable. Sad.

Isahiah62 • 5 years ago

neither stupid or ignorant as you seem to be..quick which R's voted to BOYCOTT Divest Sanction Israel. I'll wait..b/c all who voted for BDS and speak out for it are D's...

"Anti-BDS Bill

Moves Forward in Senate, Despite Opposition from Anti-Israel Democrats."

which party is LAUDING the election of muslims hostile to ISrael??

#JEWISH #DEMS #vote for the party that prefers terrorists & #BDS

Eliz Warren,Kirsten Gillibrand,Sherrod Brown,Jeff Merkley, Bernie Sanders

voted against it. Harris and Booker voted "no" as well.

aliswann • 5 years ago

It's not about Antisemitism; it's about Israel being held accountable for the treatment of Palestinians just like some in the Palestinian movement should be criticized for their stance against Israelis. What's so hard to understand about this?

Motti kaston • 5 years ago

However, how much of this criticism is based on actual facts? Why is it so easy to believe ANYTHING said about the Jewish state, while at the same time condemning other information as "FAKE NEWS ". Fake news was invented centuries ago, for the sole purpose of defaming the Jews. Look at The Protocols of the Elders Of Zion, or the blood lible in the time of the black plague, claiming that the Jews poisoned the water...

aliswann • 5 years ago

The Jewish people have been u slandered and scapegoats for centuries I agree that's what we would call fake news today. As wrong as it is, discrimination and wrongs committed against the Palestinian people isn't fake news. Both sides in the conflict have people that have done wrong to the other side and perpetuate the conflict as well as those that most likely only want and end to the conflict but outs nothing wrong with acknowledging and wanting the wrongs done by both sides to end.

Motti kaston • 5 years ago

The problem is that when you discuss the subject matter with Palestinians and their supporters, you are overwhelmed by the "facts" they have learned from Sarsour, Farrakhan, Tamimi, Al Jazeera, CNN, B Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn & co, hurled at you at warp speed, without respite or respect. It's become a traumatic experience, and it only serves one purpose :keeping the division and polarizing in place forever. There are a lot of hungry mouths fed by keeping the industry of Palestinian "refugees" and Israel bashing. Some famous Israeli politicians have already tried the alternative of accepting the claims and ever changing demands in exchange for peace, but that blew up in their face big time . So, let's just agree to disagree, and try to make something livable for everyone, that doesn't include hate and death.

aliswann • 5 years ago


Motti kaston • 5 years ago

But, nonetheless, I was happy to have a civilized exchange with you specifically. A little glimpse of hope there.

Isahiah62 • 5 years ago

Martin Luther King on Anti-Zionism. When approached by
a student who attacked Zionism, Dr. King responded: “When people
criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism.”.

aliswann • 5 years ago

Nothing is wrong with a Jewish homeland in my book but watching, not all Israelis, but criticizing the Israeli government committ do wrong by the Palestinian people in certain areas isn't attacking Zionism nor anti-Semitic.
I think you believe if you quote important historical figures out of context to what we're debating about your argument will hold more weight but it doesn't.

Isahiah62 • 5 years ago

it is all based on lies that you believe as if true... but keep your judenhass while you whine about prejudice to your own.. it is other ARABS who oppress Fakestininans , a cult formed by KGB & Arafat the egyptian nazi to be used to destroy the only Jewish country in the world. Kept stateless without access to jobs education or passports by muslims. You are extremely misinformed by a very purposeful disinformation campaign, created in Cold War by the very Russians you accuse R's of being in bed with.

aliswann • 5 years ago

Fake news. Israel president Reuven Rivlin in regards to the pervasiveness of racism and bigotry in Israel "Israel society is sick, it is our duty to treat this disease". Tell me how you can pun this on the KGB?

Isahiah62 • 5 years ago

Oh look I have a stalker- followed me from another site- how cute..

And the anti-Semite is someone who, at the end of
the day, has always managed to make it appear as if the hate that he feels for some is no more than the effect or reflection of the love he claims to feel for others. -Bernard-Henri Lévy

aliswann • 5 years ago

No, I just say an antisemite is just someone who has a hatred of Jews plain and simple.

Steve S... • 5 years ago

Why is Gene Simmons from the group Kiss or Howard Stern or Roseanne Barr are not afraid to defend Israel, the answer is because they have principles, money is not their priority in life.
With all the Anti Semite and the Anti Israel that is called BDS and you have Hollywood Jews talk against Israel like Natalie Portman even was born in Jerusalem.
They are disgusting Jews !

irwinstolzenbergdds • 5 years ago

Disgusting is too kind. The whole lot of them will get their just due. With all these Jewish progressives on network Tv spewing lies are a total embarrassment and their jewish phony cohorts in Hollywood.

Steve • 5 years ago

True. When one speaks of someone like Noam Chomsky, George Soros, Rob Reiner or Sarah Silverman, a can easily see them in the role of a kapo, or as part of the Judenrat. Of course, Soros actually performed that sort of role.

henry schachter • 5 years ago

Too right KAPOS the lot of them

Paul Garfinkle • 5 years ago

During the last few years over ten thousand French Jews found refuge from anti Semitism in Israel. In past years Ethiopian Russian and Jews from Muslim Arab countries have found refuge. During the 1930s while Hitler and Nazism threatened many Euoropean Jews had no place to escape to. The story of the SS StLouis”The Ship of Fools”that went back to Germany because no country including the US would allow them to land. Those who do not. Defend Israel when she is under attack from all sides are guilty of endangering all Jews who seek to escape the rising tide of World anti Semitism. One May disagree with policies but defend the only Jewish haven in the world. These Hollywood knee jerk progressives act like a total conforming mass that do what the crowd requires to be part of the in mass in Hollywood. They have learned nothing from the big studio execs in the 30s who chose to ignore the plight of Jews all over the world.

zahav • 5 years ago

A perhaps minor point but the St. Louis was not the Ship of Fools - it was portrayed as The Voyage of the Damned. And it did not go back to Germany. Read about it to learn what happened.

Paul Garfinkle • 5 years ago

You are correct. The ship was denied entry to Cuba and the US. Eventually it returned to Europe and the passengers were allowed to land in various European countries most were eventually overun by the Nazis Many passengers did perish. The ship went back to Germany empty. The point was that Jews could find no refuge from persecution due to the anti Semitusm that existed then and still exists now. This underscores the necessity of actively supporting the continued existence of Israel as a Jewish homeland
Capt Schroder was declared Rightous among the Nations because of his valiant efforts to save his passengers .

Michael Hoffman • 5 years ago

The St Louis was not the only passenger ship where the passengers were denied entry to the USA and Cuba, and was sent back to Europe. I have evidence of a ship in which I had cousins who were denied entry to the USA during WWII who were only able to get in because of the influence of Elinor Roosevelt.

Pablo Nankin • 5 years ago

Published in Spanish in La Opinion
Letters to the editor
Rashida Tlaib is planning to wear a typical Palestinian woman´s attire at her inauguration ceremony. Although I don't see any evidence that she has even been in the West Bank or Gaza or Israel for that matter.

She also claims she wants to take a delegation to what she calls Palestine. I hope she does so at a time when a few rockets are flying into Israel or while Jews are being killed by stabbing or shooting including children and pregnant women. After she sees the reality she may be shocked.

If she wishes to call attention and distinguish herself by her dress, then why
does she not wear this daily.
It seems as though she now has an ally in the actress Natalie Portman who herself has apparently become a spokesperson for the BDS and Jewish Voice for Peace.
Is it possible that Mrs.Tlaib will share the inauguration with her new friend and self hating Jew.

Ms. Portman has taken upon herself to cause direct damage to Israelis, Jews and the State of Israel because of her dislike of the Prime Minister. Not long ago she refused to go to Israel to receive the Genesis prize in Israel insulting all her Israeli supporters.

Most recently, Ms. Portman has used her position as a celebrity to voice to an Arabic tabloid her opposition to laws passed democratically in Israel.
I have no idea when was the last time she was in Israel , certainly there is nothing that shows she has been there in the last 10 - 15 years.

Ms. Portman is also so excited to now celebrate having her own Christmas tree and proclaims pompously that all Jews want to celebrate it. Who is she to make such a declaration? For her information, all the Jewish children I know are actually ecstatic to celebrate Hanukkah which includes beautiful traditions such as gift giving for 8 nights as well as candle lighting and all kinds of games and indulging in delicious food.
It is pathetic that at some point during her life, she became a Jew hater and is doing her best to accommodate the haters of Israel with her support.

I would encourage the stripping of her Israeli citizenship , she does not deserve it

Pablo Nankin, MD
Beverly Hills CA 90210

garymrosen • 5 years ago

" After she sees the reality she may be shocked."

If the reality is innocent Jews being murdered by terrorist savages Tlaib won't be shocked, she will cheer it. She hates Jews as much as any of Hitler's SS.

amadeus3345 • 5 years ago

It boggles the mind how many Jewish anti-Semites there are in the USA. I'm proud to be an American, and even more proud to be a Zionist. The Jewish people that stay silent when it comes to backing Israel are as bad as the people that go out of their way to bad mouth Israel.

JasperFarnsworthy • 5 years ago

Mr. Boteach gives a reasonable explanation, but he left out one important item. Hollywood celebrates are, for all intents and purposes, intellectual buffoons. Remember when Leonardo DeCaprio stood up in front of his peers on Oscar night in 2016 and shouted that his film crew had to go all the way to South America to find snow for the filming of "The Revenant", because of "global warming"?! I'm pretty sure the folks in Montana, Idaho, North Dakota, Minnesota, Alaska, Maine, and most of Canada would have have been more than happy to point out some snow to Mr. DeCaprio if he was actually interested. Perhaps "buffoon" is being too kind??

Ezratei • 5 years ago

Natalie Portman is a disgrace. There are other Jewish people in Hollywood that will never defend the the state of Israel. Many of these Jews are assimilated and are basically what i call 'Bagel and lox'Jews. Many Jews did not even help the Jews during the holocaust. It was all about the bottom line for some of the Jewish executives. When the Jews left Egypt during the Exodus most of them died during the plague of darkness because they were assimilated and would not leave. It is daja Vu all over again. With God's help I hope to make aliyah And get the hell out of here before it becomes untenable for Jews to live here. It is hard to leave the United States when our culture is so assimilated into the American culture . It will eventually happen like it is happening in Europe And happened to the Jews in the Arab countries of the Middle East.

Kikikins • 5 years ago

All Jews should be sticking up for Israel.. They should know that the Torah says God gave the land to the Jews.

Sam Cohen • 5 years ago

problem is that most of these hollywood celbs dont know the first thing about the torah they are jews by birth only and then they often hide their jewish identity in fear of not getting roles in films.. the spielbergs striesands and the rest of their ilk cant be bothered because they have gone so far to the left that one wonders are these people for real when they turn their backs on israel and the jewish people..

zahav • 5 years ago

To ascribe to the narrative that the Palestinians are abused by and are victims of the powerful Jewish state is stupid and contemptible for so many reasons. Shall I count the ways? It ignores centuries of history in which the Jews were persecuted, driven from their homeland and the lands in Europe and the Middle East in which they settled during the diaspora. It ignores the murders of millions of Jews in lands in which they tried to settle peacefully, culminating with the Holocaust. It ignores, in spite of being driven out, that there has been a continuous presence of Jews in Israel during recorded history. It ignores the wars that have been waged on Israel by the Arab nations that have never accepted that the Jews have a right to a homeland in their midst. It ignores that there are at least 1.5 million Arab Muslims living in Israel with the same rights as Christian and Jewish or any other citizen, more rights perhaps than in any Arab or Muslim nation, with representatives in the Knesset (parliament), but that even one Jew in the land that the Palestinians deem theirs is unacceptable to them. It ignores that no Arab or Muslin nation is hospitable to Jews or has a Jew in any official position. It ignores the constant attacks that Israel has undergone and still undergoes, the suicide bombs, the daily barrage of rockets, the street and home attacks, the fire kites, etc, and the political attacks in the UN. It ignores the constant threats of Hezbollah and Hamas and the attacks it has waged across Israel's border. It ignores that the PA has a substantial item in its budget to encourage shahids, those who die in the act of killing Jews by rewarding their families. It ignores the constant threats of Iran to wipe Israel off the map. It ignores the corruption and embezzlement of the Palestinian leadership and the use of the billions it has received from the UN to build tunnels and buy armaments to attack Israel instead of building a nation. It ignores the lack of sincerity in negotiations of the Palestinian leadership and their investment in maintaining hostilities to both ensure the support of their population and to reap the financial benefits that they receive as "refugees". It ignores the heroic efforts of Israel not only to make peace but to assist other nations in such areas as technology, agriculture and medicine, often sending aid to other countries during emergencies. I could go on but I'm probably preaching to the choir. Why this mostly willful ignorance? Jewish self-hate, identification with the aggressor, financial and professional prudence or cowardice? I wonder. A prominent Jewish journalist should interview these people and find out.

evangeline golding • 5 years ago

I think cowardice and moral bankruptcy. Heaven forfend they should have the stones to think and act in a righteous manner, that wouldn’t do at all!

Devasahayam the Deplored • 5 years ago

Lumpen-bulk of celebrities are 90% ego, who are way out-of-touch with the working-stiffs that (cumulatively) fund their lavishness...examples I can list would fill a tome of thickness similar to unabridged Gone With The Wind -- and they further extend this same out-of-touch to Israel!

Jim Fisher • 5 years ago

Actually ... it's more about the "almighty dollar" & keeping that stream of money going even well past the point when they are always going to be rich. Hollywood Jewish People are the very embodiment of the disgusting & erroneous Hate Trope about the Jewish People in general. The money has taken on a meaning in their lives that replaces The Almighty they have no belief in. As a proud Zionist American Jewish Person I must say they make me want to retch.

Gabor Ujvari • 5 years ago

Many celebrities do not defend Israel because they are intimidated by extreme left wing organizations, BDS and others.
Many celebrities think that Israel bashing will give them a bit more popularity, income and increased safety.
They are wrong and immoral!

Metrona • 5 years ago

Leftwing Jews who bad mouth Israel are the Kapos of this era! Treacherous people!

skier69 • 5 years ago

Shame on Steven Spielberg for being silent. Except to portray us as Victims in his Movies.

Joe Bill Scott • 5 years ago

Joe McCarthy was right.