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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud
Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia [open letter to]
if Bush and Rothschild did not want to be my subjects? certainly they would have already made me kill!
in fact, if there is Unius REI? the NWO no longer exists, it was defeated:
only you keep it upright and only you will take on every consequence?
1. the churches of satan of the CIA and their human sacrifices? only: your responsibility!
2. that all pay Rothschild as slaves for banking seigniorage? only: your responsibility!
3. the world war with 5 billion deaths? just your responsibility
4. etc. .. etc. .. etc. ..? only: your responsibility!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

honor crimes? ALL Chinese kafirs and Russians kafirs who do not convert to Islam offend the honor of Allah and are worthy of death like all slaves dhimmis jews and christians! while that takfiro of President General al-Sissi he is a MURTIDI (hidden fake mussulano apostate and murderer of the Muslim brothers). which deserves no mercy.
and certainly, knowing the profound evil of this Ottoman Erdogan (8 nations belong to Turkey: the factory for the mentally ill Muslims) he thought it sharia jihad: really!
When Will Palestinians Stop Horrific "Honor Killings" by Women's Own Family Members?

Metrona • 4 years ago

Family seems totally unimportant to them! And torture and murder is applauded in their society!

ArleneB • 4 years ago

Muslim women need to form a feminist movement if they want to be treated as humans.

bev • 4 years ago

nothing will ever change. Muslims will continue to honor kill their wives and daughters (for nothing) will throw gays off roofs, will stone women if they commit adultery (what about Ilan Omar-she should be stoned) and nothing will stop them. They are and have always been a barbaric, seventh century group. They should all be put on a desert island away from decent human beings

Nicholas George • 4 years ago

This is just Islamic culture, left wing media, enjoy.

IsraelReader • 4 years ago

Liberals are always telling us that we need to be "culturally sensitive", when it comes to other people's cultures.

rayb_baby • 4 years ago

The two of you are so full of cr.p it's coming out of your mouths.

IsraelReader • 4 years ago

Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury,
Raise the double standard...

john ruby • 4 years ago

18 murders of Palestinian women in 8 months. Evil! Absolute evil.

bev • 4 years ago

no-thats a drop in the bucket. For every one that is reported there are hundreds that are not reported. G-d help any female who practices Islam

Hippy • 4 years ago

I can't understand why any woman would want to convert to Islam. They do so out of pure ignorance, believing the deceit of their Islamic teachers.

Nicole Chaplain-Pearman • 4 years ago

I've said that so many times myself!

uptownwoman • 4 years ago

Protesters asked "for a reform of P.A. law to afford more legal protection to women." Hahahaha!!

David Ptito • 4 years ago

Tradition, their tradition......not our business

Beverly • 4 years ago

I thought humane treatment of people was everybody's business. Isn't that what the UN Human Rights Council espouses? Apparently, the UNHRC only speaks out on Human Rights violations when Muslim countries aren't involved.

David Ptito • 4 years ago

Best I can do is to wide open my doors ! You cannot change traditions overnight, ??!!

Nicole Chaplain-Pearman • 4 years ago

David Ptito this is exactly the sort of attitude that allows totalitarianism to prosper. You say it's not your business until they set up a no-go zone in YOUR neighbourhood, demand that YOUR local pub get closed down and throw acid in YOUR daughter's face because they don't thing she's dressed appropriately. There's no way any civilised society can tolerate this without consequences.

Olga Epshteyn • 4 years ago

Do you really think this is our business?

Nicole Chaplain-Pearman • 4 years ago

Yes it is, because if people are stupid and cowardly enough to tolerate this it will eventually be imposed upon the entire world. Also they want to see Israel and it's people obliterated from the Earth. Does that answer your question?!

Olga Epshteyn • 4 years ago

Many of them have found a wonderful way to avoid death. They come to our soldiers and try to stab them with a knife. For this, the relatives forgive them all their sins, the family receives money and the respect of their neighbors. You feed a whole gang of parasites led by Omar and Tlaib. Your children are safe - for now. You can allow yourself to worry about the health of my killers. And let me spend my life on more important things.

Nicole Chaplain-Pearman • 4 years ago

I don't see how this is in any way related to my comment. A "culture" that wants to obliterate anyone not subscribing to its value system is everyone's concern. The time for complacency and laissez-faire is over.

Olga Epshteyn • 4 years ago

I absolutely do not care what the relationship of the Palestinians in their families is. If I lived 70 years ago, I would hardly have worried about relationships in the families of the SS men. Half the world is taking the Palestinians so close to heart! All of Europe, your disgusting congresswomen, useful idiots around the world... So I worry about those Jews, whom the Palestinians have already killed or will kill in the near future. And I think this is the most healthy reaction in the current circumstances

Yoram Eckstein • 4 years ago

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Martin Niemöller

Erica Ling • 4 years ago

If Israel is to be a light unto the nations, yes. Besides attack is the best defence. Since ignoramuses are forever accusing Israel of human rights violations, we must shine the light on real, not fantasy abuses. How else will we educate the masses ? Rather like singing at a convention for the hearing impaired, but must be done.