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A Believer • 4 years ago

you should listen to Yehuda Glick's testimony about what happened to him after he got shot - absolutely fascinating story. Not to mention that another terrorist saved his life in a roundabout way!

Trevor Barry • 4 years ago

''The buck stops now'' ...!! Tell Abbbas Israel is telling the truth & taking over all media & education as Gaza is out of control, also since parents will continue to teach their young to kill Jews on every encounter for decades to come they might need a little gentle pursuation lesson in how destructive what they are encouraging & doing to Israel with their relentless rockets & balloon fire bombs. Tell Abbas to clear out a Hamas district in GAZA where all people & animals along with personals are removed from the district whereby then one clear night aircraft fly-in & drop the BIGGEST napalm bombs money can buy & let them tell their story !!!!!!!!!!!!!
.A clear night bombing display will hopefully remind the regions young & old what destruction they are inflicting on Israel & her people every week which hopefully is then etched in their brains for ever & a day...! ! Droppingcountless bombs on an uninhabited deserted stretch of land /area etc will on a clear night be seen from the West Bank even & for miles around & from space too with the night sky bright with flame this won't be forgotten in a hurry & hopefully has the desired effect encouraging palestinians whom all respect fire being one of the first things we all taught from young ''is respect fire'' then napalming will be a stark reminder toward all parties to play ball...! JUST A THOUGHT TO PONDER OVER & NO BODY GETS HURT

Helen McKnight • 4 years ago

God bless, and heal Shira. May she be fully healed, and lead a fulfilled life. God bless the people of Israel, and keep them safe. In the name of Jesus Amen. Shalom.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President RIVLIN] let them shout! if they can't talk or it's because they lost their carrion mouth and they're in hell:
or they are Rothschilds and Erdogan that those cowards will always remain hidden behind the computer!

President RIVLIN ] lasciali gridare! se non possono parlare o è perché hanno perso la loro bocca di carogna e sono all'inferno:
oppure sono Rothschild e Erdogan che quei codardi rimarranno sempre nascosti dietro il computer!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President RIVLIN] one thing I have experienced it, in hell there is an absolute hatred. then, the Cursed Rothschild and Mohammed the patriarch: he wants to see all his cursed genealogy destroyed together with him!
yet, a ray of God's mercy and hope also descends to hell: of this: I am sure,
because looking very magnified (on a white wall) the image in black and white: together with you, looking at the Holy Shroud which is a three-dimensional hologram of esoteric cabalistic and demonic nature (even if it is true that the shroud represents the true features of Jesus of Bethlehem).
then this artifact of magic could NOT have existed if there were no hope of redemption: even for the cursed souls of hell!
and since I, their executioner, aveng all innocent people: do I personally feel compromised in this story of absurd redemption?
you can't imagine the disgust that this whole situation makes me!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President RIVLIN] perhaps because of the abusive alien neuronal connections [I don't hear the words that are said: I only perceive the corporate emotional intensity, that is if it is positive or if it is negative: all the emotionality that surrounds my articles ..
then, if I say something specific? it's because, I deduce it intuitively!
about, the nature of this emotionality does not distinguish if it comes from the living (terrestrial) or if it comes also from the dead that are in hell or in heaven ...
I didn't think our dead emotionally participated in our affairs ... if they told me? I would not have believed it.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

until EU US CHINA and Russia take action against: Maḥmūd ʿAbbās OLP Hamas that must stop paying the terrorist family, then
all those who finance the Palestinians (like Israel) become the material instigators of terrorist murders all over the world!
in fact, like all the ARABIC LEAGUE, it is the ideological instigator of the jihadist galaxy.
thus the sharia continually threatens social cohesion and the survival of peoples.
indeed, only my Kingdom of Israel can secure the human race and can avert the now inevitable deportation of Palestinians to Siria! after all: Erdogan Hezbollah and Assad and Iran (the great architects of terror) who love them so much? sure, they can accommodate them!

Casper van Cleeveld • 4 years ago

Poor girl, but thank god she is now on the road to recovery.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

until EU US CHINA and Russia take action
against: Abbas hamas that must stop paying the terrorist family?
then, all governments are threatening the survival of their peoples: in the imminent and already prepared world war!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Mick Jagger lashes out against Donald Trump
ANSWER, yes, it's true: being with the rich Rothschilds is more comfortable
that not to FIND, the really SOLUTIONS in favor of hungry and desperate people:
only that the environmental problem is linked to the profits of the multinationals: which in turn are the crime of Satanism of speculative finance: a failure FED FMI .. that's why it is the global institutional and financial system that must change if we do not want on climate change and pollution make an easy hypocrisy!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

the maximism of ideological dictatorship of the fluid gender perversion lgbt!
controversy on Saviano and Zerocalcare at the Festival of Meetings in L'Aquila
Question and answer between Silvia Barbagallo (communist dictatorship and maximalist violence of the democratic party in the regime of obscuration and party bias), artistic director of the Festival of Meetings in L'Aquila,
and the mayor of the city Pierluigi Biondi (Fratelli d'Italia) who claims a culturally plural, diversified and inclusive presence.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

these international criminals: of smugglers: they make the devitalization more ruthless: birth rates, of Italians people forced to emigrate, the destruction of the petty bourgeoisie: the reduction into slavery of the working classes: the destruction: both of the Social State and of Welfare, a rise in murders and crime: Nigerian mafia and all the mafias, impoverishment, Masonic conspiracy and antichrist satanism URSULA Von Hitler of rothschild bilderberg and democratic party: until they reach the Islamic genocide and substitution of sharia civilization (without possibility of integration) their punishment for this crime can be the penalty of death, in fact it is high constitutional treason the scam banking seigniorage!
Migrants, Carola Rackete awarded the gold medal by the Catalan Parliament

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Brigitte Macron's daughter against Bolsonaro's machismo: "Let's wake up! We all react together!"
that of Macron and Brigitte is always a form of #sessoLgbt transgressive fluid: in its time an unpunished criminal crime of pedophilia!
people like that: they must not be insulted, but they cannot become a successful political career without morally compromising the whole society!

Moshe Moses • 4 years ago

G-D Saved Shira From The Terrorist Attack And Also Her Life By Finding Removing The Tumor A Miricle of G-D Also Very Sad To Soldiers Were Killed May These Soildiers Pure Souls Rest In Peace With Hashem They Were Protecting The Jewish People From These Savages Who Will Answer To Hashem Who They Cannot Escape His Judgment Amen

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Islamic African Moroccan drunken drug dealer smashes his jaw in Carabiniere, who faints

New Delhi bacterium, already 31 dead in Tuscany: "Citizens must know" September 11, 2019

African who punched women (treason) in Lecco has already been released from prison:
because Pd defends migrants

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President RIVLIN] the main problem in Italy, is ethical and moral (the expropriation of the victim: peoples, up to the paralysis of total devitalization): because of all the corruption that the Democratic Party and its system of usury and predation: high constitutional betrayal bank seigniorage: corporations SpA central banks Rothschild shareholders: satanism mafia scam masonic and deep supernatural corruption: the thieves: who have sown with their ideological errors lgbt: atheistic nihilist communism and ethical and moral relativism: all over the world
that's why cynicism and wickedness have spread all over the world!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President RIVLIN] who knows better than you?
your Jewish State Masonic and Satanic Deep shadow: in the USA it is too deep!
if TRUMP manages to prevent (from the Democratic Party) the world war: against Russia and China?
he has already achieved the maximum of his purpose!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President RIVLIN] Islamic sharia dogmatic paranoia are crazy: when will Iran have its atomic bombs? he will have no mercy on you!
countdown: 15 days to destroy IRAN with nuclear weapons!

Elka_Z • 4 years ago

Tell Abbas to stop paying the terrorist! He failed - miserably!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Erica Ling evil administrator of worldIsrealNews.
I am the King of Israel and I am the universal and eternal administrator of all the Kingdoms of God holy holy holyjhwh: king universal brotherhood Unius REI.
like you and Rothschild and Saud Salman OCI ONU EU: and the kings of the earth masonry lgbt sharia and communists with which he fornicated the beast Morgan USA Babylon: how could you escape? and how could you escape at JUSTICE?

Erica Ling amministratore di worldIsrealNews.
io sono il Re di Israele e sono l'amministratore universale ed eterno di tutti i Regni di Dio.
come tu e Rothschild e Saud Salman OCI ONU UE: e i re della terra sharia e comunisti con cui ha fornicato la bestia Morgan USA Babilonia: come tu potresti sfuggire? e come voi potreste sfuggire alla GIUSTIZIA?

Trevor Barry • 4 years ago

From evil intentions & actions awaits, much good as i Trevor Barry have good intention armed with some truly clever idea's which Israel & South Africa & our friends will find opportunity & protection within their full spectrum where Mossad's Libertad Ventures & Innofence funding model's with a view to helping both countries & friends to develop into these then ''many hands will make light work''! I hope Mossad's innovative arm & Israel become creative in helping Lior Keinen Ambassador to South Africa to secure me for a mutual win win scenario all round God Bless Israel & Zionist's everywhere !

Trevor Barry • 4 years ago

They seem to have one intention & that sadly is to kill Jews & kill-off Israel too, yet their evil sometimes whether by fluke or not these can present good fortune for Zionist's & these will occur with ''God's Chosen People'' whom seemingly face attack & destruction on a daily basis because God Almighty keeps an eye on their very well being !

Helen McKnight • 4 years ago

Praise the Lord. Amen

Barry Burton • 4 years ago

Genesis 50:20 - they meant it for evil but God turned it for your good.