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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN] the parable of the 10 Virgins: invented by Jesus of Bethlehem, means that in a big city: the 10 best citizens are taken, and of these 5 will be discarded!then, out of mercy: someone will make the terrible path of purification in the fire of purgatory for a few centuries!all the others in hell!the kingdom of God? make no compromises with sharia or Freemasonry!

Bin SALMAN ] la parabole delle 10 Vergine: inventata da Gesù di Betlemme, significa che in una grande città: si prendono i 10 cittadini migliori, e di questi 5 verranno scartati!
poi, per misericordia: qualcuno farà il terribile cammino di purificazione nel fuoco del purgatorio per qualche secolo!
tutti gli altri all'inferno!
il regno di Dio? non scende a compromessi con sharia o massoneria!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] dogmatic scientism Darwin ape, and dogmatic fideism:
they are two evil religions, an two ideological and mutual interference in the same field.
since science and faith are not competitors having two different fields of investigation.
science is in the natural order and religion is in the supernatural order, but, the tyrant Erdogan Kim Jong-UN will do violence to both!

scientismo dogmatico e fideismo dogmatico: sono due religioni maligne,
una ideologica e reciproca ingerenza di campo.
poiché scienza e fede non sono competitori avendo due ambiti differenti di indagine.
la scienza è nell'ordine naturale e la religione è nell'ordine soprannaturale, ma, il tiranno Erdogan Kim Jong-UN farà violenza ad entrambi!

Peter • 4 years ago

May the Almighty always watch over you and keep you strong!!!!

George Parker • 4 years ago

Stay strong, stay safe.

Casper van Cleeveld • 4 years ago


paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

3/7 [ Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL kingdom. when the Masons meet with me in internet?
they cancel their intervention! ]
construction of this inner temple and at the same time social represents for the Masons a “metaphysical” reality, which in such becomes the supreme value and therefore absolutized of the Masonic doctrine.
We understand well then that we are of facing an elevation of man that has nothing to do with the logic of Judeo-Christian grace.
construction of Masonic temple is a conquest of man realized through an initiatory journey of esoteric mold
Some time ago the Catholic weekly Il Sabato interviewed the former grandmaster of Grand Orient of Italy,
Mr. Armando Corona, who asked the question of journalist
“What drives young people today to enter Freemasonry?”
he replied “Those who among them do not have the Judaeo-Christian faith are looking for
a secular Church and therefore they turn to lay organizations which, however, give at the same time of values ​​of life”.
Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL.
2019/05/28 / Masonry-believe-god jesus /Therefore Freemasonry offers of alternative values ​​to
Judeo-Christian faith and we can consider Freemasonry a pseudo-religious movement
that presents itself in an alternative to Catholicism.
in conclusion, the conspiratorial perversity of Masons can certainly seem a gross exaggeration, when we consider, by a part, the relative political discretion of the current Freemasonry and, on the other, moderation and the moral highness of historical Freemasonry
is therefore unjust to attribute to the Masons the responsibility of all the ills of society.
This does not remove the fact that the fanatically anticlerical Freemasonry of the end of XIX century, is the logical consequence of the Masonry Deista of XVIII century.
[ Freemasonry the Rothschild parasitic society DEMO FED PLUTO FMI GIUDAICO NWO MASSONE alliMortacciLoro sharia and Bilderberg]when the Masons meet with me in internet? then, they cancel their intervention! ]
Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL / 2019/05/28 / Masonry-believe-god jesus /

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Masons have been excommunicated
and the excommunication is valid and is perennial

I massoni sono stati scomunicati
e la scomunica è valida ed è perenne

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

/noahnphilim wordpress com/2019/05/29/freemason-the-traitor-of-israel-kingdom/ Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL kingdom
//uniusrei blogspot com/2019/05/freemason-traitor-of-israel-kingdom

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

7/7 [ Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL kingdom.
What happened was told several times by the professor "That night I was very ill; I was already thinking about my end. My gaze came to rest on the image of Jesus, who stood before me.
That beautiful face came alive; the eyes of Jesus stared at me. What a look!
... Then he spoke to me "You're still in time. Choose or life or death!"
+++ I was confused and I replied, "I couldn't choose!"
+++ Jesus continued "Then I choose Life!"
+++ The image returned to its normal state.
Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL. / 2015/10/20 / a-freemason-turns-in-death-point-after-dialoguing-with-gesu / [[is impossible to go to Paradise for a perverted lgbt lobby , Communist, Freemason Islamic Sharia. ]]
The following day the Mason made the Confession and he received the Holy Sacraments. He did not die. After another two years of life, Jesus called him to himself. The testimony to Don Giuseppe came from the same sister-in-law who told every detail of the incredible conversion.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

6/7 [ Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL kingdom. THE MASSIVE DEADING
Those who correctly followed the practice of "Early Friday" is the sister-in-law of a professor already by time enrolled in Freemasonry.A person hostile towards religion, rigid and unbeliever. One day he was on the verge of death, says Don Giuseppe, he was with the oxygen tank for breathing and the doctor had said "Probably he will die tomorrow".[[is impossible to go to Paradise for a perverted lgbt lobby, communist, Freemason or Islamic sharia. ]]

The sister-in-law, a devout of Sacred Heart, had an inspiration to put an image of Jesus of facing the dying, attached to the large mirror of the wardrobe. The image was graceful and enriched a special blessing.
[[is impossible to go to Paradise for a perverted lgbt lobby, communist, Freemason or Islamic sharia. ]]

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

5/7 [ Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL kingdom. it is impossible to go to Paradiso for a perverted lgbt lobby, communist, freemason or Islamic sharia.A story told by don Tomaselli the turning point was the devotion to the Sacred Heart of the sister-in-law.What binds the conversion of a Freemason to the practice of "First Fridays" to which devotees of "Sacred Heart of Jesus" are bound? The late Salesian father Don Giuseppe Tomaselli tells us about it in his booklet “The Sacred Heart. Month to the Sacred Heart of Jesus ”.The practice of "First Fridays", explains Don Giuseppe, is born so that the souls render to the Lord the delicate act of reparation in the day to which he remembers his death in Croce.Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL. / 2015/10/20 / a-mason-yes-converts-in-death-point-after-dialoguing-with-gesu / is impossible to go to Paradise for a perverted lgbt lobby, communist , Freemason Islamic Sharia.

The "conditions" desired by the Sacred Heart are three.1) Communicate at the First Friday of month. This condition is not satisfied by who, for forgetfulness or for impossibility, wanted to make up for another day, for example Sunday;2) Communicate for nine consecutive months, that is without any interruption, voluntary or no;3) The third condition, which is not expressly stated, but which is logically reduced, is that the Holy Communion is received well.Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL. / 2015/10/20 / a-mason-yes-converts-in-death-point-after-dialoguing-with-gesu / is impossible to go to Paradise for a perverted lgbt lobby, communist , Freemason Islamic Sharia."
COMMUNICATE WELL"Communicating well, the Salesian points out, means being in grace of God, when we receive Jesus through the Eucharist. Often many faithful, first of all communicating, resorting to the Sacrament of Confession, for receiving absolution from their faults. If we do not confess ourselves properly, we do not obtain forgiveness of sins; Confession remains nothing and the Communion of Friday does not get its effect, because it is badly done.[[is impossible to go to Paradise for a perverted lgbt lobby, communist, Freemason or Islamic sharia. ]]

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

4/7 [ Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL kingdom. The Masonic constitutions of 1723 exalt "a religion in which all men agree, leaving to each his own opinions, namely to be good men and loyal, men of honor and of honesty, whatever the denominations that intervene to distinguish them ".This type of religious liberalism of Masonic matrix completely excludes all revealed authority. [Freemasonry the Rothschild parasitic society DEMO FED PLUTO FMI GIUDAICO NWO MASSONE alliMortacciLoro sharia and Bilderberg]when the Masons meet with me in internet? then, they cancel their intervention! ]The Church is opposed to Freemasonry because in it has recognized a fundamentally anti-Catholic philosophy, reserved for an elite, based on a purely naturalistic morality and on a rationalist humanism and therefore in ultimate analysis irreconcilable with salvation that only in Jesus of Bethlehem Jesus died and risen is offering to humanity. [Freemasonry the Rothschild parasitic society DEMO FED PLUTO FMI GIUDAICO NWO MASSONE alliMortacciLoro sharia and Bilderberg]

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

2/7 [ Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL kingdom. [the mastership the parasitical company Rothschild DEMO FED PLUTO FMI GIUDAICO NWO MASSONE alliMortacciLoro sharia and Bilderberg]Thus for Freemasonry, Jesus is not God, but a character inserted in the great story of initiates who have traced the path that humanity must follow for achieving its progressive emancipation and finding its dignity. The Freemason Guido Francocci, in his book "Freemasonry, in its historical values ​​and ideals", on page 53 thus writes "Rama, Zaratustra, Krishna, Buddha, Hermes, Orpheus, Pythagoras, Plato, Lao Tse, Confucius, Moses , Jesus, Muhammad said their word to the world, removing it from the teaching of initiates of the most remote mysteries ". As we note, for the Masonic doctrine Jesus of Bethlehem is considered only a great initiate, like Moses or even on a par a mythical figure like that of Orpheus.when the Masons meet with me in internet? then, they cancel their intervention! ] Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL. / 2019/05/28 / Freemasonry-to-believe-god-gesu / [the mastership the parasitical company Rothschild DEMO FED PLUTO FMI GIUDAICO NWO MASSONE alliMortacciLoro sharia and Bilderberg]Therefore the Masons do not recognize the reality of the incarnation of the second Person of the Trinity made man in a unique, unrepeatable, historical and real event. Again, one of the ultimate goals of Freemasonry is the construction of the temple of humanity, becoming themselves living temples. Brunelli in his previously cited work, on page 13 thus writes "The work of mason is dual and none of two aspects of it must be placed in second floor. He must carry out an individual esoteric work and at the same time esoteric ... giving a foregone conclusion that individual work is the conditio sine qua not only for remaining in Freemasonry, but also for being qualified Mason ".

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

1/7 [ Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL kingdom. / 2019/05/28 / Freemasonry-to-believe-god-gesu / [the mastership the parasitical company Rothschild DEMO FED PLUTO FMI GIUDAICO NWO MASSONE alliMortacciLoro sharia and Bilderberg]The Masonic vision of Grande Architetto (pantheism of Bramanesimo, morally disparages the Masons who have a reason to fear the judgment of God JHWH holy who will condemn them) of the Universe is irreconcilable with the God-person of the Jewish-Christian revelationWhat is the relationship between Freemasonry and God? and between Freemasonry and Jesus? It is about negative reports or positive?when the Masons meet with me in internet? then, they cancel their intervention! ]First of all it must be said that of all the fundamental rules of Masonic associations there is the belief in existence of God as Great Architect (pantheism of Brahmanism, morally disables the Freemasons who have reason to fear the judgment of God JHWH holy that will condemn them) of the Universe. Now the Great Architect (the pantheism of Brahmanism, morally disparages the Freemasons who have reason to fear the judgment of God JHWH holy who will condemn them) of the Universe is not identified with the God-person of Christians, but it expresses a divine intelligence not necessarily distinct from the cosmos and from humanity, that is is "the collectivity of these individual beings, considered as a whole". The Masonic vision of Grande Architetto (pantheism of Bramanesimo, morally disparages the Masons who have a reason to fear the judgment of God JHWH holy who will condemn them) of the Universe is irreconcilable with the God-person of the Jewish-Christian revelation.when the Masons meet with me in internet? then, they cancel their intervention! ]Freemason the traitor of ISRAEL. / 2019/05/28 / Freemasonry-to-believe-god-gesu /

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

make sure first if Mattarella-Merkel-Toika-Bilderberg is available to grant elections! Thanks to FdI there are numbers for a Government without M5s
Interview with the president of Fratelli d’Italia, Giorgia Meloni, at “La Voce del Patriota”

sinceratevi prima se Mattarella è disponibile a concedere elezioni! Grazie a FdI ci sono i numeri per un Governo senza M5s
Intervista al presidente di Fratelli d’Italia, Giorgia Meloni, a “La Voce del Patriota”
@a_meluzzi @michelericcia16 @max_ronchi @caritas_milano

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

ok, Bilderberg Putin Trump Rivlin and all the Masons in mode betrayal! ] me @Uniusrei2, I order that the crime GOLPE Rothschild Ja-Bull-On idolatry: ie Masonic constitutional GOLPE tecnocracy: banking seigniorage scam (of lese majesty to my royalty and to the royalty of JHWH) should immediately cease: with pain of tribulations and pains coercive: in every part of the world!

ok, Bilderberg Putin Trump Rivlin e tutti i massoni in modalità tradimento! ] me @ Uniusrei2, ordino che il crimine GOLPE Rothschild Ja-Bull-On idolatria: cioè tecnocrazia costituzionale GOLPE massonica: bancaria signoraggio truffa (di lesa maestà alla mia regalità e alla regalità di JHWH) dovrebbe cessare immediatamente: con dolore di tribolazioni e pene coercitive: in ogni parte del mondo!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.
North Korea Denies Existence of Political Prison Camps
May 10, 2019: 05/10/2019 North Korea (International Christian Concern)

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persecution com/ ] Putin said: "Christians can fry them!" [ christin martyr killed by: kim Jong-un, SpA FED Riad IMF sharia talmud-Koran NWO: demonic infestation ] 25 Christians Killed by Boko Haram in Door-to-Door Attacks
05/03/2019 Nigeria (Internatio... [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]]
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️

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North Korea Denies Existence of Political Prison Camps
May 10, 2019: 05/10/2019 North Korea (International Christian Concern)

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Islam is a sharia genocide military aggression: a islamic GOLPE subversive oppression! @uniusrei2, @UniusRei
It is by removing the symbols and meeting places: that a culture breaks down. Pechino has understood everything. Islam is a danger within the walls of the house.