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Cletus • 5 years ago

I have a conundrum. How can a Jew be a Democrat anymore?

Brian Freund • 5 years ago

I'm not a democrat, but I can understand your conundrum. The politicians that call themselves democrat are mostly socialists now and are becoming more and more anti-semitic. The common theme between socialists and anti-semites are the level morality they have. As a jew I believe you're more moral than them.

Pete • 5 years ago

Possible reason for the Jewish Democrat voter: habit, old information, unwillingness to change with the times, family influence, ill informed, watch CNN.

Amsterdam • 5 years ago

And that you have to help to make poverty disappear. The republican party is no help, but the Democrats talk to help the poor (however they do a poor job) That's why Jewish people all over the world are democrats.

Pete • 5 years ago

Poverty is mostly created by ignorance and bad habits, dependency and a lack of understanding of one's nature and the history of man.

Pete • 5 years ago

Government doesn't really help anyone, but they do a great job of getting in the way of economic progress, Brother. And institutionalize any public matter that will allow them to have more power. The Republicans do help people indirectly by not regulating them to death. The Democrats use emotional issues to deceive people into depending on government. The function of government is to protect it's citizens and punish the bad guys and the opportunists. The people then have the ability to rise to their God given various levels of prosperity.

cammo99 • 5 years ago

Eyes wide shut.

Casper van Cleeveld • 5 years ago

Good to see!

garybkatz • 5 years ago

At the same time, PA TV commemorated Women's Day by "honoring" female terrorists. That's the difference between societies.

Harry Shamir • 5 years ago

Basically, Muslim society is constantly seeking shortcuts to its objectives, always frustrated, and never concluding that only plodding away slowly will enable it to attain goals. Or perhaps they understand this but are afraid to embark on that voyage, as they know that the voyage itself will change their most predilected current views and attitudes and by definition, who they are. They live in their own world, and to me it looks very much like hell itself.
But who am I to judge?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Erdogan threatens to clean up the border areas with Syria from Kurdish armed groups
for the Turkish-Ottoman president Tayyip Erdogan: sin does not lie in the 10 Commandments of Moses: no, no, no, in fact all sins have been with Mohammed: the lament false prophet: with three frogs in the mouth: that peace shariah is alwais on him!
the sin for the Turkish-Ottoman president Tayyip Erdogan: I am alone; all the infidels like: Pope Francis, al-Sissi, Putin, Xi-Jinping MODI Trump Netanjahu: all peoples, all Shiites: and above all the most serious sin of all is Unius REI!

Erdogan minaccia di ripulire le zone di confine con la Siria dai gruppi armati curdi
per il presidente turco-ottomano Tayyip Erdogan: il peccato non risiede nei 10 Comandamenti di Mosé: no, no, no, infatti tutti i peccati sono stati con Mohammed: il Compianto falso profeta: con tre rane in bocca: che la pace shariah sia su di lui!
il peccato per il presidente turco-ottomano Tayyip Erdogan: sono soltanto; tutti gli infedeli come: Papa Francesco, al-Sissi, Putin, Xi-Jinping MODI Trump Netanjahu: tutti i popoli, tutti gli sciiti: e soprattuto il peccato più grave di tutti è Unius REI!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

you have been banned by you have been banned by World Israel News. ] forse qualcuno si è fatto male in questo server ed hanno dato la colpa a me! [ Fuzzy Ashkenazim • Catholicism
and Protestantism are already founded on anti-Semitic replacement
theology that attempts to annul Torah and refine the Sabbath. The Pope
is a two faced fink. /pope-christian-anti-semitism-is-a-rejection-of-ones-own-origins/ ___________
answer. you are to two faced idiot.
who started this deadly clash was the synagogue of satan!
satanic talmud and black magic kabbalah? it continues for 2000 years:
this Masonic Satanism RIVLIN SORS BILDERNERG: and in fact they have
created the NWO FED FMI BM and they will kill us all, still the same
even if you do the cute cute!
chi ha iniziato questo scontro mortale è stata la sinagoga di satana!
continua da 2000 anni: questo satanismo massonico RIVLIN SORS
BILDERNERG: e infatti hanno realizzato il NWO FED FMI BM e ci
uccideranno tutti lo stesso anche se tu farai il carino carino!
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by you have been banned by World Israel News. ]

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] to mine: "pc-portable Touch" (I forgot my password to enter the BIOS)
I do not have a good story with passwords, which is why I find many different accounts on Israeli sites.
but, just did not were never activate the keyboard (despite many formatting and installations) because there was an error 0xc0000185.
so I intervened with DOS commands: as a function of operating system restore: using the command botrec / fixmbr, etc ..
ok everything seems normal, now, but, I suspect that someone (of invisible) maybe the priests of satan CIA and Rothschild: that someone helped me, so that I could again dedicate myself to my political ministry of the kingdom of Israel?
ok, this is and remains a strong suspect!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

ad un mio: "pc-portatile Touch" (ho dimenticato la password per entrare nel BIOS)

io con le password non ho una buona storia, che questo è il motivo per cui mi trovo molti account diversi nei siti israeliani..

ma, proprio non si attivava la tastiera (nonostante le molte formattazioni e installazioni) perché sussisteva un errore 0xc0000185.
quindi sono intervenuto con comandi DOS: in funzione di ripristino sistema operativo: usando il comando botrec /fixmbr, ecc..

ok sembra tornato tutto normale, ma, il sospetto che qualcuno (di invisibile) forse i sacerdoti di satana della CIA e Rothschild: che, qualcuno mi abbia aiutato, affinché io potessi nuovamente dedicarmi al mio ministero politico del regno di Israele?

ok, questo è e rimane un forte sospetto!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN] [I'm 100% good without internet: actually! but, if I go out of the internet and then, you do not see me anymore: then you will suffer for my lack?
Bin SALMAN ] [ io sto bene al 100% senza internet: in realtà! ma, se io esco da internet e poi, tu non mi vedi più: poi tu soffrirai per la mia mancanza?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN] [if I have pathological problems: or anxious-compulsive states? ANSWER. and as I do, to be normal, if, in these 30 years of: Observatory on the Martyrdom of Christians: you kill me from 400 to 100 innocent martyrs martyrs every day shariah?
that after 60 years of your shariah terrorism? no one should hope to find only one Israeli who is normal: truly! these guys? they make me so much compassion!

Bin SALMAN ] [ se, io ho dei problemi di tipo patologico: o stati ansiosi-compulsivi? ANSWER. e come faccio io, ad essere normale, se, in questi 30 anni di: Osservatorio sul Martirio dei Cristiani: tu mi uccidi dai 400 ai 100 cristiani martiri innocenti ogni giorno shariah?
che dopo 60 anni di tuo terrorismo shariah? nessuno dovrebbe sperare di trovare un solo israeliano che sia normale: veramente! questi ragazzi? mi fanno tanta compassione!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

@LorenzoParisi63 @GiorgiaMeloni Qual'è la vita da fare per non essere,
De Merda? .answer. se "te lo fai menare" nella fogna di sodoma? tu
vedrai come: potrai diventare molto più intelligente di ora! #Cirinnà /SsW1ldSLsh