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Robert Khalifa • 5 years ago

People of all religions are finally saying "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH". Everyone is noticing the unchallenged bias at the U.N. Unfortunately, most disgusted representatives simply walk out instead of voting a clear "NO". In the meantime, countries disagreeing with Israel abuse the right of freedom of speech to spew even more lies about Israel. Ask anyone throughout the world how they feel about the U.N. and they will tell you they hope that so-called organization can be replaced with a decent and honestly free another body.
Am Israel Hai!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Israel is not an exclusively human force,
and this is understood even by the most evil and infamous creatures of this planet,
indeed it is understood above all by them

Israele non è una forza esclusivamente umana,
e questo è compreso anche dalle creature più malvagie e infami di questo pianeta,
anzi è compreso soprattuto da loro

Grace Joy • 5 years ago

UNWatch does. An excellent, uplifting video is ";Algeria, where are your Jews?' — Hillel Neuer silences the U.N." Also, "One year later — the answer to 'Where Are Your Jews?' - UN Watch"

That said, GulagBound's article listing "The Communist Takeover Of America – 45 Declared Goals" has, as #11:

"Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces." Bear in mind that Macron is pushing for a military force to "protect" EU from America, Russia, & China.

Keith Glentworth • 5 years ago

its about time

Iamveritas • 5 years ago

Thank you to this special group of people who are making “real visual presence” demonstration to demand equal rights and truth of the State of Israel to be recognized, and condemnation of Arab atrocities of terror that are committed against Israel (as a strategy to overthrow Israel). Israel is a sovereign country, and condemnation of anti semitism needs to be embraced by the world.

More visual presence like this needs to be organized in every country of the world.

Casper van Cleeveld • 5 years ago

Kees van der Staaij is Dutch, good man :)

<3 Israel <3 • 5 years ago

It almost seems like the UN is playing God when it comes to <3 Israel <3

Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

Damn, Hagit Yaso is beautiful !

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Blaise Pascal and his reason to believe
At the origin of the "bet on God", the French mathematician recognized that the question of faith is the logic of the heart,
Blaise Pascal, one of the brightest minds of the Age of Enlightenment, said it was all very reasonable.
1. If God really exists, it is safer to bet on believing, than not believing it,
2. and if there is no belief in Him: in the end it will cost us nothing (in fact we will have lived better).
3. If instead we deny its existence and: it turns out: that does he exist really ? then we are fried.
but St. Augustine was greater than he and disowned him: in fact: he said: "if God does not exist? everything is absurd! and since absurdity is absurd in itself: then, God must really exist!"
ANSWER. in fact God does not need to be demonstrated because it is your existence that shows him!

Blaise Pascal e il suo motivo per credere
All'origine della “scommessa su Dio”, il matematico francese riconosceva che la questione della fede è la logica del cuore,
Blaise Pascal, una delle menti più brillanti dell’Età dei Lumi, diceva che è tutto molto ragionevole.
1. Se Dio esiste davvero, è più sicuro scommettere di crederci, che di non crederci,
2. e se non esiste credere in Lui: alla fine non ci costerà niente (anzi avremo vissuto meglio).
3. Se invece neghiamo la sua esistenza e: salta fuori: che. lui esiste veramente? poi, noi siamo fritti.
ma San Agostino era più grande di lui e lo ha sconfessato: infatti: lui ha detto: "se Dio non esiste? tutto è assurdo! e poiché l'assurdità è assurda in se stessa: poi, Dio deve esistere veramente!"
ANSWER. infatti Dio non ha bisogno di essere dimostrato perché è la tua esistenza che dimostra lui!

Bat-Ami Hensen • 5 years ago

I fully agree with Colonel Kemp's facts, however, it's unfortunate that he did not use a qualifier when he referred to "international Jihad".

The concept and practice of Jihad is fundamental to Muslim theology. Classical Islam distinguishes very clearly between a greater and lesser Jihad, with the emphasis being on the former – i.e., a call to the lifelong, introspective campaign of self examination and improvement; one meant to lead also to more compassionate, peaceful interactions with all people. In this tradition, militant lesser Jihad is last resort action – to be sanctioned only following the exhaustion of sincerely explored avenues of peaceful resolution in matters involving perceived threat to the survival of the Muslim community. A substantial body of theological discourse exists regarding the prerequisite criteria which unavoidable militant action must meet.

Does all Muslim history bear out such an enlightened, evolutionary approach? No. But the same can be said for other traditions, both in the past and currently.

In times when (and for reasons not strictly of its own creation) a faith is particularly beset with radically distorted off-shoots, one would think it wise to speak to its best practices – through the judicious and respectful use of appropriate qualifiers when using spiritual terminology held sacred by its legitimate practitioners. One could refer to "radically debased forms of Jihadi teachings" "the dissemination of misappropriated, knee-jerk, lesser Jihadi propaganda”, "grossly misrepresented Jihadi ideology”. This would be more productive.

Notably, also in connection with the Middle east, the terms Zionism/Zionist also routinely receive such sloppy, negative treatment. Doubtless, the use of qualifiers in conjunction with critique of Zionism or Zionists would also be conducive to promoting fruitful dialogue and resolving conflict.

Let's please see to best practices while we defend Israel and demand UN justice.

Erica Ling • 5 years ago

And if "the fight " is purely spiritual, why does Q 4;95 say "not equal are those of the believers who sit ( at home )except those who are disabled by injury, lame or blind and those who strive hard and fight in the cause of Allah with their wealth AND THEIR LIVES.....but Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight, above those who sit, by a huge reward. " So if the fight is spiritual, why does Allah distinguish between those who fight and those who do not. Why should a spiritual fight be defined by its physical situation ? Stands to reason, some Muslims, comfortable in their new situations will see no reason to physically push their religion on infidel, but in so doing, they DISOBEY the Quran, and this is judged by other Muslims as blasphemy. It is this dichotomy which is the root cause of the feuding and infighting between Muslim and Muslim.Then again we must never forget that jihad is not only military. Political or stealth jihad has made far more advances, especially in the present liberal wave of intolerance, when all legitimate dissent or criticism can be silenced by accusations of "racism " or "Islamophobia, and the scales of justice are already tilted against the "white man.""

Nichus Block • 5 years ago

I've heard that cr@p about jihad meaning self-improvement, yet muzzies can't even keep their pants zipped in the presence of a woman not their wife, and complain they can't control themselves when she tempts them. They're real serious about self-improvement.

Erica Ling • 5 years ago

Perhaps they have more urgent a need for it---and a long way to go to achieve it.If you read the Quran, men have been so indulged and their self esteem has been so over inflated, they can only believe all womanhood is theirs for the taking. Mo. told them so. Then they come to the west and find independent women who are more than equal to their best specimens of manhood. THIS cultural difference must be mind blowing.

Iamveritas • 5 years ago

Jihad being self improvement is a bunch of bullshit!

Grace Joy • 5 years ago

Your statement that "militant lesser Jihad is last resort action – to be sanctioned only following the exhaustion of sincerely explored avenues of peaceful resolution in matters involving perceived threat to the survival of the Muslim community:" When the country you've invaded continues to reject your overwhelming pressure to incorporate your Shria, & when you've gained a sizeable enough minority, then violent ji had commences.

Your "peaceful ji had" is a temporary state that lasts as long as your target doesn't oppose your "peaceful" takeover. What you are saying is Deception.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

the Bible is not ta book: like the Koran-Talmud, etc. etc. etc. it is not supernatural or occultism: why: it is the Bible that breathes in the holy spirit!
and may God have mercy on your soul!

la Bibbia non è un libro: come il Corano-Talmud, ecc.. ecc.. non è soprannaturale o occultismo: perché: è la Bibbia che respira nello spirito santo!
e che Dio abbia pietà della tua anima!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

crossing about 10 km of sea from the Egyptian desert to the Saudi desert: was it something the locals could do more times in the year, at low tide and strong winds, then the wheels of Egyptian war chariots? I'm already in museums

attraversare circa 10 km di mare dal deserto egiziano al deserto saudita: era qualcosa che i locali potevano fare più volte nell'anno, con la bassa marea ed il vento forte, quindi le ruote dei carri da guerra egiziani? sono già nei musei

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Was the Torah scroll made of many rectangles (checkered sheets) if only one letter was wrong in one single square? everything was destroyed: a sum equal to the value of a house! Before becoming the father of physics, Newton studied the "code ?" for eight years. to discover the future and the past of the history of this planet, in fact for example: after every 18 Hebrew letters: can be incredible stories come out of complete meaning: imagine with the technology of holograms what could be done?

il rotolo della Torà era realizzato con tanti rettangoli(fogli a quadretti) se in un solo quadretto si sbagliava una sola lettera? tutto veniva distrutto: una somma pari al valore di una casa! Newton prima di diventare il padre della fisica ha studiato per 8anni il "codice ?" per scoprire il futuro e il passato della storia di questo pianeta, infatti per es:. dopo ogni 18lettere ebraiche vengono fuori storie incredibili di senso compiuto: immagina con la tecnologia degli ologrammi cosa si potrebbe fare?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

@MrSimonMorris Which bible?
ANSWER. the degree in ESEGESI biblicale: worth 10 years and 100 university exams, then: then, do you arrive with your stupidities? all the human sciences in the last 100 years: USSR, etc. .. have not been able to demolish the historicity of the Bible!

@MrSimonMorris Which bible?
ANSWER. la laurea in ESEGESI biblica: vale 10 anni e 100 esami universitari, quindi: poi, arrivi tu con le tue scemenze? tutte le scienze umane negli ultimi 100 anni: URSS, ecc.. non hanno potuto demolire la storicità della Bibbia!

Bat-Ami Hensen • 5 years ago

Glad to see this protest! Deal with this double standard - facilitated and in fact spearheaded by a UN that has for decades now been progressively hijacked by unwholesome disuniting forces - being touted on social media on a daily basis. We must all speak up and clearly, persistently, to call out double-standard propaganda, which constitutes nothing less than acts of hate against the Jewish people, and serves as a callous distraction from urgently needed attention to terribly suffering regions. One has only to see the stats on UN resolutions to realize that, while ignoring longstanding and new horrors perpetrated in numerous places, the UN is continuously focused on vilifying and attempting to undermine the survival and thriving of Israel and the Jewish people. Rife with the cancer of partisan corruption, the disUnited Nations is, as is, utterly unable to function in the crucial, concerted, multi-lateral ways needed in this time of critical global environmental crisis.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

@MrSimonMorris Which god?
ANSWER. the ONLY purpose of life is to know God personally: Mohammed did not succeed: so you too are prepared to be destroyed!
ANSWER. l'UNICO scopo della vita è quello di conoscere Dio personalmente: Mohammed non ci è riuscito: quindi anche tu preparati ad essere distrutto!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

God is not a religion and not even a bitter medicine to drink, God is an extremely emotional relationship lovable, to live.
the problem is not what men do not believe in God JHWH,
but it is that we men are afraid of love, because love takes everything!

Dio non è una religione e neanche una medicina amara da bere, Dio è una relazione estremamente emozionante da vivere.
il problema non è quello che gli uomini non credono in dio,
ma è che noi uomini abbiamo paura dell'amore, perché l'amore prende tutto!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

it's true Satan gets tired but Unius REI doesn't!
Psalms (46, 1)
"God is for us a refuge and a strength, a help always ready in the difficulties"
Galatians (6, 9)
"We are not discouraged from doing good; because, if we do not tire, we will reap at the time ".
Isaiah (40, 28-31):
"Don't you know? Have you never heard it?
The Lord is eternal God,
the creator of the ends of the earth;
he does not tire and does not get tired;
his intelligence is inscrutable.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the vigor to the one who is exhausted.
The young people tire and get tired;
the strongest falter and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord gain new strength,
rise up like eagles,
they run and do not get tired,
they walk and do not tire ".

è vero Satana si stanca ma Unius REI no!
Salmi (46, 1)
“Dio è per noi un rifugio e una forza, un aiuto sempre pronto nelle difficoltà”
Galati (6, 9)
“Non ci scoraggiamo di fare il bene; perché, se non ci stanchiamo, mieteremo a suo tempo”.
Isaia (40, 28-31):
“Non lo sai tu? Non l’hai mai udito?
Il Signore è Dio eterno,
il creatore degli estremi confini della terra;
egli non si affatica e non si stanca;
la sua intelligenza è imperscrutabile.
Egli dà forza allo stanco
e accresce il vigore a colui che è spossato.
I giovani si affaticano e si stancano;
i più forti vacillano e cadono;
ma quelli che sperano nel Signore acquistano nuove forze,
si alzano a volo come aquile,
corrono e non si stancano,
camminano e non si affaticano”.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin Sulfuric SALMAN. it is true that I pretend to be Putin's enemy as you say:
but it is also true that I am really angry: really,
sacrifices Christian martyrs in the ARAB LEAGUE for the sake of its geopolitical interests: and this has a terrible price to be paid, however, sooner or later

è vero che io fingo di essere nemico di Putin come tu dici:
ma è anche vero che sono arrabbiato veramente,
sacrifica i martiri cristiani nella LEGA ARABA per amore dei suoi interessi geopolitici: e questo ha un prezzo terribile da dover essere pagato, comunque, prima o poi

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Erdogan pedophiled him and physically abused him, in fact the whole jihadist galaxy from Turkey passed into Syria and Iraq:
Putin said it to me: before: he became Bolshevik FREcK URSS KGB!
Netherlands: The 37-year-old Turk Gökmen Tanis who shot in the tram in Utrecht, killing 3 people and wounding 9, appeared in court on March 4, accused of rape. @BreakingNLive also speaks of his arrest in connection with ISIS a few years ago, and he would have fought in Chechnya.

Erdogan lo ha pedofilato ed ha abusato di lui fisicamente, infatti tutta la galassia jihadista tutta dalla Turchia è passata in siria e Iraq:
questo ha detto Putin prima che: lui diventasse FREcK bolscevico!
Olanda: Il turco 37enne Gökmen Tanis che ha sparato sul tram a Utrecht, uccidendo 3 persone e ferendone 9, è apparso in tribunale il 4 marzo accusato di stupro. @ BreakingNLive parla anche del suo arresto in connessione con l'ISIS pochi anni fa, e avrebbe combattuto in Cecenia. pic twitter com/ssX2y1ks6d

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

@revdonna that after all a Sapphic-narcissistic love: it is always a relationship of homoeroticism, that we do not know a God who is selfish and sterile, but, perhaps you have found a Bible that I do not know
che dopotutto un amore saffico-narcisistico: è sempre una relazione di omoerotismo, che noi non conosciamo un Dio che sia egoista e sterile, ma, forse tu hai trovato una Bibbia che io non conosco

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

@revdonna I am an ordained female priest in a committed lesbian relationship. answer. I always thought that for a young vicious male (and with few religious scruples) it must have been a good opportunity for him to share the roof with two lesbians!

io ho sempre pensato che per un giovane maschio vizioso (e con pochi scrupoli religiosi) per lui doveva essere una buona occasione condividere il tetto con due lesbiche!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

@revdonna [[ tu devi avere trovato una Bibbia adatta per te nella città di Sodoma ]] [[you must have found a Bible suitable for you in the city of Sodom]]
I am an ordained female priest in a committed lesbian relationship and an independent voter & support honesty, truth,

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

‘A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine. lifesitenews com/news/a-mass-sterilization-exercise-kenyan-doctors-find-anti-fertility-agent-in-u …

"Un esercizio di sterilizzazione di massa": i medici kenioti trovano

l'agente anti-fertilità nel vaccino del tetano ONU |

the satanic trinity: Rothschild Rochefeller Morgan and their multinationals (palm oil, and cattle breeding, oil technology) are bringing the planet to a point of total selfdestruction: thus it will become inevitable pa world war!
and if Governmets not come from Unius REI? this means suffering and Die it.
Erdogan has already decided: "at the last moment: I will get on the wagon of the winner!"

la trinità satanica: Rothschild Rochefeller Morgan e loro multinazionazionali (olio di palma, e allevamento bovino, tecnologia del petrolio ) loro stanno portando il pianeta ad un punto di distruzione totale: quindi diventerà inevitabile pa guerra mondiale!
e non venire da Unius REI? questo significa subirla.
Erdogan ha già deciso: "all'ultimo momento: io salirò sul carro del vincitore!"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

but later said he was born: in Hawaii ..
then the documents of the registry office: in the USA they are not a serious thing for the Satanists!
above all if one has to become President: his documents are not important for the rothschild democracy fraud
all the Satanists have a convincing and opportune exposition!
tutti i satanisti hanno una esposizione convincente ed opportuna!
thewashingtonpundit com/2019/02/06/evidence-proves-obama-used-kenya-as-birthplace-until-2007/
Evidence Proves Obama Used Kenya as Birthplace Until 2007
Prove dimostra Obama usato Kenya come luogo di nascita fino 2007
ma dopo ha detto di essere nato: alle Hawaii ..
quindi i documenti della anagrafe: in USA non sono una cosa seria per i satanisti!
soprattuto se uno deve diventare Presidente: i suoi documenti non sono importanti per la truffa della democrazia rothschild

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

#Utrecht, the 4 terrorists shouted " #Allah #Akbar": spared #Moroccan
He responded to the appeal for revenge of #Erdogan after the attack on the #mosque in #Christchurch, known to have radicalized two Islamic Al-Qaida terrorists.
Erdogan has ordered that the infidels be punished

Utrecht, i 4 terroristi gridavano “Allah Akbar”: risparmiato marocchino
Ha risposto all’appello alla vendetta di Erdogan dopo l’attacco contro la moschea di Christchurch, nota per avere radicalizzato due terroristi islamici di Al-Qaida.
Erdogan ha ordinato di punire gli infedeli

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Report Shows 57 Percent Jump in Aggression against #Christians in #India

Pls retweet #persecution

Report Mostra 57% salto in aggressione contro #Christians in #India //ow ly/iMaK30nUYCB si prega di Retweet #persecution

morning Star News‏ @morningstarnewz
Muslim Mobs Attack 10 Church Buildings in #Ethiopia //ow ly/CC3A30nTf4x Pls retweet #persecution

Musulmani mobs attacco 10 edifici della Chiesa in #Ethiopia si prega di Retweet #persecution

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Morning Star News @morningstarnewz Pastor of Underground
Church in #Kenya Beaten Unconscious ow ly/KgbK30o0fFC Pls
retweet #persecution

Pls retweet #persecution Pastore della Chiesa sotterranea in #Kenya svenuto inconscio

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed 10 Christians in southern Kaduna state, Nigeria
on Saturday (March 16), bringing the lives lost in the past five weeks
to 140 with 160 houses destroyed, sources said.
[[ when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya
to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was
scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]]
Another 10 Christians Killed in Kaduna State as Carnage Continues in Nigeria, Sources Say Muslim Fulani attacks on Saturday follow a month that saw 130 people slain. [[ when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya
to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was
scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]] By Our Nigeria Correspondent
JOS, Nigeria, March 18, 2019 (Morning Star News)
– Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed 10 Christians in southern Kaduna state,
Nigeria on Saturday (March 16), bringing the lives lost in the past
five weeks to 140 with 160 houses destroyed, sources said.
[[ when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]]
“We were all asleep in our various homes when at about 4 a.m.
[Saturday], we heard gunshots everywhere in my village,” Amos Samuel,
40, of Nandu Gbok village in Sanga County told Morning Star News.
“Everyone ran out of their homes to escape from the Fulani herdsmen.
Three hours after the herdsmen left, those of us who survived the attack
returned to the village to find that our houses were destroyed and 10
of our villagers killed.”
[[ when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]]
About 30 houses were burned in the attack, Sanga chairman Charles
Danladi told Morning Star News, who also said 10 people were killed.
“The attack occurred while the villagers were still sleeping,” he said.
“Normalcy has now been restored in the village, and we are making
efforts to assist victims.”
Shehu Nicholas Garba, a member of Nigeria’s parliament, the National
Assembly, and a resident of the area, said in a press statement that
“about 10” people were killed and “about 30” houses were burned.
[[ when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]]
“Our communities are helpless and are pleading that all persons of conscience should speak out,” Garba said.
The Kaduna governor’s spokesman said Saturday night (March 16) that nine people died in the attack.
[[ when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya
to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was
scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]]
“The security agencies have so far recovered nine corpses, including
children,” Samuel Aruwan said in a press statement. “Violence has left
an unacceptable toll of death and injury, loss of livelihoods, pain and
fear. The government condemns this attack on the life and security of
citizens and appeals to our communities to resist those who do not want
Security agencies have been deployed in the area, and the State
Emergency Management Agency has been directed to immediately provide
relief materials to the affected community, Aruwan said.
[[ when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya
to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was
scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]]
130 Killed Previously
In Kajuru County, also in southern Kaduna state, Muslim Fulani herdsmen have killed 130
Christians since Feb. 10, sources said.
[[ when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]]
Ungwan Barde village was attacked twice, resulting in the killing of 28
people, said Luke Waziri, an area attorney and national assistant
secretary of the Adara Development Association, an umbrella body of the
predominantly Christian Adara ethnic group. Another 102 people were
killed in attacks on Karamai, Inkirimi, Dogonnma and Ungwan Gora, he
[[ when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya
to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was
scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]]
[[ when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]]
“Kajuru land and by extension the Adara nation has been gripped by a fully
funded and supported group of terrorists that have been wreaking havoc
in our lands for long, while those saddled with the responsibility of
securing us deliberately looked the other way,” Waziri said in a press
statement. “First, Ungwan Barde was attacked on Feb. 10, 2019, and
nobody said anything, even though those in government knew. Furthermore,
the government pretended that the 11 people killed didn’t matter.”
[[ when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya
to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was
scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]]
The herdsmen next attacked Karamai on Feb. 26, killing 38 people, he
said. A resident of Karamai, Paulina Irimiya, confirmed to Morning Star
News that Fulani herdsmen attacked while Christians were at a church
service, killed at least 32 Christians and burned down 40 houses.
“While the victims were buried in a mass grave and the injured yet to
recover,” Waziri said in the press statement, “Ungwan Barde village was
attacked again on Sunday, March 10. Seventeen people were killed and
dozens of houses burned.”
[[ when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]]
The next day, Inkirimi and Dogonnoma villages in Maro were attacked, killing 52 people and wounding dozens, he said.
“The smoke had barely settled when an attack was launched in the evening
at Ungwan Gora (Labi Village), with dozens injured and 43 houses burned
down,” he said.
A total of 64 Christians were killed in the villages of Inkirimi, Dogonnma and Ungwan Gora, he said.
About 100 homes were destroyed in the attacks, and thousands of people
who fled are now moving from one village to the other in search of
refuge, Waziri said.
“In all these, not a single person has been arrested, nor even
questioned,” he said. “This is despite the fact that all the attacks
took place either in the morning or in the evening – in full glare of
Hundreds of terrorists had time to kill and leave without anyone being caught or apprehended, he said.
[[when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]] “However, in a strange twist of the application of justice, nine Adara
elders and village chiefs were indiscriminately arrested and thrown into
the Kaduna prison on allegations of complicity,” Waziri said. “The
victims that have been killed and brutalized are the same ones being
arrested and thrown into prison, while the real killers are being
pampered, supported and allowed to freely continue their onslaught on
people and our land.”
[[ when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]]
In the Inkirimi, Dogonnma and Ungwan Gora Communities, 43 houses were destroyed, Waziri said.
Christians make up 51.3 percent of Nigeria’s population, while Muslims
living primarily in the north and middle belt account for 45 percent.
Nigeria ranked 12th on Open Doors’ 2019 World Watch List of countries where Christians suffer the most persecution.
[[when: bdAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī President of Egypt: did he go to Libya to punish ISIS who had killed his Coptic husbands on the beach? he was scolded by all the Arab league: they said: "we are serious people!" ]]

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Mohammad era un FRECK e ISLAM è una gabbia di matti! [che la pace shariah sia su di lui e sopra tutta la sua maledizione a Mecca 666 Kaaba] Muslim in Pakistan Bursts into Christian's Home Alleging He Overheard Blasphemous Comment Mentally disabled Pentecostal beaten, arrested. By Our Pakistan Correspondent
LAHORE, Pakistan, March 18, 2019 (Morning Star News)
– A Christian with a mental disability in Pakistan has been arrested
under the country’s blasphemy law after a Muslim neighbor outside his
home overheard him arguing inside, sources said.
Francis Masih, older brother of 42-year-old Stephen Masih, said that
Muslim neighbor Hafiz Mudassir on March 11 burst into their home in
Imranpura, Wadiala, Sialkot District, beat the younger brother and
accused him of speaking ill of the prophet of Islam after overhearing an
Mohammad was a FRECK and ISLAM is a madhouse! [that shariah peace be upon him and above all his curse in Mecca 666 Kaaba]
At about 7 a.m. Stephen Masih, who belongs to a Pentecostal church, had
become embroiled in a heated discussion with a Christian brother-in-law
over fasting and praying during Lent when he lost his temper and started
shouting loudly, Francis Masih said.
“This is when Mudassir barged into our house and started beating Stephen
without any reason,” he told Morning Star News. “We told Mudassir that
it was not right for him to intervene in our family issue, but he took
offense and raised hue and cry in the street, alleging that Stephen had
committed blasphemy.”
Mohammad was a FRECK and ISLAM is a madhouse! [that shariah peace be upon him and above all his curse in Mecca 666 Kaaba]
Soon a mob gathered outside their house, he said.
Mohammad was a FRECK and ISLAM is a madhouse!
“Mudassir and Mohammad Rafiq, another neighbor, provoked them to attack
Stephen,” Masih said. “They not only beat him up mercilessly but also
attacked other family members who tried to save him.”
Someone called police, and they rescued Stephen Masih from the violent mob, he said.
Mohammad was a FRECK and ISLAM is a madhouse! [that shariah peace be upon him and above all his curse in Mecca 666 Kaaba]
“The police took my brother away, and it was after some time that we
learned that he had been charged with blasphemy,” Masih said, adding
that the family has not seen him since his arrest or heard about his
condition. “We have been running from pillar to post, as we are very
worried about his condition, especially since he was ruthlessly beaten
up by the mob, but the police are not arranging our meeting. They keep
telling us that he is safe and being taken care of.”
Mohammad was a FRECK and ISLAM is a madhouse! [that shariah peace be upon him and above all his curse in Mecca 666 Kaaba]
Their mother has not eaten enough or slept well since the arrest, he said.
Mohammad was a FRECK and ISLAM is a madhouse! [that shariah peace be upon him and above all his curse in Mecca 666 Kaaba]
“The police should show some mercy for the sake of my mother’s health and allow us a meeting,” Masih added.
Mudassir alleged in the First Information Report (FIR) registered at
Badiana Police that he was standing outside his house when he heard
Stephen Masih shouting derogatory words about Muhammad.
Mohammad was a FRECK and ISLAM is a madhouse! [that shariah peace be upon him and above all his curse in Mecca 666 Kaaba]
“I and another neighbor, Mohammad Rafiq, repeatedly asked Stephen to
refrain from uttering blasphemous remarks, but he did not pay heed to
our requests,” Mudassir said in the FIR. “This blasphemous act has
caused immense agony to Muslims of the neighborhood, therefore Stephen
should be punished as per the law.”
Mohammad was a FRECK and ISLAM is a madhouse! [that shariah peace be upon him and above all his curse in Mecca 666 Kaaba]
The FIR was registered under Section 295-C of Pakistan’s blasphemy law, which calls for the death penalty for defaming Muhammad.
The sub-inspector who registered the case, Mohammad Ashraf, told Morning
Star News that police have yet to determine whether the accused’s
mental capacity will be a factor.
“We are investigating the matter, but I cannot yet comment on the
family’s claim that Stephen is mentally disabled,” he said. “It is up to
the judge to decide once we present him in court.”
Mohammad was a FRECK and ISLAM is a madhouse! [that shariah peace be upon him and above all his curse in Mecca 666 Kaaba]
Condition Unknown
Francis Masih said his brother has been mentally disabled since birth,
but that his condition worsened after the death of their father a little
over 17 years ago.
“The entire locality knows about Stephen’s mental health status,” his
brother said, adding that area residents used to tease him, provoking
him into quarrels.
A doctor had advised them to admit him to a mental health facility, but their mother was unwilling to send him away, Masih said.
Mohammad was a FRECK and ISLAM is a madhouse! [that shariah peace be upon him and above all his curse in Mecca 666 Kaaba]
“And now we don’t even know where he is being kept and in what condition,” he said.
Mohammad was a FRECK and ISLAM is a madhouse! [that shariah peace be upon him and above all his curse in Mecca 666 Kaaba]
Lahore High Court attorney Sardar Mohammad Akhtar told Morning Star News
that Section 84 of the Pakistan Penal Code states, “Nothing is an
offense which is done by a person who, at the time of doing it, by
reason of unsoundness of mind, is incapable of knowing the nature of the
act, or that he is doing what is either wrong or contrary to law.”
Mohammad was a FRECK and ISLAM is a madhouse! [that shariah peace be upon him and above all his curse in Mecca 666 Kaaba]
Intent must be demonstrated for a blasphemy conviction.
Mohammad was a FRECK and ISLAM is a madhouse!
Pakistan’s blasphemy laws have long polarized public opinion, with
intense emotions leading to assassinations of senior politicians and
judges who have advocated for repeal. Critics within Pakistan and in the
international community point to the malicious use of the laws to harm
minorities, while advocates say the self-proclaimed Islamic nature of
the Pakistani state mandates such laws to justify its existence.
Although the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)
has long recommended Pakistan be designated as a Country of Particular
Concern (CPC), the U.S. State Department had never done so until last
November. On Nov. 28, the United States added Pakistan to its blacklist
of countries that violate religious freedom, the government announced on
Dec. 11.
Mohammad was a FRECK and ISLAM is a madhouse! [that shariah peace be upon him and above all his curse in Mecca 666 Kaaba]
Pakistan ranked fifth on Christian support organization Open Doors 2019
World Watch list of the 50 countries where it is most difficult to be a
If you would like to help persecuted Christians,

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin Sulfuric wahhabis Salman ] the first one who said they were the crusaders? it was Erdogan to tell it, and ISIS he learned from him! .. now you see among you OCI Lega ARABA how crazy: could you stop this factory of mad shariah!

il primo che ha detto che si sono i crociati? è stato Erdogan ed è stato ISIS ha imparato da lui! .. adesso vedete tra di voi OCI Lega ARABA come: si potrebbe fermare questa fabbrica di matti shariah!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

A Christian with a mental disability in Pakistan has been arrested under the country’s blasphemy law after a Muslim neighbor outside his home overheard him arguing inside, sources said.
the only real mental disability? is that of Mohammed! then, Erdogan goes to delirium: this is why Shiites and Salafites are called: "the paranoids"

l'unica vera disabilità mentale? è quella di Maometto! poi, Erdogan si spinge al delirio: ecco perché sciiti e salafiti sono chiamati: "i paranoici"
Un cristiano con disabilità mentale in Pakistan è stato arrestato in base alla legge sulla blasfemia, dopo che un vicino musulmano fuori dalla sua casa lo ha sentito discutere dentro, hanno riferito fonti.

Betty • 5 years ago

You got quite a blog going here, good for you.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

I do not love Jews, but I love only the Israelis!
io non amo gli ebrei, ma, io amo soltanto gli israeliani!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

I'm not guilty if the Israelis fell in love with me!
I prepared myself from before the creation of the world to make love with all of them

io mi sono preparato da prima della creazione del mondo per fare l'amore con tutti loro
Non sono colpevole se gli israeliani si sono innamorati di me!