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cammo99 • 4 years ago

Humor is the best medicine and a healthy response sometimes to the evils of men.

Efram Paul • 4 years ago

And Corbyn is an evil of man.

Uncle Dave • 4 years ago

Mocking the evil is sometimes fun too!

Peter Spett • 4 years ago

Corbyn is not descending to the gutter, because he is already there !
Can’t go lower ( not sure ?! )

Phil Copson • 4 years ago

It's only a few feet from the gutter to the sewer - and that's where this evil little sh*t is heading....

TUC • 4 years ago

The sewer, maybe?

Doctormhl1 • 4 years ago

Perhaps Jeremy Corbyn's words might be considered funny except for the fact that his anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are so serious, and dangerous.The honorable thing for Corbyn to do now is to commit suicide by means of Hara-kiri. Now THAT would be really funny.

Uncle Dave • 4 years ago

Many people and groups on our planet have this same affliction; Hatred. And I don't think it's "curable". Therefore, it may have to be isolated and eliminated.

Efram Paul • 4 years ago

Especially if he took his time doing it.

szotar • 4 years ago

You can't descend into something if you have been there all along, you filthy nazi rat.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

è tutto vero.. alieni (sono demoni Ogm 666 Bayer 322 Monsanto SpA) e sacerdoti di satana della CIA: hanno teletrasportato dagli USA, per me, una prostituta: e la hanno anche messa in una macchina: offerta da agenti locali.. ma, io la ho gelata, quella bestia indemoniata: con un solo sguardo!
USA dispongono di una tecnologia capace di trasportare una persona dovunque in meno di un'ora: https://it sputniknews com/mondo/201912148413310-usa-dispongono-di-una-tecnologia-capace-di-trasportare-una-persona-dovunque-in-meno-di-unora/
"Questa tecnologia è già disponibile oggi e non è l'evoluzione di nessun altra tecnologia; essa è in grado di far andare un individuo da un qualunque punto del nostro pianeta ad un altro in meno di un'ora", ha dichiarato l'ex ufficiale.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] se il mio Regno di ISRAELE sarà fatto fallire, o comunque: dopo di esso?
assai felici tutti quei bambini che non sono mai nati:
perché dopo di me tutti diventeranno indemoniati per colpa tua!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

India: cittadinanza, scontri a Delhi
Forte tensione nel nord-est, coprifuoco e sospensione internet
la LEGA ARABA ha spinto sharia: e sta tutt'ora sta spingendo jihad: nel genocidio sharia Ummah: tutti i popoli del mondo!
tutti i mussulmani devono essere privati dei diritti politici e devono essere trasformati in schiavi dhimmis!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Macron il parassita piattola: che affama 8 nazioni africane: e nemico mortale degli italiani, ecc.. lui mette in guardia Gran Bretagna contro concorrenza "sleale" con l'UE dopo Brexit
La dichiarazione del presidente francese Macron arriva da Bruxelles, in seguito alla schiacciante vittoria di Boris Johnson alle elezioni.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

1. attualmente gli USA: regime massonico ebraico demoniaco: sono la più la grande minaccia per il genere umano,
(tu guarda come i satanisti Biden calunniano TRUMP)
2. poi, segue, per pericolosità letale: i loro complici: OCI Iran Erdogan e i wahhabiti: genocidio sharia!
3. così i comunisti bolscevichi con il comunismo, loro cercheranno di trasformare in schiavi tutti i popoli!
4. ma saranno i pinguini lgbt e le scimmie Darwin di: UE l'anticristo quelli che prenderanno il controllo per la manifestazione dell'ultimo anticristo finale!!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Rivlin my President ] in Twitter i sacerdoti di Satana della CIA 666 lgbt: massoni di ingegneria sociale e partito democratico Biden-Pelosi (il cesso) mi hanno scritto ed hanno detto.. "tu sei stato bloccato definitivamente da noi, ok, allora, perché adesso tu non cancelli tutti i tuoi account?"
tu lo vedi loro mi stanno molestando!

Jim Moritz • 4 years ago

Methinks Jeremy doth protest too much🙃‼️

Efram Paul • 4 years ago

Yes, and I am sure he does not understand the irony.

qith • 4 years ago

Honestly no, Jeremy, we are not laughing WITH you, we are laughing AT you.

Rochelle • 4 years ago

unfortunately, "media cannot play the video" = MORE CENSORSHIP!

Amir • 4 years ago

Why is this guy with a Kippah is doing next to Corbyn?

Phil Copson • 4 years ago

un_roman's account of "the politician's circumscription" doesn't really shed much light on your question re why "this guy with a kippah" is standing next to Corbyn. Yosef David and the others are not there "because they've paid £500 to be on the stage behind the politician" - (and definitely not because they are Corbyn supporters) - they are there because they are the candidates for that Parliamentary seat and hope to become politicians themselves. It's part of a sensible tradition of keeping the workings of democracy transparent and honest - all the candidates gather on stage while the Returning Officer reads out the number of votes won by each and declares the winner. It puts the top political leaders on the same footing as any Joe Average who wants to put themselves forward for election, and also gives the public the chance to reflect that even The Monster Raving Loony Party might be preferable to an evil little man like Corbyn. (This public accountability at election-time partly explains why politics is also known as "Showbiz for ugly people"....)

un_roman • 4 years ago

The same thing as the guy with the funny hat is doing. In UK there is this tradition, you have to be part of the politician's electoral circumscription, need to pay 500 pounds or so, and so you can be on that stage behind the politician while he's giving his after election speech. So actually behind him are not necessarily his supporters, but any citizen that fulfills the requirements.

MrRimmer • 4 years ago

Wow! that was so wrong!

RYAN • 4 years ago

Jeremy is ready for the bin...right to the core. Maybe his next point of office can be the Vatican I hear they're hiring.

Sandra katz • 4 years ago

Saying,""We did not descend into the gutter"reminds me of when Hitler praised his soldiers for keeping their humanity while they murdered people. This was a near miss, I am still worried, How could he and his sicafants have got so close. shame Labour shame.

alpcns . • 4 years ago

In the near future the name Corbyn will be adjunctive to horrid diseases, such as staphylococcal infections.

Ann Johnstone • 4 years ago

Why was the video censored? Surely the public have the right to know 'the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!'

Howard Fox • 4 years ago

Ann what truth are you missing? please share.

Steve • 4 years ago

He did not descend to the gutter, he ascended from the sewer.

JasperFarnsworthy • 4 years ago

Priceless response!

daized79 • 4 years ago

Well the campaign wasn't antisemitic--just the Labour candidates were...

Guest • 4 years ago
Jim Moritz • 4 years ago

True, but laughing at this bigot makes its point and demeans him beyond his resignation.

Uncle Dave • 4 years ago

The true problem, like many in the Demon-crat party, is that they truly believe that they are not evil. They believe the vile and hatred coming out of their mouths to be the correct action.
I don't know how their brains get wired this way, but Hitler, Hamas, N.Korea, and many others truly believe this is the best way for their people and government... I don't know if you can "cure" hatred.

Eric • 4 years ago

This is clearly doctored video.

Howard Fox • 4 years ago

If it is "clearly doctored" please explain how and for what purpose?