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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

myself? [Detected as spam]
but, the criminal project of the democratic party: Soros Pd Rothschild Rochefeller NWO? this was understood by everyone and therefore the peoples are called "populists and sovereignists"]

myself? [Detected as spam] [south africa-the-extermination-of-white-continues-hannah-kidnapped-raped-and-massacred-to-death / Hannah Cornelius is yet another victim of the silent genocide:
that Rothschild and the Democratic Party have designed: against Christian Hebrew civilization:
that: South Africa is exterminating the white population,
therefore the civilization of the Bible is destroyed and every antichrist is good: both in South Africa, as in every other part of the world.
in South Africa: after the dismantling of Apartheid? they imposed an Apartheid on the contrary.
So the western nations betrayed by accomplices rothschild: Junker Trudeau Merkel, MAY, Macron etc .. the scum,
they are preparing a brutal Islamic martyrdom for their peoples, who will one day live the same drama (which they are already experiencing). The 21-year-old girl was kidnapped by the usual band of Neri, beaten up, beaten up, raped and slaughtered in South Africa, this is the extermination of whites that continues throughout the world:

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

me? [ Detected as spam ]
ma, il progetto criminale del partito democratico: Soros Pd Rothschild Rochefeller NWO? questo è stato compreso da tutti e quindi i popoli sono chiamati "populisti e sovranisti" ]

me? [ Detected as spam ] [ sudafrica-lo-sterminio-dei-bianchi-continua-hannah-rapita-stuprata-e-massacrata-a-morte/ Hannah Cornelius è l’ennesima vittima del silenzioso genocidio:
che Rothschild e il Partito democratico hanno progettato: contro la civiltà ebraico cristiana:
che: il Sud Africa sta sterminando la popolazione bianca,
quindi si distrugge la civiltà della Bibbia e ogni anticristo è buono: sia in Sudafrica, come in ogni altra parte del mondo.
in Sudafrica: dopo lo smantellamento dell’Apartheid? hanno imposto un Apartheid al contrario.
Quindi le nazioni occidentali tradite da complici rothschild: Junker Trudeau Merkel, MAY, Macron ecc.. la feccia,
stanno preparando un martirio islamico brutale ai loro popoli, che un giorno vivranno lo stesso dramma (che lo stanno già vivendo). La ragazza di 21 anni è stata rapita dalla solita banda di Neri, massacrata di botte, rapinata, stuprata e sgozzata in Sudafrica, questo è lo sterminio dei bianchi che continua iin tutto il mondo: continua

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

President Putin Vladimir and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov? they are two idiots!
we all understood that TRUMP is blackmailed by the rothschild democratic party and that he has nothing against them!
so the US and Russia must raise levels of mutual participation

President Putin Vladimir and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov? sono due idioti!
lo abbiamo capito tutti che TRUMP è ricattato dal partito democratico rothschild e che lui non ha niente contro di loro!
quindi USA e Russia devono elevare i livelli di partecipazione reciproca

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

mankind sinks into despair and Russians and Chinese do not have a humanistic project with the US, no, they only think of doing business!
then they use against us their geopolitics and their being become a superpower .. says: Lavrov bla bla bla: they whine but do not have a global project of international collective improvement Lavrov: "USA in the negotiations use the arrogance
Washington in the negotiations uses the arrogance to assert its points of view, Russia will not be unconditionally lowered to US demands, said Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

il genere umano sprofonda nella disperazione e russi e cinesi non hanno un progetto umanistico con USA, no, loro pensano soltanto a fare i commerciati!
quindi usano contro di noi la loro geopolitica e il loro essere diventati una superpotenza.. dice: Lavrov bla bla bla: piagnucolano ma non hanno un progetto globale di miglioramento collettivo internazionale Lavrov :"USA nei negoziati usano la prepotenza
Washington nei negoziati usa la prepotenza per far valere i propri punti di vista, la Russia non si abbasserà incondizionatamente alle richieste USA, ha dichiarato il ministero degli Esteri della Russia Sergey Lavrov.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

what does it mean? all that is wrong with the sodoma Imam Rothschild Democratic Party FED IMF BM NWO? FB blocks it! of my Facebook channels? I can not do anything about it! Russia, Facebook blocks a blogger's post with the best wishes for February 23rd
Facebook has blocked the post of the blogger Sergey Kolyasnikov (Zergulio) dedicated to the day of the defenders of the homeland.

che significa? tutto quello che non va nel sodoma Imam Rothschild Partito democratico FED FMI BM NWO? FB lo blocca! dei miei canali Facebook? io non me ne posso fare niente! Russia, Facebook blocca il post di un blogger con gli auguri per il 23 febbraio
Facebook ha bloccato il post del blogger Sergey Kolyasnikov (Zergulio) dedicato alla giornata dei difensori della patria.

Laura H. Andre • 5 years ago

So disappointed when looking to connect w/ group in my community, then learning their focus is more "two-state peace" rather than for Israel as a nation. *sigh* Can they not already see the results of that compromise? b/t/w it's J Street (now dubbed More Jewish American Dems).

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Abbas made a cynical calculation: he already knows: how many citizens are willing to lose in a week.
Because Islam is a world threat demon!

Abbas ha fatto un calcolo cinico: lui già sa: quanti cittadini è disposto a perdere in una settimana.
Perché Islam è un demonio di minaccia mondiale!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

if you have mercy on the Muslims? you are spitting on your children's blood! in the ARABA LEAGUE they did not have mercy pity of 56 previous Christian nations, all have suffered the shariah genocide, today Muslims are termites a world threat Erdogan Iran Riad! I am Observatory on Martyrdom Christians of 30, that Shariah listens to me? Hi, my name is Hamza, I'm 18 years old.
Yesterday they killed me, I dreamed of a #Palestina free.
That in the picture on the ground, it's me.
The other is Hassan 14 years, also killed him. pic twitter com/ywAc16oZDf

se hai pietà dei mussulmani? stai sputando sul sangue dei tuoi figli! nella LEGA ARABA non hanno avuto pietà pietà di 56 Nazioni cristiane precedenti, tutte hanno subito il genocidio shariah, oggi mussulmani sono termiti una minaccia mondiale Erdogan Iran Riad! io sono Osservatorio su Martirio Cristiani da 30, che shariah mi ascolta? ciao mi chiamo Hamza, ho 18anni.
Ieri mi hanno ucciso, sognavo una #Palestina libera.
Quello nella foto per terra, sono io.
L'altro è Hassan 14 anni, ucciso anche lui.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Blackmail to the infamous Bezos traitor, enemy of the people and accomplice Pd FED FMI BM NWO government regime 666 CIA 322 NSA, parallel government Ombra Bilderberg. Prosecution Pd 666 Soros Troika Merkel initiates investigations

Ricatto a infame traditore Bezos, nemico del popolo e complice Pd FED FMI BM NWO regime governo 666 CIA 322 NSA, governo parallelo Ombra Bilderberg. procura Pd 666 Soros Troika Merkel avvia indagini

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

ok, skipped the deal? now out of the pubenda or pudenda !!! management of the extramarital affair of the patron of Amazon freak Jeff Bezos, who claimed to have been blackmailed by American Media Inc (Ami) with the threat of the publication of his photos and spicy sms with his lover

ok, saltato l'accordo? ora fuori le pubenda o pudenda!!! gestione della vicenda extraconiugale del patron di Amazon freak Jeff Bezos, che ha denunciato di essere stato ricattato da American Media Inc (Ami) con la minaccia della pubblicazione di sue foto osè e di sms piccanti con la sua amante

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

a Rothschild society 666 Bush 322 Obama Kerry Hillay (the spliiit) that makes prostitutes important? It is not worthy to be called civil society!
payment of $ 150,000 from the tycoon campaign to the Playboy bunny Karen McDougal in exchange for her alleged love story with Trump, a story that was later buried by the tabloid.

una società Rothschild 666 Bush 322 Obama Kerry Hillay (la spaccata) che fa diventare importanti le prostitute? Non è degna di dirsi società civile!
pagamento di 150 mila dollari da parte della campagna del tycoon alla coniglietta di Playboy Karen McDougal in cambio dei diritti sulla sua presunta love story con Trump, vicenda poi sepolta dal tabloid.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Abc, denaro donazioni a legale Kushner ABC, money donations to legal Kushner

only the donations that Saudi Arabia makes to Hillary are legal donations!
soltanto le donazioni che fa l'Arabia Saudita a Hillary sono donazioni legali!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

corrupt and sold rothschild Pd Syndicates in the square, Landini leads the protest: #TUTTI #FELICI #E # D '# AGREEMENT
The tone of the clash is raised by foreign countries attacking unions in the square, partisan talkers, subjugated commentators criticize the government to stop it!
Because they did not manifest when they abolished the art. 18

corrotti e venduti rothschild Pd Sindacati in piazza, Landini guida la protesta: #TUTTI #FELICI #E #D’#ACCORDO
Si alza il tono dello scontro paesi stranieri che attaccano sindacati in piazza,tv di parte sparlano, opinionisti asserviti criticano il governo per fermarlo!
Perché non hanno manifestato quando abolivano l'art. 18

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

all the love of Soros and Pd for the Italian people. Wounded agent Viareggio, stopped during anti-drugs checks in the pinewood of Ponente in Viareggio. He is a 20-year-old Moroccan, irregular immigrant, already known to the police.

☩UniusREI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide
tutto l'amore di Soros e Pd per il popolo italiano. Agente ferito Viareggio, fermato durante controlli antidroga nella pineta di Ponente a Viareggio. E' un ventenne marocchino, immigrato irregolare, già conosciuto alle forze dell'ordine.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Pd Soros nigeriano 25enne Violenta e strappa falange alla vittima
Pd Nigerian 25 year old Violent and tears phalanx to the victim

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

#China the wisdom of the fresh water, unique dialogue via Venezuela
'Problems of Venezuela must be solved by the Venezuelan people' ANSWER. So why do not you want them to vote? I doubt the Communists have great respect for the people!
since they say they are better than the Masons Satanists Macron

#Cina la saggezza dell'acqua fresca, dialogo unica via per Venezuela
'Problemi del Venezuela vanno risolti dal popolo venezuelano' ANSWER. Allora perché non li vuoi far votare? dubito io che i comunisti abbiano un grande rispetto per il popolo!
dato che loro dicono di essere migliori dei satanisti massoni Macron

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

and then, Macron complains of Erdogan and MADURO: executioner tyrants, as they are both.
Yellow waistcoats, fights in Paris
At Assemblée Nationale. A demonstrator, he lost his hand

e poi, Macron si lamenta di Erdogan e MADURO: tiranni boia, come lui sono entrambi.
Gilet gialli, scontri a Parigi
Presso Assemblée Nationale.Ferito manifestante, ha perso la mano

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Europee: Loiseau sfida Di Maio
Europeans: Loiseau challenge Di Maio

Minister France goose crazy says: "if you will join in yellow vests if you will see it with us"
but the M5S are all yellow sodomites, by genetic constitution: "your biggest nightmare"..
Ministro Francia oca pazza dice:" se si unirà a gilet gialli se la vedrà con noi"
ma i M5S sono tutti sodomiti gialli, per costituzione genetica: "il vostro incubo più grande"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Usa 2020, Elizabeth Warren is candid, these of the Democratic Party are a rothschild regime, a FED Bilderberg coup, a whole democratic usurpation, TRUMP makes the biggest mistake to look for a dialogue with them!

Usa 2020, Elizabeth Warren si candida
questi del Partito Democratico sono un regime rothschild, un Golpe FED Bilderberg, tutta una usurpazione democratica, TRUMP fa il più grande errore a cercare un dialogo con loro!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Yellow vest, burned police car /2SBEhlw
and Minister Castaner expresses 'indignation' and 'disgust' for all citizens, whom Macron has killed and scarred for life

Gilet gialli, incendiata auto polizia e Ministro Castaner esprime 'indignazione' e 'disgusto' per tutti i cittadini, che Macron ha ucciso e sfregiato a vita

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Ovadia Yosef (in ebraico: עובדיה יוסף ; in arabo: عبد الله يوسف 'Abdullah Youssef); Baghdad, 24 settembre 1920 – Gerusalemme, 7 ottobre 2013) ] [ ] it is useless, you from hell with your kabbalah rabbis, you try to convince me: about the 666 star Rothschild on the Israeli flag Baal Rivlin Ja-bull-On. if you can not prove to me that it belonged to King David? that single esoteric swastika Hitler? it will be destroyed !!

è inutile che, tu dall'inferno con i tuoi rabbini kabbalah, tu cerchi di convincere me: circa la 666 stella Rothschild sulla bandiera di Israele Baal Rivlin Ja-bull-On. se non riuscirete a dimostrami che apparteneva al Re Davide? quel singolo esoterico svastica Hitler? sarà distrutto!!

Stephanie Wilson • 5 years ago

i love this stuff! i shared everywhere. i recommend everyone else do the same. #standbyisrael

Nichus Block • 5 years ago

This is good, but the muzzie brotherhood, SJP, and other anti-Israel groups are increasing using the legal system to fight Israel. Jewish legal talent should have a huge advantage here and needs to do a lot more.

Jonatan • 5 years ago

Step 2 start taking action on lawsuit against BDS activity from past 2years.

Richard DiBenedetto • 5 years ago

There has been no successful prosecutions in States with Anti-BDS Laws. Each legal challenge to Anti-BDS Laws has resulted in the Law being ruled unconstitutional. This is a paper victory without legal merit.

Dave Kaplan • 5 years ago

That's a lie and either you know it or you are an ignoramus. Which is it? There is no third alternative.

Richard DiBenedetto • 5 years ago

Arkansas and Arizona are two States that have overturned anti-BDS Laws. You're awfully sure of yourself for someone who doesn't check facts.

ProclaimLiberty • 5 years ago

Examples, please? I've read of challenges that failed to prove violation of the 1rst Amendment. On what other basis are challenges being raised? I don't recall if any actual anti-BDS law has been ruled unconstitutional, or if that is merely the false basis that has been used to argue against passage of such laws.

Richard DiBenedetto • 5 years ago

Arizona cannot enforce a law that prevents companies that contract with the state from boycotting Israel, a federal judge ruled Thursday.
In issuing the order, U.S. District Court Judge Diane Humetewa wrote that the state law likely infringes on contractors' free-speech and assembly rights guaranteed under the First Amendment.
"A restriction of one's ability to participate in collective calls to oppose Israel unquestionably burdens the protected expression of companies wishing to engage in such a boycott," she wrote
Source: AZ Central News - September 2018

ProclaimLiberty • 5 years ago

"Likely"? That doesn't sound like a constitutional determination. No doubt this law, and the one just passed by the Senate, will be appealed to reach SCOTUS eventually. But crying fire in a crowded theater is not protected speech, nor is incitement to riot. Incitement to boycott may end up as restraint of trade under the commerce clause, thus not protected under A1. Other problems arise from private interference with foreign policy that is the purview solely of the executive branch.

Richard DiBenedetto • 5 years ago

When Arnold Schwarzenegger was Governor of California .he invested $300 million dollars of Public Employee Pension Funds upon advice from Jewish supporters. The entire sum disappeared in Startup Nation. Making laws requiring Universities, corporations and government investments in Israel instead of safer more practical investments in many other arenas is bad legislation.
I expect anti-BDS Laws to end up being decided in the US Supreme Court and found to be unconstitutional for a host of reasons. We'll have to wait and see.

ProclaimLiberty • 5 years ago

Insisting that governments invest taxpayer funds wisely has nothing to do with anti-BDS legislation, Richard. If such legislation is not prohibited by 1A speech protections, then what constitutional grounds can you imagine might do so, particularly since BDS itself borders on being a hate-crime?

Guest • 5 years ago
Dave Kaplan • 5 years ago

fTrue Democrat Jews will vote for the Party even is they enact a law to round them up and exterminate them. Must be okay if it will keep the Republicans out, right?

Stuart Kaufman • 5 years ago

We already know. They are tied to the theology of the Left. There is no Judaism in their "Jewishness."

Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr would have adamantly opposed BDS legislation, as would Senator Barbara Jordan (D-TX), a firm and steadfast supporter of Israel.

Avi Miron • 5 years ago

I have been a Democrat all my life. However every Democratic Senator running for President had voted against this bill. I guess that I will not vote for President this year. Although Trump has been great for Israel...mostly by leaving her alone, I cannot vote for him just because of Israel while he damages the USA.... so I'll probably sit this one out.

bev • 5 years ago

how exactly has he damaged the U.S. Wow-I can see so many positive things he has accomplished that I dot understand what you are saying. less regulations, lower taxes for middle class, more companies back in U.S. more jobs for everyone, trying to modernize the hopelessly outdated immigration policies, makng the southern border safer for the citizens----and lots more. so how has this damaged U.S.

BonniePrinceCharlie • 5 years ago

How has President Trump damaged the USA? By presiding over an administration which has lowered unemployment; which has created hundreds of thousands of jobs; which has attracted record levels of inward investment; which has strengthened the American military; which is negotiating more equitable trade deals with other countries; which has introduced tax cuts; which has strengthened bonds with friends and stood up to enemies etc etc etc and which is set on following this pathway to economic benefits for all? Which of these damaged America?

Avi, get real.

Stephanie Wilson • 5 years ago

wow. damages the usa. okaaaaaaaaaaaay

Michael • 5 years ago

Trump Derangement Syndrome sabotages an individuals ability to discern the difference between facts and propaganda. Consider for a moment, this is not the Democrat party you excitedly bought into in your idealistic youth. Sadly, you and many others have become addicted to a perverted ideology but a very cleverly twisted brainwashing of untruths. This fear and hate mongering is the worst of America. As a recovering Democrat myself, I discovered there is an alternative patriotic message that is in alignment with the principals our nation was founded on, our Constitution. I challenge you to get beyond the messenger (Donald Trump) and discover the far more important message that has until now, eluded you.

Addiction is a terrible thing. Surrendering your free will to a political institution is a form of addiction. I invite you to climb outside the box, take a breath, step back.... and consider possibility. Scary, right? If I am not me, who am I?

ktchnsnk1 • 5 years ago

Only real damage is to liberal mythology.

Avi Miron • 5 years ago

There is no such thing as liberal mythology. The sad thing is that this country is being controlled by minority factions in each party and as Jews we ought to recognize that neither the extreme left nor the extreme right are our Friends regardless of what they say to appease us. Extremists will always attack us or blame us whenever possible.

Steve S... • 5 years ago

Voting for Obama by Democratic Jews twice is a crime against Israel.
I don't think you hear any bashing of Israel from Republicans, but you definitely hear from Democrats.
What are the damages that you say that Trump did to the USA ?
is it that he wants a wall to keep out illegals and criminals, or is it that he reduced the taxes by 300 Billion or is it 4 million jobs created since the election or is it the Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent. .

Nichus Block • 5 years ago

There is plenty of anti-semitism among Chump's supporters however.

ProclaimLiberty • 5 years ago

There is plenty of everything to be found among Trump supporters, good and bad, because there are so many of them. That is not what characterizes either him, his party, or his policies, nonetheless.

Stephanie Wilson • 5 years ago

like trump can control who likes him and who doesn't. holy crap. trump must have divine power. come on, seriously????? that scumbag racist david duke just endorsed tulsi gabbard, should i hold that against her? h-ll no!

Steve S... • 5 years ago

I am talking about people in power the Senate or Congress, individuals you always going to have even some on the republican side against Israel, but you will find a lot more on the side of the democrat.
Supporter of BDS the women march.

Mark Popyack • 5 years ago

Yes there is such a thing as Liberal Mythology you are just afraid to admit it.