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Tooi de Vry • 5 years ago

One word......twat.

Maria Darvell • 5 years ago

Please euthanize Jeremy Corbyn, he is evil and obviously has no idea of Israel's very, very long history and the hell they have endured, including my own mother's time in Auschwitz. I am an American now, no longer British but he is a damn pig and I am shocked and hope the British wake up and smell the roses and not let this man anywhere near Downing Street. May God Bless You All - except for that pig.

Gershon Perry • 5 years ago

To drowning street.

I'll watch from frowning street

Upon the downing of his party

With him leading the lot.

Maria Darvell • 5 years ago

That is funny!

Riva Shpak • 5 years ago

'Damn pig' is a compliment. This man is a mean monster. Why would one like him even care about the Israel's history, or Jewish peoples' suffering? I just don't understand why a man like him is allowed to be televised and broadcasted over the world. Shame on Britain. This 'sweetly talking' man indeed deserves a bullet.

Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

Ditto !!

Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

Ditto !

Tina USA • 5 years ago

His right to exist definitely comes into question. Euthanasia? Now there’s a thought:)

Tina USA • 5 years ago

PS, not sure how long you’ve been a citizen of the US but welcome, we’re glad to have you.

ShemSilber4 • 5 years ago

Who in the world is Jeremy Corbyn ANYWAY? Isaiah 40:15 applies: "Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance; behold the isles [including the U.K.!] are as a mote in weight." So, if all the nations are comparable to the dust that doesn't affect how the balances register, what degree of microscopic is one little pipsqueak who denies the right of the State of Israel to exist?

When Corbyn learns that Isaiah 45:23 applies to him as well as anyone, and he will jolly well EAT HIS WORDS when he learns it means what it says, to wit: "By Myself have I sworn, the word is gone forth from My mouth in righteousness, and shall not come back, that unto Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear."

HalleluYAH and amein, in the Name of the Restorer of the Kingdom to both houses of Israel, Judah and Ephraim (Ezekiel 37), the Chief Zionist and lover of Israel, the Rock of Israel, the absolute Guarantor of, !"עם ישראל חי" / "Am Yisrael chai"! / "The people of Israel live"! namely, the Master Yahusha our Messiah, amein!

David Nevans • 5 years ago

Corbyn just opens mouth and puts his foot into it.

It will be interesting to see his comments about the forth coming war in the middle East which Israel shall win.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

è stato detto dal Corano ] Quando pensavi che non potesse andare peggio per il leader del Partito laburista del Regno Unito, Jeremy Corbyn, emerge un'altra delle sue interviste anti-israeliane da parte dell'Iran's PressTV.
Un altro esempio di ostilità esibito dal leader del Partito Laburista Jeremy Corbyn nei confronti di Israele è stato esposto martedì nella forma di un'intervista rilasciata alla tv iraniana, in cui sembra mettere in discussione il diritto all'esistenza di Israele.
Parlando con la PressTV iraniana nel maggio 2011, Corbyn ha detto che ritiene che la BBC sia di parte in favore di Israele perché è disposta a dire che Israele ha il diritto di esistere.
Il fatto che quest'uomo stia conducendo il partito laburista nel Regno Unito è sbalorditivo.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

this of Jeremy Corbyn is a trace of "religious archeology" in ISLAM, in fact, it was the Great Sanhedrin to create: Satanic Talmud and kabbalah black magic,
so in way: worse: the Great Synedrio also created: Satanic Quran and ummah black magic!
because the Great Sanhedrin: Spa FED IMF BM NWO UE; CIA 666 UK 322 AIPAC Neocon NATO:
they are the source of the Kingdom of Satan: the irreducible enemies of Jesus of Bethlehem

questa di Jeremy Corbyn è una traccia "di archeologia religiosa" in ISLAM, infatti, è stato il Grande Sinedrio a creare: Talmud Satanico e kabbalah magia nera,
così in modo: più difettoso: il Grande sinedrio ha creato anche: Corano satanico e ummah magia nera!
perché il Grande Sinedrio: Spa FED FMI BM NWO UE; CIA 666 UK 322 AIPAC Neocon NATO:
proprio loro sono la fonte del Regno di Satana: i nemici irriducibili di Gesù di Betlemme

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

#Netanjahu io sono nato di venerdì ore 16,00, ed oggi è San Lorenzo Diacono e martire, il giorno del mio onomastico!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

#Netanjahu ma, se non ti puoi concedere delle vacanze tu, come potrei concedemerle io?
#Netanjahu but, if you can not give yourself vacations, how could I grant them to myself?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

#Netanjahu ] you know it [ Corbyn said: "Israel's has NO Right to Exist on Iranian TV" for Shiite shariahs? even the Sunnis have no right to exist, and vice versa, how could May Macron and Merkel survive? they are already dead!
per shariah sciiti? anche i sunniti non hanno diritto di esistere, e viceversa, come potrebbe sopravvivere May Macron e Merkel? loro sono già morti!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

another victim of the slanders of the Jews Enlightened pharisees Rothschild Morgan Rochefeller, and their talmud! San Lorenzo, seeing his bishop of Rome Sisto (then his Pope) led to martyrdom, began to cry not because he was led to die, but because he had to survive to him. Where do you go father without your son (Saint Lorenzo was a deacon of Rome) Where do you rush without your deacon? He will die three days after 10 / August, also him like a martyr. Today San Lorenzo is venerated

San Lorenzo vedendo il suo vescovo di Roma Sisto ( quindi Papa) condotto al martirio, iniziò a piangere non perché era condotto a morire, ma perché doveva sopravvivergli. Dove vai padre senza il tuo figlio ( san Lorenzo era diacono di Roma) Dove ti affretti senza il tuo diacono? Morirà tre giorni dopo il 10/agosto anch'egli martire. Oggi si venera san Lorenzo

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

every antichrist is also an infamous traitor:
all are infamous: L-G-B-T, Satanists, usurers, Masons, Pharisees, Islamic Communists, Nazis:
they put the net under the feet of the unhappy innocent poor.

ogni anticristo è anche un infame traditore:
sono infami tutti i: L-G-B-T, satanisti, usurai, massoni, farisei, islamici comunisti, nazisti:
loro mettono la rete sotto i piedi dei poveri infelici innocenti.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Netanjahu] brother [all those who would kill me? they could not survive without me!
and how could immortal metaphysics be killed? this murder is just impossible to achieve!

Netanjahu ] fratello [ tutti quelli che mi vorrebbero uccidere? non potrebbero sopravvivere senza di me!
e come si potrebbe uccidere la metafisica immortale? questo omicidio è proprio impossibile da poter realizzare!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

like every shariah, even Jeremy Corbyn is a universal genocide, a hypocrite, a religious maniac of serial murderer: the theology of substitution without respect and without reciprocity: a folly of: self-harm, suicide and nihilism of the Democrats for their own extinction

come ogni shariah, anche Jeremy Corbyn è un genocidio universale, un ipocrita, un maniaco religioso di assassino seriale: la teologia della sostituzione senza rispetto e senza reciprocità: una follia di: autolesionismo, suicidio e nichilismo dei democratici per la loro stessa estinzione

Megiddo • 5 years ago

Ignorance of CORBYN displayed. He has not read God's WORD. He knows 'nothing' of the truth. Satan's pawn

George Parker • 5 years ago


Tony Clarke • 5 years ago

Jeremy Corbyn, The best man the Conservatives have !!!

George Parker • 5 years ago

They are almost as bad. The well-being of our nation is in the balance as a result of islamisation. So who do they install as Home Secretary Sajid Javid. from wiki ..... "As Home Secretary, Javid took a more liberal approach to immigration than previously, lifting the immigration cap for NHS doctors and nurses and softening the “hostile environment” policy." If only that was the full extent of his crimes. He now jails journalists for their anti political-islam views.

Marlena VanHelsing • 5 years ago

One of Satans ugly messengers..try as they may they will ultimately fail

agnes losonczi • 5 years ago


Don Spilman • 5 years ago

“The fact that this man is leading the UK Labour party is astounding.“
Yes the fact that there are enough Brits to keep this pile of s——— in some form of political power is truly an indictment on the whole pitiful nation.

George Parker • 5 years ago

It pains me to say this but you are correct. The problem is many politically disinterested people, still think the Labour Party is the champion of the working class in 1920's Great Britain. Terms I have chosen carefully. The same people often say "My grandfather and father voted Labour all their lives. Therefore so will I." As if the 21st century reality is in some way identical to the early 20th.
The nature of our great united kingdom has changed beyond all recognition. Due to misguided post colonial guilt arising from the "white mans burden." The misguided notion that all cultures are equal and a multicultural utopia is somehow achievable. Therein lies the problem.
The rot set in post world war one but that is a discussion for another time and place.

Don Spilman • 5 years ago

Don’t be to pained George you and I have agreed on several things, I give you ups fairly often. We just don’t agree on the solution, I can live with that. As you say about Labour there, so with the EXTREMELY IGNORANT dimdems here. I have old family members and neighbors that are so pitifully stupid on p c and politics in general I have no relationship with them whatever. I don’t take fools lightly any more, they are blatantly voting destruction upon my country.

Robert Segal • 5 years ago

Has Corbyn ever visited Israel? Ha! Has he ever visited a concentration camp? Has he ever read a history of Israel? He is an exceptionally ignorant and stupid fellow. In Prime Minister's Questions he is incapable of doing more than reading the script written out for him by his handlers? He can never respond to the replies given him. Would he ever debate someone who defended Israel? In all his decades of "public service" he has never said anything other than defamatory about Israel and about Jews. Can he even spell ISRAEL? Just what for him makes Israel racist? The fact that Jews have their own homeland? How many Jews are allowed to live at all in the backward Arab countries where he feels at home? He is a disgrace to Britain. He is an antisemite, and a happy one.

George Parker • 5 years ago

Actually Trots Corbyn is clever enough, never to voice his true views in public. He was and still is a soviet type communist, from the Jack Jones stable. The scumbag is in for a major shock if islam ever comes to dominate on the back of his delusional revolution.

Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

Corbyn doesn't care. He is so self-absorbed he cannot survive without adulation. It is all about him. His maturity level is less than my 13-year old daughter. He has no social graces to speak of and he is a bloody ignoramus. Basically, Corbyn is just White Trash.

barbarakelly • 5 years ago

Israel has been around alot longer then you in England you dirt bag- CORBYN... What a nut case.

George Parker • 5 years ago

Not really but let's not fall out over the past. Just wish Israel a happy 70th and hope/fight for many more. Something that seriously annoys comrade Trots Corbyn. Good!

yehoshua-quintin burbank • 5 years ago

Well,well Jeremy's at it again.He committing Treason against the U.K, and ignoring G-D contract or covenant which ever one feels is appropriate with ISRAEL.How does the U.K. put up with this anti-Semitic racist anal.G-D save the Queen and the U.K. the likes of him and his kind.Someone should put him a trash bag ,then chuck him into THAMES

Jim Moritz • 5 years ago

Simply another British anti-Semite. Some have British accents, some arab accents.

George Parker • 5 years ago

Thinking Trots Corbyn is simple, is a common mistake. Duplicitous, treacherous even treasonous would be more accurate. Underestimate him and his minions at your peril. He even has a paramilitary branch at his command. The cackle of hyenas within the leadership of UK ANTIFA. They attack his opponents with immunity, both at large and within within his own party.

Jim Moritz • 5 years ago

Not what I said George. Read more, comment less.

George Parker • 5 years ago

No Jim, I understood your comment perfectly. I simply used it as a "play on words." The correct term for which escapes me. It is 04:45hrs here in Blighty.

Gershon Perry • 5 years ago

For generation England and her elite has usurped so many countries and created so much havoc such as the division of Palestine and giving 4/5 to a f... family form Arabia... now this buffoon is questioning his own government's decisions. Well maybe we should reshuffle the cards and take Palestine for the Jews, the Israeli and the Hebrews and Kazzars and Ashkenazim and Sephardim and the 12 lost tribes what ever we are called by people who know us very little about us, but hate us very much.

if corby cares so much for the arabs in gaza and ramallah.. then the UK can offer them citizenship and welfare in the UK.. surely he will have no problems being re elected by his arab voters..

George • 5 years ago

The fact that he is allowed to live and breathe is a major crime in itself !!!!

Pauly • 5 years ago

Simply put, Corbin is a bufoon. He is almost as stupid as the Palestinians.

Pauly • 5 years ago

Simply put, Jeremy Corbin was, is and continue to be a dufoon. Almost lowering himself to the level of the Fakestinians.

Metrona • 5 years ago

Corbyn must be trying to get Muslim money to run his political campaigns! He'll probably get it!

Sam Cohen • 5 years ago

so according to Corbyn Israel is not a democracy,so what does that make iran and the rest of the muslim states? how much longer before Corbyn is called out by the the sane civilizes media for his anti semetic,anti Israel hate?

Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

Corbyn should be crucified on a wooden cross Roman style. Except, he's not coming back. This cancerous tumor should have been drowned years ago. That Labour and UK allow this Nazi to propagate his vomit is unbelievable. This is well beyond free speech. His Party could impeach him anytime, but they don't and that is because they agree with him. UK has a serious anti-Semitism problem and it isn't JUST Roger Waters, David Irving, Ken Livingstone and Jeremy Corbyn, but they are the tip of the iceberg. Nation by nation the Islamo-Left paradigm is taking over. Islamo-Leftism is a cancerous, pernicious, deadly disease. It is well past time to annihilate it.

alpcns . • 5 years ago

The fact that this man is leading the UK Labour party is not astounding at all - he's the perfect "progressive". Deluded, of course morally superior to anybody else, holier-than-thou, a natural backstabber with some "community organizer" (read: demagogue) skills but no real, factual knowledge or historical awareness - just like Zero.

Seriously, perfect for that party.

Nichus Block • 5 years ago

Sounds like you're describing Trump to a T.

alpcns . • 5 years ago

Are you certain of that, my good man.