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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

my ISRAEL shalom] those who in the Masonic youtube worldwide: government 666 NWO FED "lucifer SpA IMF eye" said: "no to Unius REI"? today they are dead!
I do not know how the Holy Spirit led me on youtube/ user/youtube discussion
and I do not know how the Holy Spirit led me here: on unitedwithisrael
but, of one thing I'm sure: my enemies will die!

my ISRAEL shalom ] quelli che nel Governo massonico mondiale di youtube dicevano: "no ad Unius REI"? oggi sono morti!
non so come lo Spirito Santo mi ha condotto su youtube/user/youtube discussion
e non so come lo Spirito Santo mi ha condotto quì: su unitedwithisrael
ma, di una cosa sono sicuro: i miei nemici moriranno!

Daniel Less • 5 years ago

Off your medication again? Can’t you simply just go away?
Preferably to another site, so the rest of us can get some peace and quite for once!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

we really wrote this: 2 days ago? I hate the NWO server (unitedwithisrael) when it distorts the time. because there is not much time left
about your somatic reaction, you should recognize that the demons told Jesus of Bethlehem the same things that you were saying to me

circa la tua reazione somatica, tu dovresti riconoscere che i demoni dicevano a Gesù di Betlemme le stesse cose che tu sati dicendo a me
veramente noi abbiamo scritto questo: 2 days ago? odio il server del NWO (unitedwithisrael) quando falsa il tempo. perché non c'é più molto tempo

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

I have never found a wisdom equal to yours all over the world, I will tell God to come and take lessons from you!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

monetary sovereignty: SIMEC! Giacinto Auriti is the inventor of the Income of Citizenship: this Beppe GRILLO: Blasphemus Gender GENDER #sessoFluid in Sodom: he knows it! but this means that it can not be issued: the income of citizenship without, possessing monetary sovereignty: SIMEC: that Rothschild the Satanist has stolen us!

sovranità monetaria: SIMEC! Giacinto Auriti è l'inventore del Reddito di Cittadinanza: questo Beppe GRILLO: Blasfemo Bestemmiatore GENDER #sessoFluido a Sodoma: lui lo sa! ma, questo significa che non può essere emesso: il reddito di cittadinanza senza, possedere la sovranità monetaria: SIMEC: che Rothschild il satanista ci ha rubato!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

qui ci sono i miei commenti facebook di mio: "lorenzoJHWH HumanumGenus" che sono invisibili per me

e quì ci sono sicuramente altri commenti: di altri utenti: che cono invisibili per me.
non potete dire più a Putin e Xi-Jinping che voi siete la demonio-crazia
unitedwithisrael /us-envoy-palestinian-authority-can-be-political-body-or-terror-sponsor-not-both/

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN Satan RIAD Allah Lilith IRAN] Rothschild Morgan Rochedeller Talmud, synagogue of satan: SpA FED IMF BM NWO, they know well that: a King: how: Unius REI can not be corrupted or tamed, however, if they make me kill: then , make everyone understand that it was they who designed the extermination of Hitler's Shaoh and the extermination of all Israelis: today.

Bin SALMAN Satana RIAD Allah Lilith IRAN ] Rothschild Morgan Rochedeller Talmud, sinagoga di satana: SpA FED FMI BM NWO, loro sanno bene che: un Re: come: Unius REI non si può corrompere o addomesticare, però, se mi fanno uccidere: poi, fanno capire a tutti che sono stati loro a progettare lo sterminio Shaoh di Hitler e lo sterminio di tutti gli israeliani: oggi.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

sovereignism and ownership of money? they are inseparable!
then, all Saud Salman Riad and the others deserve the death penalty: for high constitutional betrayal the banking seigniorage, but, will certainly go to hell .. because the current monetary system sets and spreads the satanisms: in contrast to the kingship of Jesus of Bethlehem!

sovranismo e proprietà della moneta? sono indissociabili!
poi, tutti gli altri meritano la pena di morte: per alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario e certo andranno all'inferno.. perché il sistema monetario attuale imposta e diffonde i satanismi: in contrapposizione alla regalità di Gesù di Betlemme!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

all Saud Salman Riad Rothschild Morgan Rochedeller Talmud, synagogue of satan: SpA FED IMF BM NWO, too little to enjoy a few decades: in this world to boil in hell for 1000 years, and then, the mercy of Unius REI will come to disintegrate you sharia!
troppo poco godere pochi decenni in questo mondo per bollire all'inferno per 1000 anni, e poi, arriverà la misericordia di Unius REI a disintegrarti!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

I'm sorry to contradict you but Giacinto Auriti was an enemy of the currency owned by SpA FED IMF ECB Rothschild, and his masonic 666 government Bilderberg: so he was an enemy of EURO and LIRA (which he called the communion of satan), that's why he invented the SIMEC

mi dispiace contraddirti ma Giacinto Auriti era nemico della moneta di proprietà di Rothschild quindi era nemico di EURO e LIRA (che chiamava la comunione di satana), ecco perché ha inventato il SIMEC

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN Egypt, IRAN Russia India, China, etc ..] I am here to claim the King's Throne DAVIDE: and all the rebels? they will be executed!

Bin SALMAN Egitto, IRAN Russia India, Cina, ecc.. ] io sono quì a rivendicare il Trono di Re DAVIDE: e tutti i ribelli? saranno eseguiti!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Giacinto Auriti scientist and Catholic saint. he was an enemy of the currency owned by fake national, and foreign SpA Rothschild 666 central banks that are ..... and also hypothesized a European currency owned by Europeans. ] I claim the throne of King DAVID: and all the rebels? they will be executed!

Giacinto Auriti scienziato e santo cattolico. lui era nemico della moneta proprietà di banche nazionali o straniere che siano .....e ipotizzava anche una moneta europea di proprietà degli europei. ] io rivendico il Trono di Re DAVIDE: e tutti i ribelli? saranno eseguiti!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

durante, i 20 mesi di fidanzamento: 99,9% erano: " si", un solo "no". lo Spirto SANTO aveva complottato contro il mio divino discernimento..
ma, per quel solo ed unico "no" (non detto espressamente), io certo avrei lasciato la mia fidanzata (oggi mia moglie) se, MacchiaPaolo il direttore del gruppo di preghiera del Rinnovamento dello Spirito Santo non si fosse messo a piangere!
ma, come mia moglie ha ottenuto l'anello di matrimonio al dito? tutti i suoi "no": erano diventi il 99,9%, ed allora, già durante il viaggio di luna di miele: in Norvegia: mi era già chiaro che nessun uomo avrebbe potuto mantenere in piedi quel matrimonio, ma, io ero un esorcista di successo: quindi ho portato avanti quel matrimonio!
non avrò difficoltà a dominare quella zitella acida di ISRAELE con amore e fermezza!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Israel the demoniac ie sour and barren sprouts ] [ during the 20 months of engagement: 99.9% were: "yes", only one "no". the Spirto SANTO had plotted against my divine discernment ..
but, for that one and only "no" (not expressly said), I certainly would have left my fiancée (today my wife) if, MacchiaPaolo the director of the prayer group of the Renewal of the Holy Spirit had not started crying!
Israele l'indemoniata ]
but, how my wife got the wedding ring on her finger? all his "no": they became 99.9%, and then, already during the honeymoon trip: in Norway: it was already clear to me that no man could keep that marriage on his feet, but, I was a successful exorcist: therefore, I have carried on that marriage!
and I will have no difficulty in dominating that sour branch of ISRAEL with love and firmness!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

USA promettono di continuare a lottare con l'UE contro l'aggressione russa:

USA promise to continue fighting with the EU against Russian aggression:

USA-promise-continue-bring-back-russia-u /

nobody doubts SALVINI and his loyalty to PUTIN:
given that because of Di Maio and GRILLO (accomplices Bilderberg) he can not keep his commitments

nessuno dubita di SALVINI e della sua fedeltà a PUTIN:
dato che per colpa di Di Maio e GRILLO (complici Bilderberg) lui non può mantenere i suoi impegni

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] idiota Allah, il tuo Satana Rothschild? lui non ha le armi contro il mio Regno di Dio!

naftali216 • 5 years ago

Already has been and has been recognized by the world as such. So much for a war on terror!

Maurice H • 5 years ago

Who is this nut underneath you?

Don Spilman • 5 years ago

Poor ol Lorenzo is a serious unbalanced creature.

Dajjal • 5 years ago

Terror is a tactic, not an enemy. Muslims are the enemy waging war on you; retaliate against them!

Maurice H • 5 years ago

The most pro Israel and pro Jewish administration ever isxstill by and large disliked by most American Jews. No they would rather have the Democrats led by Obama,- with people like Ellison,
Thomas Perez, and Octavio Cortez running this country! We Jews have always been stupid when it came to common sense. Did anyone hear any Black, Hispanic or Muslim leaders speak out against the synagogue attack? But we are the first to condemn “ racism” and attacks on them! I will be voting Republican for a long long time, and that includes 2020!

Dajjal • 5 years ago

They can not discern the difference between tribal mitzvot and government policy.

The government is not here to wipe their snouts or butts, feed them, clothe them, house them or fix a broken world. It is here to secure our lives, liberties and property.

Don Spilman • 5 years ago

They are MUZSLIME!!!! They ALL hate Jews they hate Israel, they hate anyone who helps or supports Israel. They are not doing “terror” they are doing IZSLIME!

Dajjal • 5 years ago

Jihad is intrinsic to Islam. Terrorism is intrinsic to Jihad. Likewise genocide. Jihad, terror & genocide can not be removed from Islam. Islam can not be reformed. Islam can not be rendered anodyne. It must cease to exist.

Don Spilman • 5 years ago

Dajjal you and I understand the absoluteness of your comment here and I really can’t at this moment name one other person who does. God help us.

Dajjal • 5 years ago

Sandra Smith is one, Just Me and God is another. There are a few more.

Robert Spencer's new history of Jihad should wise up a few more.

Doubters should crack a Koran and check out 2.216, 3.110 & Bukhari 6.60.80, 3.151 & context, 8.39, 9.29, 9.111 & 61.9 & context.

Bukhari, vol., 4's 'Book Of Jihad' or Sahih Muslim's book 19 will erase all doubt.

Arline Mathews • 5 years ago

Dear Dajjal and Don Spillman,

I fear a coming world war with Islamists who are all over the globe.

Dajjal • 5 years ago

The global war began with the ghazwa on Tobuk about 630. It continues and expands. Ending requires engaging the enemy.

Arline Mathews • 5 years ago

Islamist belief is in death and murder.

Dajjal • 5 years ago

Yesterday, Jihad Watch posted a video showing an Imam in NYC saying that removing Jihad from Islam is like taking the sweet out of honey.

Gabor Ujvari • 5 years ago

The Palestinian Authority refuse to be a political body. The Palestinian Authority long time ago became a terrorist organization.
Hence before any real peace process starts, the Arab Palestinians must establish a terror free political body.
Well, we will wait for it for a long time!

Dajjal • 5 years ago

Fatah & PLO were terrorists and political parties before forming the PA. The PA combines politics and terrorism. It can not be otherwise. Want peace? Exterminate Muslims.

Gabor Ujvari • 5 years ago


Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

Abbas is getting his wish. Israelis at each other's throats.

Dajjal • 5 years ago

Why do we appoint ignorant fools to high office? Why don't they obtain facts instead of spewing idiocy?

Moe was a terrorist "made victorious with terror", a ruler who judged and executed his subjects and a "prophet" who faked messages from an idol.

Caliphs are successors to all but prophethood,. When there is no caliph, subordinate rulers combine all current functions. Piss Ants can can and do combine terror & politics with ease.

Bayard Taylor • 5 years ago

They may not follow the choices, but they will not misunderstand them, if Israel and the US stay firm.

Ian Tyson • 5 years ago

Friedman, fakestinians from 1929 invention have been sponsors of terror and destruction -- they never did even want to develop valid polity!

cammo99 • 5 years ago

Thumbs up on the clear expression the Palestinian leaders have already decided they are a terrorist entity not builders of a Palestinian state with a future.

agnes losonczi • 5 years ago

Actually that should also be said about the Eu Parliament, the UK and France, Norway, Sweden and sadly, I could continue...