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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

unitedwithisrael tu sei un ragazzo pericoloso!!!
tu vuoi far morire dal ridere i tuoi nemici?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

you love idol Lilit Allah Pachamama!!! no, no, nooooo, how will the prayers Pope FRANCIS now without his idol: the black stone: Mecca 666 Kaaba?
Indigenous statues stolen from a church and thrown into the Tiber
The action is immortalized in a video on Youtube
Some indigenous statues, exhibited on the occasion of the Synod for the Amazon, were stolen last night from the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina, a stone's throw from the Vatican, and were launched in the Tiber. The action was filmed entirely with a video camera and published on Youtube.
In the four minutes of the video a man is seen entering the church and subtracting Pachamama idols displayed in one in the aisles. Then he starts towards Ponte Sant'Angelo where he throws the statues into the water. The video is without comment or claims of any kind.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

love is pig love Mogherini UE l'antichrist Merkel Von Ursula!!
On smartphones, one boy out of three has questionable material Hillary Clinton Epstein Obama lgbt Biden (love has no age for Mohammed) !!
Skuola net: interviewed four thousand young people between 11 and 25 years old

Sugli smartphone, un ragazzo su tre ha materiale discutibile Hillary Clinton Epstein Obama lgbt Biden (l'amore non ha età per maometto)!!
Skuola net: ha intervistato quattromila giovani tra 11 e 25 anni

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Who is Pachamama 666? Viva Cristo Rey! Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!
IN THE SPIRIT of BONIFACE: Pachamama Thrown into the Tiber
/remnantnewspaper com/web/index php/fetzen-fliegen/item/4639-in-the-spirit-of-boniface-pachamama-thrown-into-the-tiber
we don't know if now Pope FRANCIS is also praying at Pachamama 666 ja-Bull-On the Great Freemason Rothschild!

non sappiamo se adesso Papa FRANCESCO fa anche le preghiere a Pachamama 666 ja-Bull-On il Grande Massone Rothschild!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Shemini Atzeret: This Holiday is for My People!
ANSWER. thank you, many grace my Rabbi!
this is a theologically and politically perfect article:
because it speaks of the role of ISRAEL within the universal brotherhood: but the idiological systems: Democratic Party: Freemasonry, lgbt FED FMI NWO CIA 666 CHINA Russia NWO: and those theocratic Islamists sharia genocide against infidels: they have decided for the world war !

ANSWER. grazie, molte grazia rabbino!
questo è un articolo teologicamente e politicamente perfetto:
perché parla del ruolo di ISRAELE all'interno della fratellanza universale: ma i sistemi idiologici: Partito democratico: massonerie, lgbt FED FMI NWO CIA 666 CINA Russia NWO: e quelli teocratici islamici sharia genocidio contro gli infedeli: loro hanno deciso per la guerra mondiale!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

The Remnant Newspaper - IN THE SPIRIT of BONIFACE: Pachamama Thrown into the Tiber remnantnewspaper com/web/index php/fetzen-fliegen/item/4639-in-the-spirit-of-boniface-pachamama-thrown-into-the-tiber

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL •
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Remnant Newspaper.

the Lord have mercy on us and on the Catholic Church:
more "meretrix" than "Casta"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

CHINA RUSSIA Riyadh] [if you think I'm not the King of ISRAEL?
you must die!

CINA RUSSIA Riyad ] [ se voi pensate che io non sono il Re di ISRAELE?
voi dovete morire!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Never so low. For the polls, only 3 out of 10 Italians trust the Conte DRCULA bis Government.
this has always been the 30% government of: Merkel Mattarella Rothschild and Soros

Mai così in basso. Per i sondaggi solo 3 italiani su 10 hanno fiducia nel Governo Conte DRCULA bis.
questo è sempre stato il governo del 30% di: Merkel Mattarella Rothschild e Soros

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

'If needed, Trump will act against Turkey'
Pompey, 'but we prefer peace to war'
why these threats are credible?
we must immediately dismantle the air base of Incirlik is a military air base of İncirlik, a city 12 km from Adana, Turkey. The base is managed by both the United States Air Force and the Türk Hava Kuvvetleri.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

eih #worldisraelnews
my answers to "Micha'el S Bloch"
they disappeared again!
CreationReal jewish Messia •

eih #worldisraelnews
my answers to "Micha'el S Bloch"
they disappeared again!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Grande Oriente d 'Italia reiterated that the Honorary Grand Master Giorgio Casoli was "a proud member of Freemasonry and a convinced Europeanist".
on the one hand we see Bishops (apparently few and mostly "emeritus" or marginal), priests and laity who with prudent parresia fight rampant heresies and apostasy risking every day to be struck by "friendly fire", unjust censorship or further marginalization . On the other hand, men of politics, culture, economics, entertainment, notoriously secularists, and even high dignitaries of Freemasonry, who can easily find honor among the Catholic hierarchy with a funeral in churches or cathedrals. This happens in the corrupt and sacrilegious Church today.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Funeral for a Grand Master Mason in the Cathedral of Perugia:
this is sacrilege apostasy and heresy!

Funerale a un Gran Maestro massone nella Cattedrale di Perugia:
questo è apostasia sacrilegio ed eresia!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

OCT 21 - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is 70 today
best wishes my brother!

21 OTT - Il premier israeliano Benyamin Netanyahu oggi ha compiuto 70 anni
auguri fratello mio!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Russia China and CIA ] why have you abandoned me too? [ the only ones who cannot move towards me: they are the Israelis and their alibi is valid ]
because you too have abandoned me and you have betrayed me?

] perché anche voi mi avete abbandonato? [ gli unici che non possono muoversi verso di me: sono gli israeliani e il loro alibi è valido ] perché anche voi mi avete abbandonato e mi avete tradito?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

#Erdogan: ' #EU stands with terrorists', Kurds, Ras al Ayn evacuated. Kurdish commander Kino Gabriel: 'We have no more fighters in the city of Ras al Ayn'. Ankara defense sources said: "If the withdrawal of Kurdish militias from the Turkish security zone in the north-east of Syria is not completed by tomorrow evening, there will be no extension of the truce."
ANSWER. there is something that an Islamic: OCI Riyad Iran ISIS Erdogan cannot see and cannot understand .. their sharia inability to solve their problems peacefully.
this is part of their demonic infestation: because UMMAH is Satanism!

Erdogan: 'Ue sta con terroristi', Curdi, evacuata Ras al Ayn. Il comandante curdo Kino Gabriel: 'Non abbiamo più combattenti nella città di Ras al Ayn'. Fonti della Difesa di Ankara avevano detto: 'Se non si completerà entro domani sera il ritiro delle milizie curde dalla zona di sicurezza turca nel nord-est della Siria, non ci sarà alcuna estensione della tregua'.
ANSWER. c'é qualcosa che un islamico: OCI Riyad Iran ISIS Erdogan non può vedere e non può capire.. la loro sharia incapacità a risolvere i loro problemi pacificamente.
questo è parte della loro infestazione demoniaca: perché UMMAH è satanismo!

Casper van Cleeveld • 6 years ago

I did not know this. Another piece of the puzzle filled in :)

Casper van Cleeveld • 4 years ago

2 years later 😇 2019!

Casper van Cleeveld • 3 years ago

Here we are. Chag Sameachc Rabbi, 2020 😀

Casper van Cleeveld • 2 years ago

Here I am again 😀

Casper van Cleeveld • 1 year ago
