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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Palestinians: Trump’s ‘Slap of the Century’ [ President Rivlin ] il tuo sommo sinedrio dell'anticristo: ha messo dietro le sue spalle, tutte le 640 scomuniche della Chiesa Cattolica, contro la FED SpA IMF ECB BM NWO e la massoneria: ed ha consegnato i popoli occidentali: nelle mani del satanismo e dei satanisti: usura tecnocrazia, burocrazia lottizzazione massonica e mafia, quindi non esiste più una azione politica, che i cristiani potrebbero fare nel mondo: in favore del popolo israeliano..
distruggendo il cristianesimo politico: voi avete messo gli israeliani sotto l'incudine del genocidio islamico, e sotto il martello della finanza speculativa lgbtq Regime Bilderberg e Deep State, che da 200 anni hanno fatto tutti la loro definitiva scelta di Satana.
allora che futuro la tua kabbalah ha lasciato a Israele
sottoposto alle premure dell'egida ONU-sharia e genocidio dei kafir goyims dalit: del tuo demonio Satana e del demonio saudita Allah?
in questo scenario anche la feccia del comunismo cinese è 1000 volte migliore di voi

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

President Rivlin ] [ Mentre la mia anima dormiva? io non pensavo che oggi, io avrei dovuto combattere così duramente/tenacemente: in favore del popolo israeliano

Devasahayam the Deplored • 5 years ago

Should be followed by some more "slaps" -- with brass-knucks -- to the Amalekites' ideological (and physical) descendants, fakestinians!!!

jegwe • 5 years ago

The Palestinian cause is illegitimate. Palestinian rights were eliminated long ago by their own leadership.

Devasahayam the Deplored • 5 years ago

The second sentence was unneeded -- as a taqiyya-invented "people" cannot by-definition have any "rights".

Entire "palestinian" ideology (including the term itself -- which cannot be pronounced in Arabic, as the language lacks "p" sound (a)) was spawned in 1920's by evil Haj-amin Husseini on the absolute-worst taqiyya, the "islam is in danger" canard (which, "coincidentally" is also the basis for the invention of the country whose forces expelled them from Jordan in September 1970 (b)).

(a) source, 1982 by Akbar Ahmed
(b) you can check wickedpedia, but I'll save you a bit of time; the commander was a perpetually-leering mustached man named Zia ul-Haq, who later tookover his country as dictator and misruled it like Robespierre for 11 years (blown-up 1988/08/17 by his successor as army-chief, Aslam Beg).

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago


Will-BWL • 5 years ago

Abu Mazin the terrorist who funded the Palestinian Black September a Palestinian group to Massacre of the 1972 Israeli Olympics Team in the Munich Olympics. From that he was second of command under the Egyptian. Yasser Arafat head The main Terrorist the Palestinian Authority. Abu Mazen or Mahmoud Abbas

Yasser Arafat was given 95% of what he wanted at the Camp David Negotiation, and agreed to it butt in the Press conference Yasser Arafat Reneged on the Peace Plan and Called for intifada. Every negotiations since has failed. It is clear the Palestinian Authority as no intention of making peace ever. Trump's plan is a failure, and was never intended to make peace. The best place for the Palestinian Authority, and Hamas is to perminately Deporf them. Main countries for the Fake Palestinians in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi, Syria, and Lebanon. All of the Citizen of Gaza are Egyptian and took the name Palestinian. Palestinians in the West Bank are mostly Jordainian, and Egytian. The main reason for not making peace in Israel, the Fake Palestinian, and other Muslim's is the simple fact. They have all sworn to Their God Allah "To Destroy Israel, and Kill all the Jews'.

Sigurður M. Grétarsson • 5 years ago

The Palestinians does not have to see the "deal of the century" from Trump to know that it will not include Israelis withdrawal from their illegal occupation from the 1967 war. It is Israelis lack of willingness to leave the occupied areas and accept two state solution with the ceasefire line from before the 1967 war that is the problem and it is that that is the main obstacle for peace in this area. There is nothing what iever that can justify that Israel will be allowed to hold some of the occupied areas and therefore we can not expect the Palestinians to accept a peace deal that does not include Israels full withdrawal from the occupied areas. We can not either expect them to sign a peace deal that does not include the Palestinian refugees right to return to the place they or their parents/grandparents were forced away from by Zionist terrorist organisations and later the IDF in 1948.

Nart • 5 years ago

What a load of nonsense... Literally riddled with lies and bullshit propaganda from start to finish.

Gerald Levin • 5 years ago

A United Nations mandate for Egypt to again administer Gaza (as before 1967)? is required.
Gazans could then negotiate their status with Egypt.

cammo99 • 5 years ago

The fact is with the growing climate and hopes a 3rd Jihad will succeed political where naked force has failed and the push of BDS etc. And the placement of the Muslim brotherhood affiliates in key positions and political representatives, they probably have a new 100 year plan to eradicate Israel and the Jews. The fact is Abbas and certainly Hamas have that as an only and final goal. The "peace process" was one of the biggest hoaxes in human history.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

stop 666 scam banking seigniorage FED 666 IMF NWO gmos aliens abductions: micro-chip High treason, shooting. ☩UniusREI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei A scam to the Gentiloni Prodi Monti: hang them!
Pd pee Soros Boldrini Bilderberg BCE Merkel Macron pity them! pic twitter com/J8hfl05kst

stop 666 banking seigniorage Alto tradimento, fucilazione. ☩UniusREI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei Una truffa alla Gentiloni Prodi Monti: impiccateli!
Pd pipì Soros Boldrini Bilderberg BCE Merkel Macron loro fanno pietà! /J8hfl05kst

Betty Anthony • 5 years ago

I have never found your ramblings to make any sense. At All.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

when Bin Salman shariah he goes to his brother-in-law Bush ex-president: to the bohemian grove: cremation of care of go drinking human blood in the skull?
he knows all these things...

quando Bin Salman va da suo cognato Bush ex-presidente: al bohemian grove: cremation of care: a bere il sangue umano nel teschio?
lui conosce tutte queste cose

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

the FED IMF BM NWO is a monetary Masonic financial technocratic shadow government and occupies and blackmails the NAtions: through occult demonic and supernatural esoteric powers: also

il FED FMI BM NWO è un governo ombra tecnocratico finanziario massonico monetario e occupa e ricatta le NAzioni: attraverso poteri occulti esoterici demoniaci e soprarannaturali: anche

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

ti mancano i contenuti culturali e i concetti fondamentali per potermi capire: tuttavia io sono quì per darti ogni spiegazione

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Se non conosci Giacinto Auriti e i meccanismi del signoraggio bancario poi, ti mancano i contenuti culturali e i concetti fondamentali per potermi capire: tuttavia io sono quì per darti ogni spiegazione

Sword of Honor • 5 years ago

The Palestinians are the problem, not only for Israel but the Middle East itself

The children of Ishmael have no right to occupy the territory of Isaac which G-d promised to Avram through Isaac and confirmed to David and Solomon. End of.

It is the disobedient playing-around with lying alternative ideas which threatens the future. Stop the Left-wing fantasies and reclaim the Land G-d gave to you.

It is because you lack the courage to act in the truth that Palestinian crooks and fanatics are content to wait for another weak Prime Minister or US President to come along. You are living in a moment of opportunity and should be decisive in believing the historic promise to Israel, rather than allowing liars to play games, which is grossly disrespectful to truth and fritters away the only chance to survive.

Ritchie Blackmore • 5 years ago

If the arabs, palestinians and muslimes put down their weapons, there would be peace. If the Israelis put down their weapons, THERE WOULD BE NO ISRAEL. Even if there were no Israel, there would still be no peace as the arabs love to fight with each other. There will never be peace as long as the whole world is not all muslimes, even if the whole world was muslime, there would still be no peace as long as you have sunnis and shias in iran.

Sigurður M. Grétarsson • 5 years ago

Bullshit. It is Israel that are the aggressors in this conflict. The Palestinians has nearly no weapons and they are regularly getting slaughtered by IDF. Just in 2014 IDF killed more than thousand civilians and most of them were the victims of IDF deliberate massacre of civilians. They have been trying to fool the world by saying it were because those civilians were used as human shields by Hamas but they have not been able to proof that and investigations by UN and human right organisations with men on the spot have not found proofs for that so it is clear that if some of the civilian casualties then is is only a small portion of it. The vast majority of the civilians that died in that attacks simply were IDF targets.

It is Israel that is the occupying force and it is them that has started all the wares they have been fighting against Arab nations except the Youm Kippur war in 1973. It is Israelis aggression and their attacks and massacres that is the problem and vast majority of civilians deliberately killed in this area were killed by the Israelis.

Nart • 5 years ago

What a load of nonsense... Literally riddled with lies and bullshit propaganda from start to finish. The IDF has never targeted civilians, and anyone except those who support radical Islamic terrorism can see that and acknowledge it... So many lies in your post that I can't be bothered addressing them all, I'm sure you're aware that you've made it all up anyway.

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

But, the expelling of Palestinians was perfectly acceptable? Neither side has the moral high ground, but American interference in 1947 created the whole sorry mess.

Nart • 5 years ago

That is simply not true. Majority of Palestinians left of their own accord... This "whole sorry mess" was created by the Arabs refusing to peace and refusing to go to their homes in what was previously known as TransJordan. You clearly no nothing about the history of the Middle East.

Grace Joy • 5 years ago

I see you know him well. Due to his stances, I think he might be an A rab. Probably a Mus lim disguised.

Nart • 5 years ago

Definitely deranged either way!

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

They were expelled, villages ransacked. Some just left, why? They weren't the oppressors!
They left their homes of many generations. The Jews had been a minority since the fifth century.
Actually it was created by American interference and Jewish taking advantage. The wronged are the Palestinians, not that they have acted wonderfully since.
Arabs have been in the land since before Abrahamic religions were invented. Some becmevJews and later some converted to Christianity and later Islam. They are brothers divided by idiotic belief.
They also lived peacefully for a thousand years prior to American idiocies!

spinnekop • 5 years ago

The majority of "Palestinians" came to Judea/Samaria/East Jerusalem between 1948 and 1967 under Jordanian rule where Jordan invaded and occupied those territories, ethnically cleansed the land of ALL Jews, destroyed the synagogues, used the headstones from Jewish graves from the Mount of Olives cemetery to pave roads and as latrines, and then engaged in an illegal population transfer by bringing Arabs to the land and selling them properties, which is why their land titles are no older than 1948.

Egypt invaded, conquered and occupied Gaza, illegally transferring Arabs to the land.

That's where your "Palestinians" came from, minus the 750,000 that fled the Arab war of annihilation that the Arabs perpetrated in an attempt to destroy Israel. Many of those that "fled" did so under the recommendation of the Arab armies, who promised they could return to the houses of the Jews after they were thrown into the sea.

Your "Nakba" is not Israel's birth, but the Arab decision to try and destroy Israel. The Arabs have no scarcity of stupid decisions, but that's not anything new.

Nart • 5 years ago

I guess doubling down with more lies is one strategy...

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

Today there are over five million Palestinian refugees. Who's fault?

spinnekop • 5 years ago

The UN and their corrupt UNWRA, Arab nations, Western countries that have turned a blind eye to Arab terrorism against Israel (because of Arab oil) for 70 years...oh...and people like you that defend the actions of people like Hamas.

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

Well documented facts! They were expelled, some left on their own but in no sense of thevword does Israel have the moral high ground.

By contrast the Muslim nations protected their Jewish populations and at no point did they expell them. Facts!

spinnekop • 5 years ago

BS!!!! Muslim nations absolutely did NOT protect their Jewish populations. Complete lie!

You keep saying "well documented" but you never provide said documentation.

Nart • 5 years ago

The Palestinians left their homes in 1947-49 for a variety of reasons. Thousands of wealthy Arabs left in anticipation of a war, thousands more responded to Arab leaders' calls to get out of the way of the advancing armies, a handful were expelled, but most simply fled to avoid being caught in the cross fire of a battle.

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

Some left, lots were expelled! Villages were evicted.

spinnekop • 5 years ago

Most left due to promises made by the invading Arab armies.
Some were expelled.
Many stayed....they are called Israeli-Arabs and have Israeli citizenship because they weren't stupid.

Nart • 5 years ago

Have you seriously got nothing better to do than to troll people and spread lies on the internet to try and justify your hatred of Jews/Israel?

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

Iran. "At the end of the discussion Khomeini declared, "We recognize our Jews as separate from those godless, bloodsucking Zionists" and issued a fatwa decreeing that the Jews were to be protected.""

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

Factually I'm correct.

Nart • 5 years ago

No, factually you are incorrect. And a douche.

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

Then please present reputable references to support - until then douche is all yours.

spinnekop • 5 years ago

You first.... :)

Nart • 5 years ago

Reference to support what exactly? I don't know what you're disputing, as you come across as just disagreeing with everything as you're a pernicious troll.

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

Your supposition that my statement was incorrect.
You lied, I corrected. You cannot disprove what I said!
And I don't hate anyone - pointless emotion!
Am a bit intolerant of liars and bigots.

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

Please oust a lie I have told you.

spinnekop • 5 years ago

Wikipedia (which is your preferred source):
"Causes of the 1948 Palestinian exodus"

There you'll get both sides. Everyone can read for themselves and stop believing mrpoohead's tripe!

Nart • 5 years ago

Here's a few:

"The wronged are the Palestinians"
"Some left, lots were expelled!"
"Arabs have been in the land since before Abrahamic religions were invented."
"By contrast the Muslim nations protected their Jewish populations and at no point did they expel them."
"They also lived peacefully for a thousand years prior to American idiocies!"

There's many more, but I have better things to do with my time.

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

Not a one or prove with reputable reference. Fail!
Idiotic opinion does not negate fact!

Nart • 5 years ago

I answered your question. I provided you with what you asked. So not a fail... I was literally quoting you, so I'm glad you see it for what it is, "idiotic opinion". Hahahahaha.

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

Reputable references required. If you can provide them - you have a point. You can't!

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

Iran. "At the end of the discussion Khomeini declared, "We recognize our Jews as separate from those godless, bloodsucking Zionists" and issued a fatwa decreeing that the Jews were to be protected."