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OurSaviorLives • 4 years ago

Yes this arab dentist acted out of compassion, and God sees it, as He sees everything. I pray for those in darkness to come into the light....
"The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined." Isaiah 9:2

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 7. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this." Isaiah 9:6-7.

Praying for the Peace of Israel, by the Prince of Peace- who will come a second time as Isaiah 9:7 says.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Migrants: protest in central Malta.
Second demonstration in 7 days of asylum seekers detained. ANSWER.
it is strange that there are no Christian migrants who can come alive!
wolf does not eat wolf! all migrants must be rejected in Libya: their destiny? it is a problem of the ARABIC LEAGUE!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Slaughter of children at war, headstones at the UN //bit ly/2UJ1iSb
Unicef installation as a warning for the General Assembly
answer. all this is a hypocrisy Rothschild Rochefeller FED FMI NWO ECB etc .. the great world wear: constitutional high treason fraud: bank seigniorage, as if making them die of hunger would be more dignified?

Will-BWL • 4 years ago

The one good man should have his family, and his self brought to safety, away from retribution from the Fanatic's

Will-BWL • 4 years ago

The Palestinian idiots should have been follow up and shot.

Leonie Pipe • 4 years ago

Only savages would threaten to kill a man because he transcended the prejudices imposed by his own group to save the lives of others. This man would be rightly hailed a hero in any civilised country.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

ISLAM is an apostasy of Christianity and Judaism:
both of them copied the worst heresies!

ISLAM è una apostasia del cristianesimo e dell'ebraismo:
di entrambi ha copiato le peggiori eresie!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

youtube com/user/noahNephillim/discussion nega il DEBITO, sovranità monetari al 100%!
I saw, God bless, good work

☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ da un cimitero devi uscire e in un cimitero tu devi entrare definitivamente

☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️
IBAN: IT55H0760104000001016405753 bisogna passare al SIMEC,

nega il DEBITO!

I saw, God bless, good work

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

my kingdom ISRAEL universal brotherhood ] [ missing: 18 days to destroy IRAN with atomic weapons

442rocketdave • 4 years ago

The dentist is a good man but Israel has zero control there its like not even Israel but some foreign Arab country with Israeli's visiting and then getting slaughtered. If you don't take control they will control you!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Hong Kong: protesters, 'Trump help us'
if China respects human rights? we cannot help Hong Kong in secession!
Your twitter 666 lgbt NWO sharia (democratic party bilderberg rothschild) account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

we all have a duty to oppose the vulgarity and social aggression of #LGBT and their ideological crime of satanic theosophy of GENDER: evil #Gay #Pride in #Sarajevo,
why the legitimate homophobic protests?
they are quite another thing

tutti abbiamo il dovere di opporci alla volgarità e all'aggressione sociale degli lgbt e loro ideologico delitto teosofia satanica del GENDER: Gay Pride a Sarajevo,
perché le legittime proteste omofobe? sono tutt'altra cosa

Moshe Moses • 4 years ago

Refua Shelma G-D Saved The Father and Son may They Make A Speedy Recovery The Innocent Jewish Boy Stabbed By a Another Palestinian Boy These Savages Will Never Change Hashem Will Deal With These Inhuman People Thank G-D We are Not Like Them G-D Bless The Dentist and Protect Him From His Evil People He Saved The Jewish Boys Life The Dentist is A Righteous Man Amen

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago


Jewish students slaughtered by Arab immigrants at barrel /voxnews info/2019/09/09/students-bea-massacrati-di-botte-da-immigrati-arabi/ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland
condemned the brutal aggression suffered by four university students
Israelis visiting Warsaw. The boys said they had been
attacked when leaving a club
nightly from strangers they have
shouted offenses against Israel. Second
their testimony, the assailants
they were a "group of Arabs".
You cannot reply to a post that is not active.
Non puoi rispondere a un post che non è attivo.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

In the world 800 thousand suicides a year, one every 40 seconds
answer. this world of predators and parasites Islamic Masons and related priests of satan NWO FED IMF Bilderberg Von Hitler Ursula (DEMOCRATIC PARTY), Wear: high constitutional treason the banking seigniorage and jihad sharia and Shiite Wahhabism?
this is a world too unfair: and very sad!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

the priests of satan of Chemistry: them for decades: they use men as guinea pigs: with the forced introduction of heavy metals: they try to realize the cyborg man and the GMO man!
E-cig, 5 victims in the US but no data on effects
From heavy metals to tires, experimentation is needed

Yosi_Amram • 4 years ago

The religion of peace strikes again and again. I wish the dentist long life, he is a good man.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

pity that for the despair of 10 million Italians does NOT think the Democratic Party!
Mimmo #Lucano returns to #Riace (Calabria): 'I will still help this land (with more #Afro #islamic #immigrants)'. 'Accused but I am innocent, I worked for the reception'

peccato che alla disperazione di 10milioni di italiani NON pensa il partito democratico!
Mimmo Lucano torna a Riace (Calabria): 'Aiuterò ancora questa terra(con più immigrati afro-islamici)'. 'Accusato ma sono innocente, ho lavorato per l'accoglienza'

Neil • 4 years ago

Hashem protect this Arab man.

Uncle Jack • 4 years ago

I can guarantee that, if granted residency in Israel, he will be more patriotic and sane than the brainwashed leftists born in Israel.

barbarakelly • 4 years ago

tHESE PALESTINIANS ARE COWARDS, going after a dentist-------- you damn people are insane and have a warped brain on top of that.!! All these palestinians are nothing but terrorist and need to be wiped of the face of the earth.--what are they good for.. The Dentist has a profession ----- what does these killer palestinians have to offer to help their country. No all they do is whine to other arab countries We need help like money to get more weapons, I'm guessing that is the only thing they ask for. This hatred that has build over thousands of yrs. between ishmael and Isaac------they need to get over it

Flik Amos • 4 years ago

Why do we keep referring to them as 'palestinians'? No such entity exists today; formerly they were Jews. Calling them Palestinian gives them an identity that they never had in the past.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

no, Muslims are a demonic extraterrestrial entity!
you have only touched on the mystery of wickedness of the UMMA 187 lilit idol demon allah Mecca 666 Kaaba!
or we must recognize that ISLAM has a divine right to apply genocide to all the peoples of this planet!

.. ishmael & essau are descendants of Abraham.. they were never part of the Jewish tribes.. bad blood from the start.. they follow their own paths of violence.. a culture of death.. these are impossible people .. they will never change..

.. the Dentist saved the day.. with his good deeds..but might have to pack his bags and look elsewhere.. maybe Haifa .. unfortunately these savages are like the savages of sodom & gomorra .. gaza is full of these savages.. a culture of death... you can't domesticate savage people..

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

if you were with Hitler Stalin Mussolini sharia Erdogan you had to pretend you too to be like them!
don't give the breed an absolute value:
in fact there are Christians hidden even with North Korea, and they do not teach Christianity to their children not to be discovered!

se stavi con Hitler Stalin Mussolini sharia Erdogan tu dovevi fingere anche tu di essere come loro!
non dare alla razza un valore assoluto:
infatti ci sono i cristiani nascosti anche con la Corea del Nord, e loro non insegnano il cristianesimo ai loro figli per non essere scoperti!

Esther Schrager • 4 years ago

Don't think it's "thousands of years" between "Ishmael and Isaac." That's not the root of the trouble.

The site which posted the original article is down, but Rafael Castro wrote in October 2017:
"Recognizing Israel as the Jewish homeland involves accepting the Zionist narrative. For Muslims, this means engaging with Jewish history and Jewish scriptures on historical terms-not Islamic terms. Doing so leads to recognition that Judaism predates Islam and that Islam appropriated prophetic traditions from Judaism.

"For Israel, making peace with Muslim nations is a diplomatic achievement. For Muslim nations, accepting Zionism concedes the precedence of Judaism over Islam. Understanding the theological implications of Zionism for Islam is crucial to realizing why peace eludes Israel. Without these theological implications, Israel would probably be tolerated as a minor nuisance. Due to these theological implications, the Muslim world tends to attribute demonic ambitions to Zionism.

"The psychological impact of Zionism is hard to overestimate. Throughout Islamic history, the fact that Jews were docile dhimmis subject to Muslim rule demonstrated the truth of supersession. Zionism subverted traditional religious hierarchies in the Middle East. By doing so, it also subverted the credibility of Islamic superiority over Judaism. The insecurity and anxiety created by this situation hardens political postures.

"Ending the Israeli-Arab conflict requires Islamic recognition of the historical and spiritual significance of Israel for the Jewish people. This recognition will only be forthcoming when Muslim public opinion is exposed to pre-Islamic history, archaeology and scriptures. Islamic engagement with Jewish religious texts is fundamental for Jewish human rights to be respected in the Middle East. As long as the religious legitimacy of Judaism is denied, the vast majority of Muslims will reject genuine peace and reconciliation with Israel."

Of course they can't admit this; that doesn't suit the invented narratives. But there it is.

Shabse Werther • 4 years ago

Amazing analysis and spot on.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

in fact ISLAM is Satanism:
"Recognizing Israel as the Jewish homeland involves accepting the Zionist narrative. For Muslims, this means engaging with Jewish history and religious terms." indeed!
ISLAM is aware of being the perfect and definitive revelation: therefore also JHWH has lost the right to be able to speak in the future in favor of the survival of Russians and Chinese.
that's why all Muslims can only be terminated definitaly, killed!

infatti ISLAM è satanismo:
"Recognizing Israel as the Jewish homeland involves accepting the Zionist narrative. For Muslims, this means engaging with Jewish history and Jewish scriptures on historical terms-not Islamic terms. Doing so leads to recognition that Judaism predates Islam and that Islam appropriated prophetic traditions from Judaism.
ISLAM è consapevole di essere la rivelazione perfetta e definitiva: quindi anche JHWH ha perso il diritto di poter parlare in futuro in favore della sopravvivenza di russi e cinesi.
ecco perché tutti i mussulmani possono soltanto essere terminati, abbattuti

Jeffrey Wilens • 4 years ago

Excellent points.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

God Himself has attributed demonic ambitions to Zionism: in fact you have been driven from him by the Holy Land, certainly not by the Romans!
and yet, you speak like a fool who does not know the 1400 years of Islamic genocide.
islam jihad sharia ISIS Erdogan and their cannibals FED FMI NWO priests of CIA satan are saints, so Russians and Chinese must now die: their turn has arrived!

Dio stesso ha attribuito ambizioni demoniache al sionismo: infatti siete stati cacciati da lui dalla terrasanta non certo dai romani!
e tuttavia, tu parli come un folle che non conosce i 1400 anni di genocidio islamico.
islam jihad sharia ISIS Erdogan e i loro cannibali FED FMI NWO sacerdoti di satana della CIA sono santi, quindi russi e cinesi ora devono morire: il loro turno è arrivato!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

but the theology of substitution (the realization of genocide) is not something theoretical: it is the very soul of ISLAM: when they kill you they will say that they are your father's children!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

1. Zionism has not only an historical archaeological and biblical foundation
2. Zionism is rooted in fundamental and international law, which: every people has the right to its homeland, and it has no importance if Armenians and Byzantines suffered genocide in Turkey, and so on in all the ARAB LEAGUE (for all previous peoples).

3. indeed, all this resistance to Zionism shows that the Torah is indeed going to happen: and that ISLAM is the real world Satanism!
4. not to face this aspect of all past Islamic genocides: it is precisely this: that will lead to the Islamic sharia NAZI threat of extinction against all the peoples of the planet!

Marym • 4 years ago

Good for the dentist. Hopefully he will not be treated badly for his humanitarian actions. IF so may he be also granted residency in Israel.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

China USA EU Russia India] [there can be no hope of redemption or reciprocity: and / or civilization in the ARAB LEAGUE of the jihad sharia genocide, so I decree its destruction!

Cina USA UE Russia India ] [ non può esistere nessuna speranza di redenzione o reciprocità: e/o civiltà nella LEGA ARABA del genocidio jihad sharia, quindi io ne decreto la sua distruzione!
Palestinians Threaten Arab Dentist Who Saved Israelis During Terror Attack

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

ISLAM Erdogan Koran; Riyad Iran UMMA Mecca 666 Kaaba: reveals his demonic face all over the world!
the Palestinian question or other political issues are only a hypocritical concealment: of their wickedness!

ISLAM Erdogan Corano; Riyad Iran UMMA Mecca 666 Kaaba: rivela il suo volto demoniaco in tutto il mondo!
la questione palestinese o altre questioni politiche sono soltanto una dissimulazione ipocrita: della loro malvagità! Palestinians Threaten Arab Dentist Who Saved Israelis During Terror Attack