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Guest • 5 years ago
Grace Joy • 5 years ago


Andy • 5 years ago

time to fumigate the roaches

Gabor Ujvari • 5 years ago

Confiscating Jewish land and property is an old Arab profession.
Also, it is an old Arab profession to demonize the fellow Arabs who applied for well paid jobs in Jewish businesses.
The Arab despots need hungry, brain washed mob which can be used as propaganda tool and cannon fodder.
That is the real reason of the so called Palestinian problem.

Krystal Davis • 5 years ago


arigatoo • 5 years ago

Arabs occupying Jewish lands is Hashem's punishment of Jews for giving jobs to Arab enemies. Stop the employment of the enemies!

aussiegooner • 5 years ago

The arabs have always managed to cut off their own noses to spite their faces. Whatever they are offered is never enough. What they want is another Shoah, and apart from the mentally deficient Jewish left, no-one is going to offer them that. If they really must kill Jews, offer them our lefties - it may educate some of them as to the the total insanity of their views.

As to illegal land grabs, things will be a lot clearer as soon as Israel annexes Judea and Samaria. The pretend Palestinians will then be there as gusts, and if they trash the hotel room, expel them to gaza.

arigatoo • 5 years ago

Israelis should not give jobs to the Arab enemies, because they help the Arab enemies to occupy the Jewish Land of Israel. Giving jobs to Arabs is a crime against the Jewish people and a treason.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

yesterday at the General Prosecutor's Office in Rome said: "citizens have lost absolutely the possibility of obtaining justice from the state, that's why they are forced to turn to the Mafia" Pd Soros and Bilderberg have raised the MAFIA!

ieri al TG il Procuratore Generale di Roma ha detto: "i cittadini hanno perso in modo assoluto la possibilità di ottenere la giustizia dallo Stato, ecco perché sono costretti a rivolgersi alla Mafia" Pd Soros e Bilderberg hanno sollevato la MAFIA!

Grace Joy • 5 years ago

It's a sad day when the Mafia becomes a savior.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

just me. in Italy by the tenants: they are almost all transformed into criminals thieves murderers because of the laws of the Democratic Party, and this is true:
only the MAFIA can save me from the destruction of the rothschild mortgage loan!
the properties in 10 years have lost 50% of their value, and there is no liquidity to buy them and they can no longer lease to anyone, because everyone has precarious work, and because the judiciary or justice is unjust and blocked

proprio a me. in Italia dagli inquilini: sono quasi tutti trasformati in criminali ladri assassini a causa delle leggi del Pd, e questo è vero:
soltanto la MAFIA mi può salvare dalla distruzione del mutuo ipotecario rothschild!
gli immobili in 10 anni hanno perso il 50% del loro valore, e non c'é liquidità per comprarli e non si possono più dare in affitto a nessuno, perché tutti hanno lavoro precari, e perché la magistratura o giustizia è ingiusta e bloccata

cammo99 • 5 years ago

I thought that was a line from the Godfather. Criminals use that as a justification to commit crime and live a criminal lifestyle like forever. Social Justifications are rationalization as opposed to morality I am only assuming you advocate morality and not the Mafia.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

your considerations after my article are: slanderous, cynical and evil.
the State has committed itself with the citizen to carry out; just laws, and justice: economic, quick and accessible to all,
but this does not happen in Italy.
of course I am Unius REi and I will never go to the MAFIA even if I lose a building ..
but, others who do not have my faith, and who abandon themselves to despair? they will do it!
a pensioner came out of the hospital and found his apartment occupied, and was the police told him: "What are you waiting for?
go immediately to the MAFIA! "

le tue considerazioni dopo il mio articolo, sono: calunniose, ciniche e malvagie.
lo Stato si è impegnato con il cittadino a realizzare; leggi giuste e una giustizia: economica, rapida e accessibile a tutti,
ma, questo in Italia non avviene.
certo io sono Unius REi e non andrò mai dalla MAFIA anche se perdo un palazzo..
ma, altri che non hanno la mia fede, e che si abbandonano alla disperazione? loro lo faranno!
un pensionato uscì dall'ospedale e trovò il suo appartamento occupato, ma, fu la polizia a dirgli: "cosa aspetti?
vai subito dalla MAFIA! "

Henry Carlson • 5 years ago

to bad we can not just ship them gone, or better yet show them the POWER of the TRUE GOD. That will happen in HIS time

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin Salman] and how do the Satanists and Aliens, can serve Satan and Allah: in perfect mode, if they do not know the perfect will of God JHWH holy first: that must be opposed?
and clear: they talk and communicate with each other (demons, Masons, Communists, Muslims, aliens, cursed souls of hell and Satanists) in the Entity of the NWO: there is technological and supernatural communication.
So the Satanists only know the perfect will of God: today!
and neither: Unius REI can reach their knowledge of the will of God:
in fact, I am not a super supernatural man, I am only a man like everyone!
How i can do to know the real will of God in a perfect way?
but, of one thing: I am sure: all those who hate the Israelis are the accomplices of Satan and Allah!

Bin SALMAN ] e come fanno i satanisti e Alieni a servire Satana e Allah: perfettametne, se non conoscono prima la perfetta volontà di Dio: che deve essere contrastata?
e chiaro: si parlano e si comunicano tra di loro (demoni, massoni, comunisti, islamici, alieni, anime maledette dell'inferno e satanisti) nella Entità del NWO: c'é comunicazione tecnologica e soprannaturale.
Quindi i satanisti soltanto conoscono la perfetta volontà di Dio!
e neanche: Unius REI può raggiungere la loro conoscenza della volontà di Dio:
infatti, io non sono un super uomo soprannaturale, io sono soltanto un uomo come tutti!
come faccio a conoscere la volontà di Dio in modo perfetto?
ma, di una cosa sono sicuro: tutti coloro che odiano gli israeliani sono i complici di Satana e Allah!

Grace Joy • 5 years ago

"all those who hate the Israelis are the accomplices of Satan and Allah!" Yes!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

The husband of former minister Cecile Kyenge runs for the party Lega: by Matteo SALVINI,
and in South AFRICA the blacks of Mandela and Obama have not decided to do the genocide of the whites with the wire and the tires?
me if I were him? I would immediately make a preliminary divorce!
also because Cecile Kyenge? she is really ugly!

Il marito dell’ex ministra Cecile Kyenge si candida con la Lega: di Matteo SALVINI,
e in Sud AFRICA i neri di Mandela e Obama non hanno deciso di fare il genocidio dei BIANCHI con il filo di ferro e le gomme?
io se fossi in lui? io farei subito un divorzio preventivo!
anche perché Cecile Kyenge? lei è veramente brutta!

Grace Joy • 5 years ago

Who would vote an African "immigrant" for "Minister for Integration" in Italy???? Viva Salvini!!

Renee McDowell • 5 years ago

Cecile Kyenge is an African immigrant that is the ultimate Italian success story, so why not have her lead the nation as the Minister for Integration or President or Prime Minister?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

I never thought that a woman could be physically ugly: anywhere in the world! but,Cecile Kyenge hates Italians, like Soros .. in fact we have 10 million poor people and for her and for the democratic party they can die quickly!

non ho mai pensato che una donna potesse essere brutta fisicamente: in nessuna parte del mondo! ma,
Cecile Kyenge odia gli italiani, come Soros .. infatti noi abbiamo 10 milioni di poveri e per lei e per il partito democratico loro possono morire velocemente!

Renee McDowell • 5 years ago

Cecile Kyenge doesn't hate Italians because she is Italian. She doesn't want to hurt Italians. She's just tired of the fact that politicians disrespect her for her race.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

but most of the blacks, who are integrated in Italy
they hate both the Democratic Party and Cecile Kyenge. they hate the Islamic invasion, they hate all these parasites (300000) that stay in the hotel at our expense while the Italians commit suicide in desperation.
because in the Pd UE Junker Macron Bilderberg they have betrayed the people.
that's why many blacks have joined the LEGA party, and some are senators in the government with Salvini.
in reality there is no racial problem in Italy

ma maggior parte dei neri, che sono integrati in Italia
odiano sia il Pd che Cecile Kyenge. odiano la invasione islamica, odiano tutti questi parassiti(300000) che stanno in albergo a nostre spese mentre gli italiani commettono suicidio per la disperazione..
perché nel Pd Bilderberg loro hanno tradito il popolo.
ecco perché molti neri sono entrati nel partito della LEGA, e alcuni sono senatori al Governo con Salvini.
in realtà non esiste un problema razziale in Italia

Grace Joy • 5 years ago

Because Italy is one of the few EU countries who refused to sign the UN's Global Compact for Regular Migration, making it a "human right" for hundreds of millions of African, Iraqi, Syrian, Paki, & other Mus lims to invade.

She is pro-Invasion. How is it a "success story" that EU is being destroyed in front of our eyes; simply because Mus lims are slaughtering Chrstians & each other in the 56 countries they've already taken from everyone else (slaughtering in excess of 670 million in the process).

"Italian success story" will be when Italians are no longer afraid to leave their homes for fear of the Mus lim invaders. "Italian success story" will be when the Italian elderly are not going through the trash to find food because the money is instead spent on young Mus lim invaders intent on making EU part of the Mus lim caliphate.

Renee McDowell • 5 years ago

What I mean by a Italian success story is that despite being an immigrant from a poor African country she pulled herself up by her bootstraps and became so successful that she became a member for the Letta cabinet. How many immigrants or born Italians achieve that?! Not many! She is an ideal example of being a good Italian immigrant from a third world country that not only integrates well into the society but becomes a member of the elite there as well. Because of her successful integration into Italian high society, she is the perfect person to help others integrate into Italian society. Now that said, I think that immigrants from anywhere including Africa can successfully integrate and overachieve in Italian society as long as they aren't Muslim. African immigrants, as long as they aren't Muslim, integrate well into Western society and become overachievers in the Western lands in which they settle. You say, "Viva Salvini," but he is a racist who favors a Jim Crow-style xenophobic approach to black people. There has to be a middle ground between letting Muslims wreck everything and hating black people. The proper middle ground is let everyone in as long as they aren't Muslim. That way the country doesn't become Euristan, and black Christian immigrants like her are welcome. Because he is racist, Salvini is not the best person to avoid that extreme. You need someone like Ayaan Hirsi Ali who is not racist against blacks but understands the importance of keeping Muslims out!

Grace Joy • 5 years ago

She is the perfect person to deceive the Italians & make them think that allowing non-Italians have more rights than Italians.

The "racist" is YOU, who think the world will accept "no Mus lims." The racist is YOU, who thinks Salvini is a racist because he refuses to let "black people" take over Italy. Who are you to decide what the "middle ground" is? How many "black people" is "fair" to you? While you're at it, why don't you explain how "black people" don't let "white people" invade their lands, give them welfare, free housing & healthcare, & teach them to become "overacheivers" in "black peoples' lands?"

Why don't you explain to me how racists like you think "black people" from a continent as huge & spacious" as African should be allowed to take over the lands of "white people;" while not allowing "white people" into yours?

Is lam is a Cult of satan that should never be allowed anywhere. Still, your arguments are RACIST. Who are you to say Italians have no right to exist, because "black people" are more worthy?

Renee McDowell • 5 years ago

She doesn't want to deceive anyone. She's just tired of racist politicians treating her like she is inferior because of her race. She wants black people to have equal and not superior rights to whites. It isn't possible for me to be racist because I am a multicultural girl from a multicultural family in a multicultural world. And-drum roll please- I am converting to Judaism. I have friends from all people groups. So you can't use the race card on me, especially since you seem to despise black people. You are racist, not me. I am not stupid. I know no one will accept no Muslims, but if they care about their country they will. Black people won't and can't take over Italy, so your and Savini's fears are unfounded. It's just xenophobia and racism on both of your parts. As long as they aren't Muslim, all of the black people who want to immigrate to Italy should be allowed to immigrate whatever number of blacks that should be. Black people kindly welcomed white people in South Africa and Zimbabwe and allowed them to prosper and raise their families there. Black people blessed white people by letting them use Africa's precious resources and the white people became rich and prospered. Because of these kind favors, white people should return the favor and allow blacks to prosper in Italy. I never said Italians don't have the the right to exist in their own country. I never said blacks were more worthy.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

it does not exist and there has never been an international right to emigrate, you are ignorant and mad!
but instead there is a right for political persecuted.
now the shariah jury of the ARAB LEAGUE will never give him
political asylum for Christians: since it gladly kills Christians who live there with him!

non esiste e non è mai esistito un diritto internazionale ad emigrare, tu sei ignorante e folle!
ma, invece esiste un diritto per i perseguitati politici.
adesso l'aguzzino shariah della LEGA ARABA proprio lui non darà mai
asilo politico ai cristiani: dato che uccide volentieri i cristiani che vivono li con lui!

Grace Joy • 5 years ago

To say "white people" must allow "black people" to overrun & replace them is saying that "blacks were more worthy." "Black people" ensl aved "black people" & still do. "Black people" ensl aved "white people," & still do. White people ensl aved "black people" for less than 300 yrs; then fought & died to free sla ves & end sl avery. Yet "black people" are still invading & still ens laving "white people."

It's just "xenophobia and racism" for me & Salving to think "black people" will take over Italy with the hundreds of millions who have already caused such horrific r apes, mur der, theft, violence, Crime. YOU are the "xenophobe & racist." You think you're clever to ignore the question why "black people" who have a so much land already need "white people" to give them everything.

You want more land? Take care of the problems you have rather than force them on everyone else. You sound like a Mus lim with all your Cultural Relativism & self-important/supremacist Lies. You are a racist & a thief like all Mus lims.

Renee McDowell • 5 years ago

I never said white people need to have blacks replace and overrun them. Black people have never invaded or enslaved white people. As long as they are not Muslim, blacks are good for Italy and they will always be a small minority and are not a threat in any way to Italy. As long as they are not Muslim, blacks in Italy like the Jews in America will always be a small minority that enriches the nation. The issue is not more land for black people and less for whites. The issue is blacks who immigrate to Italy immigrate because they can't have a good life in Africa. As long as they aren't Muslim, Africans do not transfer Africa's problems onto Italy. African immigrants achieve more than native born Italians because they don't take opportunity for granted because they know what it is like to live without opportunity. Native born Westerners take opportunity for granted because they don't know the anguish of not being able to improve your situation. I can't possibly sound like a Muslim because I have been insulting them throughout this comment section. I am an All-American girl who hates Sharia. On the Seal of the United States and on American currency lies my favorite Latin phrase, "E pluribus Unum." It means, " Out of many, One." There may be one America but there are many races and ethnic groups that make Her great. So goes America. So goes the rest of the world. So goes Italy. As long as African immigrants are not Muslim, the Great American Experiment will work in Italy too.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

we, in Italy with all our problems, we needed to increase by 40% all the murders, crimes and crimes in Italy?
did we need the Nigerian mafia?
this brought us: Soros Bilderberg Merkel Junker the Islamic invasion of the Democratic Party and that demon of Cecile Kyenge

noi, in Italia con tutti i nostri problemi, noi avevamo bisogno di aumentare del 40% tutti gli omicidi, delitti e reati in Italia?
avevamo bisogno della mafia nigeriana?
questo ci ha portato: Soros Bilderberg Merkel Junker la invasione islamica il Pd e quel demonio di Cecile Kyenge

Grace Joy • 5 years ago

Stop your racist demands that "white" people let "black people" take over their lands; while refusing to allow "white people" into "black people" lands. You want everything for you; & you offer nothing to anyone. You have an entire giant continent. Why do you have the right to invade everyone else; & tell everyone else what to do; while you do NOTHING? You are a racist & a supremacist thief.

Renee McDowell • 5 years ago

The truth is that for a long time because of colonialism white people despite having the continent of Europe took over Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, North and South America, the Middle East, basically white people at one point or another have taken over the whole world.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

we have a 70% tax levy on all production activities,
every economic activity is impossible!
on the buildings and tax and absurd bureaucracy!
while Africans illegally open their activities, and because they are violent they let them do, so the Italian honest people are: 1. crushed on one side by the laws of an unjust Mason and usurer, and, 2. on the other by the violence of those, who as Africans have nothing to lose and are protected by unjust laws!
because in Italy citizens are not protected by the State: this is the truth, they have created a place where: only the rich Masons can live!
your Cecile Kyenge has proposed to confiscate the homes of the Italians to give them to Africans, and overall this is called genocide and ethnic substitution, nothing different from what the Muslims do with Shariah!

su tutte le attività produttive noi abbiamo un prelievo fiscale del 70%,ogni attività economica è impossibile!
sugli immobili una tassazione e burocrazia assurde!

mentre gli africani aprono illegalmente le loro attività, e poiché sono violenti li lasciano fare, quindi il popolo onesto italiano si trova: 1. stritolato da un parte dalle leggi di una Stato ingiusto massone e usuraio, e dall'altra dalla violenza di chi come gli africani non hanno niente da perdere e sono tutelati da leggi ingiuste!

perché in Italia i cittadini non sono protetti dallo Stato: questa è la verità, hanno realizzato un posto dove soltanto i ricchi massoni possono vivere!

la tua Cecile Kyenge ha proposto di confiscare le case sfitte degli italiani per regalarle agli africani, e nell'insieme questo si chiama genocidio e sostituzione etnica, nulla di diverso da quello che fanno i mussulmani con la shariah!

Renee McDowell • 5 years ago

Firstly, you believe in way too many conspiracy theories. The Rothschilds are just a nice Jewish family that does business, banking, and philanthropy. Nobody wants to take the homes of white Italians and give them to Africans in a sort of racial subsitution.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

if every power; it does not depend, and it does not belong to the people, but, it is owned by non-elective supranational demonic entities, then the conspiracy theory is a solidly founded theory!

se ogni potere; non dipende, e non appartiene al popolo, ma, è di proprietà di entità sovranazionali non elettive, allora la teoria della cospirazione è una teoria fondata solidamente!

Grace Joy • 5 years ago

Why do you ignore A rab & Mus lim colonialism? 22 countries are A rab; & still are involved in "black people" ens laving "black people." Like Farakhan, you don't care. What about the 56 Mus lim countries that are still expanding, not "colonizing;" but r aping, ensl aving, & slaughtering "non-black" people?

Why are you such a racist that you call for the destruction of everyone but "black people" & Mus lims?

Renee McDowell • 5 years ago

Actually I despise Muslim colonialism even more than white colonialism. I despise the enslavement of blacks in Arab countries. I can't be compared to Farrakhan because I am converting to Judaism, I have white and Jewish friends and am a proud Zionist. I firmly stand against Muslim extremism, and I oppose Muslim immigration to Western nations. I have never called for anyone's destruction.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

if you are a proud Zionist, as you say, then you should support me: the Kingdom of ISRAEL
and you should hate to death: this false Masonic democracy without monetary sovereignty that today is only an ideaological entity of the Democratic Party PD Rothschild, a satanism of NWO totally abusive in the Holy Land!

se tu sei a proud Zionist, come tu dici, allora tu dovresti supportare me: il Regno di ISRAELE
e dovresti odiare a morte: questa falsa democrazia massonica senza sovranità monetaria che oggi è soltanto una entità ideeologica del Pd governo ombra Rothschild, un satanismo di NWO totalmente abusiva in terrasanta!

Renee McDowell • 5 years ago

The Rothschilds are innocent and blameless.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

you obviously do not know what it is: banking seigniorage!
you should follow the lessons of the scientist Giacinto Auriti!
if the Rothschilds, the masters of the world, failed to obtain a homeland for all the Jews: it is only because they did not want to do it!
that you are a poor and annoying stupid (and you do not know me), but, with the power of satan they know well who I am!

tu ovviamente, tu non sai cosa è: il signoraggio bancario!
dovresti seguire le lezioni dello scienziato Giacinto Auriti!
se i Rothschild, i padroni del mondo, non sono riusciti ad ottenere una Patria per tutti gli ebrei: è soltanto perché non hanno voluto farlo!
che tu sei una povera e fastidiosa stupida(e non lo sai di me), ma, loro con il potere di satana loro sanno bene chi io sono!

Grace Joy • 5 years ago

"Mus lim extremism?" Are you serious? You are beyond ignorant & false. Your entire purpose is destruction & Lies.

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

Most successful terrorist organization in last forty years? Lord's Resistance Army - Christian!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

you are only a cursed Islamic: false and traitor like all Muslims, but if it exists: Junker, Merkel Bilderberg Pd Macron Sodoma FED IMF BM NWO then, this is no longer the time of Christians, it is only the time of the antichrists .. today there is no economic or political or religious power of Christians in the world: outside of me!

tu sei soltanto un maledetto islamico: falso e traditore come tutti gli islamici, ma, se esiste: Junker, Merkel Bilderberg Pd Macron Sodoma FED FMI BM NWO poi, questo non è più il tempo dei cristiani, è soltanto il tempo degli anticristi.. oggi non esiste un potere economico o politico o religioso dei cristiani nel mondo: al di fuori di me!

Grace Joy • 5 years ago

Over 670 million kafirs slaughtered by your apocalyptic genocdal Cult of Death. Mus lim taqiyya Liar shill ^^^

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

Religion - any. Good excuse to be lousy to others.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

just today the Pope told his missionaries all over the world to help everyone and not to proselytize!
today there is no Christian wickedness against anyone anywhere in the world.
Christians today are the most persecuted in the world because there is no political power on the planet that can defend them!

proprio oggi il Papa ha detto ai suoi missionari in tutto il mondo di aiutare tutti e di non fare proselitismo!
non esiste oggi una cattivaria dei cristiani contro qualcuno in nessuna parte del mondo.
cristiani oggi sono i più perseguitati al mondo perché non esiste un potere politico nel pianeta che può difenderli!

Grace Joy • 5 years ago

Is lam, specifically. The only one that mandates slaughtering others. The only one with a prophet who made a name for himself invading, robbing, ensl aving, & slaughtering.

MrPoohead • 5 years ago

No it doesn't, it mandates violence for defense. Liar!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

hypocritical liar, like all demoniacal Muslims: is it for legitimate self defense that league ARAB, has made the genocide of 56 previous Christian nations?
is it in self-defense that the Ottomans exterminated 1.5 million Armenians?

ipocrita bugiardo, come tutti i mussulmani indemoniati: è per legittima difesa che la LEGA ARABA ha fatto il genocidio di 56 nazioni cristiane precedenti?
è per legittima difesa che gli ottomani hanno sterminato 1,5milioni di armeni?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

since you lost your bet against me: today, you paid $ 10,000 a martyr christians?

dato che hai perso la scommessa contro di me: oggi, tu hai fatto il versamento di 10000$?