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Ian Tyson • 4 years ago

Given that the entire "palestinian" ideology is based on the worst taqiyya combined with ultra-deep anti-Semitism, and was invented by a wannabe sultan (with people he claimed to represent being his serfs), no surprise that fakestinian "leaders" don't want their people prosperous!

jegwe • 4 years ago

Abbas's cause is building his own bank balance. The interests of the population that he is supposed to represent cannot be allowed to interfere with it. Rather, the population must be subdued and oppressed to make sure that there is no opposition to him building his personal wealth. I wonder who will be getting it when he dies.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

The fine powders enemy of female fertility.
answer. if we did not switch to hydrogen and electricity it is only because Rothschild said that Allah is uh akbar: death to all Israeli infidels with the cretin maternal genealogies!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

four can be the ascertained causes!
Fire Notre-Dame blamed for: 1. a cigarette or, 2. a short circuit, 3. or Allah uh akbar, or 4. the satanists of the MERKEL-Macron CIA UK Rothschild FED IMF ECB.
answer: ok, the 4 hypothesis? is the most plausible

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Waste must be treated by the industry, which must extract all the products and must realize methane from biomass, the Lazio Region to the Local Health Authorities: 'Alert for kindergartens and hospitals'
Lazio. 'The situation should not be underestimated given also the high temperatures'

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

and who are China and Russia who said that Allah is Akbar and that Jews should not have never their own homeland like all the peoples who have suffered: the Islamic genocide?
and who are China and Russia to go against my resolve?

e chi sono Cina e Russia che hanno detto che Allah è akbar e che gli ebrei non devono avere una loro patria come tutti i popoli che hanno subito: il genocidio islamico?
e chi sono Cina e Russia per andare contro la mia determinazione?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Media China, said: "Pompeo is a fool"
crazy is surely the CHINA that in order not to transfer its embassy to Jerusalem decided to make the world war

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

however, it is I alone who will predict and to decide: is mine the decision where the Jewish temple is to be built: and the Zionists' hot heads? they are warned!
Pinera is with Palestinians on Spianata Moschee: which is the territory of ISRAEL, anger of Israel. while Pinera will be a guest of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu today, his ambassador will have to go to the foreign ministry where he will receive a formal protest.
ok, but Pinera can always remedy this mistake by moving his embassy to Jerusalem!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

emasculated child: to make a transgender ] bambino evirato: per realizzare un trasgender ] [ all the judges of the planet who are all controlled by the rothschild Freemasonry. how the Supreme Court of Brazil is preventing any criticism of the behavior of the two lesbian women, under the pretext of homophobia and the threat of arrest against criticism of satanic theosophy of gender lgbt.
but, against the censorship of news like this we think that the public should not be treated as a child, but as a set of mature people, able to judge and decide freely.

tutti i giudici del pianeta che sono tutti controllati dalla massoneria dei rothschild. come la Corte Suprema del Brasile sta impedendo ogni critica al comportamento delle due donne lesbiche, con il pretesto dell’omofobia e la minaccia dell’arresto contro le critiche alla teosofia satanicaa del gender lgbt.
ma, Contro la censura di notizie come questa noi pensiamo che il pubblico non debba essere trattato come un bambino, ma come un insieme di persone mature, in grado di giudicare e decidere liberamente.
maurizioblondet it/bambino-evirato-e-ucciso-da-una-coppia-di-lesbiche/

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

the satanic theosophy of gender] #sessoFluido [so that no one can
question the satanism of the rothschilds: the press is silent on this case!
like this show how extreme feminism and gender are a deadly cocktail,
which harms society, children and has unpredictable effects on the minds
of some mentally ill adults. Women were actually applying nothing less
than the theories of John Money, the founder of gender, who argued that
sexual identity depends on education.

maurizioblondet it/bambino-evirato-e-ucciso-da-una-coppia-di-lesbiche/
Maurizio Blondet 14 June 2019
They wanted to practice the surgery to make the baby "change s e x"
two women emasculated the child and produced a cut on the groin, so as
to produce a vaginal outline, after which the child had not recovered.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

but if Rothschild has destroyed our homeland: with Freemasonry and usury: how we can host these Nigerians in our hotel (at our expense):
that we also lack work? who brought Juncker Bilderberg? why?
African destroys 10 cars then attacks armed agents - VIDEO

//voxnews info/2019/06/26/africano-distrugge-10-auto-poi-attacca-agato-armato-video/
Afternoon of violence in Afragola. An African, probably drunk or under the influence of drugs, first smashed a dozen cars and then clashed with two agents from the local police station before being blocked. The man is in the hospital at the psychiatric ward. Two agents reported some pointy and cut wounds: their condition is not serious

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Palestinian Authority its Own Worst Enemy as Others Try to Bring Economic Prosperity unitedwithisrael org/palestinian-authority-its-own-worst-enemy-as-others-try-to-bring-economic-prosperity/#.XRPJDg_GK9g.twitter

Mahmoud Abbas called the terrorists dead and terrorists imprisoned (in their attempt to kill Israeli children) as second only to Allah. this indicates the real purpose of ISLAM: jihad until the conquest of the world!
how can UN not raise its voice against brutality: universal crime: of a Koranic Islam?
Mahmoud Abbas chiamò i terroristi morti e terroristi imprigionati (nel loro tentativo di uccidere bambini israeliani) come secondi solo ad Allah. questo indica il vero scopo di ISLAM: jihad fino alla conquista del mondo!
come può l'ONU non alzare la voce contro la brutalità: crimine universale: di un islam coranico?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Allah OIC Riyadh sharia jihad: and accomplice: Satan IMF Rothschild FED (petrodollari): they kill innocent people and then, they blame us!
Aylan 2, the cannibals found another child
June 26, 2019 Voxnews
The cannibals of doing good have found a new baby on whose body they feast. Same scene, too similar. This time on the border between the US and Mexico:
voxnews info/2019/06/26/aylan-2-i-cannibali-hanno-trovato-un-altro-bambino/
Drowns a Kurdish child in Turkey? It is the fault of the white man

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Milan, 76% of subsidies go to immigrants: even public housing
June 26, 2019
Lerner and Boldrini, the whole left against Italy: "We're with Sea Watch"
June 26, 2019
Salvini wants the wall at the border to stop the Islamic caravan on June 26, 2019
He kills an Italian girl by planting an umbrella in her eye: the Romanian is free

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

but the feminist members of the Democratic Party have no anything to say because that is always the culture of Mohammed!
Islamic bloodshed the "shameless" daughter and then kills her by investing her, this happens in Italy
June 26, 2019
The investing car didn't throw the girl down, but, with the right front wheel, she crushed Azka's body already on the asphalt.
/voxnews info/2019/06/26/islamico-pesta-a-sangue-la-figlia-svergognata-e-poi-la-investe-in-italia/
ma le femministe del partito democratico non hanno niente da dire perché quella è sempre la cultura di Maometto!
Islamico pesta a sangue la figlia ‘svergognata’ e poi la uccide investendola, questo avviene in Italia
giugno 26, 2019
L’auto investitrice non gettò a terra la ragazza, ma, con la ruota destra anteriore, schiacciò il corpo di Azka già sull’asfalto.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

ROM Kills Italian girl by planting an umbrella in her eye: Romanian is free voxnews info/2019/06/26/uccide-ragazza-italiana-piantandole-ombrello-nellocchio-la-romena-e-libera/
Doina Matei, 33, is free. His lawyer announced it years ago, when he already enjoyed ridiculous prize permits:
democracy has demential laws!
democracy is an incitement to crime!
Now, after just nine years, between one award and the other, he will be free. (every 5 months in prison 1 month of freedom)
The Romanian woman was definitively convicted in 2010 by the Cassation to 16 years in prison for killing, by planting an umbrella in her eye, the Italian girl Vanessa Russo, that damned 26 April 2007, on a platform of the Rome subway.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

to Twitter Support ] you are just persecuting me politically with your slanders! mi state soltanto perseguitando politicamente con le vostre calunnie! ] [ il tuo account ha mostrato un comportamento automatizzato che viola le Regole di Twitter:
Case# 0118473504: Appealing an account suspension - @UniusREI7 [ref:00DA0000000K0A8.5004A00001iKs0T:ref]

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I offered to the Palestinians: 100% of all the territory of Israel in my
kingdom of Israel (but the ARAB LEAGUE must condemn sharia),
now, for OIC Umma Mecca 666 Kaaba thisi no good.
the "Islamic victimization" which is the moral justification of all
martyrdom (to die to conquer the world) and of all the mad terrorism
sharia jihad: in reality, they will not stop until they can get the
genocide of all the human kind!
you have been banned by World Israel News: becouse Morgan Dracula, Rochefeller Belzebuul, Rothschild Ja-Bull-ON.
'not completely honest' when they say they want a state, historian

/worldisraelnews com/palestinians-are-not-completely-honest-when-they-say-they-want-a-state-says-historian

offerto ai palestinesi: il 100% di tutto il territorio di Israele nel
mio regno di Israele (ma la LEGA ARABA deve condannare la sharia),
ma per OIC Umma Mecca 666 Kaaba questo non va bene.
la "vittimizzazione islamica" che è la giustificazione morale di tutto
il martirio (morire per conquistare il mondo) e di tutto il folle
terrorismo sharia jihad: in realtà, non si fermeranno fino a quando non
potranno ottenere il genocidio di tutto il genere umano !