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Peter Hall • 4 years ago

I cannot understand how 2 married men, with wives and children, could plan, then go out and murder 3 teenagers. There is something particularily evil about these acts. They know their actions will not only shatter the families of their victims, but also lead their own children and partners being left with a void.

I just cannot understand such utter evil.

It goes beyond just saying these men were evil. It goes beyond saying these men were indoctrinated. There is something seriously wrong on every level, with a society that could produce such outcomes.

I am extremely fortunate to live in Australia where we do not have to confront such evil, and my heart goes out not only to the Victims and the Families of these truly evil men, but to the Israeli people who have to confront such evil every single day, and have done so for not days or weeks, but decades under the current manifestation, and generations upon others.

I just feel a sadness.

lesrun5k • 4 years ago

Read the koran,they are taught as children to hate / kill. Islam must somehow be eradicated.

Ian Wilson • 4 years ago


Don Spilman • 4 years ago

They are typical muzslime! Following in the footsteps of their vile “perfect man”.

alpcns . • 4 years ago

I can understand it.

It's monstrous, yes. The problem is called Islam, and this kind of atrocities are not only mandated but have been done (and worse) for over 1400 years. It compares very well (and is fully compatible) with fascism, and communism.

Don Spilman • 4 years ago

al, I can’t agree that they are compatible with the things you mention because Izslime is NOT COMPATABLE with anything! In fact because of their “obedience” to their horrid vile all lala they would be much MORE deadly and evil! Think isis running the world, all humanity is gone only the fully committed spirit to do evil is left!

alpcns . • 4 years ago

What I meant to say is that Is_lam is comparable with both fa_scism (na_zism*) as well as communism. It's a horror, like those systems only produced horrors, death, poverty and misery.

Also, fa_scism (na_zism*) is very compatible with Islam - after all, they were best buddies in the ME.

You're right that Islam is totally incompatible with anything civilized and moral.

(*) mispellings intentional (dumb detection algorithms)

Don Spilman • 4 years ago

Yeah al I know where you are I read all your stuff, your a solid good guy! I just had to take the opportunity to slip in a thought. Thanks for response!

Eel Chiong • 4 years ago

Peter, what is wrong for you, could be right for others. A terrorist to you, can be another's freedom fighter. I think that we are both christians(correct me if I'm wrong). Our faith teaches us to love, though many don't follow it. But our faith NEVER ordered us to conquer the world like Islam does. Unlike Christians, muslims take their orders from their god seriously, thats why they consider us wimps. Thats the greatest difference for me. Lastly, Peter, know your enemy well...

Peter Hall • 4 years ago

No Eel, you are wrong. There are certain things that may be considered legal under acts of war. But EVIL is still evil, and 2 grown men, kiddnapping and murdering 3 teenage boys because they are Jewish is pure EVIL. That is not an act of war, it is an act of EVIL. I am a Catholic, maybe not a very good one, but I can live with myself and I try to do good.

But I can find no justification for such acts committed by these evil men. Islam may be the source document for such acts, but the leadership of the Arabs, who call themselves Palestinians, their hatred, their Evil is probably a bit more the blame.

The Muslims do not consider us wimps, and certainly not the Jews as wimps, it they thought we were wimps they would not be sneaking around like wimps and attacking from behind. No, the Muslims and the Arabs who act this way are the wimps, very evil wimps, who pick out easy targets, weak targets, Unsuspecting targets, to commit their evil acts upon.

No the types of people who commit such acts are not brave, they are not freedom fighters, they are not men. They are weak, inadequate, inferior, cowardly. They are the product of an inferior culture, a failled society.

The difference between my society, my culture, and their's, is what they rejoice in, we find abhorrent, what they think is normal, we view as strange and barbaric. I do not fear such evil people as those 2 men. Fear is not what the Jewish people feel either, I believe.

The only fear I feel, is being placed in a situation where you may have to act in a way, you would prefer not to. That you must make choices and do things when confronted with such evil people, that goes against your nature, but you know is necessary. To protect the weak against the Evil ones like those 2 men.

I am not a Saint by any means, but I do recognise what Evil is, what Evil acts are.

I would love to live in a city where no locks were required on my doors, and no people lived in poverty, and evil people did not exist. I am fortunate to live in a very safe city and a very safe country.

But evil does exist, and just like I do have locks on my doors and windows.

If ever I was ever confronted by such evil as those two men, what I would resent the most is what I would have to do, to prevent them doing such things. I would hate having to act in such a manner required to stop someone doing what they did, but the only way to confront violence is with violence.

So it is not fear of such men, it is the repugnance of the actions needed and required to deal with such men, and the hope I would do so in an honourable manner, that is what I personally fear. To be reduced to their level.

So yes, I condemn that Israeli soldier who shot dead the wounded terrorist who laid at his feet. What that Soldier did was wrong, but I can understand why he did it, and if I was in the same situation I would hope I had the strength, not to do what he did. I hate the actions of the terrorists who placed that soldier in the position, where he did what he did. I do not hate the Soldier concerned.

I note the Israeli soldiers who captured the 2 evil men who murdered the 3 teenagers showed great restraint. Their actions demonstrates what side is the EVIL side and what side is the side of good.

Vinegar Hill • 4 years ago

Regarding your first sentence. What were the "3 teenagers" doing in illegally occupied Palestinian territory?
Why does the Israeli government encourage access to the illegally occupied Palestinian territory when they know full well that the lives of Israelis are in danger if they enter the territory?

I too "feel a sadness" but I also condemn the Israeli governments since 1967 for their complicity in such evil acts.

Peter Hall • 4 years ago

"Illegally Occupied Palestinian territory?", so you think people who enter territory univited need to be murdered then? Is that what you are saying? So according to you, it should be open season on any Muslim who enters a Western country and should be murdered on sight, is that what you are saying? So are you saying the Jews then can shoot to kill any Palestinian who steps of Israeli lands?

It that what you are saying little man?

It is clear to me you are not sad over anything, you are filled with the same EVIL and the same HATE as the 2 murderers I condemn. I see why you hide your name, Evil always tries to hide its face. YOU are a evil man.

Please do not respond to any of my posts, I feel like I need to take a shower after reading your poisoned post.

Vinegar Hill • 4 years ago

Regarding your first paragraph it is obvious that you are well practised in the art of depraved perversion and deception. I asked some straight forward questions which you are unable to answer.

You have failed to answer the point I made in my second paragraph.

You have also failed to respond to my accusation that the Jewish state of Israel is complicity in such acts.

I use a "nom de plume" because it represents where I come from and why I defend the indigenous Palestinians in their struggle against the brutalities of the Jewish state of Israel.

Peter Hall • 4 years ago

So "the brutalities of the Jewish state of Israel." is the kidnapping and murder of 3 teenage boys, by 2 Muslim Arab fathers, is that what you are claiming? That is a very flawed conclusion to draw, but I guess you are entitled to being stupid.

I assume thinking is something you are not familiar with, but really???? Can you not see how stupid your position is?????? As to your knowledge of the English language, it is obviously limited, as clearly you do not know the meaning of the words "depraved, perversion and deception". Let me help you a bit there little fella.

And example of deception, is someone hiding their real name. And example of depraved is the murder and kidnapping of teenagers by Adult men. And perversion is describing lands as being illegally occupied, when clearly they are not, or using terms that you know are false but insert those false terms in attempting to claim what you know is not true.

You seem big of rhetoric but scarce when it comes to facts little fella. A lack of critical thinking is totally absent in your claims.

There is another word I would like to explain to you little fella is hypocrisy - the definition is Hypocrisy is "the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness while concealing real character or inclinations especially with respect to religious and moral beliefs. It is the practice of engaging in the same behavior of activity for which one criticises for another."

I hope you can see the relevance here little fella.

Claiming the brutality of 2 Adult Muslim men, inflected upon 3 Jewish teenage boys, is the fault of the Israeli State could only come from a truly EVIL sub-standard mind.

So why have you not answered my questions to you, little fella? Or is the answers you would give, 'it is only ok to kill Jews', embarassing even for a EVIL little mite like you to admit to?

Which pretty much identifies you not only a hypocrite, but also very EVIL. I requested you not to message me again, if you insist on being shamed and humilliated I guess that is your call, but clearly you are one of those EVIL mindless trolls who sneak on here to stir things up. I suggest you crawl back under the rock you slimed out from under.

You contribute nothing, but as an example of a ignorant hate filled EVIL loser, who hides behind his keyboard, too inadequate to ever amount to anything more than a footnote in a comments section.

Vinegar Hill • 4 years ago

The land called the West Bank is illegally occupied and Israel has no legal right to be there. The Jewish state is in violation of international law.

My comments stand.

Peter Hall • 4 years ago

Yes, what you say is a comment, but as you are stupid, you do not understand what words mean; words matter when used correctly. International Law, is a specific term, and Israel is not in breach of international Law. Jordan, Egypt, Syria and other Arab States illegally attacked Israel with the view to wipe it off the map, they did so not once, not twice but on at least 4 occassions.

Each time,The EVIL ones lost land. Under international Law, the agressor nations do not have a right to have lands returned to them, when they lose. That is international law, which you seem so intent to refer but have so very little understanding of.

The Arabs who call themselves Palestinians have had many chances to have a Nation. Each time it has been squandered by those very same Arabs. Look at Gaza, that is what happens when EVIL is left in control.

Just like it is illegal to kidnap and murder people, like the 2 evil men who this article is about.

So if you respected international law, you would make different comments to what you do. You have no respect for international law, and deliberately missuse the term to attempt to hide your EVIL!

The State of Israel has the right to Samaria and Judea, under international law, not only that but historically and culturally as well. The current situation would not be an issue, if they had acted like a Arab state would act, which history has demonstrated time after time after time, of mass slaughter and deportations. That would of solved the problem the Arab way. Just that Israelis are far more civilized than the Arabs that surround them. History has shown that time after time as well.

Facts are Facts little fella, and like a dog will bark at the moon, you will keep barking out your lies and distortions. But those lies and distortions you post, will never be left unchallenged. As EVIL needs to be confronted.

Peter Hall • 4 years ago

The land called the "West Bank"? LOL LOOOOL There is no such land little fella, there are lands are called Judea and Samaria.

You can find them on a map that is 1 year old, or 100 years old or 1000 years old. So where is the flag of this imaginary land called the West Bank, Its currency? On any real map? Sorry little man, there is no land called the West Bank. It is a descriptive term, never a land, like the East Coast of America is not a land, its a location, The outback of Australia is not a land, it is a location. Clearly you were too busy being EVIL at school, to learn very much, weren't you little fella!

That lack of education really does show little fella, the Modern State of Israel was founded under international law. You really do post such utter nonsense.

There was an area called the West Bank for a few years as a generic term used by the Jordanians for the other side, or the Western bank of the Jordan River, when they controlled it. They took it quite illegally in 1948, but no one cared too much, especially the Jordanians

Then, quite stupidly I might add, as they were warned to be good little Arabs, they started a war of agression, with a number of other Evil Arab States, and lost those lands under International Law. Thats what happens when you lose a war so badly, little fella.

Those laws are there to discourage Evil little States and Evil little men profiting from Wars.

End of lesson little fella.

Vinegar Hill • 4 years ago

Once again you are unable to contest what I wrote.

You bury your head in terminology and waffle on about "Evil Arab States".

To repeat, Israel is the illegal occupier of all of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. All of the territory referred to as the West Bank rightfully and legally belongs to the inigenous Palestinian people.

When Israel respects international law then, and only then, will we see the end of the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Richard Adams • 4 years ago

Sure glad trump cut them off of money train.

Ian Wilson • 4 years ago

BUT - that's not going to be enough to destroy them or their 'cult' movement !!!

lesrun5k • 4 years ago

Time for a drone strike on any / all remaining family members of the scum sand roaches that killed the three teenagers,make a strong staement with overwhelming force that will send a much needed message,eliminate the funding, rewarding terror, then eliminate the receiptants wherever they are.

Eel Chiong • 4 years ago

No way, dude. Israel is already walking on eggs. Do you want the EU human rightists to froth in the mouth as they call for sanctions on israel?

Arthur W. Sanchez • 4 years ago

Why would any government on earth give financial aid to another government that actively pays terrorists? And why isn't there a greater outcry from the citizens of those governments?

What can possibly be a government's reasoning or justification for giving tax payer money to governments that pay terrorists for murdering innocent people?

Eel Chiong • 4 years ago

First, people donate for a cause. For the welfare of poor, starving, mistreated palestinian refugees. Then surprise! They never see where their money goes. The rational is this, the more the world sees the poor downtrodden refugees, the more money is given, the bigger their war chests becomes. Thats when they can afford to compensate their "martyrs" in prison.
Then there's the oil rich sympathetic countries. Need I say more?

Uzi Kattan • 4 years ago

If Israel would have executed this subhuman then the salary would mean nothing.

Nancy Mc • 4 years ago


Sharon • 4 years ago

So, let me get this straight. The Palestinians are using our tax dollars to pay the families of the dead terrorists that took the lives of these three young men. How ironic.

.. all aid money is simply blood money..

Mike • 4 years ago

Double their prize for terror. 140 virgins in the afterlife and two pigskins in which to be buried.

Eel Chiong • 4 years ago

Good idea! You know what? It worked before in my country. Before there were suicide bombers in the middle east, there were muslim Juramentados in the Philippines. Juramentados were fanatical muslims trained to ignore pain and cause maximum damage before dying. The colt 1911 pistol was developed especially to counter them since the army issued .38 cal. Long Colt was ineffective. Juramentados were effective against the spaniards. But failed against the americans. The american solution? Throw the dead juramentados inside a pig sty. Or bury them wrapped in pig's blood. The juramentados disappeared since then.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Long live Israel. May tragedy befall their enemies.

Lunga vita a Israele. Possa tragedia accadere i loro nemici.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

We have to have pity for innocent children.
If we don't have that, we're doomed.
See Matthew 18.
For heavens sake, they are children.
Dobbiamo avere pietà per i bambini innocenti. Se non lo abbiamo, siamo condannati. Vedi Matteo 18.
Per l'amor del cielo, sono bambini.
all those who have had mercy on the children of Muslims? they are the 50 Christian Nations: which were prior to the ARAB LEAGUE, and which no longer exist, because the Arab League has made them the genocide of the Sharia!the kingdom of darkness is the kingdom of this world belongs to the predator Muhammad:there is no hope of redemption in them

tutti quelli che hanno avuto avuto pietà dei bambini dei mussulmani? sono le 50 Nazioni cristiane: che erano precedenti alla LEGA ARABA, e che non esistono più, perché la Lega Araba ha fatto a loro il genocidio della sharia!
il regno delle tenebre è il regno di questo mondo appartiene al predatore Maometto:
in loro non c'é una speranza di redenzione

Eel Chiong • 4 years ago

Chill dude, there's more to come. See how Sweden is now? Germany? England? France? Too bad. Oh, your own Italy is on the list too. Goodluck. May God help you coz your own politicians certainly won't.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

North America. USA: rapper R. Kelly arrested Last night in Chicago, among the accusations also child p0rn0graphy
Answer while: Obama Hillary lgbt Bush 322 Kerry (club skull and bones: pirates) LaVey Antony:
the synagogue & church of Satan: Owl Marduch FED FMI BM NWO: and the Democratic party, etc. what do they do these little movies? are they always innocent?

barbarakelly • 4 years ago


A Tart • 4 years ago


Guest • 4 years ago
A Tart • 4 years ago


Alan Zelt • 4 years ago

I am sorry but I cannot believe that the PA can be this stupid. I just give up trying to understand these people just bomb them all and put them out of our misery.

stout7735 • 4 years ago

Palestinians won't understand until they are wiped from the face of the Earth.....Give an Israelite a brand new car for every Palestinian they murder...............................

A Tart • 4 years ago

What they should do is for every Israeli murdered they take and declare the house and land that it sits on now part of Israel. Every time they kill an Israeli the Israeli's kill the terrorist and take his family home and incorporate it into the state of Israel.

A Zionist • 4 years ago

Israel will demolish the house. As for your last statement, please don't make up stories. Israel lives by the rule of law. Israel doesn't steal land that doesn't belong to Israel. It's enough that antisemites claim we do! There is something called the Supreme Court which includes Supreme Court Judges of which one is an Israeli-Arab! The State of Israel cannot & will not act illegally!
To show you are speaking nonsense: if the family rebuilds, the house is demolished again which counters your claim that Israel steals land!

A Tart • 4 years ago

I never said Israel steals land, I said they should take the land as in annex it to the state of Israel. It's war and nations lose land when they lose the fight. I didn't say they did do it, I said in my opinion they should do it. Big difference. You need to brush up on your comprehension skills and read things properly before you comment.

A Zionist • 4 years ago

I suggest you re-read what you wrote. It was at best ambiguous. If you want people to understand what you wrote, I suggest you proof read.

You still seem unable to understand. Israel abides by Israeli Law. Israel cannot just "annex" land nilly willy. It has to abide by law. Demolishing a house of a terrorist & annexing land as a result of war, are 2 different things. Demolishing a terrorist home is not the same thing as winning a defensive war as in 1967. Terrorism doesn't constitute "winning a war".

I stand by what I wrote regarding the difference between demolishing a terrorist home and annexation of land as a result of a defensive war. Taking land that doesn't belong to you is called stealing & this is what the Arabs have the audacity to claim. Similarly, the Europeans who make up the "Occupied Palestinian Territories" entity is also a fiction since it does not exist. Prof. Alan Baker has written about this, so too Prof. Eugene Kontorovich. Public land belongs to Israel as in Area C. Here, Palestinians aided by the EU have stolen land, according to evidence supplied by Regavim. Israel has the right to demolish the properties and have done so, which has enraged the EU. The EU continue to violate international law: in particular what was agreed at Oslo.

If the land is private, Israel has no right in law to take it. In any event, all of this gets referred to the Israeli Supreme Court. Like any democracy, Israel abides by the law.

Shavua Tov!

A Tart • 4 years ago

Golan Heights???

A Zionist • 4 years ago

Golan Heights was the result of a defensive war.

A Tart • 4 years ago

So would the taking of the land their houses sit on...a defensive move...send a strong message. You bomb kill and destroy then you lose a little piece more of your homeland.

A Zionist • 4 years ago

I really don't understand why you are arguing. You are being silly!

Annexation of land as a result of a defensive war, is legitimate under international law. Your reference to the Golan Heights!

Punishing the terrorist by demolishing their home does not come under "international law". It is land theft. Thus, if Israel claims that land belongs to the state, but Arabs can prove the land belongs to them, the land is not "public" and doesn't belong to the state.

This should be simple enough for you to understand.

A Tart • 4 years ago

I get it now...your a muslim...good luck to you shamoota.

A Zionist • 4 years ago

In his acerbic book, "The Art of Being Right: 38 Ways To Win An Argument" the German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, pointed out the way to win an argument when the person has no real argument: put your opponent (me) into some "odious" category & then attack.

You are a nasty individual who replaces argument with name calling & insults. A racist to boot!