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henry schachter • 5 years ago

Members of J Street, EVERY ONE OF THEM are simply TRAITORS to their people
You know what to do with traitors ! May they rot in hell Amen v Amen

a fellow charedi • 5 years ago

It's so sad to know that Jeremy Ben Ami is the son of one of the original volunteer pilots of the Israeli Air Force in 1948. The father was a tzaddik in his own right and his son turned into the worst kind of JEw possible!

Devasahayam the Deplored • 5 years ago

No surprise that "Jaichand" street's projects are always wrong

("Jaichand" -- universally accepted term in India for "traitor", the name of an actual 12th-century king of Kannauj)

Abe Simhony • 5 years ago

What a pack of obvious lies about J Street and about the West Bank. What about Hebron - no Jewish settlers? Just as one example. J Street is a democratic, pro Israel, but also pro justice for all, and it represents a growing number of liberal Jews.

bryon harp • 5 years ago

Liberal Jews, like the ones that caused Hashem's anger in the first place? The ones that caused the Diaspora?

mikeatkron • 5 years ago

All Liberal Jews, and particularly those who are Dhimmicrats, are JINOs!

Hector Zuniga • 5 years ago

Those stupid anti Ysrael must go and open the Bible or the Torah, and see by themselves, that Ysrael is the Legitimate Land Lord Of Judea and Samaria, since more of 5.000 years, there in Yerushalayim ( Jeriusalem ) King David set Jerusalem as the Eternal capital of Ysrael, and later His Son Solomo (Salomon) King of Ysrael build The first Temple to Y H V H The I 'AM WHO I 'AM. The Jews people where sent away from their own land by the hordes of the Roman Empire; And the Prophecy became alive in our age, by the returning of the Jews people to their Legal Land after 2.000 years of been scattered by the four cardinal points of the Earth. two thousands years ago not even exist one single Muslim or any called "Palestinian", only the Jews people where the legal Land Lords of Judea and Samaria as today. Ysrael return to never again be scattered away from their own Land. The called ''Palestinian " are flat wrong on their claiming rights to the land, they are the real invaders of Ysrael, since the Ottoman Empire, because they real are is, the remain of the former empire.an Jordanians citizens.

ArleneB • 5 years ago

I would like to know where J Street is getting the money to pay for all those free trips.

Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

I suspect J Street has more to do with the ego of its board members and their arrogant desire for fame than any argument they could muster to defend their silly naivete.

Metrona • 5 years ago

J Street should actually be called JN Street (JN standing for Jewish Nazis)!

jegwe • 5 years ago

Excuse me. JN is my real initials. My name is respectable.

mikeatkron • 5 years ago

Make that JINO Street (Jews In Name Only)!

DAVLEVINE • 5 years ago

What scum they are. Democ-RATS!

Don Spilman • 5 years ago

What kind of a seriously screwed up brain does it take to be J streeter? Do they get paid to say absolute twisted lies! There has to be some reason they are so evil it can’t just be an accident! .... Well on second thought a very brain injuring accident could be the cause, but were so many in that bad of accident ?

FK • 5 years ago

Will the Israelis even allow the birthwrong groups to enter the country? They should only allow it if a licensed Israeli tour guide is allowed to take over.

henry schachter • 5 years ago

Of course they will allow it Israel is a free country which JS is working to destroy. thats what traitors do

Guest • 5 years ago
bryon harp • 5 years ago

You have the Mason's mixed up with the Illuminati!

Guest • 5 years ago
bryon harp • 5 years ago

Illuminati. And yes Allah is Satan. The Great Deceiver(the Quran). The father of lies! They worship his crown stone at the Kabba in Mecca!

But always Good on Earth becomes infected or falsely copied! The Devil can only copy! He has no original thought!

Islam is his copy of Hashem's plan!

Guest • 5 years ago
bryon harp • 5 years ago

Idiot! I am a Freemason and we have no love for Macron. And you know nothing about us except bullshit you find on the internet! Shut up with you lies already!

Islam: and his banking seigniorage 666 system: regime Bilderberg: is 1000 times worse than Nazism: and the time will come when we will be forced to sentence all Masons to death: with all the accomplices of the Democratic Party, ie shariah his New World Order!

Guest • 5 years ago
bryon harp • 5 years ago

You have no idea what you are talking about. Just another fool spouting their Anti-masonic garbage while the illuminist operate in front of you! I know more about Mason's that could possibly imagine. I know about the Lodges infested with the Illuminati, and worse. Happens in Churches, and Synagogues too. But denegrate good men doing good work! Just as those saying crap about Zionist, not understanding that Soros being a Jew is by birth, and not by faith!

My Nation was founded on Masonic principals! And we support Israel!

You know nothing!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

no wise person starts to insult a stranger (repeatedly), and you are doing it with me!because you cannot know my path among the priests of satan of the CIA: men much more powerful than Putin and Trump put together!your attitude of presumption? does not put you in the best disposition of being able to learn something: that is: if you do not believe of yourself: to be the last term of all science and knowledge!I already knew all the things you revealed to me about at demonic alien entity of Israel, and instead you thought I didn't know!

nessuna persona saggia si mette ad insultare uno sconosciuto(ripetutamente), e tu lo stai facendo con me!
perché tu non puoi conoscere il mio percorso tra i sacerdoti di satana della Cia: uomini molto più potenti di Putin e Trump messi insieme!
il tuo atteggiamento di presunzione non ti mette nelle migliori disposizioni di poter imparare qualcosa: cioè: se tu non credi di te stesso: di essere il termine ultimo di ogni scienza e di ogni conoscenza!
io sapevo già tutte le cose che tu mi hai rivelato sulla entità demoniaca di Israele, e invece tu pensavi che io non lo sapessi!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

disq us/p/20n4xfz tutte le traduzioni inglesi di questo messaggio? vengono distrutte!
tu puoi vedre a: /holyjhwhholyholy blogspot com/2019/03/china-xi-jinping-t-s-invisible-comment html

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

ci sono 12 commenti (in questa pagina) con fedele lorenzoJHWH
ma si potevano vedere 13 comments (in questa pagina) con uniusrei@protonmail.com
perché una traduzione in lingua inglese a China, Xi Jinping (習近平 T, 习近平 S,)
continua a rimanere invisibile dopo [an hour ago] ? ora è stata definitivamente cancellata da unitedwithisrael

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

China, Xi Jinping (習近平 T, 习近平 S,) invisible comment,, indeed if the NWO 666 IMF cannot collapse because the Jews cannot get their homeland, even through your fault?then, every evil against you becomes legitimate:in terms of natural law!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

the priest of satan of the CIA insists on making my comment in English not visible to uniusrei@protonmail.com • 11 minutes ago China, Xi Jinping (習近平 T, 习近平 S,) the communist-capitalist CHINA has too many unfair advantages:

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

the priest of satan of the CIA si ostina a non rendere visibile il mio commento in lingua inglese a
uniusrei@protonmail.com • 11 minutes ago
China, Xi Jinping (習近平 T, 习近平 S,) the communist-capitalist CHINA has too many unfair advantages:

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

the priest of satan of the CIA took 7 minutes to make my two channels visible (on unitedwithisrael) to myself:but, nobody can say: if the algorithms of the NWO allow the display of my comments to everyone

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

fedele lorenzoJHWH? HE does not see uniusrei@protonmail.com • on this same page, and this crime against the first amendment? I never thought it was possible even in Israel, you are making my comments invisible to everyone!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Cina, Xi Jinping (習近平 T, 习近平 S,) la CINA comunista-capitalista ha troppi iniqui vantaggi: contro tutto il resto del mondo, e se: userà(in modo avido) i suoi enormi vantaggi iniqui, questo diventerà la fine per la CINA stessa: la sua esorbitante ricchezza sarà anche la sua maggiore minaccia e distruzione! 1. dittatura, 2. negazione diritti umani, 3. sfruttamento classe operaia; sono una miscela esplosiva.. quindi la CINA deve minimizzare i suoi profitti contro tutto il resto del mondo: ed in questo modo: cioè: portando ricchezza a tutti non sarà mai aggredita!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

against [ Awraham Itschak Sholem ]
to have witnessed the most incredible miracles: he did not give your depraved people: the faith in God: in fact, all of them God knocked them down in the desert:
because they were not fit to enter the promised land!
I don't recognize RIVLIN Freemasons in Israel!
criminals like you should not (yet) hide in God's holy people! you are not the seed of Abraham you are the seed of Baal Peor RIVLIN Rothschild

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

the Democratic Party is physiologically destined to extinction, in fact its Afro-Muslims will kill them one by one!

il Pd è fisiologicamente destinato alla estinzione, infatti i suoi afro-islamici li uccideranno uno ad uno!

Guest • 5 years ago
Tom Dickson • 5 years ago

Yes, very true.

Don Spilman • 5 years ago

I see the seriously brain damaged Italian freak, or whatever it really is, has returned in fine form, I see 18 little notes saying this idiot is blocked! I’m grateful for the feature!