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David Horovitz • 4 years ago

I really do not understand Israel with all of it power. Political, Military, Democratic and Historical why they lack the internal fortitude to get up and bundle the 10,000 Arabs in Hebron into trucks and truck them to a border, eg Syrian, Jordanian, Saudi or other Arab country and just be rid of them.......Sure world public opinion will be outraged just like they were when the Indians lost their territory to the europeans that invaded their lands and evolved into the United States of America. Just like they were when the Brits exterminated the Australian aborigines. Nobody was politically correct then.

Jorge • 4 years ago

All Arab marauders must leave Hebron, a Jewish historical city invaded by Arab Muslims from the dessert, send them back to the dessert they came from

Guest • 4 years ago
studi30 • 4 years ago

What a total load of drek. Netanyahu has done more for Israel recently than many others. He and Trump have made Jerusalem the capital of Israel finally.

Min Dona • 4 years ago

An Arab judge (over the Arab population) said publically that “Anyone who is not Muslim has no right to the Tomb of the (Jewish) Patriarchs” -

The Tomb is a holy monument of Jewish heroes and descendants! God instructed Abraham to abandon his family, his previous name, & identity, to become the Jewish patriarch!
The only blessing a boy born out of forced creation - was a nation to be 12 kings.
It was Abraham’s other son - Isaac, and his descendants, that God gave His blessing of inheritance of the holy land FOREVER! And God gave many more “blessings” to His Jewish children, in the land. Heed His commandments and honor Him, and “all will go well with you.”

The Arabs once again will attempt to steal everything that is not theirs- and everything Jewish - no matter how small. Forcibly confiscating “the spoils” only for Arabs or Mus li ms.
It is the way they plan to slowly destroy Jewish history, Jewish existence, Jewish archeology, and the major Jewish connection of the miraculous divine history, in the holiest book ever written - The Torah and Bible writings! When they have been allowed to steal everything -there is no Jewish reality left. WAKE UP JEWS.

It is an abomination for the Jewish government not to control THEIR Holy Site! As a Jew in America- I see the Jewish nation allowing itself and its ancient history to be slowly confiscated by thieves! Correct this!!

studi30 • 4 years ago

What do you mean an abomination for the Jewish government to not control their holy site? Didn't you read what Netanyahu wrote about just that?

Min Dona • 4 years ago

Is there a different article other than this one, where he said “we re looking into it” - whatever that really means? I’ll believe it when the Jews start taking back total control of Jewish holy sites and they have access 24/7! Gross absurdies have existed too long.

Pamela Friedland • 4 years ago

a few days before the elections natanyahu is doing the usual, provoking unrest that he will quell with a firm hand. has everone lost their memory?

Alexander Harold Hersh • 4 years ago

Provoking Muslim Arab unrest? NO! It is all about upholding Jewish historical and religious rights to the Judean City of Chevron where our Forefathers, Patriarchs and Matriarchs, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca and Jacob and Leah are buried. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Chevron was long overdue. I hope he will keep his election promises to the Jewish Nation of Israel.

shaongaon • 4 years ago

"In reality, Hebron is home to around 10,000 Arabs, with the few hundred Jews who live there forced to dwell in a tiny neighborhood where they are protected by the IDF from Palestinian terror and harassment by European “observer” groups, which have damaged Jewish property and even attacked a 10-year-old boy".

-These misguided arabs sound like they think they're in Poland, not Hebron.

Alexander Harold Hersh • 4 years ago

There must be 10,000 or 20,000 Jews living in the Judean City of Chevron !

Leonie Pipe • 4 years ago

Keep Jews safe in their homeland. Arab third-world savages have plenty of other places to go to, where nobody minds if they practice their barbarism. Israel should be predominantly for Jews, and for Arabs and other groups who want to live in peace with them. All throughout history, we have been persecuted and massacred. Let us live in peace and not be afraid to exile these terrorist thugs.

studi30 • 4 years ago

No other Muslim country wants the Palestinians either.

Alexander Harold Hersh • 4 years ago

The Holy Land of Israel, Samaria and Judea from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea is the biblical, historical and Jewish National Homeland whether the Muslims like it or not. The Holy Land must be predominantly Israeli and Jewish forever.

JewsOwntheLand • 4 years ago

The day is coming O Palestine when you will be judged by God over ALL others for the hate you have given to the Precious Ones the Children of Israel!

Alexander Harold Hersh • 4 years ago

I absolutely concur for the Lord our God has judged and will continue to judge Israel's implacable Arabian enemies for their arrogance, evil and hate, murder and slaughter of the descendants of the Israelites! Vengeance belongs to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!

Min Dona • 4 years ago

A Part 2 reckoning “judgement” is to come for 40 years of Arab “defilement” upon the land, and against God’s Jewish children.
Betraying God’s commandments for all humanity, and defiling the holy land with arson, murder against His Jewish children - acting like rabid dogs.
By their own actions of violence are the Arabs cursed.

“I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse - and all peoples on earth will be blessed THROUGH you.”
Genesis 12:1-3

TK • 4 years ago

I hope the Jewish residence of Hebron appreciate the importance of serving in the Israeli army who protects them.

Alexander Harold Hersh • 4 years ago

Jewish residents of Chevron / Hebron

Guest • 4 years ago
squeakywheel3 • 4 years ago

Covering the head is not obligatory.

It's only a tradition --- nothing more.

Guest • 4 years ago
squeakywheel3 • 4 years ago

"The tradition to wear a kippah is not derived from any biblical passage.
Rather, it is a custom which evolved as a sign of our recognition that
there is Someone 'above' us who watches our every act."

Rest my case.

"Therefore, even when in public, Netanyahu should wear a kippah."

No, that does not follow.

Alexander Harold Hersh • 4 years ago

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu always wears a 'Kippah' in a 'Beit ha Knesset' (House of Assembly or Synagogue) and when studying the Holy Torah.

john ruby • 4 years ago

Please show me where it says in the Tanakh a Kippa must be worn?

442rocketdave • 4 years ago

Good that he went instead of staying away and Hebron needs to be all Jewish!!! Its been Jewish before there were any such thing as muslims!

.. no need to bow down for a speech.. this is your homeland.. never belonged to the pLo..

…. About Hebron…. from Genesis..

(Genesis 13:14 – 18) .. “And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had parted from him, “Raise your eyes and look from where you are, the the north and south. To the east and west, for I give all the land that you see to you and your offspring forever. I will make your offspring as the dust of the earth, so that if one can count the dust of the earth. Then your offspring too can be counted. Up, walk about the land, through its length and its breadth, for I give it to you.” And Abram moved his tent, and came to dwell at the terebinths of Mamre, which are in Hebron; and he built an altar there to the Lord.

Min Dona • 4 years ago

Excellent beautiful scripture! Kudos for remembering it! and sharing it!

Alexander Harold Hersh • 4 years ago


Guest • 4 years ago
Alexander Harold Hersh • 4 years ago

Allow me to re-paraphrase your comment. "When will the Israeli Government decide to take back that which rightfully belongs to Israelites, Judeans or Jews for the sake of the eternal Abrahamic Covenant? The Ishmaelites are Arabians and Muslims who are entitled to NOTHING within the biblical, historical borders of the ancestral Jewish National Homeland from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea."

Guest • 4 years ago
zigomyheart • 4 years ago

Yes, both of you did...Except there are ALWAYS those among us who need a diagram drawn out for them to see and follow....to the meaning of what was expressed...Sad BUT TRUE! I feel both of you did great in your two posts...The quick minded will know immediately what you wrote and those who need a bit more to digest will see plainly (for themselves) from what Alexander Harold Hersh paraphrased using your post...

Guest • 4 years ago
Alexander Harold Hersh • 4 years ago

What precisely is your point, UniusREI Yitzchak Kaduri Messia? The Yehudim - Jews must take back that which rightfully belongs to Israelites, Judeans or Jews for the sake of the eternal Abrahamic Covenant. The Ishmaelites are Arabians and Muslims who are entitled to NOTHING within the biblical, historical borders of the ancestral Jewish National Homeland from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea.

Islam is based upon distortions, falsehoods and untruths, which we should rightfully judge accordingly and therefore be stating to Mahmoud el-Habash, Councillor for Islamic Religious Affairs and Supreme Judge of the Shari'ah within the PA or PLO and Chairman of the PA or PLO Mahmoud Abbas, who both deny Israelite, Judean or Jewish History in the Levant, both deny the Israelite, Judean or Jewish biblical, historical claim to our ancestral, Jewish National Homeland from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea! They both also negate the historical veracity of the National Socialist German and Austrian engineered 'Sho'ah or Holocaust in which six million Jews were exterminated, murdered and slaughtered in Christian Europa during the Second World War!

Israelites, Judeans or Jews have an absolute right to live anywhere and everywhere in the Judean City of Chevron or Hebron and they also have a right of access to visit 'Ma'arat ha Machpela' - the Mausoleum or Burial Cave - of our Forefathers, Patriarchs and Matriarchs, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca and Jacob and Leah. Therefore, historically and religiously, Jews have a far greater, more compelling, legitimate claim and right to be there in Judea and Samaria than the Arabs.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

good boy! that's all I said with different words too!

Alexander Harold Hersh • 4 years ago

Not quite! You need to be more forceful in your Jewish Zionist fervour with regard to asserting Jewish historical and national rights to the Holy Land regardless of what Muslim miscreants falsely disseminate with their bigoted and anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist slander. Why must we Jews endure a repeat of what Mahmoud El-Habash and Mahmoud Abbas state in their malicious and racist remarks about Jews? You have merely copied and pasted extracted information that was gleaned from the article by United with Israel - "Mahmoud El-Habash, Supreme Shari’ah Judge in the PA and PA Head Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor on Religious and Islamic Affairs, criticized the visit, claiming that “anyone who is not Muslim has no right at the Cave of the Patriarchs, and Netanyahu’s visit is a crime and against international law.” Most Muslims think that way.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I am the builder and owner of the Jewish temple (the home of all peoples) I physically represent: the natural law and the universal law! I represent the blessings of Abraham: I release the prisoners; I am the administrator and the universal and eternal butler of the heavenly Jewish temple: the administrator of the whole Kingdom of God or Heavenly Jerusalem: in fact, I am Unius REI the Governor!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I am a universal metaphysical rational agnostic: I am not religion or imperialism: universal brotherhood: the living decalogue: and the most powerful power of Zionism, I am the kingdom of Israel and the King Messiah: the lion of Judah: the destruction of the new rothschild World Order!