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Deborah Jacobs Doebler • 5 years ago

The media is evil and hates anything good. Israel is a beautiful country and has come very far. All the earth has benefited from her in one way or another. I must say though, do not forget who brought you this far. It is God Almighty. He is with you always and will never leave you. God bless Israel and the Jewish people!

Pedder Peckler • 5 years ago

Jews in the USA have been hoodwinked by the media to believe everything printed and said is TRUE without question. No balance. Make the opposition look good by making your opponents appear incompetent and bad. In this New Year, parties should JOIN together to make good things even better. Israel: stand high strong and proud - now and forever.

David Crawford • 5 years ago

I love Yisra'el and Yisra'elis, but I hate the Rabbinical Talmud, Mishnah and the false Jewish religion.
Yahowah despises all religions. You would think Yahowdym would know that after being hauled off to Babylon for 70 years and the 2,000 year diaspora. All the while Yahowah's prophets were in unison condemning the religious types with Howsha/Hosea one of the more vocal.

33CE was a Yowbel year. Major events on Yahowah's calendar occur on Yowbel years. In 33CE Yahowsha' errantly referred to as 'Jesus', rode into Yarowshalaym on a colt four days before Pesach. Daniel prophesied just such an occurrence 173,880 days before.

He remained in the land for four days escaping the satanic clutches of the Pharisees. He was betrayed and captured on the Mount of Olives and spent a night in a subterranean prison cell.

He was brought before Pontius Pilate on the eve of Pesach and was declared innocent but Pilate allowed the Rabbis to have their way in turning Yahowsha' over to the Roman guard.

He was nailed to an upright pole through the wrists and the feet. He had been beaten within an inch of his life prior to crucifixion and succumbed just prior to sunset. A Roman guard stabbed him with a lance to see if he was dead. Blood gushed from the wound and ran down his legs, down the pole and into the crack in the limestone rock created by the earthquake experienced as his body died.

Unknown to the 'Jewish' people, the Ark of the Covenant lay directly below the upright pole. It had been placed there centuries before by Yirmeyah/Jeremiah in a grotto as he sought to secure it from the advancing Assyrians.

Yahowsha's blood dripped onto the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant as His soul descended into She'owl to carry the sins of mankind away in complete accord with the Towrah instructions.

He spent the day of Matsah in a lightless timeless place paying a hellish price for you and me.

He was removed from She'owl by Yahowah and was seen by His mother who mistook Him for a gardener.

The stone had been rolled away from His earthly grave and there was no body - in complete accord with the Pesach instructions that no part of the lamb is to remain until morning.

Yahowsha' urged the women not to touch Him as He had not yet ascended to the father on Bikuwrym, first born sons. As history tells us over 500 sightings of spirits rising from graves to be taken as a first fruit offering by Yahowsha' to Yahowah's home.

Yahowsha' fulfilled the first three Miqra'ey - Pesach, Matsah and Bikuwrym and played a starring role in the fourth Miqra' - Shabuwah' as the Ruach Qodesh, the feminine aspect of Yahowah's nature errantly known as the "holy ghost" came upon the assembly allowing them to hear Yahowchanan's/John's and Shimown Kephas'/Peter's Towrah message in their own tongue assisting them to understand without need for an interpreter.

Today in New Zealand I have celebrated Taruw'ah the fifth Miqra' corrupted to Rosh Hashanah by the Rabbis adopting Babylonian customs during their 70 year time out. This Taruw'ah message is for Yisra'el

Your Rabbis Akiba and Maimonides - the Rambam have led the Jewish people astray with Rabbinical Judaism leading the charge

That does not mean that all Yisra'el is corrupt. Many seek the truth and have already rejected Judaism. Many (over 40%) of my fellow Covenant members are Yahowdym. Halalowyah for that !!

Shalowm to you all

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Italiano povero cerca cibo in cassonetto, denunciato per furto: ha rubato la monnezza a chi? il comune lo deve indennizzare per il mancato costo dello smaltimento, invece

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN INTENSE AND PURE LOVE] I am as close as possible to God, as men of the whole history of mankind have been able to see and touch.
why Jesus of Bethlehem?
he is God!

AMORE INTENSO E PURO ] Io sono quanto di più vicino a Dio gli uomini di tutta la storia del genere umano abbiano potuto vedere e toccare.
perché Gesù di Betlemme?
lui è Dio!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

naive @realDonaldTrump when will they give a legal dignity to
Christians? @TrumpSuperElite then I will say that Kim Jong-un is
@patriae_amans quando daranno una dignità giuridica ai cristiani?
allor apotrai dire Kim Jong-un è sincero! @Trump2020Repub

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

best wishes from me
#uniusREI #Governor

@UniusRei and da
The shanà tovà tikatevu ve techatemu. My best New Year's Eve to the whole Jewish community in Italy and in the world #ShanahTovah #RoshHashana

auguri da me
#uniusREI #Governor

@UniusRei e da
L’shanà tovà tikatevu ve techatemu. Il mio augurio di buon capodanno a tutta la comunità ebraica in Italia e nel mondo #ShanahTovah #RoshHashana

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

cercano il seme di Abramo [ bestie di Satana e Allah ] cercano il
seme di Abramo. quindi la NATO aggredirà la RuSSIA con calunnie!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

ora ci vuole la pena di morte per la Boldrini!
Terrore sul treno: immigrato accoltella una 20enne

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

L’ultimo trucco dei clandestini: “unioni civili” con gay italiani per restare in Italia
i violenti! Campagna elettorale di sangue in Brasile: accoltellato il candidato della destra (video)
Salvini stronca i buonisti: «Gli immigrati portano violenza, leggete i dati»

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

to Ukraine USA allah EU Bilderber JaBull-On Rothschild and Belzebuul is not interested in the will of the sovereign people of CRIMEA, because for Rothschild we are his goyims dalit dhimmis slaves: without paternal genealogies!
This is an insurmountable mortgage: for the world war

ad Ucraina USA allah UE Bilderber JaBullOn Rothschild e Belzebuul non interessa la volontà del popolo sovrano della CRIMEA, perché per Rothschild noi siamo i suoi goyims dalit dhimmis schiavi: senza genealogie paterne!
Questa è una ipoteca insormontabile per la guerra mondiale

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

ma, c'é un nemico russo? no, le bestie di Allah e SpA Satana se lo sono inventato!
Tutto il mondo sa che la minaccia russa è inesistente.

colpiscono la sella (la Russia)

perché vogliono arrivare al cavallo ( Israele )
maledetti farisei e salafiti cercano il seme di Abramo

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Londra lascerà le sue truppe in Germania per contenere "l'aggressione russa": .. satanisti massoni non vedono il demonio Allah, e quindi, l'industria e la finanza rothschild hanno disperato bisogno del nemico russo: così se lo sono inventato!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

il popolo pecora italiano non è degno di avere nei TG le notizie dal
mondo! 22enne tedesco muore per una rissa con un gruppo di afghani: ringraziamo bilderberg giudeo massoni e Pd pipi LGBT alto tradimento kalergi il signoraggio bancario

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

La Francia minaccia ancora Damasco:

in quale chiesa di satana Francia e Uk prendono le loro decisioni? certo non nella NATO!
ministra della Difesa francese Florance Parly ha ribadito che se in Siria verranno usate armi chimiche da parte di Erdogan il turcomanno mannaro? seguirà una reazione e Parigi

alpcns . • 5 years ago

Apparently Bibi is haunted by witch hunters too. Maybe it's a "progressive" thing, like in the Dark Ages.

jgarbuz • 5 years ago

Trump and Bibi are two peas in a pod. Both conservative defenders of their nations, and both hated by the "progressive" leftists of the hypocritical fake news media.

canadaproud188 • 5 years ago

Very well said!!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Netanyahu incassa i successi di Israele, Chides Media in Rosh Hashana Toast

Netanyahu ] sono 2 anni, che, io scrivo con il profilo della mia posta elettronica: ovunque, in tutto il mondo: e nel mondo, ma, nessuno mi ha scritto, forse oltre agli agenti della CIA, in questo pantano di Algoritmo internet? non mi legge nessuno, tranne te!

forse nella mia posta ci sono gli agenti della CIA!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

pregate pregate per la speranza di Israele, pregate
pray pray for the hope of Israel, pray
ruega ora por la esperanza de Israel, ora
prie pour l'espoir d'Israël, prie