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alpcns . • 5 years ago

This is just Bibi's way of ratcheting up the pressure on Abbas, by rubbing in that not even his Arab "brothers" support him anymore, and also are sick to the back teeth of his whining, obstruction and constant refusals. All of which is excellent.

Changes are coming, whether Abbas likes it or not. In fact, he's effectively out of the picture already.

c0mm0nsensical • 5 years ago

Peace with Palestinians doesn't even have meaning anymore. What kind of peace? To have peace with whoever the "Palestinians " are, we need to solve the final status negotiations. That's the sticky wicket, so unless the Arab states want to absorb the Palestinian Arabs, where will they go?

Jim Moritz • 5 years ago

Unfortunately, the palestinian arabs have aligned themselves with the Iranian regime, thus joining the threat to the overall arab world.

Ian Tyson • 5 years ago

Only when the Arab countries recognise that the fakestinians are a mix of their own, and the fakestinians go back to their countries of origin!

Eliot Schickler • 5 years ago

Don't trust the Fakenstinians! We need to put Hamas out of business!

Patrick Godfrey • 5 years ago

The king shall perish from Gaza, his palace will be destroyed, this king ID none other than this Abbas a wicked murderer of God's people Israel for he who touches God's people Israel touches the apple of God's eye, and when u touch the apple of your eye the eyelid instantly closes on whatever touches the the apple of the eye of God
I will set a fire upon the walls of Gaza God said by the prophet of the the God of God's the God of Israel the only God
Rejoice not thou whole Palestinia because the rod of him that him smote thee is broken for out of the serpents root shall come forth a cockitrice and his fruit shall be a firey flying serpent the poor and needy shall feed and I will kill thy root with famin and he shall slay thy REMENANT
He that is left shall be for our God as a governor in Judah and a Jebusite in Ekron
ALL these words are from the God of Israel by his holy prophet's

Daveed • 5 years ago

Never happen as long as Islam exists. Only when Yeshua returns.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Christian Loses Sight in One Eye in Attack by Muslim Neighbors Pakistani Islamists try to drive out only Christian family on the block. By Our Pakistan Correspondent

LAHORE, Pakistan, August 28, 2018 (Morning Star News)
– A young Christian man in Karachi, Pakistan lost sight in one eye when
armed, Muslim neighbors attacked his family, his father said.

Vikram John, 25, lost sight in his left eye after Muslim neighbors who
had pressured his family to leave the neighborhood with months of
harassment beat him and other family members on the night of Aug. 18,
his father Alvin John told Morning Star News by phone.

“After exchanging a few hot words with the Muslim youths led by a
political activist named Ihsan, Vikram came inside the house,” Alvin
John said. “Moments later, bricks and stones came smashing through our
window glass and hitting our gate. The attackers threatened us, saying
to move out of the neighborhood if we wanted to stay alive as they
hurled curses and abuses on us.”

Earlier in the evening, Vikram John was involved in a minor altercation
with Muslim neighbors who had teased his 18-year-old sister, said his
father, who 10 months ago moved the family to Karachi’s Mehmoodabad
No-II neighborhood from Sahiwal District in Punjab Province.

“This wasn’t the first time they had harassed her,” he said. “For months
we had been requesting the boys’ families to stop the hooliganism, but
it seems that they had found this to be an effective tool to intimidate
us, so the harassment continued unabated.”

The Muslims have been harassing and intimidating the family, who belong
to an Assemblies of God church, since they moved into the rented house,
he said – teasing his children when they stepped out the doorway and
mocking them for being Christian.

Although there is a sizeable Christian population in the Mehmoodabad
area, the John family is the only one on their street of 15 to 20 Muslim
families, he said, adding that the neighbors tried various antics to
force them out.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Galassiah Jihadista è finanziata con le elemosine di tutti i mussulmani universaldominusuniusrei blogspot /2018/08/galassiah-jihadista-finanziata-con-le

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Modi Xi-Jinping, Netanjahu Putin Trum ] mi è stato messo in blocco il computer

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

la Galassiah Jihadista finanziata con le elemosine di tutti i mussulmani del mondo ha la stessa shariah della LEGA ARABA, ma, per Imam Onu va bene così: "bravo bravo bravo" ] Kidnapped Schoolgirl Leah Sharibu Appeals for Rescue in Audio Recording, Reports Say Government analyzing voice that father says is that of his daughter. By the Editor

August 28, 2018 (Morning Star News)
– In an audio recording revealed yesterday, kidnapped Christian
schoolgirl Leah Sharibu appeals to the government of Nigeria to win her
release from Islamic extremist group Boko Haram, according to several
published sources.

Boko Haram released more than 100 schoolgirls about four weeks after kidnapping them on Feb. 19 but held Leah, 15, because she refused to convert to Islam, Morning Star News revealed on March 26.

In the audio recording obtained by a journalist for Nigerian online news outlet The Cable, Leah says in her native Hausa that she wants the government and “people of goodwill” to rescue her.

“I am begging you to treat me with compassion, I am calling on the
government, particularly, the president, to pity me and get me out of
this serious situation,” she says on the audio.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

kill aliens abductions
22:08 28.08.2018 | mondo/201808286423236-usa-turchia-s400-mattis/
Cina Russia India ] io pretendo che voi riconosciate Gerurasalemme come capitale dello Stato ebraico: SUBITO.
io ho trovato questo dialogo nella mia posta, ma, non in disqus
NRApatriot ha risposto Lunedì 27 agosto
Cina Russia India ] potrebbe non esserci più il tempo di poterlo ripetere, voi datemi il mio Regno di Israele, o miliardi di persone possono scendere all'inferno!
Tutti questi terremoti ed eruzioni vulcaniche sono Gei-Hinnom che si ingrandisce sette volte in modo da ospitare tutti coloro che stanno andando lì molto presto !!!

All these earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are Gei-Hinnom enlarging itself seven times over in order to accommodate all those who are going there very soon!!!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

non possiamo avere un #FICO traditore nel Governo, lui deve essere
sfiduciato! @a_meluzzi @matteosalvinimi @GiorgiaMeloni @luigidimaio
@vitocontesi @GiuseppeConteIT

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Putin MODI Xi-jinping] Kabbalah Islamic target shariah: as of the Kabbalah of the synagogue of FED FMI satan (the only demonic association of the NWO) is to divide the nations about the strategic strategic objective: of the Kingdom of God, which is to realize the Kingdom of ISRAEL.
if we do not realize the Kingdom of Israel we will plunge into the world war, where the ARABA LEAGUE plans to swallow another 50 nations!
the disagreement in OCI LEGA ARABA is fictitious, because only one demon is in Mecca Kaaba!
Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel means destroying the monopolistic US vision

Putin MODI Xi-jinping ] obiettivo della Kabbalah Islamica shariah: come della Kabbalah della sinagoga di SpA FED FMI satana (unico sodalizio demoniaco del NWO ) è quello di dividere le Nazioni circa l'obiettivo cruciale strategico: del Regno di Dio, che è realizzare il Regno di ISRAELE.
se non realizzeremo il Regno di Israele noi precipiteremo nella guerra mondiale, dove la LEGA ARABA progetta di inghiottire altre 50 Nazioni!
il dissidio in OCI LEGA ARABA è fittizio, perché un solo demonio è a Mecca Kaaba!
Riconoscere Gerusalemme come Capitale di Israele, significa distruggere la visione USA monopolistica

Susan Feit • 5 years ago

uniusrei.. What on earth are you writing? It all sounds jiberish !!

Jim Moritz • 5 years ago

Precisely what it is!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

It all sounds jiberish?

so if, you're not sure what it is: why, you come to dirty the space of this page?

e allora se, tu non sei sicura di cosa è: perché, tu vieni a sporcare lo spazio di questa pagina?

Susan Feit • 5 years ago

Sir ! With what language are you communicating ?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

italian language,
but with traslator speak any language

Eli Williams • 5 years ago


paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Putin riconosce Gerusalemme come capitale dello Stato Ebraico! //yeshua-ha-mashiach-notzri.blogspot /2018/08/putin-riconosce-gerusalemme-come

Guest • 5 years ago
George Parker • 5 years ago

Peace means different things to everyone concerned. In islam for example, peace means when the entire world has submitted to their desert deity. As long as he keeps it vague the masses will be satisfied. While he addresses the reality of the situation.

Guest • 5 years ago
George Parker • 5 years ago

Precisely, each group having their own definition.

Words of wisdom from a REAL prophet...

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities — but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome."

The River War, volume II pp. 248-250 (1899)

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

questo è il lato sporco e cattivo e perverso del M5S-Pd #sessofluido #dittaturaGENDER alto tradimento il signoraggio bancario.
Fico fa l'anti Lega e strizza l'occhio alla sinistra. Ma nel
Movimento nessuno è disposto a seguirlo.

cammo99 • 5 years ago

Hamas has demonstrated that sectarian interests will not give way to Islamist aspirations. Now that McCain is out of the picture the heavy weight in the GOP who opposed making the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization designate (Even though he was for Mubarak's removal but the Egyptian Army rather than the MB instead.) McCain liked to play both sides of the fence that's not moderation that is infantilism.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

excellent results for Netanjahu, no doubt, but where is the threat?
the ARABA LEAGUE is a hypocritical fiction: against the rest of the world, and we must not bite its spells, certainly it is not me or Trump and Putin to finance the jihadist galaxy!
the Koran remains the uncreated word that can not be interpreted,
they are without a council since the days of Muhammad,
Islam shariah is a genocide without laicity, they are Erdogan Wahhabiti paranoid, religious maniacs, and this is a tunnel of death crazy, without hope of redemption: for all mankind!
and this must be said: I do not recognize the false masonic idol: scam banking seigniorage: demon-cracy of Israel without monetary sovereignty, and therefore Israel will remain without legitimacy until it NOT becomes my theocracy!

ottimi risultati per Netanjahu, senza dubbio, ma, dove è la minaccia?
la LEGA ARABA è un finzione ipocrita: contro tutto il resto del mondo, e non bisogna abboccare ai suoi sortilegi, certo non sono io o Trump e Putin a finanziare la galassiah jihadista!
il corano rimane la parola increata che non può essere interpretata,
loro sono senza un concilio dai tempi di Maometto,
Islam shariah è un genocidio senza laicità, paranoici, maniaci religiosi, e questo è un imbuto di morte senza speranza di redenzione: per tutto il genere umano!
e questo deve essere detto io non riconoscono la falsa demonio-crazia di Israele senza sovranità monetaria, e quindi Israele rimarrà senza legittimità finché non diventerà la mia teocrazia!

Jim Moritz • 5 years ago

Do you really think anyone reads your nonsensical diatribes?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

and why do you repeat continuously, all your nonsense?
I express concepts,
you express unjustified dogmatic judgments of insults,
what if you were not in a coward?
then, of course you would have already, dealt/fight with me about some argument

Who is that demon Rothschild Morgan Soros that sent you?

e perché tu lo ripeti continuamente, il tuo non senso?
io esprimo concetti,
tu esprimi immotivati giudizi di insulti,
che, se tu non fossi in vigliacco?
poi, certo mi avresti già affrontato circa una qualche argomentazione,
chi è quel demonio che ti ha mandato?

Susan Feit • 5 years ago

You are using up valuable space Sir , please refrain from multiple comments

Jim Moritz • 5 years ago

You have an amazing but useless talent for stringing together unrelated words and phrases. Your thesaurus is not your friend.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

What is wrong with you?
why do you think you are my enemy? based on which circumstance concept?

cosa c'é di sbagliato con te?
perché pensi di essere il mio nemico? in base a quale circostanza concetto?

Jim Moritz • 5 years ago

You are not my enemy. You are simply a negative presence, but you have the potential to be a positive influence if you chose that route.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

you are the intelligent son of the stupid Beelzebub !!!
in fact do / realize: a speech with your slanders? it's impossible!

tu sei il figlio intelligente di quello scemo di Beelzebub!!!
infatti fare/realizzare: un discorso con le tue calunnie? è impossibile!

Jim Moritz • 5 years ago

Thank you for making my point for me. I’ll not waste any more of my time on you. Shalom...

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

really? I had not realized that you had never wasted your time for me

veramente? io non mi ero accorto che, tu avevi mai sprecato il tuo tempo per me

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

I wish I could be positive, if you teach me how it could be done!

vorrei tanto poter essere positivo, se tu mi insegni su come si potrebbe fare!