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gerald m. serlin • 3 years ago

Not only are the Arabs anti-social in many ways they are unsanitary, too. They should not ne allowed to mingle in civil society.

I Peter 3:15 • 3 years ago

I hate to be ugly, but REALLY, decent, hardworking, law abiding people have a right to discriminate against people who desire to live and act like animals and effect the lives and health of others. The Bible doesn't say "Cleanliness is next to godliness", as some have claimed; but the godly don't have a desire to live like heathens. I think Israel should make the criminals (so-called Palestinians) put all that garbage in medium size boxes and ship each box to those who support the boycotting movement against Israel (including a number of Democrat politicians) and use the money that is paid to terrorists to buy the boxes and pay for the shipping. Or, better yet, force the criminals that did this to load the garbage onto Iranian ships that threaten Israel.

Conservative American • 3 years ago

Garbage Dump? I thought this was the Home of Abbas?

BusyBeeFli • 3 years ago

So many diseases come from unsanitary conditions yet societies never learn.

Kjeld Hesselmann • 3 years ago

The Arabs in Israel don’t love the country and they can hardly keep their own countries free of filth and stench. The odor may remind them of homey conditions.

Timothy Votaw • 3 years ago

I wonder, after letting this go for so long.

Phil Lesh Fan • 3 years ago

"Regavim said it campaigned for several months before the Civil Administration announced this week that it will enforce the law..."

As in America, laws that are not enforced are merely suggestions or wishes.
Governments which do not enforce laws are what? The Tooth Fairy's employees? Hanukkah Harry's employees?

Leonie Pipe • 3 years ago

Removing these mounds of polluting wastes is only half of the problem solved. Next is to remove the toxic wasteland they have the gall to call "Palestine". Filthy fakestinian swine should be diffused into Egypt and Jordan, where they rightfully belong. The fact that even those countries don't want them says something...

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

https://voxnews info/2020/07/16/italiana-stuprata-a-milano-da-un-africano-al-parco-in-pieno-giorno/
Milan is not a city for women, like all major Italian cities it has become a multiethnic jungle: the prey is Italian women.
A woman was attacked and raped on the San Siro hill in Milan while she was walking with her dog. The attacker was "described to the police as an African".
An Italian woman, 45 years old, was raped by a man she described as a foreigner, yesterday around 18, in Milan while she was walking the dog in the park of Monte Stella, the Montagnetta di San Siro, in the north- west of Milan in the QT8 district.
The victim of the attack was transported, in yellow code, to the Mangiagalli Clinic of the Policlinico.
The police intervened on the spot, called by 118. The investigations are conducted by the Mobile Squad.


paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Chaos Prosecutors, Palamara lawyers: "Trojan wiretapping with Ferri and Lotti cannot be used"
Ja-Bull-On monster, FED lgbtq, IMF ECB Rothschild Freemason antichrist Saruman tries to protect himself!
https://www msn com/it-it/notizie/italia/caos-procure-legali-palamara-inutilizzabili-le-intercettazioni-trojan-con-ferri-e-lotti/
Caos Procure, legali Palamara: "Inutilizzabili le intercettazioni 'trojan' con Ferri e Lotti"
il mostro Ja-Bull-On, FED lgbtq, IMF ECB Rothschild massone anticristo Saruman cerca di proteggersi!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Aggression in Milan: an Italian woman, 45 years old, was raped by a man she described as a foreigner, yesterday around 18, while she was walking the dog in the Monte Stella park, La Montagnetta di San Siro, in the area north-west of Milan in the QT8 district.
we have no places in prison
we don't have the death penalty!

Aggressione a Milano: una donna italiana, di 45 anni, è stata violentata da un uomo da lei descritto come straniero, ieri intorno alle 18, mentre stava portando a spasso il cane nel parco del Monte Stella, La Montagnetta di San Siro, nella zona nord-ovest di Milano nel quartiere QT8.
non abbiamo posti in carcere
non abbiamo la pena di morte!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Afro-Islamic invasion, Kalergi plan: the Democratic Party is a threat to nation security.
Twelve migrants landed on the island of Lampedusa were transferred, in the utmost secrecy, to the Felicioni residence in Roseto degli Abruzzi. The mayor Sabatino Di Girolamo thunders: «I want to know the nationality and the names in order to check for the anti-Covi rules». According to some rumors, they are said to be Bangladeshis arriving from a reception center in Calabria. The news, which sparked the discontent of the people of Roseto, who do not exclude street demonstrations, starts from the web. But the police headquarters and the prefecture did not reveal anything, even if the migrants are positive.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

hydrogeological instability of Pd Bilderberg UE the antichrist, Bomb of water Palermo: 300 firefighters interventions, evacuated houses,
Firefighters need 12 hours to empty an underpass from the water: looking for 2 missing people.

dissesto idrogeologico di Pd Bilderberg UE l'anticristo, Bomba d'acqua Palermo: 300 interventi pompieri, case evacuate,
vigili del Fuoco hanno bisogno di 12 ore per svuotare dall'acqua un sottopassaggio: alla ricerca di 2 dispersi.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

where is the Democratic Party? the mafias swarm! Video player of:
Mafia, the accusation of Massimo Giletti: «I have not yet heard a distancing from Minister Bonafede» The conductor against the minister's modus operandi

dove c'é il Partito Democratico? le mafie pullulano! Lettore video di:
Mafia, l'accusa di Massimo Giletti: «Non ho ancora sentito una presa di distanza del ministro Bonafede» Il conduttore contro il modus operandi del ministro

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

having legalized the Churches of Satan is not a good idea
The "rooms of horrors" on the deep web: 17-year-olds paid to see children killed live
Horror chats, 20 children exchanged photos of pedophilia and beheadings: the oldest was 17 years old Pedophiles in Italy, arrests and searches in 15 regions. Among the victims, also babies

avere legalizzato le Chiese di Satana non è una buona idea
Le "stanze degli orrori" sul deep web: 17enni pagavano per vedere bimbi uccisi in diretta
Chat dell'orrore, 20 ragazzini si scambiavano foto di pedofilia e decapitazioni: il più anziano aveva 17 anni Pedofili in Italia, arresti e perquisizioni in 15 regioni. Tra vittime anche neonati

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

national hydrogeological instability tragedy
Shocked water bomb in Palermo: «Two drowned in the car» But the bodies are not found,
tragedia dissesto idrogeologico nazionale
Bomba d'acqua choc a Palermo: «Due annegati nell'auto» Ma i corpi non si trovano,
Pd lgbtq UE antichrist antisionists threatens the Italian death and destroys the homeland

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Pd threatens the Italian people with death and destroys the homeland. Citizenship income, spending grows DOES NOT create jobs, stimulates parasitism, INPS, 1.4 million applications for citizenship income accepted

Pd minaccia di morte il popolo italiano e distrugge la Patria. Reddito di cittadinanza, la spesa cresce NON crea lavoro, fomenta il parassitismo, Inps, accolte 1,4 milioni di domande per reddito di cittadinanza

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Pd lgbtq UE antichrist antisionists threatens the Italian people with death and destroys the homeland. Virus, the Pakistani case with Erdogan jihad sailing ships: they can still enter Italy, but there is a boom of infected sharia. Coronaviruses rise, today 162, while the dead (13)

minaccia di morte il popolo italiano e distrugge la Patria. Virus, il caso pakistani con velieri Erdogan jihad: in Italia possono ancora entrare, ma è boom di contagiati sharia. Coronavirus salgono i contagi, oggi 162, mentre calano i morti (13)