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Am Yisrael Chai • 4 years ago

Democrats = Friends of Iran!

Michael • 4 years ago

Wake up AIPAC. The Democrat party of your youth is no longer. In an attempt to be perceived as non-partisan, you are pandering to the emergence of the New Democrat Party which is growing increasingly anti-Israel/Semetic. You are at risk of losing support of Christians and Jews who are committed to the survival of Israel.

alpcns . • 4 years ago

I am happy to see that the world finally seems to be waking up. We shall see. Left- or right wing, it's all blah-blah. Fascism is fascism, no matter where it comes from and needs to be completely eradicated.

Esther Schrager • 4 years ago

Questions for the idjits at J street and every other nitwit who blames Israel for the lack of progress toward peace:

What gives any idea that it is at all possible to come to any genuine agreement with the "PaLIEStinians"?? We hear people say "both sides are at fault." What gives ANY indication that there is ANY willingness on the part of the Arabs to ACCEPT A JEWISH STATE in ANY borders?

What gives ANY indication that there is ANY responsible authority among the PaLIEStinians which is
a) prepared to make peace with Israel, and to guarantee that peace for the future;
b) prepared to acknowledge Israel as the historic Jewish homeland;
c) prepared to permit Jews to live in a "Palestinian" state, with full civil rights;
d) prepared to acknowledge the endless lies they've been teaching for decades: e.g., blood libel, Holocaust denial…

What gives any indication that there is any progress within the PA or Hamas toward establishing a democratic state, with open elections, political freedom, and rule of law?

No: both sides are NOT at fault. THE ARAB WORLD is at fault, and has been for a hundred years. The Arab world is at fault in refusing to allow Jewish sovereignty ANYwhere in the Land of Israel.

What does Israel "risk" in the so-called "peace process"?

Annihilation. Complete, total annihilation. This is what Israel is asked to risk. Being EXTERMINATED.

What do the Arabs risk? Well, as far as Israeli action goes, nothing. (What other Arabs would do to them is a separate issue, and not Israel's problem.)

It was said many years ago and is still true: if the Arabs laid down their weapons there would be no more war. If Israel laid down her weapons there would be no more Israel.

"Israel has to compromise, too"?. Well, Israel HAS compromised. From the return of Sinai, the withdrawal from Gaza, and giving the PA authority in parts of Judea and Samaria, Israel HAS compromised. And the Arabs have taken every offer and spit on it. Here's the reality: the only thing Israel can do to bring about "peace" with the PaLIEStinians is SELF-DESTRUCT. Because that's the only thing they want.

It really is that one-sided. It's up to the Arabs to STOP. Just STOP. Stop the lies: Holocaust denial, blood libel, Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Stop exaltation of murder. Accept the existence of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people, with the right to exist in the Land of Israel, within secure borders. Stop teaching children that Jews are "apes" and "pigs"; that Jews are all evil; that killing Jews is good and right. Just STOP.

And stop thinking ISRAEL is in ANY WAY responsible for the failure to reach a peace agreement!

Olga Epshteyn • 4 years ago

I agree with every your word. The only thing that Muslims would enthusiastically accept is the disappearance of Israel from the face of the earth, to the last baby. And that would absolutely suit the leaders of the Democratic Party. Everything that they can make for this purpose, they will do - be sure. Plans of democrats will bring death to my country. Therefore, since the time of Obama, for me, any person voting for democrats is the one who supports to our murderers. And I absolutely do not give a damn whether he observes kashrut or prays to Allah. May be it looks like a radical view, but the speeches of Sanders and Warren prove that I just look sensibly at things - without any sentimentality.

alpcns . • 4 years ago

Why is the - doubtlessly excellent - post of Esther removed? Do we have Muslim moderators here, too, now?

c0mm0ncenz • 4 years ago

You can read her reply by clicking on her name in Olga's response. Someone must have objected to it, maybe?

Bernhard Rosenberg • 4 years ago


Phil Lesh Fan • 4 years ago

This reform rabbi would do well to straight-out call on liberal J ews to leave the Democratic Party. Not only has that party climbed into bed with the ideology of Omar, Tlaib, Ellison, and others, that party is the source of most of the problems in black inner cities, raging poverty, homeless policies, and just about every other failing area of America.

Nicole Chaplain-Pearman • 4 years ago

Why should THEY leave. The anti-Semites are the ones in the wrong and therefore the ones who should be forced to leave. If the Democratic party collapses and nothing replaces it the US ends up with only one political party that's allowed to rule unchallenged and there's no more room for an opposition party to express a different opinion, then the US is no longer a democracy and there's no point in having elections at all. The anti-Semites have to be removed from any and all positions of power period. You know they won't stop at one party; they'll eventually take both sides of the House if they're not booted out. Anybody who thinks they won't is dreaming.

Phil Lesh Fan • 4 years ago

Anti-Israel ideology is just one issue in the Democratic Party, as I noted in my original post.

Nicole Chaplain-Pearman • 4 years ago

It wasn't always like the way it is now and you didn't really address anything I brought up. Besides there are anti-Semites and supporters of other questionable ideas in the Republican Party too but they've kept a low profile so far. To believe that the Democrats are entirely evil while the Republicans are pure as the driven snow is naive.

Phil Lesh Fan • 4 years ago

Hi. I agree completely that neither party is pure as the driven snow. To be sure, anyone who believes otherwise is naive.

The Democratic Party need to collapse, but it hopefully will change for the better. Unfortunately, the only change that can be seen in that party is a radical lurch to The Left, embracing the evils of socialism/communism all the way.

Regarding "...that party is the source of most of the problems in black inner cities,
raging poverty, homeless policies, and just about every other failing
area of America." from my original post, I stand by my assertion. The major cities have been run by Democrats for decades, with promises broken along the way after pandering for votes.

Not all Democrats, of course, are in bed with The Left's lurching ways, but more are, as can be seen by their continued castigation of all things not of The Party. I cannot think of a single Democrat member of congress who has publicly said that some things President Trump has accomplished are good for us all. Not one. They dare not buck the party line, lest they be cast to the wolves.

Nicole Chaplain-Pearman • 4 years ago

P.S. Part of me would love to see Mossad remove Corbyn somehow, but alas, that would only make it worse for Israel.

alpcns . • 4 years ago

Indeed - the source. What I always find mildly amusing is how they're always willing to help resolve the chaos and misery they created. One the condition, of course, that they get the biggest sacks of money and votes.

Phil Lesh Fan • 4 years ago

Dennis Prager has an excellent article on today's Townhall web site. He lays out the reality of how The Left's perception of reality is not based on any reasonable perception of reality. That is a main reason why reasoning with them (not all liberals or Democrats) is impossible.

Reform shuls in my town embrace every single Leftist notion, and as I originally posted, those notions result in much of our country's ills. Rambam taught that truth should be accepted, no matter the source. When it comes to political and social views, reform rabbis appear to disregard that completely, and to the demise of many. Crazy situation, eh?


retired22 • 4 years ago

Stephen Wise Synagogue,you say?
Why should this Rabbi complain,
the Democrats are just following in the footsteps of the Reform hero,....Stephen Wise.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

my dear President RIVLIN] are you a witness, the priests of CIA satan in google? they are pushing me to violence !! [[Import and backup: Verification failed. Try again after next 100 years.]]
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my dear President RIVLIN ] tu sei testimone, i sacerdoti di satana della CIA in google? loro mi stanno spingendo alla violenza!!
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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President RIVLIN
the cursed souls of hom0sezxuals lgbtq, Merkel and Macron
they told me: "what does it matter to us, of what comes after us? we have no children!"

President RIVLIN
le anime maledette degli omosezsuali, Merkel e Macron
mi hanno detto: "che importa a noi, di quello che viene dopo di noi? noi non abbiamo figli! "

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

similarly, the demonic spirit of sodom and gomorra: 666 lgbt,
who wants to condemn the biblical patriarchy ..
is pushing all the homosexuals in the world:
in the death penalty for: 1. sharia law abomination, and 2. jihad blasphemy, and UMMAH Islamic apostasy!
in conclusion: outside of the biblical model?
there are no human rights or even the concept of the sacredness of life:
that, in truth, Darwin's evolved beasts do not need:
because they are big mice happy to pay the seigniorage of banking, in scam seigniorage to king Rothschild!

similmente, lo spirito demoniaco di sodoma e gomorra: 666 lgbt,
che vuole condannare il patriarcato biblico..
sta spingendo tutti gli omosessuali del mondo:
nella pena di morte per: 1. sharia law abominio, e 2. jihad blasfemia, e UMMAH apostasia islamica!
in conclusione: al di fuori del modello biblico?
non esistono diritti umani e neanche il concetto della sacralità della vita:
che, in verità le bestie evolute di Darwin non hanno bisogno:
perché sono dei topoloni felici di pagare come schiavi il signoraggio bancario a Rothschild!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

the feminists of the democratic party: haunted by the spirit of gezabele,
they try to condemn the patriarchy of the Bible.
but, the biblical patriarchy does not diminish women, indeed!
the feminists of the democratic party: haunted by the spirit of gezabele, who claim to condemn the patriarchy of the Bible.
actually they are pushing all the women of the world into Islamic misogyny!

le femministe del partito democratico: infestate dalla spirito di gezabele,
cercano di condannare il patriarcato della Bibbia.
ma, il patriarcato biblico non sminuisce le donne, anzi!
le femministe del partito democratico: infestate dalla spirito di gezabele, che pretendono di condannare il patriarcato della Bibbia.
in realtà stanno spingendo tutte le donne del mondo nella misoginia islamica!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Leading Reform Rabbi Warns Against: USA and Anti-Israel "Corbynization" of Sharia Law: Nazi Genocide Democratic Party
every president represents all the American people.
therefore, insulting, appreciating, boycotting the President (in his collective representation, in his presidential functions) is equivalent to carrying out a crime of lese majeste against all the American people,
is equivalent to endangering national security ..
that's why, everyone in the Democratic Party must be indicted.
the democratic party is a coup party: subversive from a constitutional point of view!
the actors, and the sportsmen, etc .. who lack respect to the president?
they threaten national security must be: incarcerated, purged, indicted and fired!

ogni Presidente rappresenta tutto il popolo americano.
quindi, insultare, diprezzare, boicottare il Presidente (nella sua rappresentanza collettiva, nelle sue funzioni presidenziali) equivale a compiere un delitto di lesa maestà contro tutti il popolo americano,
equivale a mette in pericolo la sicurezza nazionale..
ecco perché, tutti nel Partito democratico devono essere incriminati..
il partito democratico è un partito golpista: eversivo dal punto di vista costituzionale!
gli attori, e i sportivi, ecc.. che mancano di rispetto al presidente?
loro minacciano la sicurezza nazionale devono essere: incercerati, epurati, incriminati e licenziati!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

of course. è stato dimostrato: "se tu non sei un sacerdote di Satana come: Bush Biden o Obama? poi, nessuno può fare il Presidente USA se è un patriota!"
it has been shown: "if you are not a priest of Satan like Bush Biden or Obama? then, no one can make the US President if he is a patriot!"
Leading Reform Rabbi Warns Against Anti-Israel "Corbynization" of Democratic Party