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Brandon Crosby • 5 years ago

How is this not a unconstitutional executive order? The right to protest is being infringed upon with this dangerous legislation.

Jim • 5 years ago

It does not matter what anyone here thinks these bills are a violation of the first amendment. States do not have the authority to override the constitution and punish citizens for speaking out of their political views. You people are complete fools. This opens the door for government to one day silence your beliefs when they don't want you to have them. A couple of these have been struck down already and hopefully all of them are soon. The citizens of this country are the government and representatives work for us. They do not have the right to tell us what we can say or how we can feel. Passing laws to protect foreign government is absurd and just proves all the theories about who really runs this country. A law protecting a foreign government from US citizens in our own country??? Has this nation lost its mind? One day you idiots are going to be living in a communist country and you can't even see it yet. These bills are a violation of the constitution and these leaders are committing treason.

Dave Kaplan • 5 years ago

Thank you for doing the right thing, Kentucky!

Richard DiBenedetto • 5 years ago

Israel sells more goods to the U.S. than they buy. President Trump has announced that Israel will have to buy more goods to restore reciprocal balance of trade. Anti-BDS Legislation permitting Israel to sell more also requires Israel to buy more U.S. products. Free enterprise dictates that quality and cost factors still apply to all business transactions.

Steve S... • 5 years ago

When it comes to Israel you always have something to say and most of the time you have stupid remarks.

Richard DiBenedetto • 5 years ago

Hi Steve - I'm sure you've heard the phrase "question everything". That's what I do. When the Kentucky anti-BDS law gets challenged in court it will be found to be unconstitutional under the 1st Amendment. From what I read the BDS Movement is more about purchasing power of consumer groups than business to business transactions which is what the Kentucky law is intended to protect. Business always buys the best product available at the lowest cost possible. If Israeli products fit the bill their products will sell. The trade imbalance between Israel and the US still requires Israel to buy in fair proportion to what they sell. Israel's economy can handle it.

Kornreich • 5 years ago

Hip Hip Hurray Kentucky, may you be blessed with all your citizens.

hannays29@gmail.com • 5 years ago

Gracias a Díos que estás elevando el nivel de sabiduría y conciencia expiritual
en USA, que han solucionado un conflicto de sabiduría espiritual que otros no alcanzan resolver.
Dejen vivir en paz a los Judíos en el mundo.
Que Díos os bendiga.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

SATANISTS of TALMUD SpA FED, and of the CORANO shariah:
HAVE TAKEN control of this planet (through a partnership of OWL Allah Baal Ja-Bull-On world Masonic shadow government) and they are pushing all peoples towards destruction

Muy preocupante toda esta información
that's why Israelis and Christians are threatened with death: all over the world

HAN TOMADO el control de este planeta (a través de una asociación de OWL Allah Baal Ja-Bull-On, el gobierno de la sombra masónica) y están empujando a todos los pueblos hacia la destrucción

Muy preocupante toda esta información
Por eso los israelíes y los cristianos están amenazados de muerte: en todo el mundo.

HANNO PRESO il controllo di questo pianeta (attraverso un sodalizio di OWL Allah Baal Ja-Bull-On governo ombra massonico mondiale) e loro stanno spingendo tutti i popoli verso la distruzione

Muy preocupante toda esta información
ecco perché israeliani e cristiani sono minacciati di morte: in tutto il mondo

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

hay ningún problema contra los musulmanes laicos (no laicos) (que de
hecho tienen todo nuestro respeto y admiración), dado que: son las
primeras víctimas del satanismo Shariah NAZI, y yo soy un "Observatorio
del martirio de los cristianos durante 30 años" y
esto se debe a que, todos los políticos en Occidente se han convertido
en una especie de satanistas y albañiles. La Unión Europea (el enemigo
mortal de la biblia), y por lo tanto en la ONU han legitimado todos los
genocidios islámicos desde Mahoma hasta hoy, esto no es legal legal: negar a los hombres la libertad de religión y la libertad de conciencia! y
no creo que la LIGA ARABA pueda continuar este camino sediento de
sangre de una forma nazi de concebir la ummah tanto para el interior
(país musulmán) como para el exterior (galaxia jihad), ¡solo porque el
mundo todavía necesita petróleo! Entonces,
no hay un verdadero problema palestino: es por eso que, en cuanto a las
shariah islámicas, están: siempre en guerra contra sí mismos y contra
el resto del mundo. de
hecho, la falta de laicidad (no laicidad) y la reciprocidad relegan a
ARAB LEAGUE OCI, a una amenaza mortal que ninguna diplomacia puede

Noticias de The Perimeter @newsftperimeter ¿Quién o qué está iniciando los incendios en California? ¿Un extraterrestre ilegal enojado? El brazo paramilitar DNC ANTIFA? ¿La mafia mexicana a través de los aprovechados del tren de alta velocidad? El gobierno de la sombra? #DEW #CaliforniaFires 🔥💥🔥 RESPUESTA no, nada de esto. Los
rusos y 322 FED 666 NWO para explotar las inmensas reservas minerales
de Alaska y Siberia decidieron ahogar a un tercio de la humanidad. Está claro: producen incendios con rayos láser mediante satélites.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

News From The Perimeter @newsftperimeter Who or what is starting the
fires 🔥 in California? A pissed off illegal alien? The DNC paramilitary
arm ANTIFA? The Mexican mafia via the profiteers of the high speed
rail? The shadow government? #DEW #CaliforniaFires 🔥💥🔥


no, none of this.
Russians and 322 FED 666 NWO
to exploit the immense mineral reserves of Alaska and Siberia decided to drown 1/3 of mankind.
it is clear: they produce fires with laser beams by satellites

no, niente di tutto questo.
russi e 322 FED 666 NWO
per sfruttare le immense riserve minerarie del Alaska e Siberia hanno deciso di fare affogare 1/3 del genere umano.


è chiaro: producono incendi con i raggi laser by satelliti
Chi o
cosa sta iniziando gli incendi 🔥 in California? UN alieno incazzato
illegale? La DNC braccio paramilitare ANTIFA? La mafia messicana
attraverso i profittatori della ferrovia ad alta velocità? Il governo
ombra? #DEW #CaliforniaFires 🔥💥🔥

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

ALL OF ORANGE COUNTY Turns Blue After Democrats Find Thousands of
Votes Post Election Day! The Democratic Party is the largest criminal
enterprise in America. From Orange County to Florida, the story is
always the same: lie, cheat, and steal! #ma4t

TUTTI di ORANGE COUNTY diventa blu dopo democratici trovare migliaia di
voti post elezione giorno! Il partito democratico è la più grande
impresa criminale in America. Da Orange County a Florida, la storia è
sempre la stessa: Lie, cheat, e rubare! #ma4t

Charles Samuels • 5 years ago

Boycotting products from Israel was a very, very stupid idea, as they produce quality products.

Leonie Pipe • 5 years ago

I am a New Zealander who regularly visits Canada for conferences, often followed by a road trip around the States. So glad that we picked Kentucky (along with Louisiana) as the mainstay of our trip next year!

alpcns . • 5 years ago

More sanity. Yum yum.

sharon nye • 5 years ago

Let's pray that the rest of the country does the same. I wouldn't put any hope in California, but most of the rest of the country doesn't think as nutty as them. We need to keep Israel in our prayers. And also our own country. Obama really did his job, and it was his job to bring America as far down as possible. And he still has his nose and George Soros, not to mention other rich people like Soros trying daily a new way of conceving their wicked ways to accomplish it..We have to put a stop somehow to this. And for sure not allowing our gun taken. They are all we have to fight them if need be..All true Americans should have one. They also would have our preachers jailed if they could, for preaching the truth of God's Word. Especially homosexuality and abortion.

bigmur • 5 years ago

Another great State that's not afraid to stand with their
friends and Israel.

David Alishayev • 5 years ago

Why New York state is not on the list?

peter • 5 years ago

Great move!

evangeline golding • 5 years ago

Yay Kentucky!!!

Min Dona • 5 years ago

BDS was a boycott of not doing business with Israel and CREATED and STARTED by THE ARAB LEAGUE of Nations!
Boycotting a particular race of people’s productivity of goods and services IS PREJUDICE.
ANY prejudicial actions in the 50 United States of America is FORBIDDEN BY LAW and prosecutable as a hate crime!

Thank you Kentucky for abiding by US law and morality and standing up against a devised international campaign to topple Israel.

Mahmoud El-Yousseph • 5 years ago

Abiding by US law and morality my aunt Jane. This law is criminalize American for speaking out. It is an assault on free speech in America. Good bye Freedom of Speech! Just to please ISISrael and the Jewish lobby in the US.

Jewish organizations and individual Jews are not loyal to the
country they live in. Attacking activists, lawmakers in the US and
abroad for supporting BDS Movement (protected freedom of speech) is a blackmail and not
healthy for our democracy. Nothing is more American than speaking out
for liberty and justice at home and abroad. Palestinian Lives Matter!

Steve S... • 5 years ago

Don't preach about free speech and democracy, you are an hypocrite !!!
You should know about free speech like the one you enjoy in all the Arab Muslim countries.
You use democracy to install a Shariah law that is the most barbaric Muslim system there is.

Jose Lichi • 5 years ago

tell me, how does it feel to lose another battle in favor of hate?
One day you will rather not to say you ever supported this

Mahmoud El-Yousseph • 5 years ago

Hate? Are you serious? Where did I say hateful or degrading things about either Christianity or Judaism? Where did I said something insulting about Jesus )Issa), or David (Dawoud), may peace and blessing be upon them? Have I ever said Jews pray to bricks wall in Jerusalem?

Isaac Rosen • 5 years ago

You talk about loyalty and freedom of speech, where the hell is the loyalty and freedom of speech in your countries are you serious? Where is that freedom of speech in Gaza with the Palestinians who are against what’s happening there, or the thousands of Arabs who were murdered for being against the regime, or where is the freedom of all your woman? Yes! Your right, Palastinians matter only if they keep their mouths shut and not have any opinions and live in fear of not being murdered.

Bikinis not Burkas • 5 years ago

Why do you follow someone with defective DNA, Muhammad was a fat white dwarf, defective DNA!

Mahmoud El-Yousseph • 5 years ago

Miss Bikinis not Burkas, all that
Muslim women want is to go swimming and have fun on the
beach like everybody else. Isn't that what assimilation is
all about? If you are free to wear bikini and show you fat body, why
can't a Muslim woman have the right to wear Burka and her cover beautiful body? After
all, that is freedom of choice is all about. Why are you trying to impose your dress code on others?

morens • 5 years ago

"Jewish organizations and individual Jews are not loyal to the
country they live in."

Really? And which book of lies do you get your information from? It is codified in the Talmud, that wherever Jews live outside of Israel, they are to pray for the welfare of the government of the country in which they live. This is done in most every synagogue throughout the world during religious services on the Sabbath morning.

Min Dona • 5 years ago

American Jews are very loyal to the country they live in - America! Jews in America have contributed immensely to American society! excelling in science (major discoveries), space (NASA), Government Service, Presidents, Congressman, entertainment (musicians, singers, actors, directors, song writers, play writers, film), medical field (scientists, doctors, nurses), Fortune 500 businesses, sports, teachers/professors, lawyers, bankers, etc.
What a bunch of crap and deception and lies this Arab poster has said about its American Jewish citizens!

Min Dona • 5 years ago

BDS has been determined by 26 States in the US (a majority) as being anti Semitic and prejudice towards Israel... let alone unlawful “control” and suppression of free trade of every American business in this country to trade and sell FREELY. Public Prejudice in this country is Not allowed to go on. It is against our American ideals and values.
Lawyers in each state have fully analyzed the actions. Anti BDS laws in the US may not be to your personal liking.
As far as what is considered free speech in the US - not all speech is protected especially when that speech rises to the level of inciting others to do harm to a particular person or race of people. And if harm does incur to that person or group of persons as a result of the vicious speech - that person will be arrested on committing a hate crime, which has severe penalties! If a person dies as a result - consider yourself an accessory to murder. Jail time for you!
I studied criminal law and you need to understand where violent speech can be a thin lineto a hate crime - Hate crime laws trump free speech -which have been more recently passed. California has strict hate crime laws that incite harm against others.
Go tell Hamas “that Arab lives matter” and to stop stealing billions of dollars in money that was to be paid to the people of Gaza and build a great city. Tell Hamas to stop destroying Arab children and youth’s lives and futures by not forcing upon them to hate and kill Jews and corrupting their minds, and start teaching them to learn how to be astronauts, doctors, teachers, businessmen, musicians, tradesmen and the type of subjects that will help them be successful in their lives! Stop robbing children and adults of their happiness and hope, and forcing (and torturing) the Gazan population to embrace death. Stop feeding the Gazan population lies and deceit about Israel and controlling their TV, radio, and news so that they are fed with false and violent propaganda!
When Hamas does all this - then Arab lives really matter!

gj46 • 5 years ago

Thank you for setting the antiSemite straight. We now have two Congress people elected that are BDS supporters and antisemites. They lied to their constituents about support for Israel.

Mahmoud El-Yousseph • 5 years ago

More Jews in Minnesota vote for US Rep. when he ran for Congress first time. They knew where he stood on the Plaestinian/ISISraeli conflict, Gaza and the BDS. They put America first when they cast their vote.

gj46 • 5 years ago

I believe it was the Muslim that voted. If the Jews voted they were deceived into believing Ellies supported Israel. We know the plan is to make America another Muslim country by getting elected and having a majority voices. It starts in small ways and then a flood of control. These two Muslim women are already trying to get Congress to change a 186 years old law about not wearing head coverings changed, so they can wear their Hijabs.

Isaac Rosen • 5 years ago

It angers me to know that Americans would vote for two Anti-Semites into our Congress knowing that they are supporters of BDS and against the existence of Israel. Don’t these idiots who voted these two Arabs realize that this is the beginning of infiltrating our government? What about all the other Arabs who are running for seats in the Senate, Congress, run for Governors or Mayors? There is no stopping them unless our American Citizens stop voting for these liers. They have only one thing in mind and that is to convert the world to their way of thinking and covert to Muslim States. We have enough dealing with the White Head Nazies in this country we don’t need any Terrorists to deal with as well including the Anti Semites.

Min Dona • 5 years ago

It was all planned this way to infiltrate American government (corrupt the US) and be the cancer that spreads and turns public opinion and policy against Israel.
The Arabs evil “strategies” of anti semitism reach far (UN, professors in universities, students, Democrats, secular Jews who have abandoned God and the Torah and have long shed their Jewish identities for assimilation into gentile society or Christianity, and just plain ignorant people who are lazy to even read about 5,000 years of Jewish history. They deny every fact there is. And the American masses (and vulnerable naive college students) who are just stupid pawns playing into the Arab and Muslim hands!
One elected anti Semitic person is an Arab young woman who waived the fakestinian flag as soon as she stepped into office. American agenda? Not a chance. An Arab agenda in America yes!
Is the other anti Semitic an Arab, or ignorant prejudiced white trash? Anyone know?

Edward Lozano • 5 years ago

Glad Kentucky is standing up to all the B(D)S going on!

Mahmoud El-Yousseph • 5 years ago

B,D, and S are my favorite letters of the alphabets.

BDS is a non violent resistance against the Israeli occupation and is the
final nail in Israeli's coffin, as was the case in apartheid South
Africa during the 1980s.

Min Dona • 5 years ago

Your Bullsh-t Destroy Strategy is losing traction in the world, and it will be smashed to pieces as every evil thing is. All the good people of the world are beginning to understand the modus operandi of the Arabs.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

there is no problem against laicy Muslims (no secular) (who indeed have all our respect and admiration), given that: they are the first victims of Shariah satanism NAZI, and I am an "Observatory on the Martyrdom of Christians for 30 years"
and this is because, all politicians in the West have become rothschild satanists and masons EU bilderberg the antichrist (a mortal enemy of the bible), and therefore in the UN have legitimized all the Islamic genocides from Muhammad to today,
this is not legal or lawful: deny men freedom of religion and freedom of conscience!
and I do not believe that the ARABA LEAGUE can continue this bloodthirsty path of a Nazi way of conceiving the ummah to both the internal (muslims country) and the outside(jihad galaxy), just because the world still needs oil!
So there is no real Palestinian problem: is why, as for Islamic shariahs they are: always at war against themselves and against the rest of the world.
in fact, the lack of laicity (no secularity)and reciprocity relegates ARAB LEAGUE OCI, to a deadly threat that no diplomacy can hide!

non esiste un problema contro mussulmani laici (che anzi hanno tutto il nostro rispetto e la nostra ammirazione), dato che: loro sono le prime vittime del satanismo della Shariah, ed io sono un "Osservatorio sul Martirio dei Cristiani da 30 anni"
e questo è perché, tutti i politici in Occidente sono diventati satanisti rothschild e massoni UE bilderberg l'anticristo (un nemico mortale della Bibbia), e quindi in ONU hanno legittimato tutti i genocidi islamici da Maometto a oggi,
questo non è legale o lecito: negare agli uomini libertà di religione e libertà di coscienza!
ed io non credo che comunque la LEGA ARABA può continuare questo percorso sanguinario di un modo nazista di concepire la ummah sia al auso interno che al suo esterno, soltanto perché il mondo ha ancora bisogno del petrolio!
Qundi non esiste un reale problema Palestinese: dato che per shariah islamici sono in guerra permamente contro se stessi e contro tutto il resto del mondo.
infatti la mancanza di laicitaà e di reciprocità relde la LEGA ARABA una minaccia mortale che nessuna diplomazia può nascondere!

Gabor Ujvari • 5 years ago

Kol Hakavod to Kentucky’s governor, Matt Bevin for signing the anti BDS legislation.
BDS is a destructive ideology which harms more the Arab Palestinian workers than Israel.
Hence both the People of Israel and the Arab Palestinians benefit from the anti BDS legislation.

Bikinis not Burkas • 5 years ago

What is a Palestinian?

Mahmoud El-Yousseph • 5 years ago

It is what your mother warned you about!

Mahmoud El-Yousseph • 5 years ago

Hope you don't wear two pieces bikini, so you pouch does not show. You are as annoying as the next person in the movie theater who
insists on slurping the last drop of his soda pop. Next time you are in my neck of the wood, swing by and I will show what a is a Palestinian.

Min Dona • 5 years ago

No such thing. Arafat the Scum, in the 1970s made it up as a modern day new race of Arabs. (Arabs with ancestors from Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia who illegally crept into Israel and were never yet kicked out.). Even President Assad of Syria said to Arafat “there is no such people as a Palestinian!”

The land of Palestine doesn’t exist either. That was the “invader name of the Romans” who tried to rename Israel just to spite the Jewish nation of more than 2 million people at the time.
That moon god idol name didn’t stick, nor is the Roman Empire around!

Gabor Ujvari • 5 years ago

They are a self invented fake people.

Jim Norris • 5 years ago


Cheryl Detar • 5 years ago

As a Kentuckian, thank you.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

racism is already an aberrant blasphemy: in itself,
because he declares God as a demon:
that, is why, He made better people and worse people?
horror demonic Allah Brama Soros Rothschild OWL JaBull-On:
and this: in talmud coranno and seeVEDA? this profaneth the holiness of God.
but only Satanists can be anti-Zionists,
because SION is the house that God built: for me: Unius REI, to protect all peoples!

il razzismo è già una bestemmia aberrante: di per se,
perché dichiara Dio come un demonio:
che ha fatto persone migliori e persone peggiori:
e questo: in talmud coranno e veda? questo profana la santità di Dio.
ma soltanto satanisti possono essere antisionisti,
perché SION è la casa che Dio ha costruito: per me: Unius REI, per proteggere tutti i popoli!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bevin chiamò il movimento antisemita e "ripugnante".

ecco, Dio è la mia salvezza;
io confiderò, non temerò mai,
perché mia forza e mio canto è il Signore;
Bevin llamó al movimiento antisemita y "repulsivo".

He aquí, Dios es mi salvación;
Confiaré, nunca temeré,
porque mi fortaleza y mi canto es el Señor;