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Rachel Eitan • 4 years ago

Hey BDS hypocrites! -- are you going to boycott the vaccine? You still haven't given up your cellphones which all have Israeli technology in one form or another.

18_18 • 4 years ago

Why is United with Israel, allowing the forum to be monopolized by one person?

18_18 • 4 years ago

First test it on the monkey's in Gaza.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Italy is a crime of the: System ENTITY NWO IMF ECB FED neoliberalism, scam banking seigniorage: Freemasons Merkel Soros Rothschild Bilderberg Rothschild M5S and Democratic Party:
but the hotels for 200,000 Afro-Muslims who gave Erdogan and ISIS 15,000 euros to come to ITALY?
there are hotels for them!
Mother, children and grandmother: 4 forced to live by car
Coronavirus, UN secretary calls for "unity and determination"
For some nights now Carmen has been sleeping in the car with her two children, aged 15 and 7, and her mother, aged 60. Four of them in the cockpit of a Citroen C3. His story seems the result, despite himself perfect, of laws that are struggling to respond to the needs of people in ordinary everyday life and needs that have been forgotten on the wave of the health emergency that has worsened since February.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

enlightened gay lgbt agenda NWO SARUMAN Morgan FED Epstein etc. .dirty etc...
Individuals of this type would be perfect consumers, manipulable at will and completely unable to rebel, because they are convinced that they are in the full expression of their illusion of freedom. In practice, we want to get to the realization of the dystopian world described by the novel Il Mondo Nuovo (1932) by Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), a character well in touch with the circles of the elite, who had no intention of giving a warning to his readers, but simply preparing them to accept what would come within a few decades.
aldous huxley - the new world
Above: the British writer Aldous Huxley and his novel The New World.
In conclusion, we would like to warn those who share, promote and / or want to impose with arrogance this new vision of the world, of the family, of society and of life to those who do not share it, because they unknowingly make themselves complicit in this diabolical and anti-human project .
San Giorgio cultural center

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

"It is terrible to fall into the hands of the living God"! (Heb 10, 31).
«Do not deceive yourselves; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor sodomites [...] will inherit the kingdom of God "(1 Cor 6: 9-10). What we cannot and do not want to accept is that, in the name of a wrong concept of tolerance or theoretical rights, laws are imposed that not only protect gays on an individual basis, but that even clear the homosexual lifestyle by presenting it publicly to young people as healthy, normal, acceptable or even desirable and consider it worthy of protection juridical, imitating what is foreseen by the order regarding the natural family, the one composed by a male and a female, that is the basic cell with which any society can perpetuate itself. And here it is no longer a question of simply religious.
I want mom and dad: am I homophobic?
We have dedicated a section of our site to this topic, certainly not out of hatred of homosexuals, but because we are against the ideology promoted by the homosexualist lobby. In our view, therefore, there are not single homosexual people, but those aggressive and superorganized groups (LGBT associations such as Human Rights Campaign, International Lesbian and Gay Association, Pride Foundation, ACON, GLAAD, Out and Equal, Pride Foundation, etc ... ) that promote gay marriage and laws against so-called homophobia, all well funded by the foundations of the major exponents of turbocapitalism (e.g. Open Society Foundation, Gill Foundation, Arcus Foundation, Ford Foundation, Evelyn and Walter Haas jr. Fund, Rockefeller Foundation, Sigrid Rausing Trust) or by large investment banks and multinational corporations (Apple, Deutsche Bank, US Bank, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, UBS, Amazon, IBM, Ikea, Disney, Microsoft, Nike, Facebook, Google, just to do a few name, but there would be many others) 4.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

we want to annihilate diversity of thought in the name of gender diversity. If one day a law of this type is approved, not only will those who commit gratuitous acts of violence against a homosexual risk to be punished with fines or imprisonment (already considered illegal by the Criminal Code in any case, even if the attack is a heterosexual ), but also those who blame themselves for the fault of "discrimination" (the magic word ...), that is, for a "crime of opinion", as might be the case with those who disagree with the adoption of children from part of a gay couple (the notorious stepchild adoption), or who in the name of the Catholic faith deems counter-nature acts such as sodomy or lesbianism seriously sinful.
This would be the usual gag law that would allow the builders of the New World Order to silence or penalize "legally" those who still believe in the values ​​of the traditional family or do not want to see the teaching of gender ideology in the schools attended by their children.
Above: on 24 January 2019, Vladimiro Guadagno - aka "Luxuria" - the first transgender parliamentarian in Europe, in the chair during the broadcast aired by RAI3 On the blackboard, he answers questions from children from nine to twelve years old. Brainwashing has already started ...
As far as we are concerned, as Catholics loyal to the perennial Magisterium of the Church, we continue to consider homosexuality one of the "sins that cry out for vengeance in the sight of God" (as the old but always valid Catechism of Saint Pius X says). Having said that, given that we live in a democratic society, if an individual wants to cultivate this disorder privately he is free to do so, but he must be warned that according to Catholic doctrine he will have to answer it before the tribunal of God.
- "It is terrible to fall into the hands of the living God"! (Heb 10, 31).
- «Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor sodomites [...] will inherit the kingdom of God "(1 Cor 6: 9-10).

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

cosa è RIVLIN massone Ordine del B'nai B'rith, ha fatto tutte queste cose da ragazzo, che non si possono dire agli ebrei mentre si possono dire ai vostri schiavi goyims' all over Italy there are: only about 12 complaints for h0m0phobia every year! the satanism of the lgbt. and the satanic gender theosophy, an ideological extension of the Darwin monkeys!
Above: the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the official guide for American psychiatrists who until 1973 listed h0m0se0xuality among mental disorders. It was struck out due to the strong pressure exerted on the American Psychiatric Association by the gay rights movement.
Putting it into practice
Wikipedia writes under the heading «h0m0oph0obia»:
«H0om0o0phobia is fear and irrational aversion towards h0om0ose0x0uality, bis0e0x0u0ality and tran0s0s0e0x0uality and therefore of ho0m0osexual, bi0s0e0x0ual and trans0s0e0x0ual people based on prejudice. The European Union regards it as analogous to racism, x0en0oph0obia, anti-Semitism and sexism. The term "h0o0mo0ph0obia" therefore generally indicates a set of feelings, thoughts and behaviors adverse to ho0m0os0e0x0uality or h0o0m00se0x0ual persons ».
The same encyclopedia reassures the reader by stating:
«H0om0oph0obia is not included in any clinical classification of the various phobias; in fact, it appears neither in the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" nor in the classification "International Classification of Diseases"; the term, as in the case of x0en0oph0obia, is usually used in a generic (referring to discriminatory behavior) and non-clinical meaning ".

18_18 • 4 years ago

I read there is a significant epidemic in Italy. Have you contracted the virus?
Please return the Holy artifacts, the Romans stole from us Jew's.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

crazy CIA TROLL!!! Our Holy artifacts, the Romans stole from us Jew's?
they have been desecrated and are no longer suitable, we will build better new ones all in gold!
however, you begin to return the bank seigniorage you stole for 400 years: to all the peoples of the world!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

sorry, virus ? he not love me!

TheBlackCherokee • 4 years ago

WTF does your comment have to do with this column about a CoVID-19 vaccine?

Just sayin',

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

the black hole sodom you?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

idiot HIW TBC lgbt
if you can not pull a child from the excrement?
then you can't even adopt him!

David • 4 years ago

It's like that, if we do not root out evil from amongst us, evil will root out good from amongst us, will exterminate us. HaShem knows what He is doing. Those monsters need to receive proper punishment based on HaShem's Law.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I like that you talked about eradicating evil
and not to uproot people!
against talmud 666 B'nai B'rith,
what is RIVLIN freemason Order of the B'nai B'rith, he did all these things as a boy, you can't say these dirty words to the Jews, while you can tell your slaves goyims' all over Italy there are: only about 12 complaints for h0m0phobia every year!

David • 4 years ago

There is no 666, that's a notion from paganism. Self fulfilling prophecies by Rome, see the poops is 666, VICARIVS FILII DEI = 666 when you add the roman numbers equivalents to the letters in the poops title, a title that by the way means, vicar of xrist, anti by the way also means vicar, not just instead of as popular opinion states. Thus even his title means antixrist. Google it and you'll see I am right.

Now understand, I do not belive in such pagan nonsense, I do however recognize you do, thus to help you move away from your anti semitic attitude and more importantly, to protect our people from you, I showed you who your pagan scripture, i.e. rev 13, points out to be your "antixrist".

Oh and did you know, that many of this Jesus avatars quote in the roman testament are straight from our Talmud and also from Kabbalah? Just saying to help you move away from your hatred of Jewish texts.

To let you off the hook though, Jesus never existed, the roman testament was written by Josephus on order of the roman emperor, Titus, as a weapon of mass destruction against our people. It worked, approx 100 million Jews have been massacred because of it. Later on, itg was refined in Nicea to also become a weapon of enslavement against the masses of Rome, you.

(Josephus is the one who (possibly) studied under Gamaliel, Paul also never actually existed, he too is an avatar. Josephus actually was an aspiring moshiach, but he was captured and tortured so severely by Titus that he began to love his torturer (Stockholm Syndrome) and he was then adopted by Titus, look that up too, I am telling you the truth)

You don't belive me? Google Caesar's Messiah and see for yourself.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

certainly, there have been too many "666 antichrists" in history
and then, your final antichrist will come, that he cannot come today, because, I would do him irreparable harm

David • 4 years ago

You? Hahahaha, your such a funny little bugger now aren't ya. But ok, he is right there in the Vatican, go fetch.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I'm sorry to disappoint you:
I'm not here to defend the Vatican, or some other religion, no.
I am here only for my kingdom of ISRAEL, and for my throne in Jerusalem,
and on an official formal level, I am only a rational agnostic:
because, I am a universal political project: universal brotherhood.
so, I'm sorry for you, but for your religious controversies?
you have now found the wrong person!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Jesus' curses of BETHLEHEM against the Pharisees: are they anti-Semitic? but Jesus was and will always be a Semitic Jew.
"You fill the measure of your fathers!", He exclaims after accusing the scribes and Pharisees of being complicit in the murder of the prophets (23,29-32).
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees hypocrites ...!
Snakes, breed of vipers, as you can
escape the condemnation of Gehenna? "
(Matthew 23, 13.33)
It is impressive to see a sequence of such curses appear on Jesus' lips
with highly picturesque invectives, similar to those thrown by the prophets against the corruption and injustices of their time (read, for example, Isaiah 5,8-24).
In ch. 23 of Matteo these "troubles!" they are made up of a septenary that affects "hypocritical scribes and Pharisees".
The leitmotif of these curses is precisely hypocrisy, the frequent target of Jesus' arrows. He is generous, merciful, patient with all kinds of sinners. What it does not tolerate is the use of religion to its advantage, it is the cloaking with external practices to hide private vices, it is the ritual ostentation that conceals a deception towards the neighbor, it is the false justice that is oppressive legalism. The most striking image is the ornate and painted sepulcher which holds in its intimate "bones of the dead and rot" (Matthew 23,27-28).

David • 4 years ago

"I'm not here to defend the Vatican", yes you are, you are parroting their antisemitism, you clown. I already told you, the pontifex wrote the pagan scriptures you cite from.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

you were wrong another time!
so if I defend CHINA and RUSSIA here
then, am I also a communist?
and when with Netanjahu we defended ASSAD for the first 4 years of the conflict: were the two of us Muslims?
no, I defend anyone who is wrongfully attacked!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

there is no problem of scientific historicity of the Bible (with archaeological, documentary and historical-critical criteria)
from Abraham to the present day!
all geographic locations, political circumstances and all characters?
they are all real, for the university level, it is like that, you shouldn't educate yourself on the internet:
because no wise girl like you should ever help her rapist ..
Morgan Soros freemason Order of the B'nai B'rith have filled the internet with so many priests of satan (like you), that you can't even imagine!

David • 4 years ago

You are mixing the Bible with your pagan anti semitic scripture. That's like rat poison.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

certainly the greatest antichrist danger in the whole history of mankind (in the last 3000 years) since the time of Solomon's reign is the Supreme Sanhedrin: Morgan, Pharisees, Soros, freemason, Order of the B'nai B'rith, and his accomplices:
Bilderberg, Merkel, Macron Trudeau, Erdogan Bin Salman, FED IMF ECB NWO NATO EU into UN.
1. the most constant antichrist: usury, the synagogue of satan,
2. the more subtle antichrist Talmud Quran: for the slave trade dalit dhimmis goyims: the kabbalah of black magic: which is the esoteric agenda.
he Rothschild is now master of the world: he is Rothschild the greatest antichrist in the history of mankind.
but in this battle? I'm not alone.
he also put his swastika symbol (Hilter's swastika is the same meaning): of curse: on the flag of Israel:
to curse all my people of ISRAEL,
and then, lying he said: "is the star of King David"
but David did not have a symbol: because he was the name of his family and his tribe, only!

David • 4 years ago

Can't fix stupid.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

certainly, am I am an anti-Semite for you? but i am the BIG Sionista in worldwide!!!

but, I look, and I judge: the world through the terrified eyes of Israelis martyrs and Christian martyrs ..
how it is certain that you are a criminal here!

David • 4 years ago

You are citing from the roman testament, you might as well have been citing from Mein Kampf, well that would have been the lesser evil in fact. As I said, can't fix stupid, nor evil for that matter. And you certainly are both.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

on a personal level: I am a biblical (my spiritual name is FEDELE), Pentecostal born Roman Catholic fundamentalist and son of God, whom Psalm 110 seated on the Throne of God: where you can see 3 Kings ... while the Holy Spirit is not can see: because he is the love that unites everything ...
1. this is not my Jewish identity of lorenzojhwh: the King of ISRAEL;
2. This is not my Unius REI agnostic identity: the world attorney!

David • 4 years ago

Ok, ok, go take your meds now.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

then, you who have become a priest of perfect satan: promoted with flying colors,
you can show me how the 666 star of King Rothschild (lucifer eye on the masonic pyramid) on the flag of Israel
it is actually the star of David the King

David • 4 years ago

As I said, go take your meds now, your a lunatic. You need help.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

jesus love you
he resurrexit alleluia!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I announce the Gospel of Jesus: because the Christians that the Muslims and the Order of the B'nai B'rith, and his accomplices: have killed: they cannot do it anymore: because they have given the testimony of the blood and now, only they now , decide who can enter the paradise.
what I am in my inner man is not a political fact,
it is not a religious belief, nobody is forced to believe it ...
I am officially, for the whole world: I am only a universal rational agnostic politician,
I say my thoughts, only for intellectual honesty!
since your priests of satan voodoo despite knowing all my inner secrets, they have not managed to hurt me in 13 years!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

We Sodoma Satan Allah are unable to post your comment
because Bin ISIS Salman have afraid
then you have been banned by World Israel News
burn Satana-Allah-Sodoma in Jesus's name AMEN,

Avi Haaetz • 4 years ago

This vaccine will kill more people than all the Covid-19 of history, with the mercury, aluminium and formaldehyde which will be inside. And, it would be wiser to understand this corona virus first !

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

I agree with you. I have some specific concerns, too.

Why is Israel using "genetic construct they ordered from China," the country that started the "pandemic," covered it up, & blamed it on Israel & USA? The country that has made money, since starting the "pandemic," by selling drugs, masks, & respirators to "fight" what it loosed?

"Within a few days we will hold the proteins—the active component of the vaccine:" What sort of protein: Yeast, bovine, porcine, monkey, canine, human? What about bat? cdc.Gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.Pdf

Will an oral vaccine need to break down the lining of our gut in order to pass into our system?

China sells everything to "cure" the virus, from proteins for vaccines to masks & respirators for breathing. USA has warned Israel many times about giving info to China. With items from bought from China, Israel will "have [a vaccine] on the market in three months." Hopefully this will work better than when Israeli companies partnered with Chinese ones to test 10k people a day for COVID-19, only to find the tests gave false results.

The United Nations mentions "VACCINE" seven times under its Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 "Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages" as the best way to control infectious diseases spread by its Open Borders. sustainabledevelopment.Un.Org/sdg3

World Health Organization, WHO, which helped China cover up the "pandemic," mentions "VACCINE" three times as it dissects "the goals within a goal: Health targets for SDG 3:" who.Int/sdg/targets/en/

Bill Gates stepped down from the Microsoft board so he could focus on "global health" & "education."

Globalist UN agendas are being pushed through this "pandemic" started by China. When the world economies fall, no doubt China & the UN will be ready to show us the way.

Avi Haaetz • 4 years ago

I agree 120% with you, in my job I am checking (since 40 years already) the toxicity of the vaccines and even their reason to be. Nobody seems to know that the so-called Spanish flu
was the results of the 14 vaccines injected to the few millions of soldiers during WWl. It was never a flu, but called so by the WHO to hide the fiasco... So, is the same with the corona: believe me, all is orchestrated since 2017 (Pandemic Fund voted by the CDC in 2017). the Wuhan pandemic is well orchestrated. Nobody asks how is it possible that people in a cruise boat outside Japan, people in a cruise boat outside Florida and people in a cruise boat in the Pacific can be contaminated in the same time? No virus behave this way, and MORE IMPORTANT, the Covid-19 does not suit with the KOCH POSTULATE, hence, it does not give the disease which is described round the world and create this global hysteria. br. Avi Haaetz

Mordechai Levi • 4 years ago

Israel, a life unto the nation's