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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

i massoni sono un branco di idioti ladri corrotti e traditori!!!
all the money spent on the election campaign against Donald TRUMP?
all lost money!
I don't know if the money will remain for the medicines: then!
the Depression? it's a bad disease!

tutti i soldi spesi nella campagna elettorale contro Donald TRUMP?
tutti soldi persi!
non so, se vi rimarranno i soldi per le medicine: poi!
la depressione? è una brutta malattia!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

it don't become infamous, because, GANZ is be born!

infami non si diventa, perché GANZ si nasce!
lui propone un Governo senza rotazione: dato che i giudici massoni Rothschild: massacreranno Netanjahu con le calunnie, e falsi testimoni!
di queste istituzioni democratiche massoniche, e partito democratico golpe alto tradimento il signoraggio bancario?
noi non ci fidiamo più!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Egypt Jordan Iran Riyadh lilit allah idol] [but what did King David teach you: that he protected the life of King Saul: while trying to kill him?
this is the teaching: you cannot hit the leader of the people, without hitting the people to death too ...
that's why David protected Saul!
here instead, there are irresponsible, greedy, narcissistic, selfish, arrivisti: Rivlin Ganz, Morgan, Soros, Neturai Karta, Saruman, Belfagor, Allah, Rothschild that for personal interest, for their ambition: they would destroy the people instead

Egypt Jordan Iran Riyadh lilit allah idol ] [

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Egypt Jordan Iran Riyadh lilit allah idol ] [it is true that Netanjahu is greedy and has eaten many ice creams !! Egitto Giordania Iran Riyadh ] [ è vero che Netanjahu è goloso e che ha mangiato molti gelati!!
quindi, noi avremo un nuovo PM, che sarà meno goloso e che distruggerà il popolo!
infatti, non andare verso (non realizzare) il mio Regno di ISRAELE
questo significa morire: per il M.O., quindi i satanisti NWO trionferanno: e calpesteranno i servi di Dio!
ed anche se, il NWO OCI ha previsto: la WW3 nuclear, per distruggere cristiani e israeliani: questo non vuol dire che, non ci sarebbe anche: una WW4 per distruggere ISLAM!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

la CIA 666 Belfagor Baal Owl NWO FED: mi ha reso invisili: il 50% di tutti gli articoli di: unitedwithisrael e di: worldisraelnews.
infatti, ovunque non trovate miei commenti e perché quegli articoli sono invisibili per me!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

GOLPE tecnocratic scam banking seigniorage: to Morgan Baal Peor!
Sa'ar to Netanayhu: you are not facing a coup; Likud and Israel need a new leader because, you're scaring Rothschild, Ja-Bull-On, Baal Owl Allah, Saruman and Bin Salman!

.. Mandelblit has come out with sensational & trumped up charges against Netanyahu.. smoking cigars & drinking a bottle of bubbly is not a criminal violation.. please present the inventory list & the mathematical calculations for these charges.. for all to see.. in the newspapers ..

.. mandelbit .. it is friday.. it is shabbat.. it is time to have your friday cigar & your friday bottle of bubbly.. please enjoy..

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

Shabbat Shalom, punch!

mikbar • 4 years ago

willing to assassinate gazan evildoer leaders but not against leftists

mikbar • 4 years ago

'as the one as its head'....head of the snake....innocent until proven guilty....this guy acts as if he can prove Bibi guilty....what if it was King David doing the same thing?

squeakywheel3 • 4 years ago

"It is the first time a sitting Israeli prime minister has been charged with a crime."

Nonsense. It's been done before. And typically for the same reason:

--- because the PM's political opponents couldn't unseat him (or at least induce him to change policy) by electoral means. Moreover, it's most unlikely that they'd be proceeding with such transparent viciousness if it hadn't WORKED in the past. Case in point:

Ariel Sharon, the then-incumbent PM, who had led his Likud party to victory over his electoral opponent, the Labor Party’s Amram Mitzna (who had campaigned on a promise to evacuate the Jews from Gaza) --- Sharon’s own platform incorporating a plank explicitly rejecting unilateral withdrawal --- proceeded to reverse himself 180 degrees within ten months of his victory, and instead embrace his defeated opponent’s position.

This was apparently intended to relieve pressure on Mr Sharon from his ruling coalition’s leftish Attorney General, Menachem Mazuz --- who favored the hitnatkut [an impersonal designation for the self-expulsion, that translates as “disengagement”], and who was targeting Mr Sharon (and his son, Gil’ad) for investigation on charges of financial corruption, bribery and influence peddling [the “Greek Island Affair”] --- this amidst persistent rumors of impertinent tampering by the US State Dept.

On 14 June 2004, Mazuz elected to close the case without criminal proceedings, for “lack of evidence.”

Suddenly now --- with, in fact, the most curious abruptness --- the PM was startlingly hell-bent on evacuating all Jews from Gaza (and northern Samaria), by-gum-&-by-golly, and by-hook-or-by-crook: indeed by any means necessary, and without a moment’s delay. A referendum of his own party revealed 65 percent rejection of the proposition. So, undaunted, Mr Sharon simply proceeded to dismiss enough opposed cabinet ministers & committee members to end up with a parliamentary majority of supporters.

The overwhelmingly left-leaning, Israeli news media promptly went into overdrive, cranking out pronouncements assuring all-&-sundry that there was now “massive” popular support for giving the gentle, dignified revenants the bum’s rush --- while Mr Sharon insisted that there was just “no time available” for a popular plebiscite on such a matter of existential national import. Nor, incidentally, has there ever been a plebiscite to this day 14 years hence --- in regard to any other proposed withdrawals; though (until recent years) we’d been constantly told that the Israeli populace ‘favors’ such further self-banishments.

All of which just goes to show that there’s never time “available” to do it right --- but there’s always time available to do it over.

It also goes to show that there’s corruption --- and then there’s corruption. And that Arab culture (notorious though it be for the phenomenon) hardly has the market cornered in that department.

Curiously too, no sooner did Mr Sharon make the announcement of his dramatic turnabout than the relentless media stories about his suspected corruption ceased. Indeed the media plainly had made a decision that, at least until the disgraceful withdrawal was complete, the PM would be, in the words of TV commentator Amnon Abramovich, protected “like an etrog” (a citron fruit native to the Holy Land, whose fitness for ceremonial use on the holiday of Sukkot/Tabernacles requires that it be cushioned from blemish or bruise) --- this as noted in further detail in “Reforming Israel,” a trenchant essay on the Israeli economy by journalist Evelyn Gordon, Commentary, Oct 2011. http://www*commentarymagazine*com/article/reforming-israel/#

(To access the link, replace each asterisk *w/ a period; then click.)

Then, too, as the author Martin Sherman [The Politics of Water in the Middle East (Macmillan), etc] has argued, there is a pattern to be noted in Israeli politics, wherein such reversals as Sharon’s have resulted from

--- "a brutal, unrestrained assault on those elected to office, along with a coordinated common front embracing legal, media and academic related components, designed to subvert the will of the people as expressed at the polls. It was an assault that distorted the facts, suppressed the truth, silenced dissent and ridiculed dissenters..." [Martin Sherman, “Into the Fray: Distorting democracy,” Jerusalem Post, 28 July 11]

Noel Kelly • 4 years ago

Hello "Squeakywheel"

That was a lovely essay and enlightened me as to why Sharon "gave away" Gaza.

We are seeing something "similar" happening in the UK over BREXIT.

The "looney left" wants us to stay under the "heel of Europe" regardls of the fact that the MAJORITY of the population want FREEDOM.

The "Bill of Rights 1689" states that the Uk Government does "not have the power to allow a foreign power, or laws, to have authority over British Laws or Government". Lawyers & Politicians were saying that the 1689 Act was no longer relevant because it was passed during the reign of a "Dutch King William" - YET that SAME ACT of 1689 was used by the Supreme Court of the UK in 2019 against Prime Minister Boris Johnson to say that he was Legally WRONG to prorogue Parliament.

Politicians & Courts TWIST the Law always to suit themselves.


squeakywheel3 • 4 years ago

My thanks for the kind words. Yes, it seems that the Left and its sticky fingers are never very far away --- in Britain, in America OR in Israel --- and there will simply never be a substitute for perpetual vigilance. BREXIT is surely indeed another case-in-point.

After all, EU and the European mainland constitute a massive market, and from a certain perspective, the temptation to throw over a long tradition of protecting the freedom that only sovereignty can ensure can be so very appealing.

An American president put the matter thus:

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same --- or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." [Ronald Reagan]

Blessings and the best of the Season to you.

Noel Kelly • 4 years ago

Good afternoon Squeakywheel

Thank you for that lovely quote from Ronald Reagan - I had forgotten that he had said that. In "my" twilight years I am pleased that both my children are pro-Brexit - I hope they also instill this love for Sovereignty into their children.


ProclaimLiberty • 4 years ago

Since it is unprecedented for a sitting PM to be indicted, perhaps Netanyahu would be fully justified to set an additional corresponding precedent by refusing to resign until such time as the charges may be proven both as events which occurred and as actual crimes worthy of note because they may actually impact upon the legal performance of his office. Further, such matters must be completely adjudicated by public trial to verify to the public that they are either true or baseless, BEFORE the next elections. Only thus can the elections be fairly conducted. The innuendo of the past two elections has been a travesty of the democratic process.

Noel Kelly • 4 years ago

Good afternoon "Proclaim Liberty",

I agree with everything you said - but let me add - Israel, USA, and UK could do with a Law which stated that if you bring FALSE charges against someone then the damage you sought to do to that person shall be done to you.

Example: If the Attorney General, or a Politician, brings charges against someone in Public Office and the person is found NOT GUILTY then the person, or persons, bringing the charges should be BARRED from holding Public Office for life.

I think that Law would make "some people" think twice BEFORE they FALSELY try to Indict sitting Prime Ministers and Presidents. That is a TORAH principle.


Angelica-Mixon Michael • 4 years ago

It a Satanic trait to criminalize the innocent to make one of many feel good about themselves. The World is very aware that BIBI did nothing wrong but be a honest man. Rare these days, I have witness the Prime Minster bend over backwards to satisfy everyone in a legal just manor! He doesn't judge and yet he is quite good. Saints and savors can't do anything with those criminals so when it all said and done we suffer who pray very hard and love him! If they commit this action they will pay in the worst way! In this life and the next. I guarantee you on this one! To every World leader of every kind he has treated fairly and tried to help your people. Use your voice and if you can't even do that? Do what you do to solve this issue please, there are so many of you. Please makes this known fast!

Min Dona • 4 years ago

The attorney general decision is absolutely politically left wing biased! He’s not fooling anyone.
Receiving Cigars and champagne are a crime? - Presidents (and many politicians) of every Nation are given gifts by everyone, including leaders of other countries. Going out to dinner versus having to eat at home every night because you have a personal chef? Busy schedule on the run?
And what politician or leader doesn’t hope or ask for some positive press at times (especially when the press at large is in bed with your opponents or adversaries)?
The AG is conducting a political hit job on one of the best PMs Israel has ever had. And causing historic damage to the Israeli people. Leftist insanity and destruction. And the World knows this.

Angelica-Mixon Michael • 4 years ago

Sad to say when your better than them they always knock you to your knees! It's very obvious that this is a great man of God. If he was not they would just vote him out impeach him and other stupid tactics they use! But think about it really hard criminalization! If your totally innocent and they are not like not a single one, That is their method of the World! I will be up all night thank you! But I will be praying!

Min Dona • 4 years ago

We all need to pray to God to ask for Him to turn this corrupt AG’s abuse on his own head - and to protect Netanyahu. The left in America and Israel has gone wild, and mad. They twist, manipulate, & destroy all they can. And only God can punish their corrupt greed for power. Shouting crimes when none exist. May the One in Heaven, bring Justice upon these leftist deranged activists, who are trying to destroy good men, and countries.

Angelica-Mixon Michael • 4 years ago

So true

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Mandelblit will be killed ] [ if, also the accusations and the witnesses of Mandelblit were credible and 100% reliable, however, there is no proportion, between the investigation and the damage done to the Nation!
this is why this is a coup: therefore they will have to be found, and the principals of: Mandelblit will be killed
se, anche le accuse e i testimoni di: Mandelblit:
fossero credibili e attendibili al 100%, comunque, non esiste una proporzione
tra l'inchiesta, e il danno arrecato alla Nazione!
ecco perché questo è un golpe: quindi andranno trovati, ed andranno uccisi i mandanti di: Mandelblit

Kurt Hendricks • 4 years ago

I have to say it may be a general problem. My son did an Engineering project in Israel and said corruption was general - he left!

Alex Peshansky • 4 years ago

This is not democracy - this is a political witch hunt!!!

Gavin Kadey • 4 years ago

What exactly does the headline mean?

Democracy "reins in" Bibi, or did they mean to write that in Israel democracy reigns?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

when the RIVLIN mole comes out of the Rothschild hole?
light for him is a torment!
"This sad political outcome came after a second electoral cycle that was forced on Israeli citizens when the 21st Knesset voted to dissolve," says Rivlin to Edelstein. "This is a moment of darkness unprecedented in the history of the State of Israel".

Gavin Kadey • 4 years ago

You obviously didn't understand my question.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

someone from the 666 CIA has canceled my response to you

wilson • 4 years ago

Being indicted cause a box of cigars? Democracy? You got to be kidding. The prosecution just wants to make a name for themselves!

Raymond Gork • 4 years ago

Spelling correction; It should be "REIGNS"- not "reins". What kind of spell-checker do you have on your keyboard?

Gavin Kadey • 4 years ago

"Reins" wouldn't be flagged by a spellchecker, unless it knew grammar.

Since "reins" is also a word, deciding when to use it requires practical knowledge of English. Since the story came from Associated Press, it was likely written by someone that does not have English as a first language.

alpcns . • 4 years ago

It IS a bloody witch-hunt, just like against Trump. This is not a coincidence. The stupidity is colossal, especially at this point in time.

Hector Zuniga • 4 years ago

For sure somebody is plotting against Netanyahu, and at the same time against Ysrael, Bibi Netanyahu is by now the most effective Primer Minister, open relations with many Arab Nations. some one behind curtains tried to destroy the good job of Bibi and of Donald Trump. Whom ever is behind this, will be responsible for whatever happen to Ysrael.

Min Dona • 4 years ago

We all know what groups are behind this! The same time that POTUS announced a reversed US position toward Israeli settlements being legal in Judea and Samaria. The enemies of the Jews are at work, and Gantz has dirty hands as well.
Easy for anyone to figure out.

alpcns . • 4 years ago

You're absolutely correct. The horror is, they don't care what they're responsible for. The people - monsters - that do this are happy to remove Bibi and equally happy to reign over the resultant ruins.

Sword of Honor • 4 years ago

Treachery, pure and simple. And it's also incredibly stupid to attack a savior.

Robin Rosenblatt • 4 years ago

It is the Israeli left and the America left sent there to destroy Bibi and Israel.

Robin Rosenblatt • 4 years ago

It is the Israeli left and the America left set there to destroy Bibi and Israel.

JB Silver • 4 years ago

This is MOST DEFINITELY the failed Left trying to bring down the successful Right, no matter the danger to Israel and its vibrant democracy.
I'll take the legal opinion of Alan Dershowitz, that this is a setup and NOT a genuine corruption case, over Mandelblit's lies and posturing.

Gershon Perry • 4 years ago

The system is rigged against Netanyahu by the left and all other anti-zionists from The Vatican to Williamsburg. They failed with ex Judice attempts so they got people like Mandelblit to do the dirty work.

Min Dona • 4 years ago

He’s a KAPOS and may he get his due.

retired22 • 4 years ago

Notice that this indictment lingered along until elections & only came about at the last minute as plan B after Ganz couldn't form a government.
If they couldn't remove the PM from office by elections,they would do it with bogus criminal lawyers with trumped up charges.

Neil • 4 years ago

Bibi is facing the same lies as President Trump! These people of satan know they are loosing and will do anything to stop it!

Bro. Nick Nicholas • 4 years ago

Neil - And your comment is also strongly supported by others - Specifically in the article at 'Gatestone' - by Alan M. Dershowitz - November 27, 2019
--- Trump and Netanyahu: Both Being Investigated for Made-Up Crimes ---
Unfortunately we are living in the Biblically Prophesied 'End Times' - About which many truths are written - One of which is still the 'Politically In-Correct' statement:
"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."

Neil • 4 years ago


Bro. Nick Nicholas • 4 years ago

I am a 'Biblical CHRISTian' - a Biblical Zionist - and a long time supporter of PM Benjamin Netanyahu
- Unfortunately it seems to me that the 'Political System' in "Israel" is as corrupt as it is in my increasingly "wicked" country of 'Amerika'
- And - Exactly "as it is written" Prophetically:
"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."

Stan Hoffman • 4 years ago

If your a biblical Christian, then you should know that it is God who raises up the Kings, and God who brings them down. It is He who put Obama in office as judgment over a wicked and perverse nation. Let the church go back to apostacy and we will have another Obama and possibly worse. God put the PM in office, but He is no respecter of men. Therefore He will judge the PM if that is His will. However, that does not mean the PM is guilty, nor does it mean if he is that he shall be cast down and destroyed. King David is the prime example of a leader who really blew it and the judgments upon him, his family, and the nation was severe, yet God did not remove him. So lets let God be God and pray that His will shall be done believing that what we think is meant for evil, God shall use for good. Pres. Trump is a sinner, yet God chose him to lead the US and by the grace of God, the President chose to finally bow down and serve God to the best of his ability. All the witch hunts against him have been proven exactly that, witch hunts based on lies and hatred. Americans are waking up slowing but surely to the truth of the evil vile godless left so we have hope of revival in our nation as more people repent of their wickedness and turn to God in prayer and faith. God was, is, and always shall be on the throne, but remember, His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts, as heaven is above the earth, so is God above us. I wish the bible believing Christians would start praying in faith more, and look for what God is doing, not what man is doing.

J. Rochotte • 4 years ago

Romans 3; 23, "ALL have sinned and come short of the Glory of God." "Be subject to the powers that be for they are the ministers of God"... Thank & Praise Him for His wisdom & Forgiveness !

Stan Hoffman • 4 years ago

I know the scripture well, but since you only quote it, I do not know how your trying to use it. Not everyone interprets it the same. In fact, Obama had 1500 seminary trained preachers trained to preach a false doctrine of obedience to the government using this scripture and a few others. I'm not accusing you of that, just pointing it out and that I don't know where your thinking is since you only quote it.

J. Rochotte • 4 years ago

I'm pointing out that P.M. Netanyahu is being vilified by men who are sinners and so is Bibi. I think he is being pushed under a bus for "crimes" not worthy of indictment. Secondly, while he is P. M. the others (Leftists) need to be subject to his authority. We in the U. S. have had the same thing happening for over three years. The pressure on these Leaders in extreme. Meanwhile, Israel is being attacked. Her citizens should not have to live under these constant threats / attacks. Get back to the business at hand !