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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

la UE, talmud agenda, kabbalah magia nera, la palude del partito democratico: Merkel Macron l'anticristo: è guidata da forze demoniache laiciste neoliberiste massoniche occulte e islamiche Riyadh: dei lgbtq Bilderberg regime DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE il cui unico scopo è derubare il signoraggio bancario, fino a distruggere il cristianesimo e uccidere tutti i cristiani,
perché Gesù di Betlemme lui non si doveva permettere di fare il Messia

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

quando fu data la "personalità giuridica alle multinazionali"?
il quel momento il genere umano diventò il bestiame del Talmud
e fu distrutto il concetto di sacralità della vita umana

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Netanjahu ] eih bamboccione [ vengo io a fare l'invasione della Siria,

se a te ti mancano le palle

Hungary, Austria Blast EU's 'Double Standard' on Israel
1. there is no State Palestinian like counterparty
2. There can be no seriousness in the sharia of the ARAB LEAGUE denying reciprocity to mankind

the strategic and laicity (not secular) separation of: State and Religion
has been desecrated by secularism: of infamous traitors Merkel Macron etc .. the democratic party the swamp lgbtq, etc .. since
the Jewish-Masonic NWO talmud and satanism, in deliberism FED SPA ECB NWO
they raped the VATICAN
now, Christian societies can no longer organize a defensive strategy of legitimate defense from ISLAM, of the devil Allah sharia jihad,
and therefore they cannot defend and protect Israel,
and this indicates about who Israel's real enemy is

White elder punched for fun in the hospital bed
Hey boomers, you wouldn't have believed that the children of others would treat you like the children you didn't have:
⏰0HOUR⏰ https://voxnews info/2020/05/22/anziano-bianco-preso-a-pugni-per-divertimento-nel-letto-dospedale-video/
@___ 0HOUR1
Attention @CityOfWestland this elderly man was attacked by Jaydon Hayden a resident in Westland please alert the PDand investigate this crime on the elderly man
They are in a hurry to replace us. This is what will happen to white society around the world during the replacement.
the masons the greatest social engineering specialists in lgbtq history

Cirinnà wants to regulate the trade of children https://voxnews info/2020/05/22/la-cirinna-voglia-regolamentare-il-commercio-dei-bambini/
MAY 22, 2020
After the case of children born to surrogate mothers stuck in Kiev, Ukraine, the representatives of the Democratic Party, Sergio Lo Giudice and Monica Cirinnà ask to open a debate on the regulation of the uterus for rent also in our country. The judge has a personal reason to ask, given that he went to pick up a child abroad with his wife.
In Italy, remember, surrogate motherhood is not legal. And now Cirinnà wants to take advantage of this moment of impasse in order to propose, in short, "regulation" of the goods here too.
In the short term, after having 'regularized' clandestinity, they will also do the same with pedophilia. So the ultimate goal is that, it is now evident.
We have to stop them. We are not in the presence of opponents, but of enemies.

my ISRAEL ] [ I can't make Anglo-Americans win this war
but you do not die for the Saudis unnecessarily as it was prophesied!

Davisupp • 3 years ago

Yet he is totally silent about the Russian annexation of the Crimea. If the truth be known this idiot is a rabid anti-Semite and uses Israel as his excuse to get at us Jews.

Guest • 3 years ago
Michael Hoffman • 3 years ago

Your accusation that it was Churchill who was responsible for 76% of Mandated Palestine being used for the creation of Jordan is wrong, it was the post WWII UK's Labour Government of Clement Atllee who were the culprits. I know that most Jewish citizens of the US are ignorant of British History!. By the way, Winston Churchill was also part American as well as being British born.

Guest • 3 years ago
Normando782 • 3 years ago

The Brits created Trans Jordan so they could give the Hashemites a king in a territory for their help against the Turks, then imported people to give him subjects.

EU is an bad business... give funds to his members on exchange of fake agreements! Anyway EU its an community wick not for be serious, and I believe many breach rules in the near future, to do trade out of EU!

Stan Hoffman • 3 years ago

Look at the HQ building of the EU and compare it to the pictures of the tower of babble. A blind man can see that the EU's HQ's building is built in the same design as the tower of babble. They are serving the same false god, satan.

who says the contrary? Me blind or you stupid idiot? I think you are at the same level of ignorance... you answer is out of context, but I understand from German just inheritances of the Nazis-Racism!

Stan Hoffman • 3 years ago

I never said you were blind nor stupid. My comment a "blind man" can see it is simply my way of saying it is so obvious. Actually my entire comment is not out of context either. The tower of babble was rebellion against God. The fact that the EU chooses it as the design of the HQ's show's that they are in the same rebellion against God. That means it is evil in nature. You call the EU bad business, and that is because its evil in nature.

ok no worries...more! God bless you

Ed • 3 years ago

The EU and the Human Rights Court in Strasbourg (France where else) two anti Semitic entities that need to be destroyed. Today, May 31st the third cattle train tragic transport left the Cluj, now Romania ghetto with over 25,000 Jews packed in their trains for the 4-5 days to Auschwitz! My grandparents among them, my fathers first wife and little daughter, Erika blue eyed platinum blonde child. Upon arrival they were all burned and gassed (June 4, 1944)
The Romanian High court of Bucharest took away the rights to my grandparents house which they had to leave behind to the Hungarian fascists, when I was born after the war to my father who remarried the house went to him as the only son and then to me upon my parents deaths. The European human Courts washed his hands of the Jews asking back their properties! But they seem to help rape and some business deals! The fascist bastards!!!!

jackweb • 3 years ago

History is repeating it self.

Efram Paul • 3 years ago

Thank you Austria and Hungary. The rest of the deeply antisemitic EU may go to hell, go directly to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200. It will damage relations between the two entities? GOOD.

Frederic Myerson • 3 years ago

The EU has no legal standing when it comes to Judea/Samaria and Eastern Jerusalem. This idiot Josep Borell must have flunked post WWI world history, especially the semester on the League of Nations!!! Under existing International Law (The San Remo Agreements of 1922-23) Jews are permitted to settle anywhere from the West Bank of the River Jordan to the Eastern Shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The agreements also delegated the 77+% of the Palestine Mandate East of the River Jordan to the Emirate of Transjordan ( The Present Day Kingdom of Jordan) !!! These agreements survived the dissolution of the League of Nations in 1946, as the UN voted unanimously to assume all legal roles and responsibilities of the League of Nations!!! This action included the Mandate for Palestine!!! No International Body ever recognized Jordan's Annexation of the so called "West Bank" and Eastern Jerusalem in 1950 (only Great Britain, surprise, surprise!!! and Pakistan recognized this act of Jordan!!!). In addition, contrary to the Anti-Semitic International Red Cross, and its equally Anti-Semitic International Committee of the Red Cross Israel's Communities (the so called Settlements) are legal under International Law (There is no such place as "Occupied Palestinian Territories and "The Palestinian People are a phony made up nationality created at the UN in the wake of the June 1967 Six Day War by the Arab League, the Non-Allied Nations and the Soviet Block!!! ). It seems that the IRC and the ICRC didn't read the 4th Geneva Convention!!! If they did they would realize that Israel's communities in Judea/Samaria and Eastern Jerusalem do not and never have met the definition of "Occupied Territory and DO NOT VIOLATE THE 4th Geneva Convention. As an after thought fact, there are no "Pre 1967 Borders", only 1949-1950 UN Cease Fire Lines!!!!

pedro eilat • 3 years ago

Thanks Hungary and Austria for your support of the Jewish State.
Would be so much better if your countries would chose to "exit" the EU especially as more would probably follow your lead.
The EU today can be equated to Germany in the mid/late 1930's, say no more!

Abe Simhony • 3 years ago

You do not mention that the Austrian Foreign Minister, whilst criticizing the EU statement, also voiced Austria's rejection of any annexation which is against International Law.

jegwe • 3 years ago

When John Kerry tried to push Obama's fake negotiations on Israel, the EU told the Palestinians that they did not need to negotiate because the EU would ensure that they got what they wanted. Now the EU is being exposed as being unable to deliver what it promised and is being shown up and made to look irrelevant. The EU does not like it and is responding by threatening Israel. Israel should take no notice, although it might be wise to consider what counter sanctions Israel might impose on the EU.