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Glen Hanson • 4 years ago

They should make an effort to assasinate all of those 15 terrorists named. And soon.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Biden attacks Trump, abuse of the presidency
ok BUT THEN he not SHOULD fear some investigation about him, Clinton and Epstein if he is an honest satanist like that he tell, if, he has nothing to fear!
those of the rothschild democratic party? it they must stop with their bullying!

Biden attacca Trump, abusa di presidenza
ok MA POI LUI DOVREBBE temere qualche inchiesta su di lui, su Clinton e su Epstein se come millanta lui è un satanista onesto: che non ha niente da temere!
quelli del partito democratico rothschild? la devono smettere con il loro bullismo!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

it is always interesting to see the two parties that face each other in the elections in all the ARAB LEAGUE: OCI crazy jihad genocide against Kafif Murtidi Dhimmis:
ie, the Hamas sharia, against Erdogan sharia ISIS!
#Kosovo Sharia Nazi: early voting, open seats

è sempre interessante vedere i due partiti che si affrontano nella elezioni di tutta la LEGA ARABA: gli Hamas sharia, contro Erdogan sharia ISIS!
Kosovo sharia nazi: voto anticipato, seggi aperti

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Biden attacks Trump, abuses the presidency: "You will not destroy my family, in 2020 I will beat you" .. we are a legion, we do not forget and we do not forgive!
yes in youtube they have told me too
but then they all became gay, or they all had a bad end!

Biden attacca Trump, abusa di presidenza: 'Non distruggerai la mia famiglia, nel 2020 ti batterò' .. noi siamo una legione, noi non dimentichiamo e noi non perdoniamo!
si in youtube lo hanno detto anche a me
ma poi sono diventati o tutti gay, o hanno fatto tutti una brutta fine!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

simec is the currency, Giacinto Auriti is the his founder,
simec è la moneta, Auriti è il fondatore,

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Dear, Dear, today you receive in the Holy Sacrament of Baptism: the divine nature of the Sons of God,
which is the object of the jealousy of the angels and the hatred of all those who are predestined for destruction and whose name has not been written in the book of life.
In fact, when Jesus said on the Cross: "everything is accomplished" or, "everything has been accomplished!"
Him has destroyed the law that accuses all men of sin and that makes them all guilty before God, in a relentless way.
But when Jesus was resurrected he even canceled our condemnation: to have to do necessarily: to get sick us, and grow old, and even to be forced to die necessarily,
but, these potentialities of your FAITH in the Divine Nature that is entrusted to you today, represent your necessity of commitment to spiritual combat!

stevenL • 4 years ago

Every Muslim country is involved in the war of terror against IL and in the spread of political Islam.
Wherever Islam spread political Islam becomes active. It is like syamisens.

SD of AZ • 4 years ago

Is this really news? Turkey and Lebanan sporting the big boys of terror? NOT! So what is the world gonna do about it? Crickets!!!

Menachem • 4 years ago

If we know where they are why not arrange a surprise?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

at this point, before taking steps to destroy nuclear power in IRAN, it is a must to take a tour first from Turkey to surprise Erdogan ...
he sent a ship loaded with arms to his "Muslim brothers" to carry out the civil war in Egypt as in Syria and thus to kill all the Copts who advanced to his demon Allah!
Exposed: Terror Leaders Hiding Out in Turkey and Edogan Dracula jihad sharia (let sharia peace be on him too)
(che la pace sharia sia anche su di lui)
a questo punto, prima di adare a distruggere il nucleare in IRAN è d'obbligo fare un giro prima dalla Turchia per fare una sorpresa ad Erdogan...
lui ha mandato una nave carica di armi ai suoi "fratelli mussulmani" per realizzare la guerra civile in Egitto come in Siria e quindi far morire tutti i copti che sono avanzati al demonio Allah!
Exposed: Terror Leaders Hiding Out in Turkey and Lebanon

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

#Riyadh & #Iran [ open hell letter: 10/10 ] if Mohammed is in hell: what will happen to all the Mohammedans?
[[ open hell letter: 10/10 ]]
#France: #Islamic deadly aggression WITH THE KNIFE Mecca Idol lilit kniter, as Muhammad had 'visions', but for now Erdogan has only suggestions that rise from the stomach!
The wife, by sharia jihad akbar allah uhhh lilit says:
'my MOHAMMED he was confused. " "Colleagues didn't take it seriously"
answer ..

#Francia: #accoltellatore islamico, come Maometto aveva 'visioni', ma per ora Erdogan ha solo suggestioni che salgono dallo stomaco!
La moglie, di sharia jihad akbar allah uhhh lilit dice:
' mOHAMMED lui era confuso'. "Colleghi non lo prendevano sul serio"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

#Riyadh & #Iran [ open hell letter: 9/10 ] if Mohammed is in hell: what will happen to all the Mohammedans?
[[ open hell letter: 9/10 ]] this story that Christians are idolaters? it is not something that he: Sigismund Schlomo Freud, who, yes, he was an Austrian neurologist, psychoanalyst and philosopher, founder of psychoanalysis, that, this idolatry for christians is thing insane, that he could never believe since: he discovered: 1. " me ego sum" 2. "me mental parent" 3. "me mental baby". then,
1. the subconscious, 2. unconscious and 3. conscious, and then he Sigmund Freud, told me: "where is Erdogan?"
even because:
1. the thought of the Father, it expresses itself, 2. with the word: that: cannot be spoken, if: 3. the wind of the Holy spirit: which is the voice: if it does not reach us!

#Riyadh & #Iran [ open hell letter: 9/10 ] if Mohammed is in hell: what will happen to all the Mohammedans?
[[ open hell letter: 9/10 ]] questa storia che i cristiani sono idolatri? non è qualcosa che: lui Sigismund Schlomo Freud, che, si, lui è stato un neurologo, psicoanalista e filosofo austriaco, fondatore della psicoanalisi, cioè, che lui potrebbe mai credere dato che: lui ha scoperto: 1. "IO" 2. "Io genitore" 3. "Io bambino". poi, 1. il subconscio, 2. inconscio e 3. conscio,
e poi lui mi ha detto: "dove è Erdogan?"
anche perché:
1. il pensiero del Padre, esso si esprime, 2. con la parola: che: non può essere parlata, se: 3. il vento dello spirito Santo: che è la voce: se essa non giunge fino a noi!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

#Riyadh & #Iran [open hell letter: 8/10] if Mohammed is in hell: what will happen to all the Mohammedans?
[open hell letter: 8/10] from the beginning: all the communist Islamic communist antichrists Erdogan: Kim Jong-un, lgbt, sodom, FED IMF BM ECB UN Gmos agenda, esoteric agenda: dracula, Baal, Marduch iss Murdoch, Ja-Bull-On, Belfagor, Allah: 187, all 666, OWLs 322, the Grim Owl at the Boemian: cremation of cure: Obama Kerry Clinton Biden Epstein: they have always joined together: all against the Catholic Church.
in the 40d.C. we had: the bloody persecution of the Supreme Sanhedrin: Anna, Caiaphas, Rochefeller, Morgan, Soros, Juncker, Merkel, Macron, Trudeau, and Rothschild: against all the Jews who followed Jesus of Bethlehem: who, in the meantime, he were risen, and in fact, a big mess had happened for all of Israel!
therefore all the Christians were forced to flee from Jerusalem!
in this way: the Soviet Communist Party, in league with the Italian Communist Party (aka LGBT Democratic Party M5S, Greens, and all Perverts): they infiltrated of the fake false seminarians in the theological seminary of Molfetta, and in all the theological seminaries of the world: for discover the way to bring the Catholic Church to modernism and to drift Bilderberg of the rothschild Freemasonry!
so a Soviet communist seminarian: he gave a ticket: on the door of the communist party of Molfetta: to be sent to the USSR, but, that person, yes, he was on the door of the communist party, but he was not a communist: but, he was: just the son of the sacristan!

#Riyadh & #Iran [ open hell letter: 8/10 ] if Mohammed is in hell: what will happen to all the Mohammedans?
[ open hell letter: 8/10 ] sin dal principio: tutti gli anticristi comunisti islamici massoni: Kim Jong-un, lgbt, sodoma, dracula, Baal, Marduch Murdoch Ja-Bull-On Belfagor Allah: 187 all 666 OWLs 322, il Gufo al Boemian groce: cremation of cure: Obama Kerry Clinton Biden Epstein: si sono sempre coalizzati tra di loro: tutti contro la Chiesa Cattolica.
nel 40d.C. abbiamo avuto: la sanguinosa persecuzione del Sommo Sinedrio: Anna, Caifa, Rochefeller, Morgan, Soros, Juncker, Merkel, Macron, Trudeau, e Rothschild: contro tutti gli ebrei che seguivano Gesù di Betlemme: che, lui nel frattempo era risorto, ed infatti, era successo un grande casino per tutto Israele!
quindi tutti i cristiani furono costretti a fuggire da Gerusalemme!
in questo modo: il partito comunista sovietico, in combutta con il partito comunista italiano (alias Partito democratico lgbt M5S, verdi, e tutti i pervertiti): infiltrava finti seminaristi nel seminario teologico di Molfetta, ed in tutti i seminari teologici del mondo: per scoprire il modo di portare la Chiesa cattolica verso, il modernismo e alla deriva Bilderberg della massoneria dei rothschild!
così un seminarista sovietico comunista: diede un biglietto: sulla porta del partito comunista di Molfetta: da inviare in URSS, ma, quella persona, si lui si trovava sulla porta del partito comunista, ma lui non era un comunista: ma, lui era: proprio il figlio del sacrestano!

VTS • 4 years ago

The question is why Jews use turkish airlines to fly to Israel?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

#Riyadh & #Iran [ open hell letter: 7/10] if Mohammed is in hell: what will happen to all the Mohammedans?
[ open hell letter: 7/10 ] how the Jews infiltrated ISLAM, and how they pretended to be Muslims: and as they wrote the Koran four times!
Expulsion of the Jews from Spain: it was an inevitable act because as Masons Rothschild Soros Juncker Bilderberg, they continually conspired to national security: thus they were called: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE and sonsDiPuttana. therefore, exasperated: in 1492 the Spanish sovereigns, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, imposed the expulsion from the Kingdoms of Castile and of Aragon of all the Jews who did not intend to convert. Then Rochefeller (he the Jewish marrano wolf) pretended to convert, and gave the ascent to the conquest of the VATICAN as a cardinal, but, he was discovered and he too was exiled!
#Riyadh & #Iran [ open hell letter: 7/10 ] if Mohammed is in hell: what will happen to all the Mohammedans?
[ open hell letter: 7/10 ] come gli ebrei si infiltrarono nell'ISLAM, e come fingendo di essere mussulmani: loro scrissero quattro volte il Corano!
Espulsione degli ebrei dalla Spagna: fu un atto inevitabile perché come massoni Rothschild Bilderberg, loro cospiravano continuamente alla sicurezza nazionale: così furono chiamati: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE e figliDiPuttana. quindi, esasperati: nel 1492 i sovrani spagnoli, Ferdinando di Aragona e Isabella di Castiglia, imposero l'espulsione dai Regni di Castiglia e d'Aragona di tutti gli ebrei che non intendevano convertirsi. Quindi Rochefeller (lui il giudeo lupo marrano) finse di convertirsi, e diede la scalata alla conquista del VATICANO come Cardinale, ma, egli fu scoperto e fu esiliato anche lui!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

#Riyadh & #Iran [ open hell letter: 6/10] if Mohammed is in hell: what will happen to all the Mohammedans?
[ open hell letter: 6/10] although, you were a very good and charitable man, and a peaceful man: who did not share the death of the innocents, however because of sins: no one can enter Paradise without an alliance ,
and since my Third Jewish Temple has not been erected: it is not possible: not even for the most holy Muslims to enter paradise (so billions and billions of souls await in purgatory), etc. .. etc. .. and therefore, for all those who have been faithful and consistent: and been sacrificed observers of Judaism or Christianity? for them is ok!!
but, for all the others it is just impossible to be saved: because there is no a Alliance that can could save them!

#Riyadh & #Iran [ open hell letter: 6/10 ] if Mohammed is in hell: what will happen to all the Mohammedans?
[open hell letter: 6/10] anche se, tu sei stato un uomo molto buono e caritatevole, e un uomo pacifico: che non ha condiviso la morte degli innocenti, comunque a motivo dei peccati: nessuno può entrare in Paradiso senza una alleanza,
e non essendo stato eretto il mio Terzo Tempio Ebraico: non è possibile: neanche per i mussulmani più santi entrare in paradiso (quindi miliardi di anime attendono in purgatorio) ecc.. ecc.. e quindi, per tutti quelli che non sono stati fedeli e coerenti: e sacrificati osservanti di ebraismo o cristianesimo? per tutti gli altri e proprio impossibile di poter essere salvati: perché non esiste una Alleanza che potrebbe salvarli!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

#Riyadh & #Iran [ open hell letter: 3/10 ] if Mohammed is in hell: what will happen to all the Mohammedans?
[open hell letter: 3/10]
for this you have the death penalty for blasphemy: crazy dogma,
because the only hypothesis that Mohammed was in hell,
It is NOT a hypothesis that can be taken into account by religious maniacs, Erdogan serial murderers, #paranoic Iran, Lack of #laicity ( evil is secularism) and reciprocity: OCI, total lack of human rights and total lack freedom of religion Riyadh!

#Riyadh & #Iran [ open hell letter: 3/10] if Mohammed is in hell: what will happen to all the Mohammedans?
[ open hell letter: 3/10 ]
per questo tu hai la pena di morte per blasfemia,
perché la sola ipotesi che #Maometto fosse all'inferno,
NON è una ipotesi che può essere presa in considerazione dai maniaci religiosi, assassini seriali #Erdogan, #paranoici Iran, Mancanza di laicità e #reciprocità: OCI, totale mancanza di diritti umani e libertà di religione #Riyad!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

#Riyadh & #Iran [ open hell letter: 2/10] if Mohammed is in hell: what will happen to all the Mohammedans?
[ open hell letter: 2/10 ] Mohammed (maoˈmetto /; أبو ﺍﻟﻘﺎﺳﻢ محمد بن عبد الله بن عبد ﺍﻟﻬﺎﺷﻤﻲ, Abū l-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib al-Hāshimī
Birth: 22 April 571 AD, #Mecca IDOL Kaaba, Saudi Arabia
Death: June 8, 632 d.C., Medina, Saudi Arabia (therefore: 8 years after his death (that Sharia peace is also on him) he went to heaven: with a crazy horse from the Dome of the Rock: قبة الصخرة, Qubbat al -Ṣakhra; in Hebrew: כיפת הסלע, Kippat ha-Sel'a)
Full name: àAbū al-Qāsim #Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd #Allāh ibn ʿàAbd al-#Muṭṭalib ibn #Hāshim
Burial: Green Dome, Medina, Saudi Arabia
Spouse: Maymuna bint al-Harith: 7 wives, including a 9-year-old girl
there is some Muslim who can tell me: what a sin the Koran: did NOT attribute to your prophet?

#Riyadh & #Iran [open hell letter: 2/10] if Mohammed is in hell: what will happen to all the Mohammedans?
[ open hell letter: 2/10 ] Maometto (maoˈmetto/; أبو ﺍﻟﻘﺎﺳﻢ محمد بن عبد الله بن عبد ﺍﻟﻤﻄﻠﺐ ﺍﻟﻬﺎﺷﻤﻲ, Abū l-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib al-Hāshimī
Nascita: 22 aprile 571 d.C., La Mecca, Arabia Saudita
Decesso: 8 giugno 632 dopo Cristo, Medina, Arabia Saudita (quindi: 8 anni dopo la sua morte (che la pace sharia si anche su di lui) salì al cielo: con un cavallo pazzo dalla Cupola della Roccia: قبة الصخرة , Qubbat al-Ṣakhra; in ebraico: כיפת הסלע , Kippat ha-Sel'a)
Nome completo: Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim
Sepoltura: Cupola Verde, Medina, Arabia Saudita
Coniuge: Maymuna bint al-Harith: 7 mogli, tra cui una bambina di 9 anni
ANSWER. c'é qualche mussulmano che mi sa dire: quale peccato il Corano: NON ha attribuito al vostro profeta?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

#Riyadh & #Iran [open hell letter: 1/10] if Mohammed is in hell: what will happen to all the Mohammedans?
[ open hell letter: 1/10 ] The King of Arabia Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz (that sharia peace is also on him) he first went hooded as a bandit murderer, then, he gave vassal's scimitarrra sword to the Pope!
and then he asked Pope Benedict XVI, a great favor, namely to declare that ISLAM was also a saving religion!
ok, why this request? maybe he had doubts?

#Riyad & Iran [ open hell letter: 1/10 ] se Maometto è all'inferno: che fine faranno tutti i maomettani?
[ open hell letter: 1/10 ] Il Re dell’Arabia Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz (che la pace sharia sia anche su di lui) lui prima andò incappucciato come un assassino bandito, poi, regalalò la spada-scimitarrra di vassallo al Papa!
e poi chiese a Papa Benedetto XVI, un grande favore, cioè quello di dichiarare che anche ISLAM era una religione salvifica!
ok, perché questa richiesta? forse lui aveva dei dubbi?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Freemasons, Communists, LGBTs, and Muslims: if they play it all now the cake and then go down to hell!

massoni, comunisti, lgbt, e islamici: se la giocano tutta adesso la torta e poi, scendono all'inferno!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

of course, if they are the Rothschild monkey masons?
then, every concept and conception is rectified!
#ANTIFA catto-communist Bilderberg aligned record #Banksy, 11.1 million for 'Devolved Parliament'
Sold at Sotheby's auction in London

ovviamente, se sono i massoni scimmioni Rothschild?
poi, ogni il concetto e concezione sono rettificati!
#ANTIFA catto-comunista Bilderberg allineato #Banksy da record, 11,1 milioni per 'Devolved Parliament'
Venduto all'asta da Sotheby's di Londra

lewjac3 • 4 years ago

Wow, what a surprise, Erdogan harboring Jew hating murders.

Awraham Itschak Sholem • 4 years ago

We know for a long time that this infidel of these Turkies, Sultan Shmegmadon is not only helping and aiding the slauhters working for IS/ISIL/Daesh but also all other wanted murdering terrorists from any pagan islamic country.

SD of AZ • 4 years ago

Content was very well presented but you need to use the spell check a bit more. Other than a few misspells the delivery and content was spot on Awraham! And I use the spell check constantly so no slight from me just a suggestion.