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Gabor Ujvari • 5 years ago

The left wing North European social democrats, communists, Green party fanatics opened the floodgate to Muslim invaders. The same figures jumped in bed with the ayatollahs.
here is the result. Once upon peaceful North Europe is at the mercy of various Muslim terrorists and terror regimes.

T2000q • 5 years ago

Wow, Danish intelligence finally recognized who is their real adversary and this is not Israel but Iran. Wake up EU. Stop bashing Israel and look carefully on your policies towards Islamic countries that harbor terrorists.

Fred Vink • 5 years ago

You are absolutely right! This isn't to only plot against Iranian dissidents living in the West: in the Netherlands recenty an Iranian refugee was killed, in France and Belgium an Iranian plot was thwarted. And Europe still wants to bussiness with these criminals. Look at the websites of the mullahs, nobody does that. One of them, a certain Mesbach Yazdi calls violent resistance (= terrorism) "a religious duty" while calling Zionism "the root all evil in the world". Listen to their sermons, one of them, ayatollah Jannati said once "" when I see this face (of Mrs. Tzipi Livni), I want to shoot her a bullet through her head". This is TRUE FACE, since they took over power in 1979 of THE ISLAMIC FÜHRER STATE of Iran!

Steve S... • 5 years ago

EU and Scandinavia in particular allowed millions of Muslims in, now they are fighting them,
I think it is too little too late for that.
Iran is the biggest terrorist sponsor in the world and Obama released $150 Billion to make them even bigger.
The only way to stop Iran is to bring down the Ayatollah regime by force.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Netanjahu ] tu mi puoi seguire su queste foto? perché a Putin non interessano! facebook com/photo.php?fbid=321604138570131&set=pcb.344875589393365&type=3&theater&ifg=1

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Netanjahu ] undoubtedly
diplomacy is a beautiful science,
but Muslims have become islamists of the genocide,
Masons have become Satanists.
and the claims of the ideologies: and of the geopolitics: they have become unsustainable. the occult director rothschilld: Pied Piper Kabbalah
has worked for centuries and centuries to achieve this result!

la diplomazia è una bella scienza,
ma mussulmani sono diventati islamici del genocidio,
massoni sono diventati satanisti.
e le pretese delle idologie: e delle geopolitiche: sono diventate insostenibili.
,il regista occulto rothschilld: pifferaio magico kabbalah
ha lavorato da secoli e secoli per ottenere questo risultato!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Russia-Cuba, Putin: countries united by friendship and mutual support:
Cuba-Russia-Putin-countries-states-friendship-support /
you are all witnesses
for the Druid Imam Putin puttanazza: the fate of Christians does not interest anything. that is why he has become the most ambiguous threat against Israel, the Russians from Syria must be wiped out!

Russia-Cuba, Putin: paesi uniti dall'amicizia e dal sostegno reciproco:

siete tutti testimoni al Druido Imam Putin: della sorte dei cristiani non interessa nulla. ecco perché lui è diventato la più ambigua minaccia contro Israele, i russi dalla Siria devono essere spazzati via!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Margelletti: "Haftar is supported by France, which protects its oil interests":

the French or German position is absolutely: malignant criminal and demonstrates the predatory soul of this EU SpA ECB, absolutely criminal EU: wanted by the Masons: troika Junker Tajani that: they are just some pendants for the gallows!

Margelletti: “Haftar è appoggiato dalla Francia, che tutela i suoi interessi petroliferi”:

la posizione francese o tedesca è assolutamente: criminale maligna e dimostra l'anima predatoria di questa UE SpA BCE, UE assolutamente criminale: voluta dai massoni: troika Junker Tajani che: loro sono soltanto dei pendagli per la forca!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Russia-Spain, Lavrov in Madrid will meet the Spanish king Felipe VI:
when will the European peoples free themselves from their rothschild masons? EU parasites: they are Satanists !!!
quando i popoli europei si liberaranno dei loro massoni rothschild? i parassiti UE: sono satanisti!!!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

The Russians reveal what unites them

it is very serious that Mattarella relativism Lgbt gender soros rothschild and Pd Bilderberg: banking seigniorage: make us ashamed to be Italian!

è molto grave che Mattarella relativismo Lgbt gender soros rothschild e Pd Bilderberg ci fanno vergognare di essere italiani!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Trump reveals how many times he tells the truth:
mondo / 201811026721673-USA-Obama-Trump-politics-lies / the adhesion of Putin and oligarchs to Christianity is equal to his / their adherence to paganism: he has a magical religious percercion: that's why he is insensitive to the genocide of Christians in the Arab League

Trump svela quante volte dice la verità:
mondo/201811026721673-USA-Obama-Trump-politica-bugie/ la adesione di Putin e oligarchi al cristianesimo è pari alla sua/loro adesione al paganesimo: lui ha una percercione magico religiosa: ecco perché è insensibile al genocidio dei cristiani nella lega araba

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Mario Draghi: depends on Rothschild not on the electoral consent:
his degree for us, is not as important, as having spat against: the Gospel and against the Constitution!

Mario Draghi: dipende da Rothschild non dal consenso elettorale:
la laurea non è così importate, come avere sputato contro: il Vangelo e contro la Costituzione!

nat cheiman • 5 years ago

Nuke Iran

Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

Way past time to bomb the nuclear power plants at Nantaz and Buhsher.

Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

When I see a pedophile Ayatollah in a black dress and panties, I want to laugh at the millions of Iranian who allow these Transis to lead them.