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Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

Waste of time. The UN will always hate Israel.

Katie • 5 years ago

I would like to know what the diplomat’s response was...

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

I do not want to exterminate 2 billion Muslims and in OCI LEGA ARABA they understand that they must be laicized! I value very positively: it's a great start! Pope Francis arrives in Abu Dhabi-first Pope to visit the birthplace of Islam!

non voglio sterminare 2miliardi di mussulmani e in OCI LEGA ARABA hanno capito che si devono laicizzare! io valuto molto positivamente: è un ottimo inizio! Papa Francesco arriva ad Abu Dhabi-primo Pontefice per visitare il luogo di nascita dell'Islam!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Netanjahu] you want to laugh? [Ok we admit that the Mason RIVLIN could never be sufficiently punished], but, then, this Haiaty Varotto when he saved the 10 individuals of his sect? then, he has no mercy than anyone! this is why lay politicians, that they are like us: who know how to find the measure of wisdom and wisdom (the true will of God), and from this point of view the ARABA LEAGUE must free itself from a merely conduct: dogmatic religious: if you think of do not exterminate all the Muslims of the world!

because if you look at Erdogan then you realize how a fundamentalist dogmatic religion can damage mental equilibrium to every politician

Netanjahu ] you want to laugh?[ ok ammettiamo che il massone RIVLIN non potrebbe mai essere sufficientemente punito ], ma, poi, questo Haiaty Varotto quando ha salvato i 10 individui della sua setta? poi, lui non ha pietà più di nessuno! ecco perché sono i politici laici, come noi: che sanno trovare la misura della sapienza e della saggezza (la vera volontà di Dio), e da questo punto di vista la LEGA ARABA deve affrancarsi da una conduzione meramente: dogmatico religiosa: se pensa di non portare allo sterminio tutti i musulmani del mondo!

perché se tu guardi Erdogan poi, tu ti rendi conto di come può danneggiare l'equilibrio mentale una religione fondamentalista per ogni politico

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Netanjahu ] you want to laugh?
when I called this: brother in faith: Haiaty Varotto?
I called him: "brother"
and he said: "we are not brothers!"

vuoi ridere?
quando io ho telefonato a questo: fratello nella fede: Haiaty Varotto?
io ho chiamato lui: "fratello"
e lui ha detto: "noi non siamo fratelli!"

Raul Ramirez • 5 years ago

It's well known that the UN, is full of leftist who have something in common a hate for the jewish people. The funny thing is that they follow K. Marx. Another example is the High Commissioner for Human Rights a TERRORIST HERSELF who took political asylum in Australia, and five years later moved to comunist Germany.
Her combat title was that of Cdr. Claudia.

Michael Hoffman • 5 years ago

Lebanon should be designated as a terrorist state as Hezbollah is a major player in the Lebanon Government.

RiverFred • 5 years ago

I am sure the Arabs will say Israel built the tunnel into Lebanon

Vijayakumar Samuel • 5 years ago

Next group of tourists must be the environmentalists all around the Hamas burnt orchards, agri lands and forests
Followed by the US democraps send them into the Hamas tunnels and Hezbollah tunnels if the Moro(cco)n congress woman accompanies then seal the tunnel with cement. Peace upon Israel and Jerusalem its eternal capital.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

my friend said: "#Constitutionalist @realdonaldtrump #MAGA #BuildTheWall #BackTheBlue #SupportOurVets #NoDACA #WWG1WGA #QAnon Liberals R Funny " ] this is my friend] even if I do not know all his symbolic meanings. he said: in my //twitter /notifications: alse me like you "I don't want to exterminate two Billion Muslims, and I don't want Christians, Jews, Hindu's, Buddhists, or any other religious group to be exterminated by Muslims. Maybe they should stay in their own country and kill each other until they can live in peace with others."

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

the dogmatic religious maniac Erdogan-Iran has a schizophrenic method of reasoning, and of accusing the next infidel (but the infidel: he is guilty himself: of being born), because in fact he does not exist in shariah: a close friend,
if he is not neighbor: to who is not the accomplice of his own sect of Islamic predatory killers, slave traders and terrorists!
therefore it is the Koran itself that must be tried: because, it rejects a rational approach because of all the lies contained in it!
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI said: There is NO problem in Israel that is not also the same problem for all mankind.

il maniaco dogmatico religioso Erdogan-Iran ha un metodo schizofrenico di ragionamento, e di accusazione del prossimo infedele (ma l'infedele: è per se stesso colpevole: di essere nato), perché in fatti non esiste in shariah: un prossimo vicino amicale: che non sia il complice della propria setta di assassini islamici predatori, commercianti di schiavi e terroristi!
quindi è il Corano stesso che deve essere processato: perché rifiuta un approccio razionale a causa di tutte le menzogne che in esso sono contenute!
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI said: NON esiste un problema in Israele che non sia anche lo stesso problema per tutto il genere umano.

we stop the terror tunnels coming into Israel, we will stop all the aggression: from Lebanon or from Syria or from Iran itself.”
“We are committed to preventing this aggression, and in so doing we’re not only protecting Israel itself, but also protecting our neighbors and world peace,” he added.

aldo • 5 years ago

Show us the visit please to the tunnel, not just words.

Erica Ling • 5 years ago

Jewish forbearance must have been tested to the limit. All those prats in that tunnel. I would have called for the liquid cement lorries.

aldo • 5 years ago

Weird comments by some bloggers!

Erica Ling • 5 years ago

ONE blogger. The names are legion.

aldo • 5 years ago

What? Does this blogger change names?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

it is fortunate for this planet (and for Putin) that I am a universal politician: a rational agnostic layman for universal brotherhood. but, why is this Protestant fundamentalist: Haiaty Varotto? then, neither do I go well for him and his sect of 10 people!
and if I had to face the problems of this planet from a theological point of view? anyway I would have destroyed all mankind too!
that is why God JHWH has forgiven you, he has saved you, and has blessed you: because I NOt following religiously and NOt theologically look at the realities!è una fortuna per questo pianeta (e per Putin) che io sono un politico universal: laico agnostico razionale per la fratellanza universale. ma, per questo fondamentalista protestante? poi, neanche io vado bene per lui e per la sua setta di 10 persone!
e se dovevo affrontare da un punto di vista teologico i problemi di questo pianeta? comunque avrei distrutto anche io tutto il genere umano!
ecco perché Dio JHWH vi ha perdonati, vi ha salvati, e vi ha benedetti: perché io non guardo religiosamente e teologicamente le realtà!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

What's happening to our Celine Dion? they refer directly to Satanism, child abuse and mental control. In the bizarre. HOW CAN PEOPLE EXIST: So bad, in the WORLD: so much so as to turn an angel into a demon?
this woman Celine Dion? she needs help, to get out of Satanism, now!
CÉLINUNUNU advertising, Céline begins by saying "Our children do not
they are exactly our children. "Then he sneaks into a ward
motherhood and changes the appearance of other people's children with clothing
CÉLINUNUNU (to create a "genderless" line for children, things have stopped being cool or funny.).

Cosa sta succedendo alla nostra Celine Dion? si riferiscono direttamente al satanismo, agli abusi sui minori e al controllo mentale. COME POSSONO ESISTERE PERSONE: COSì, cattive: nel MONDO: tanto da trasformare un angelo in un demonio?
questa donna Celine Dion? lei ha bisogno di aiuto, per uscire dal satanismo, ora! Nella bizzarra pubblicità di CÉLINUNUNU, Céline inizia dicendo "I nostri bambini non
sono esattamente i nostri figli". Quindi si intrufola in un reparto
maternità e cambia l'aspetto dei bambini di altre persone con indumenti
CÉLINUNUNU (per creare una linea di abbigliamento "genderless" per bambini, le cose hanno smesso di essere cool o divertenti.).

Katie • 5 years ago

You are a nut job, get some help. No one reads your drivel! Sheesh!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

your slanderous claims against me: they deserve an explanationalso
also because I did not ask anyone for money!

le tue affermazioni calunniose contro di me:
meriterebbero una spiegazione
anche perché io non ho chiesto del denaro a nessuno!