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arka, ny • 5 years ago

bye bye to anti Semites, they r same anti Semites umar and tlaliban

Suqsid • 5 years ago

Ironic to say, but the orthodox jew don't harm the arabs that harm Israel, but they harm the christians and messianic jew that love israel.. something is not goin correct.. 😞

Gershon Perry • 5 years ago

They are misguided.

Hector Zuniga • 5 years ago

! How is possible that a Jew o Jews got hands on together with Arabs that hate Ysrael; I can't figure out.

Vinegar Hill • 5 years ago

"Kassif has equated the Jewish state with the Third Reich."

Where is the evidence to support such a statement?

Perhaps there is none !

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin Salman] [ My third Jewish Temple is Salvific and therefore is Redemptive:in fact, this is the power
that God has given to the NATURAL and Universal LAW (life): that: are the laws, which God Merciful has laid the foundation of the laws of the Universe,and otherwise? those who were born before the Law before the seal of the covenant could not be saved: between JHWH and Abraham and Moses!
but: while the HELL (Gehenna) was created to punish Lucifer and his rebel angels,
however, Heavenly Paradise did not yet exist:
and because without a biological body it is not possible for us to be able to return into the earthly paradise (Eden) from which we have all gone out.
and our spirit has a spiritual body but it is not biological.
So Jesus of Bethlehem resurrected at 2.00 on Sunday: he went down to the underworld (ADE):
he put all the souls of the righteous people in his heart,and around 12.00 on Sunday he ascended from his Father and created: 5 heavenly paradises:to finally reward the virtue of all those who have testified and suffered because of justice!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

unitedwithisrael] according to me? you are a brave too fearful boy

unitedwithisrael ] secondo me? tu sei un ragazzo alquanto temerario

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

#Ghana: Italian cyclist mocked and beaten by men armed with machetes and knives. The aggression caused him to break through the eardrum and various fractures
answer. another idiot good-hearted that will not vote more Pd and M5S, and can thank you for still alive!

Ghana: ciclista italiano deriso e pestato da uomini armati di machete e coltelli. L'aggressione gli ha provocato sfondamento del timpano e varie fratture
un altro cretino buonista che non voterà più Pd e M5S, e può ringraziare di essere ancora vivo!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Soros said that: it is all the fault of the politicians Masons Bilderberg who have made the laws that: Rothschild ROCHEFELLER MORGAN FED IMF BCE NWO have ordered to make the Covenant-communists:and with which he was able to legally steal from the nations: starting from Italy.(p.s: this he really said it, in fact, there is a video in youtube)

Soros ha detto che: è tutta colpa dei politici massoni Bilderberg che hanno fatto le leggi che: Rothschild ROCHEFELLER MORGAN FED FMI BCE NWO hanno ordinato di fare ai catto-comunisti:
e con cui lui ha potuto rubare legalmente alle nazioni: iniziando da Italia.
(p.s:. questo lui lo ha detto veramente, infatti, c'é un video in YouTube)

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Soros the Freemason said that it is the fault of the politicians Masons Bilderberg who made the laws that: Rothschild ROCHEFELLER MORGAN FED IMF BCE NWO urinated to doand with which he could legally steal the nations(p.s: he really said there is a video in youtube)

Soros il Massone ha detto che è colpa dei politici massoni Bilderberg che hanno fatto le leggi che: Rothschild ROCHEFELLER MORGAN FED FMI BCE NWO hanno orinato di fare
e con cui lui ha potuto rubare legalmente le nazioni
(p.s:. lo ha detto veramente c'é un video in YouTube)

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Rothschild ROCHEFELLER MORGAN SOROS are real enemies of Israel • "Enlightened" High Court KaAbA ALLAH kabbalah FED IMF NWO will overturn the committee's decision and allow them to run.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

but the money is over: Start opening your wallet. if M5S does not want to print; SIMEC because Grillo Casaleggio have betrayed us from the Bilderberg FED ECB Regime#Salvini drops the #governum on #Tav.then, #Cottarelli that makes us pay 30 billion of safeguard clauses.Italy is in ruins. ...

ma i soldi sono finiti ] [ Iniziate ad aprire il portafoglio. se M5S non vuole stampare; SIMEC perché Grillo Casaleggio ci hanno traditi dal Regime Bilderberg FED BCE
#Salvini fa cadere il #governo sul #Tav.
poi, #Cottarelli che ci fa pagare 30 mld di clausole di salvaguardia.
L'Italia va in rovina.…

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

George Parker a day ago
Ho ho ho fully fledged RDD and bar.
answer Reply

your demon Darwin has exhausted the arguments in defense of atheism?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

#UK Soros Bilderberg Casaleggio: BCE SpA FED anarchy Shariah Imam May Merkel relativism Sodoma Macron Trudeau Junker high constitutional betrayal seigniorage banking. in the UK GenderFluid 666LGBT are beaten by orbs between bands of young white and young blacks in #Londra Bexley. The road is reduced to a battlefield. Such scenes are the order of the day in the London suburbs of #londistan pic twitter com/ajtEpgAIk7

#UK Soros Bilderberg Casaleggio: BCE SpA FED anarchia Shariah Imam May Merkel relativismo Sodoma Macron Trudeau Junker alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario.
in UK GenderFluid 666LGBT sono botte da orbi tra bande di giovani bianchi e giovani neri a #Londra Bexley. La strada è ridotta a un campo di battaglia. Scene del genere sono all'ordine del giorno nella periferia londinese di #londistan

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

#Feminists #Gezabele # 8Marzo #DuePesiDueMisure pic twitter com/4E5y4r5lIH for Boldrini there nothing is going well in Italy, but, forget that he governed her Pd, Bilderberg for 8anni with #sodoma #sessoFluido

#Femministe #Gezabele #8Marzo #DuePesiDueMisure /4E5y4r5lIH
per Boldrini non va niente bene in Italia, ma, si dimentica che ha governato lei Pd, Bilderberg per 8anni con #sodoma #sessoFluido

Michael Hoffman • 5 years ago

"The Arab Ra’am-Balad political party were banned from running Israel’s 2019 elections". So why has it taken so long?

jefz • 5 years ago

Sad that Ofer Kassif was not present in Germany during Hitlers time.

Jill • 5 years ago

Ban all arabs from the Knesset. Having them represented there is like inviting evil into your heart. Enough of all that is "politically correct".

agnes losonczi • 5 years ago

Finally some sense. Why feed the inner enemy from tax money and give it a free vein to wreak havoc?!

hannays29@gmail.com • 5 years ago

A Díos no se le engaña, porque insistes.
Deja a la humanidad en paz.
No sigáis con el antisemitismo.

Timothy Votaw • 5 years ago

Well, a good start. Now, evict these sinister, pro-Palestinian individuals from Israel. Back to Gaza, and out for life. This should be policy everytime some politicized Arab radical purports to sabotage the Israeli people's safety and security. The fewer of these interlopers in Israel, the better. I am convinced, to the point of fighting for it, that Israel is a Jewish state, the Jewish homeland, and must be kept as such.
Other nationalities or faiths must live peaceably among the Jewish people. No more radical Palestinian land-grab tactics, protests, or terror acts. Period! Harden up, Israelis, and protect yourselves, stop living in fear.

Stanley • 5 years ago

I read the title and thought they were talking about the US democrats.

Mike • 5 years ago

This seems to be a wise ruling, but why did it take so long? Not till a month before the election? Why wasn't this done years ago? Did Balad change their stated views?

Gilles Pratte • 5 years ago

Good thing done, Israël can not afford a 5th column in its electoral process.

matsugirl • 5 years ago

Amazing how muslims love to call Jews nazis and Israel the third Reich. Muslims were helping Hitler and the third reich to terminate the jews.
Kassif is a traitor to Israel and the jews. Just like Soros.

Muslims: accuse others what they themselves have always been and what they themselves are doing.

Phil Lesh Fan • 5 years ago

The last part of your post is an apt description of what the Democratic Party does, here in America.

Jeff ML • 5 years ago

Banish them to the bottom of the ocean forever.

Peter Cohen • 5 years ago


Leonid • 5 years ago

What's the point? The High Court of Justice will cancel this decision.

Don Spilman • 5 years ago

Inviting a fifth column in knowing it is a fifth column!!! That shouldn’t have been considered a good idea to start with!

Sarah • 5 years ago

Long time due! Finally the Knesset has the huzpah to do it

Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

Chutzpah Sarah

Sarah • 5 years ago

Thank you Peter for correcting my spelling of this word

agnes losonczi • 5 years ago

Why on Earth do you call it hutzpah instead of what it is: common sense?! They were right to do so! Do you even know what hutzpah means at all?!

Sarah • 5 years ago

Yes, I know what Chutzpah means. Do you?
I said it because it was long time due to do what they finally did. These Arab members of the Knesset never ever vote for anything that would make Israel safe. They always supported terrorists attacks against Jewish people.

agnes losonczi • 5 years ago

Exactly that's why it's NOT chutzpah aka INSOLENCE but long overdue COMMON SENSE!!! Do you speak Hebrew at all?! If yes, you hide it well! I suggest you look chutzpah/חוצפה up in the morfix online dictionary!

Steve S... • 5 years ago

Nothing is worse than a Jew seating in an Arab party and calling Israel a Nazi state.
Send him to Gaza together with his friends.

Volvi Goldberger • 5 years ago

And the "enlightened" High Court Cabal of Israel will overturn the committee's decision and allow them to run. Who are the real enemies of Israel?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Rothschild rOCHEFELLER mORGAN are real enemies of Israel

taxpayer22 • 5 years ago

Salman Rushdie referred to the Qu'ran as 'The Satanic Verses'.

Gershon Perry • 5 years ago

Do Jews sit in Muslim countries parliament and talk like this?
There are either no Jews there, or there is no parliament, because if there were and they talked like that, there would be no Jews.

Don Spilman • 5 years ago

The world totally does not understand that but it is probably the largest glaring double standard in the world today

Esther Schrager • 5 years ago

IT'S ABOUT TIME. What other country in the WORLD would allow a party which openly calls for the DESTRUCTION of the state to sit in the Parliament?


Phil Lesh Fan • 5 years ago

To answer your question:

America does, vis-a-vis the Democratic Party.

Gershon Perry • 5 years ago

While I usually think that you are a call for reason, I think that this comparison is off the mark. The Palestinians in the Knesset are openly against the existence of Israel in any form. They compare the democratically elected government and the State to the Nazi Government and the 3rd Reich.

Phil Lesh Fan • 5 years ago

I appreciate your thoughts, Gershon. What I see, however, is a Democratic Party which regularly compares us conservatives to nazis, our president to the nazis and their leader (may his name be blotted from history) and which sees the basic norms and values of America as being evil and in need of change or elimination.

The Democratic Party is, more than ever, actively seeking to have no borders, no predictable and balance and fair system of justice, no free speech other than own, etc. In a nutshell, they seek to destroy all that has made my/our great nation the great nation that it is.

And the Arabs in the Knesset appear to be doing the same. I hope that both the Arabs and the Democrats fail in their endeavors.


Aurella • 5 years ago

Ship them off to Jordan, they HATE Israel, why are they in the Israeli govt? Are Jews so stupid over there to have these Arabs in their govt.???

Vinegar Hill • 5 years ago

Why should the indigenous Palestinian people not be "in the Israeli govt. ?

jegwe • 5 years ago

The indigenous Palestinian people, i.e. the Jews are in the Israeli government. In fact, they are running the country and are running it a lot better than any of the surrounding governments are running their countries.

If Kassif does not like living there, then he is free to leave.

David B B • 5 years ago

I’m agreed with you 100% no one who rejected the state of Israel , must stay in the country, and those Arabs who want to destroy us must never bee in the Knesset ..Am Israel Jai !!