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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Naftali Bennett reveals Deal of the Century map - 'it's hell'
the only project that cannot fail is that of the universal genocide that has shaped and implemented the ARAB LEAGUE, but we will settle for the deportation of all Palestinians to Syria!

l'unico progetto che non può fallire è quello del genocidio universale che ha plasmati e implementato la LEGA ARABA, ma noi ci accontenteremo della deportazione di tutti i palestinesi in Siria!

Devasahayam the Deplored • 4 years ago

Which the UN ensured, especially by pushing large numbers of Revelation-13-esque cult-of-pieces adherents into Europe!

knightsstrength • 4 years ago

Nazism has always been there alongside the Catholic Church and Islam.

The problem lays because we do not research and know history.

On July 1, the German government stated that "Reich Chancellor Hitler still belongs to the Catholic Church and has no intention of leaving it." On the 5th the Catholic Church acceded to one of Hitler's most urgent concerns by disbanding its powerful "Center Party", the last obstacle to his assumption of dictatorial powers,

Adolf Hitler Quote I am Catholic
I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so.
- Adolf Hitler, to General Gerhard Engel, 1941

Operation Paperclip
Operation Ratlines (Vatican, Redcross. CIA)
Project Matchbox

EU created by Germans, previous Lisbon Treaty

Nazis Kurt Waldheim became UN Secretary General

Under Operation Paperclip putting Nazis intelligence into CIA, MI6 and others running their own secret service under own own, stupidity.

How bad can ot get allowing 20,000 to hold a rally Madison Square Gardens 1939 also running Nazis Camps for the Youth.

Now with the Catholic Church, they have killed Oryhodox, Jews and others over the centuries.

Fourth Crusade, German Crusade, just a couple of many

Nazism and Muslim Waffen SS, besides the Ustaše

MKultra, mind control on US citizens, besides pushing dtugs world wide, prostitution

World wide the left has put its chess pieces into prominent positions, almost at Check

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I published all your very interesting article: how slanderous, factious and ideological global Satanism central banks swindle: scam banking seigniorage: and all the Masonic conspiracy !!!
all published on my blog! signoraggio-spa blogspot

but, what do you say about studying history? then, you don't know her very well!
then you think the Catholic Hitler: kills 10,000 priests and nuns: as a retaliation to the document of the Dutch bishops, of: public condemnation of Nazism !!
therefore, the Catholic Church, in your opinion, did you have a power to oppose yourself to Nazism and fascism really?
indeed, the peoples were happy to have been preyed upon by the Jewish wear rothschild synagogue of satan (as is also the Rivlin Bilderberg regime today) as it is today?
knightsstrength • 12 days ago

io ho pubblicato tutto il tuo articolo molto interessante: quanto calunnioso, fazioso e ideologico satanismo mondiale banche centrali truffa il signoraggio bancario: e la congiura massonica!!!
tutto pubblicato sul mio blog!

ma, tu che dici di studiare la storia? poi, tu non la conosci molto bene!
quindi il cattolico Hitler secondo te: uccide 10000 preti e suore: come ritorsione al documento dei vescovi olandesi, di: pubblica condanna del nazismo!!
quindi, la Chiesa Cattolica, secondo te, lei aveva un potere di potersi opporre: al nazismo e fascismo veramente?
veramente, i popoli erano felici di essere stati predati dalla usura ebraica rothschild sinagoga di satana (coe è: anche oggi regime Rivlin Bilderberg) come è tutt'oggi?
knightsstrength • 12 days ago

knightsstrength • 4 years ago

History is very important as it has lots to do with today and just below is just some.

Must include the Western Schism. Three Popes

List of events against Jews for centuries. Just take out the spaces.
http : // www . catholicarrogance . org/Catholic/1-RC_Church-paved-the-way-for-Holocaust . html

When you study history you have to go back to Nazarene and Ebionites. Constantine with his Chi-Rho vision. Edict of Milan, Council of Nicaea. Constantines Baptism on his death bed. Donatist Controversy. St Augustine of Hippo could not stop Donatist, although he wrote about heresies. Carthagians was as big as the Catholics and growing, big threat to the Catholics. Orthodox and Catholics joined together. Third Council Eastern and Western Orthodox seperated. Orthodox church split with Roman Catholicism 1054. Great Schism
Donation of Constantine played a big part in the Cayholic Churchbas did tge Donation of Pepin

Lots of things to cover in history but that should keep you busy.
Always like Queen Victoria's role siding with Ottoman Empire with France and Sardinia against Russia with Crimea War. Russia wanted to take back what was rightly theirs from the time of Fourth Crusade, to the Fall of Constantinope. Queen Victoria's Grandson was Wilhelm II also known as Kaiser. German troops with the Turks were doing attacks on thr Dhimitude Armenians leading up to Armenian Genocide 1915.

List of apologies by Pope John Paul II including for Fourth Crusade. The atrack was intentional to what all told was going to Jerusalem via Egypt picking up boats in Vienna without money to buy the boats. Dodge of Vienna good friends and with trade to Egypt.

Muhammad's agreement at St Augustine
Waraqa, Hhadija and Muhammad. Waraqa was a Christian priest with Khadiha had lots to do with Muhammad and his vision and his teachings.
London's Quran the oldest Carbon dated before or during Muhammad's time. Islam created when he was 40, so keep that in mind.
Muslims prayed wrong direction towards Petra for 200 years. What God wiuld allow Muslims pray the wrong direction. The black stone at the Kaba, hardly a God.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I do not approve of your chaotic-demented way: to quote history
and no historian would work like you!
but of one thing I am sure Hitler with his closest collaborators (they had a Masonic attitude) and did occultist rites: and this no true Catholic could have done it: because there were excommunications against Freemasonry!
Hitlel was a Catholic, like: the infamous Rochefeller the Marrano 666 Jew evil malefic NWO FED Scam banking system seignorage can be!

io non approvo il tuo modo caotico-demenziale: di citare la storia
e nessuno storico lavorerebbe come te!
ma di uno cosa io sono sicuro Hitler, con i suoi più stetti collaboratori (avevano un atteggiamento massonico) e facevano riti occultistici: e questo nessun vero cattolico lo avrebbe potuto fare: perché c'era le scomuniche contro la massoneria!
Hitlel era cattolico come: l'infame Rochefeller il giudeo marrano può esserlo!

Fred • 4 years ago

the Arab UN & NAZI European Union are promoters & strong supporters of anti Semitism, also by encouraging an influx of anti Semitic Muslims they prepare the next scenario for homocidal Europe. Extreme Left & extreme right vie for the worse, whilst Government have shown impotence & Incompetence to do something to prevent bloodbath again..

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President RIVLIN] are years that: I get bored: because: I DO NOT find anyone who wants to contend against me, against: some of the contents or my statements: in a rational way (with the exceptions of insults and bullying of Rothschild agents). so I haven't been able to fight someone for years: for lack of challengers!
Will you challenge me: to contend you against me: for the throne of Jerusalem?

President RIVLIN ] sono anni che: mi annoio: perché: io NON trovo nessuno che voglia contendere contro di me, contro: qualcuno dei contenuti o affermazioni: in modo razionale (ad ecceioni di insulti irrazioni e bullismo degli agenti di Rothschild). quindi sono anni che non riesco a litigare contro qualcuno: per mancanza di sfidanti!
mi vuoi sfidare tu per contendermi il trono di Gerusalemme?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

With Jew-hatred becoming the new norm in Europe, the U.N.’s top anti-genocide official warned that Europe’s rampant anti-Semitism is reminiscent of the climate before the Holocaust.
By United with Israel Staff
ANSWER .. it's true what you say: unfortunately! how unfortunately it is also true: the current rothschild wear of: devitalized: robbed: dispossessed and indebted of our own money: (bank seigniorage: Masonic conspiracy Rivlin) corruption mafia islamization of the democratic party: anarchy: bullying by Judges Bilderberg against sovranist popolitics , also: all this remembers dramatically the rise of Nazism and fascism!
I punished the nostalgic of Mussulini: but, I will not stop the rise of a new fascism: because the Italian people risk extinction because of the technocratic Masonic Jewish communities of the diaspora: "allyMortacciLORO"!
ANSWER.. è vero quello che dici: purtroppo! come putroppo è anche vera: la attuale usura rothschild di: devitalizzati: derubati: espropriati ed indebitati del nostro stesso denaro: (il signoraggio bancario: congiura massonica Rivlin) corruzione mafia islamizzazione del partito democratico: anarchia: bullismo dei Giudici Bilderberg contro i popolitici sovranisti, anche: tutto questo ricorda drammaticamente il sorgere di nazismo e fascismo!
io ho punito i nostalgici di Mussulini: ma, non fermerò il sorgere di un nuovo fascismo: perché il popolo italiano rischia la estinzione per colpa delle massoniche tecnocratiche comunità di ebrei della diaspora: "allyMortacciLORO"!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

They won't even let me re tweet it They are numbered started 1 to 25 at 6:00 a.m. this morning I refused to go any forever Until I know you seen and it retweeted ANSWER. yes i see it
but twitter is 666 SHARIA scam FED NWO Rothschld Obama- Bilderberg Allah Owl Satan

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Xistus holy Wins: hallelujah! Xistus Vincit Imperat Regnat: Xist the REX Gloriam tua!
that is why I keep telling you that the father says we must all get together!

Xristus Vincit Imperat Regnat: Xsto RE!
è per questo che continuo a dirti che il padre dice che dobbiamo riunirci tutti!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

twitter is NWO scam?
They won't even let me re tweet it They are numbered started 1 to 25 at 6:00 a.m. this morning I refused to go any forever Until I know you seen and it retweeted
that's why I keep telling you father says we must all gather!

twitter è truffa NWO?
Non mi lasceranno nemmeno twittare Sono numeri iniziati dall'1 al 25 alle 6:00 di questa mattina mi sono rifiutato di andare per sempre Fino a quando so che hai visto e ha ritwittato
è per questo che continuo a dirti che il padre dice che dobbiamo riunirci tutti!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President Rivlin] when JHWH forgives you? he calls Satan and declares him guilty of all your sins. [our redeemer is alive! ]
obviously, for our human judgment: this is an injustice: an act of bullying against poor Satan-Allah. but God thinks so, and we will do as he does!
so when Erdogan: will come as our ally: in our Kingdom of ISRAEL? we will declare him innocent and all his genocides of the past will be forgotten!

President Rivlin ] quando JHWH ti perdona? lui chima Satana e lo dichiara colpevole di tutti i tuoi peccati. [è vivo il nostro redentore! ]
ovviamente, per il nostro giudizio umano: questa è una ingiustizia: un atto di bullismo contro il povero Satana-Allah. ma Dio la pensa così, e noi faremo come lui!
quindi quando Erdogan verrà come nostro alleato: nel nostro Regno di ISRAELE? noi lo dichiareremo innocente e tutti i suoi genocidi del passato saranno dimenticati!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Arrest this criminal: Merkel Macron Juncker Soros: Death penalty in Monti and all his accomplices! The vampire, Rothschild puppet says we need a small, modest asset on our accounts. pic twitter com/ZYfIHtqrsJ

Arrestate questo criminale: Merkel Macron Juncker Soros: pena di Morte a Monti e a tutti i suoi complici! Il vampiro, burattino dei Rothschild dice che serve una piccola, modesta patrimoniale sui nostri conti.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

M5S justicialism is a constitutional crime: the Rothschild Masonic magistrates regime. we are for parliamentary immunity: and for no media lynching before the final sentence!
but the people can at any time ask for referendums and early elections!

giustizialismo M5S è delitto costituzionale: il regime magistrati massoni Rothschild. noi siamo per la immunità parlamentare: e per nessun linciaggio mediatico prima della sentenza definitiva!
ma, il popolo può in qualsiasi momento chiedere referendum ed elezioni anticipate!

joe1745ny . • 4 years ago

appears that african blacks can be objective where jews are the issue. you won’t find much of that here anymore thanks in part to 0bola et al

jantje • 4 years ago

Mr.Dieng is with high probability a muslim.
He is not ashamed to put the prosecution of Christians and muslims on the same level.
The only muslims who are prosecuted are prosecuted by other muslims or did start the fire themselves like in the Philippines, Myanmar and what they are now doing Europe.
Christians are severely prosecuted everywhere in muslims states. The Jews are not, simply, because they are erased al together.
In this case it´s the muslims, not the nazies. I can remebber the ´70s and ´80s, there was hardly any antisemitism in Europe.

The only difference? Many more muslims.

Wheelz • 4 years ago

And the UN must accept a lot of the responsibility for the situation. They've basically promoted it and ushered it in.

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

The UN is behind the rise in antiSemitism because they've sent in hundreds of millions of Mus lims. Why are they now acting that it's a shock? How about they also recognize all the Mus lim gang-r apes against the Chrstians? The gangs that intimidate, bully, & drug young girls to groom them for s ex? The girls beaten up in school until they wear a hijab? The churches being vandalized & torched every day? The citizens thrown into prison for speaking Truth about Is lam on social media? All the "care" that "peaceful" Mus lims not take any heat for the "radicals" who actually follow the Sh'ria.

What complete idiots.

Guest • 4 years ago
Grace Joy • 4 years ago

Those universities are teaching the same stuff, different words. I can see how is lam succeeds: Brainwashing is right. There's mo room for dissent, "fairness," compassion, or lenience because their laws are from their lord satan. It makes me sick when I read the Hebrew bible or NT & constantly notice from where the quran found its twisted ideas.

Meanwhile, Chrstians have been demonized & beaten down because they showed mercy. I almost look forward to what's in store for all the Leftist "useful idiots."

Nichus Block • 4 years ago

Most of the anti-semitism is from the right, but it comes from all sides.

agnes losonczi • 4 years ago

How right he is! Only the reason for that climate can be attributed to the UN at least in 80% percent!

alpcns . • 4 years ago

Only two decades too late, UN. How typical.

Guest • 4 years ago
Grace Joy • 4 years ago

I don't trust that. "Peace" would make it easy to destroy Israel from within. That the Saudi Prince offered BILLIONS to Abbas: What sort of "peace" would that bring?

ALWK • 4 years ago

“Big massacres start always with small actions and language,” like the New York Times, and every major news network in the US, and the BBC in England. In addition to this, there are the anti Semitic attacks on US college campuses, and suppression of anyone who tries to present the Israeli side of what is truly happening.

VTS • 4 years ago

I solute Mr. Dieng! Good man!

alpcns . • 4 years ago

Agreed - but very, very late. Hopefully, not too late.

Eric Needle • 4 years ago

Right. We wonder how history could have even happened, yet we're now getting to witness it. Stand up, in His name. United we stand, divided we fall.

gerald m. serlin • 4 years ago

The anti-Semitism is caused by the Muslims and Christians. The Muslims also are strongly prejudiced against Christians. There is relatively little anti-Muslim behavior in Europe and that is negated by the favorable actions of the governments of the European countries.

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

Chrstians who follow scripture are not antiSemitic. Those claiming to be Chrstians who are antiSemitic are not actually Chrstians. Compare that to Mus lims who are antiSemitic ARE following scripture.

It's not "strong prejudice:" Is lam MANDATES all the things "radicals" do to J ews, Chrstians, & pagans. Is lam's End Times include slaughtering all the J ews & Chrstians who won't convert.

People need to start getting their facts straight: The only way this can be stopped is if J ews & Chrstians join forces to stop it. Let THEM put the laws of their G d against that of the Mus lims.

Guest • 4 years ago
Grace Joy • 4 years ago
