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H Walls • 4 years ago

I think it is a mistake to say :All white imperialist Armies out of Africa" that slogan implies these armies are made up of all white people, which of course is just not true. We know Imperialism is an ideology of exploitation and oppression and that it has a white neo-colonial face, but armies that are conscripted against the people and against African people are not made up of a particular racial or ethnic group. The People need to understand that Africans too, who might play a lesser role, but nonetheless are involved in propping up imperialism. We must never overlook the fact that a sector of Africans collude with European interest against their own people consistently, even providing manpower for their imperialist Armies. Consequently, the slogan is just politically incorrect and implies that, as I feel the Uhuru movement does at times, that African people's struggle is against white people, when it is against the white ruling class. I just think the particular slogan obscures that point and confuses people about who the real enemy actually is. For me, I believe that is an essential distinction to make, in the course of revolutionary struggle to advance not only black power but Peoples power.


Eyoma • 4 years ago

Thank you for taking the time read this article. It was not a mistake to say "White imperialist armies". The article mentions the need for the French Army, German Army, British Army and other old and New-imperialist armies out of Africa and we meant it. If you are in support of these armies remaining in Africa then you are in support of imperialism.
It is true that the US Army has Africans, Mexicans, Arabs and other colonised people of but it does not make the US Army a "Black Army or a mexican Army".
The US Army are based all over the world in places like the middle east and are above all a White nation Army for the military domination of oppressed nations around the world.
It is not just that the african petty bourgeoisie works for the imperialist bourgeoisie, but the imperialist social system has remained the base of extraction or theft of wealth from Africa and black people around the world from its inception.
That is to say, it is not just the imperialist bourgeoisie that benefits from the permanent looting of Africa, the entire white nation including white workers, feminists, homosexuals, because the white nation is based on slavery and colonialism.

Your position is opportunistic, it is a cover for white people,it is a clear attempt not to take a stand against parasitic imperialism. It is not enough for white people to oppose white rulers, a white person must be opposed to parasitic capitalism by being in solidarity with the struggle of African people, that means, uniting with our reparation demand.

I do not think you are confused, you are unwilling to unite with our demand. All White bourgeois state powers are the primary enemy of African everywhere, just look at various military interventions to overthrow/kill leaders of colonised people around the world...

All white armies out of africa...they are responsible for propping up the neocolonial armies in Africa. All white power military bases out of africa...

We want black power over our Africa and lives! this is the only legitimate peoples power in Africa and over black people;

Black power is a revolutionary power! It can only happen through an African working class led revolution!

This the only way the African working class can come to power!

Smash opportunism!
All white imperialist armies out of Africa !