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Qainn • 6 years ago

"slavery, Jim Crow, the Indian wars, Manzanar" Um, these are all examples of deeds committed by the Democrats. I will never feel guilty about the atrocities committed by Democrats.

H.D. Rennerfeldt • 6 years ago


Roxanne7 • 6 years ago

As is HATE

Jim • 6 years ago

You forgot the KKK, which was created post Civil War to be, and still is, the terrorist arm of the democrat party.

Will • 6 years ago

Rapidly being joined by Anti-Fa.

gary • 6 years ago

but, but... the party switch. So, the dems are no longer responsible. They are the real deplorables

Qainn • 6 years ago

Yes, the old party switch. The Democrats cop out for being the actual oppressor of the black people. Funny thing is if you ask them to name anyone who actually switched parties, you either get a blank stare or two or three names, but out of the tens of thousands of Democrats in southern states there were less than 1% or 2% that actually switched political parties. No the winning team did not go into the locker room at half time and switch jersey's with the losing team. The losing team just changed their strategy on how best to keep oppressing black people.

GraffitiForensics • 6 years ago

Shaming people into submission was a tool used routinely by the likes of Saul Alinsky and his disciples currently running amok in the Democrat Party and serving as activists ... Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton, for example. I agree shaming and trying to make their targets feel guilty has been a favored weapon among them. I appreciate our good president having the ability to essentially tell these people to stuff it.

SLH • 6 years ago

Laugh at a liberal, that always pisses them off.

Insanity Rules • 6 years ago

Telling them the truth based on facts has the same effect...

Klaatu • 6 years ago

And at the same time, you can watch them turn all sorts of colors.

Just don't turn your back on 'em. They are known cowardly backstabbers.

Insanity Rules • 6 years ago

Aint that the truth...

Pan Aaronowski • 6 years ago

When dealing with liberals, always aim center mass and give no quarter. It is high time for Republicans to stop playing nice guy.

justguymidwest • 6 years ago

This is among the reasons Trump won and why smart and reasonable people voted for him! As each day goes by it seems like our society is being run by the publicists for People magazine. And that judgement of any and all actions are deemed acceptable (or not) by the homecoming queen and her court?! And finally, we have a President that doesn't give shrt one what they may think. Kudos to this professor and Emory for having him.

gman1234a • 6 years ago

Great article.

Kook of the East • 6 years ago

Agree and I actually believe more and more people are coming to this same attitude.
It sucks though when I hear supposedly right wing commentators make excuses for Trump's actions still. The Comey firing is just the latest example of how spineless conservatives can be when defending Trump or even their own policies.

HingeThunder • 6 years ago

You're right, no excuses need to be made. Anyone who has ever worked a job wherein they serve at the pleasure of another or others knows that they can be asked to step down at any time, for any reason (or none at all). Its just the way it is, and if it happens, you take it like a man and move on, knowing that changes can be made at any time. Grown-ups don't waste time whining.

Last I checked, the FBI was part of the DOJ, which is under the Executive Branch, headed by the President. Thus, it appears to me that the President, as the duly elected head of the Executive, has the authority to make changes in Executive personnel. Clinton did it with (William) Sessions. Nobody in the media whispered a word of protest about that. Now they're up in arms about Trump giving Comey the gate? Bunch of transparent hypocrites, that's all they are.

Chief Mac • 6 years ago

I agree. There are a lot of things that President Trump has done that I disagree with (I think he panders too much to the left), but that only makes him 100x better than Secretary Clinton.

I too feel no shame for the actions of others - I didn't do them, so I refuse to feel guilty about those actions

ZigZ • 6 years ago

Establishment is a Uniparty. Establishment is the problem.

Edith Elken • 6 years ago

I love Donald Trump. He exposes how tedious the rhetoric of the left is ( racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, etc) while also exposing the cowardice of the likes of Lindsey Graham, John McCain, et,al RINOS who are too stupid to see the neon sign of a mandate they've been handed, and act accordingly.

CrazyHorse • 6 years ago

Only Democrats feel guilty about what race or color God made them.

Roxanne7 • 6 years ago

or gender

Attila_the_hun • 6 years ago

When the left can't shame you to submission, it resorts to violence. For the left politics is a war. Trump understand the left better than anyone else in Washington .

ladychurchillusa • 6 years ago

Trump realizes that no matter what he does, when he does it or why he does it, the left will fight him; even if they agree with him like the Comey situation so where does that leave Trump? It leaves him with nothing to lose because he knows he cannot win with them so he just has to win for and with the American people.

57nomad • 6 years ago

The days when American citizens can be guilt tripped into acting masochistically or suicidally are over.

Roxanne7 • 6 years ago

Right on Trump! Never let the SOBs grind you down!!

rm56 • 6 years ago

To feel guilt one must be guilty of something first. Not one thing liberals have tried to make us feel guilty for is legitimate. Guilty for being proud of America? Please. Guilty of being born white? Huh? Next they'll try to make you feel guilty for breathing.

Lyle Petersen • 6 years ago

Randolph is right, but he fails to appreciate just how "conditioned" our congressional GOP is to media signaling. They are incapable of shedding the guilt because they still fear the power of left-wing dominated culture (a domination which happened because the Bush wing of the GOPe completely acquiesced on fighting for conservative culture in any fashion, but that's another rant).

Trump is still fighting mostly by himself. It's disgraceful, but the last time I can remember the Republicans NOT disgracing themselves was 1994-95.

ZigZ • 6 years ago

Democrats went to war against the US government to keep slavery legally. Democrat Woodrow Wilson dusted off the KKK to prevent the election Republican Warren G Harding who was black. If black people knew history they would never vote Democrat.

Rainbowstew • 6 years ago

Warren G. Harding was a black? I don't think so.

ZigZ • 6 years ago

Explained in response to Pan's reply. Harding was one quarter black. Obama was 1/64th black according to his claimed heritage.

Pan Aaronowski • 6 years ago

Harding black? Since when?

ZigZ • 6 years ago

When USA was founded OMB and Census classified US Citizens as Caucasian regardless of skin tone. Non-citizens were classified as Negro. As time progressed Caucasian Negro was rarely used to classify dark skinned US Citizens. Even rarer was Caucasian Black. The classification of Negro to describe a US Citizen for OMB first appeared in 1965 after the Civil Rights Act. Negro first appeared on the 1970 Census. (Obama COLB fraud clue.) African-American was first used by OMB in 1996 and Census in 2000.

Klaatu • 6 years ago

Like the RaceCard, the SexismCard, XismphobiaCard and the LGBTXYZCard, the GuiltCard,reached its expiration date and is no longer valid.

Expiration date was Nov 8, 2016. Our "Independence from Leftism Fallacies and Feelings" day.

olf • 6 years ago

We have nothing to feel guilty about. American people is and always have been the most loving and generous people in world history. Yes there is and have been evil working in the hearts of some. The left is and always has been using the practices of the devil since the garden. If you need proof watch how they accuse everyone that speaks truth, even with no proof what so ever. The evil one comes to steal, kill and destroy. John 10:10 If these minions had any moral high ground they would criticize every persons or groups who riot and destroy the property of others. They lie just like their father, who is a liar and murder from the beginning.
Light is now exposing darkness. God is healing America. Amen

Steve • 6 years ago

About the only thing I feel guilty about is having that second piece of cake. The only regret I have is not having a 3rd.

aPEON • 6 years ago

They rid themselves of the feeling of guilt by imputing it to others.

71911E • 6 years ago

"For years, conservatives have been told that just by existing, we're wrong. We've been told to "check our privilege," so we have. We've been told that American exceptionalism is rude to other countries, so we've tempered it. We've been told that everything we've been brought up to believe is somehow racist, patriarchal, and bigoted, so we've paused and evaluated our beliefs." Really? Which true conservatives haves checked their privilege, tempered their belief in American exceptionalism, or paused to evaluate their beliefs? Not one, or they wouldn't be a true conservative. The progressive Marxists have never had the power to make me feel anything but disdain for them. No one with those inherent beliefs needed Trump to feel good about them. If they did, they were hardly conservative.

Monte Mann • 6 years ago

And that is why we love him. The people were tired of meally mouthed republicans acting like the other guys. We wanted someone who would tell them to Go to Hell. We got that in Trump and are quit happy that he won. The so called elitists in the party had better wake up because their days are numbered and they just might have to go to work.

OkiefromMuskogee • 6 years ago

This is accurate but forgets the other great weapon, re-election. Politicians who go way past trying to represent all their constituents to doing everything just to be re-elected regardless of principles, values and common sense (if they happen to have any). We voters share the blame for not holding ourselves responsible enough to term limit them by voting them out regularly whether they are "good" ones or not because representing the citizens was never supposed to be a career.

George Bacon • 6 years ago

Bingo, this guy nailed it.

Herbert Robinson • 6 years ago

This is why the education foisted upon our children must change. My children were taught that all civilizations are equal, one that encourages mutilation and enslavement of nonbelievers is morally equivalent to the U.S. The idea that the U.S. once owned slaves renders us morally culpable for all of the worlds wrongs instead of being the force against slavery. That there would be neither wars nor crime if we were just nicer to everyone and knew our place was not at the head of the table. A pox on those pushing white male guilt!

Rex Monaco • 6 years ago

I feel guilty...that I read this article to the end.

marcel • 6 years ago

The real "Resistance" is strong with this one!

Guest • 6 years ago
TheCarMan • 6 years ago

... and then Jesus as well.

Frank • 6 years ago

Ummm... no, our "main weapon" is the good sense of the American public and the impeachment process.

tick... tock...

SWohio • 6 years ago

Sucks to have lost the House, the Senate, the Presidency and most state governments under your master Obama, doesn't it?

I'm still wondering why you libs continue to slobber over obama when he single-handedly destroyed your party's power. When he came to the WH, you had everything. Now, you have nothing.

Sucks to be Frank.

Frank • 6 years ago

Well first, I didn't mention Obama, much less "slobber over" him. But since you brought him up...

We were in the same position as you are now when Obama took office in 2008. Had the House, the Senate and the White House. And unlike Trump, Obama was one of the most loved and highly-rated presidents of my lifetime, even after 8 years in office, and he remains so today. And he went into office with a 10 million vote margin over McCain.

Conversely, Trump took office despite the fact that he had nearly 3 million votes fewer than Clinton. Four months into his presidency -- when he should be in the middle of his love-fest honeymoon -- he is the lowest rated president in history. Absolute bottom! And I can pretty much guarantee you he's not going to last a year in office. (That last one's opinion; the rest is fact.)

Now... if with all he had going for him Obama "single-handedly destroyed" the Democratic party... what do you think the vote-losing, tax-return-hiding, unpopular, bungling, amateurish, historically-ignorant praise-needy snowflake Trump is going to do to the Repubs?

Right now it might "suck to be Frank." But believe me, the suckage of being SWohio is going to be ten times worse. And I'll be here to mock you mercilessly.

burrs • 6 years ago

So what was Obama's top achievement?