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richsmith • 6 years ago

Well not quite "Mythical Crime Wave", that scourge of a debilitating crime wave that has infested US politics from the local on up to the federal level is a reality.

Annakis • 6 years ago

It's all about the money. These people are nothing but human traffickers. Living off the suffering of humanity.

Annebonnie • 6 years ago

I detest Jeff Sessions as much as Trump. He is a hideous, vile, evil s.o.b. FYI, I have severe glaucoma which has nearly blinded me. I use medical marijuana for it because it keeps me from losing my sight completely. Jeff Sessions can go straight to HELL!!

Annebonnie • 6 years ago

I participate in all of the organizations mentioned, marches, write letters, call, send emails. You don 't know me so you don 't know my level of participation. You are absolutely right about action not words. I was only expressing my views. The level of participation we are allowed is obviously not enough. We are not yet having any effect to change anything. Truth is, I am for total anarchy, tax revolt, whatever it takes. I am 74 years old, I participate as much as physically possible. For whatever it is worth, we don 't march ahead in Washingtohn D.C. close to the White House because that is now illegal. Marches have to have permits etc. etc. The only way to get attention & action is to take action that is illegal. Here in Portland a few weeks ago, there was a march for science. The march itself got very little attention - until anarchists started destroying property, setting fires etc. I do not believe in violence or destruction of property. However, these people will stop at nothing & the marches "with permits" are NOT getting attention. So don't criticize what you don't know about. I am a senior citizen FEMALE who detests this horrible man & his entire administration. Whatever it takes to stop them, that is what I AM FOR!!

serial federal testimony perjurer li'l jeffy sessions is working hard on behalf of the investor class to juice the numbers of non-violent (easy-to-manage) dark-skinned men and women forced into the US private prison industrial complex with the aid of racist/bigoted/misogynist prosecutors, fbi minions and white nationalist-staffed militarized police forces nationwide. this is Plantation USA in the 21st century (ref. Michelle Alexander's excellent book, "The New Jim Crow"). this despicable, trivial, hateful little pink man and his associates are working feverishly to restore 'the homeland's" industrial slave labor camp system, much as their Nazi forbears did in 'der vaterland'.

How many 1000's of families/lives will be shredded by this white nationalist/patriarchal criminality? Depends on the courage of the rest of us.

On the plus side, jeffy's beefed up rules for charging criminals accused of federal crimes with the harshest charges relevant to their crimes should come in handy once he's investigated and charged for giving false oral and written testimony under oath before a Congressional committee charged with determining his fitness for office. Max penalty for that level of perjury. There's a great article on FindLaw about sessions' behavior titled: "What Are the Penalties for Lying to Congress?"

drrichard • 6 years ago

Just the Nixon playbook again, find a fear and fill it. Tricky Dick was very cynical when he did his war on drugs, aiming to discredit minorities and anti-war people. Sessions seems to be a meaner and narrower person, unlikely as that seems.

Kevin Roberts • 6 years ago

First off,mandatory mins are unlawful AND unconstitutional,the war on drugs?,Losingng,but to imply that The AG is overdramatizing the situation on the border is flat out wrong,the drug mules,who are packing dope across the border to pay for their ride,is obviously stated by someone that aint living or working on the border,things are out of hand down here,and are gonna get worse,de-crimanalize the hard stuff,legalize pot,take the insame profits out of the equation and it might mellow out down here

Frank • 6 years ago

I live and work on the border, west of Tucson. What you say is nonsense. The vast amount of cartel violence occurs on the Mexican side of the border, with very little spilling to the U.S. side. Sessions is a viciously bigoted, fear- and hate-mongering twit. His recent appearance at the Nogales border fence was nothing but a carnival side show, playing to the racist core of Trump Nation.

Kevin Roberts • 6 years ago

You might want to come over to The area south of Cotulla Tx,thats the area i am most familiar with,and speaking of

Kerryjlape • 6 years ago

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ari9999 • 6 years ago

This move by Sessions makes perfect sense:

1. More profit for prison corporations and their primarily wealthy (= predominantly white) shareholders.

2. Race war, class war.
When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war. And we’re winning.”

 —Warren Buffett

3. Voter suppression. Manufacture more felons and you get fewer left-leaning voters.

4. Take money from education, housing and mental health treatment, and pump it into militarized policing.

5. Undermine trust in low-income neighborhoods and communities of color, then blame the people there for moral failure, for not cooperating with police.

From a racist extreme-right standpoint, what's not to like? It's beautiful.

That boy Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, he done his mama proud.

very, very well stated.

john d • 6 years ago

yes the racist pig is at the trough again. those private jails will be filled to the brim.
i'm hoping he will be thrown out of office for lying at his confirmation hearing. he was going to recuse himself from the trumpcus/Russia thing was he not?

spixleatedlifeform • 6 years ago

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions: Proof the Revenge for Sherman's March* Conspiracy is in full-swing mode.

*Including (in particular) his Carolinas Campaign wherein Sherman made a "special effort of concentration on South Carolina"- the first State to Secede and the "Mental" Home State of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.




spixleatedlifeform • 6 years ago

Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah!

Sessions [proclaimed and demanded of Federal Prosecutors] ... " 'charge and pursue the most serious, readily provable offense[s]' for federal crimes ..."


Finally the Federal Government's Law Enforcement Branches are going to pursue the most vile, greatest harm causing and creators of the most victims by many orders of magnitude criminals and their criminal syndicates!

Yes, I'm highly encouraged by this development and I'm glad, no; I'm ELATED to hear the Law and Order bunch finally getting their sh!t together and choosing to finally direct their resources and efforts to pursuing these anarchists to society and civilization itself.

When these Lords and Masters of criminality finally get their comeuppance and are sent to prison for the rest of their lives and full restitution is made, both compensatory AND punitive, as well as paying their full measure in back taxes, penalties and accrued interest, perhaps then the nation and the world can progress towards a truly just and justifiable society, culture and civilization.

What's that? You think I'm talking about an all-out war on drug offenses? Whatever gave you that idea?

I'm talking about repealing the application of Statutes of Limitations on the entire Financial Sector of the Economy, the inerrant pursuit, prosecution, conviction, sentencing and full-term incarceration of these violators of the Public Trust -- the handlers of the very essence of what the Free Market Capitalist System is all about. If there is no honesty, integrity or allegiance to open and free trading in the markets of wealth generation, well, I don't see how humanity could possibly survive the coming disputes in the competitive world the rest of the world is going to confront us with in the days, weeks, months, years and decades to come.

You see, in the financial sector, every trade, every failure to abide by those trades and doing so in the contracted manner and timing ARE MATTERS OF IMMUTABLE RECORD. What possible easier way could there be for the gathering of evidence and full presentation in Courts of Law in the prosecution of these thieves of many $Trillions in cash, value and equity every year? I say, "GO FOR IT!"


Hosea Mcadoo • 6 years ago

What a Country- the old USSR is looking better by the day We are still better off but the gap is definitely closing rapidly.

...that is, unless we US citizens decide that it will not. You in?

chapdrum • 6 years ago

This sh*theel apparently declined an invitation to join the KKK when he learned that some of its members smoked cannabis.

mschlee • 6 years ago


John Dean, one of the architects of the original Nixon-era War on Drugs, admitted that the whole thing was a dragnet for dissenters.

Ask yourself, "do you think Richard fucking Nixon cared whether hippies and blacks killed themselves and each other with drugs?"





pascalmolineaux • 6 years ago

In all aspects this administration is espousing a know-nothing approach, not based on facts, wisdom or caution. Not based in Science or a real assessment as to the best, most humane way to deal with problems. This dinosaur-like approach has utter contempt for statistics, facts or the rich experience of other countries and blindly espouses a "tough on crime" nonsensical ideology typical of the likes of Duterte or Putin. Absurd, bashfully dumb, ridiculous, unbelievably prehistoric. Sad, very sad.

what you're referring to is a very effective form of agiprop. in this sense, trumpledumple is the ultimate pawn, put up in front of us to create a sideshow meant to distract us from the real end goal--the putting in place of a containment field of legalistic (legally fraudulent) policies, rules and fake laws meant to suppress the US population, keep us cowed, fearful, confused and in conflict with one another, so the plutocrats and their oligarch minions can do whatever they wish to further their total-dominance wet dream fantasies. Our job is to focus on the banality of evil, the slow, steady erosion of our civil liberties, the foundations and institutions of our democracy, our social cohesion as a nation.
Focus on the endgame, not the sideshow.

Guest • 6 years ago
Digitali • 6 years ago

"Braindead conservatives." Redundant.

Ex_ATC • 6 years ago

Maybe we need a war on the DEA. Just saying...

Digitali • 6 years ago

While we're at it, how about the GOP, AEI, ACU, APAC, CU, TCC, FRC, RNC, the Moral Majority and the KKK. No, scratch that last one. According to Beauregard, they're just a bunch of stoners. (Bet they aren't on HIS target list though.)

you haven't mentioned the initials of any of the agencies of the federal Security State...

Digitali • 6 years ago

Such as?

ulysses46 • 6 years ago

The saddest part of this entire horror cum tragedy show is that citizens have to rely on either the Dems or open rebellion.

Neither of which is peasant to contemplate.

people relied on dems clinton and Obama, and witnessed the continuing regression of US democracy. clinton actively facilitated the financial/corporate/power elites' agendas; obama did precious little to retard what reagan, bush i, clinton, bush ii put in place. DINOs, not dems.

Digitali • 6 years ago

As much as you might crave it, rebellion ain't gonna' happen, so here's a clothespin for your nose. We're all you've got.

not true. See "Our Revolution", working to elect authentic progressives, not "progressives when the label suits us" to office at all levels of govt.

chapdrum • 6 years ago

Sadly true.

Annebonnie • 6 years ago

I'm all for rebellion anarchy. We pay them. Why is this being allowed? They have broken laws, violated constitution yet no.one can stop.them. soon Russia will be in charge. Why are they being allowed this? Revolt or stop paying taxes to these bloodsuckers. DEMOCRATS GROW A SPINE!

how about just doing a google search for excellent organizations working hard to correct this plutocrat-funded oligarchy? Our Revolution, Popular Resistance, Represent.US and others are doing yeoman's work to change the system. Complaining without action serves the dominant elite

LenRunciter • 6 years ago

Really? Maybe you didn't read the article:

"In two path-breaking memos, Holder urged prosecutors to construct charges for those with low-level drug cases so as to avoid triggering the mandatory sentences. Commentators like Terry Carter of the American Bar Associated characterized Holder's memo as "a sweeping reversal of the War on Drugs."


Appointed by Obama-Dem

Not pleasant enough for you? But yeah, why don't you just wait for that open rebellion.

Digitali • 6 years ago

exACTly! (or you could keep on voting Green.)

ulysses46 • 6 years ago

The comforting illusion that a little moderation of a symptom will cure the disease is not only easily recognized as designed to fail but is where cowards hide.

Not a single bankster indicted much less tried.
Holder -Dem
Appointed by Obama - Dem

Return to law firm defending Wall Street; Holder - Dem

$400K "Speech" on Wall street; Obama - Dem

Why don't you just open your eyes? Or even one eye?

Never mind.

None are so blind as those who refuse to see.

chapdrum • 6 years ago

Your first paragraph is spot on.

LenRunciter • 6 years ago

Here we go. Typical. No response to the issue you originally commented on, the war on drugs. Got nothin', eh?

Like I said, enjoy that open rebellion that isn't coming.

well said.

Annebonnie • 6 years ago

Its all we have - REBEL people! And please, the topic is war on drugs

ulysses46 • 6 years ago

The woefully misnamed War On Drugs is NOT and never has been about Drugs. Anyone suggesting otherwise is either seriously misinformed or lying. Could be both.

Nor has the WOD included any rational approach aside from targeting specific groups of citizens deemed either utterly disposable or as exhibiting a bit to much temerity concerning. democracy.

A common plant, with no effective LD50 or addictive potential classified as among the most dangerous in our pharmacopeia might be a clue to the observant.

Citing policies of Holder and Obama as representative of progress in a very narrow context while ignoring the broader view is typical of those inclined to half truth and deflection.

Digitali • 6 years ago

"The woefully misnamed War On Drugs is NOT and never has been about Drugs. Anyone suggesting otherwise is either seriously misinformed or lying. Could be both."

Absolutely true, oh blind squirrel. You also get no argument from me on the supposed versus real effects of weed, other than your surely unintended insult of calling it "common." However the constant carping about what Obama & Company should have done but didn't, is about as productive as marching alone in Lafayette Square carrying a N.O.R.M.L. sign. One thing Holder & Obama didn't do was attempt to thwart state legalization. I wonder; will you begin to note some distinction when Sessions throws the DEA into Cali & Colorado to enforce federal law?

Republicans are only in favor of certain rights for the states. Rights like voter ID laws, and prohibiting transgender individuals from using bathrooms of their choice.

ulysses46 • 6 years ago

More from an unrepentant Dem acolyte?

There is a difference between decriminalization and legalization.

Whatever Obama coulda shoulda woulda all day long and nothing changes, Citizens still remain in jail and disenfranchised for life, the 4th Amendment, among others, is still disappeared and Civil Asset Forfeiture nonsense continues to fill coffers in locales large and small all over the homeland inc

Like a drowning citizen thrown a cinder block instead of a life preserver, the party faithful will inevitably applaud the effort even as it kills them.

NONE of what the Repulikkkans have visited on the Republic would have been possible without the complicity, overtly and mostly otherwise, of the other allowed political party.

A fact that true believers certainly choose to ignore in the same way much of the abused citizenry gives thanks to our self identified elites for not being beaten quite as hard today as yesterday or as they expect tomorrow.

The mindset of slaves. A people dedicated to liberty would know better. It is our shame we do not. There is no one else to blame.

Digitali • 6 years ago

I am anything but an "acolyte," and have absolutely nothing to "repent." My religious leaning, is agnostic, bordering on atheist, so I do not need to substitute a political philosophy for religion, unlike yourself apparently. Your rhetoric reeks of the "true believer" status much more than anything I said, so I find myself concluding that you are engaging in transference.

"NONE of what the Repulikkkans have visited on the Republic would have been possible without the complicity, overtly and mostly otherwise, of the other allowed political party."

I take issue with that statement in that your assignation of complicity or even its usage is incorrect. The "other allowed party," is not a monolithic entity that has a single immutable positions on any issue. Its position on any issue is a consensus of the majority of its members, but I understand it may look to idealists like yourself that it is wrong on many points. Too many people ignore the good in favor of the perfect, and you seem to be one of those.

Absolutists or purists can never, by definition achieve their goals. What's sad is that in their quest for perfection almost always impedes progress by creating backlash in those with whom they might otherwise find common cause, to the point that those others switch sides.

I've argued to no avail with several, here and in other places, about the differences between the parties, so I'm done with that. If you see both parties as equally evil then I'm wasting my time here, and you might as well just blow your brains out, or find some Hemlock, because if that's the way it is there IS no hope.

In that case why are you wasting your time here? I'm here advocating for change while you and the other carpers bemoan the loss of our civilization. Dedication to liberty, or anything is not demonstrated by by berating others who don't agree with you on everything, as having the mindset of slaves. The main problem of the far left AND the far right is that they have the mindset of masters, and THAT is what screws things up. I'm not a sheep in search of a shepherd and you're not Moses.

ulysses46 • 6 years ago

Were you "advocating for change" the responses would necessarily be different. But you are not. You are simply advocating for a kinder gentler empire. at least in appearance.

Distinctions between the two allowed parties exist in the social side, militarily not at all.

Now, if your primary concern is restricted to how and whom citizens love and/or get their friction or whether male legislators can rightfully claim province over every single uterus in the homeland and other such nonsense there might be some semblance of a point in your position. If, on the other hand, you are concerned (aware of?) with the 950 - 1,000 extra territorial bases admitted by the Pentagon or the role of petrodollars in stabilizing global reserve currency or the role of the homeland inc as the primary purveyor of military hardware in the world or the fact that 60% of every tax dollar goes to discretionary spending supporting a bloated MIC bound Defense Dept that has never and cannot make even a partial accounting of tax dollars or even (brining it home here) to the collusion between the allowed parties in creating and supporting a campaign of suppression and incarceration of citizens then maybe, just maybe, you need to look around. Unless, of course, you are already just where you want to be. In which case there is no call for projection or any of the rest of the pop psych drivel since citizens in that condition are comfortable within the embrace of empire and the narcissistic exceptionalism they favor.

Sanders almost stole the show last time out. There are two very clear lessons from that venture: An Eisenhower Republican is now recast as a stone radical; The DNC was absolutely terrified of him and his supporters.

Citizens reliant on the Dems to save the Republic can only hold that position by refusing to acknowledge recent history , current developments, common sense and the obvious evidence of their own eyes and ears. A position of "reasonable compromise" many accept with an alacrity revealing far more than they realize.

Unfortunately, that may be all citizens have left - aside from open resistance.

eldwdubu • 6 years ago

Ramp up the police and surveillance state, declare Marshall Law. If Trump is not removed soon that is where this is going.

Annebonnie • 6 years ago


lifeondearth • 6 years ago

The non-mythical crime wave is the Trump administration. And it's only going to get worse: Empire All In - A Novel of the Trump Era https://www.amazon.com/Empi...