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jerry • 4 years ago

This article starts with a false premise.

It asks whether it is possible for the Progressive Wing to reform the Democratic Party.

The actual question is whether it is possible for a 30% block to take over the Party and impose it's will on the majority against their will?

The answer is yes - and we have recently witnessed exactly that happening in the Republican party. A dedicated Trump block of about 30% has imposed it's will over the republican party -- and from Trump's perspective I suppose they call it "reforming the party from the elitists in control."

This is Animal Farm in real time and real life. The Progressive block wants to be the new "elite" of the Party. They are secure in their belief that they are smarter than the rest of us and far more moral than the rest of us, and have no problem at all with the idea of a minority block take over.

Water and Love • 4 years ago

Learn from Trump

Learn from Trump

Learn from Trump

3 Lessons Bernie Sanders could learn from Donald Trump on defeating the DNC

Here https://berniesandersdemocr...

countykerry • 4 years ago

The Democratic Party died and went straight to hell.

Oh God, I must stop writing this, but it is exactly how I feel.

Helen Hanna • 4 years ago

i am a senior citizen female registered democrat who loathes the clintons and did not want to give them a second chance in the white house. i voted for trump, and am a resident of california. we in california are being bombarded by political ads from bloomberg and steyer, slightly less from sanders. all these men are jewish. my problem is chiefly with bloomberg, although it applies to all three. there are seventeen thousand homeless people in san francisco, nancy pelosi's congressional district. there are twice as many homeless in san diego, and the california homeless are on the coasts and interior of california---, there is massive homelessness and high overall income inequality. i watch bloomberg spending a million dollars a minute in political ads in california and i know he is a tool of wall street. the bank bailouts of 2008 created even greater income inequality in our country than before. i just feel nauseated that another clinton surrogate, bloomberg, might be the next president. also his expenditure of massive amounts of money in a state where so many people live in cardboard boxes is obnoxious. then this morning i read that hillary clinton may run with bloomberg for vice president. the following elite jewish financiers brought about the 2008 investment bank bailouts: sanford weill, larry summers, robert rubin, alan greenspan, and timothy geithner. none of them went to jail or made reparations to people around the globe who were basically financially destroyed by the bailouts. for this reason i don't want a jewish president, especially one like bloomberg who was the first oligarch to try to impede the nyc occupy wall street protests. corruption is not an effective enough word for these people. i thought hillary clinton's political career was dead, but she is like the vampire who will not die.

jerry • 4 years ago

sooo -- can't have those Jewish people running around sharing their ideas with people. I mean really -- some people might actually like their ideas, and then where will we be?

Sandy • 4 years ago

So why did you put Bernie Sanders into this group? Because he is Jewish? Shameful!

jerry • 4 years ago

nothing wrong with being in the company of people like Bloomberg. One of American's great philanthropists and very much a self-made man.

we should celebrate more like him.

Helen Hanna • 4 years ago

in 2016 bernie was complicit with hillary clinton in running a fake campaign against her in the primary. she had insisted on absolutely being the winner or she would not raise money for the democratic party, so pelosi, wasserman shultz, feinstein, willie brown,sanders and the dnc leaders cooked up the plan to have bernie run a fake campaign against her so her winning would not look like a coronation. bernie is as much a tool of wall street as clinton is, or bloomberg, or steyer....bernie is a wolf in sheep's clothing, the most despicable of all of them by pretending to be what he is not.

ignatzthecat • 4 years ago

Democrat party sold their soul(s) to the company store a long, long time ago!

Floyd C. Wilkes • 4 years ago

Is the DNC attempting to thwart/hack the Sanders campaign by refusing to announce his front runner status? Thus deigning Bernie the Iowa Momentum Boost his campaign deserves as acknowledged front runner?
What next?
Let me guess.
Russian interference?
Perhaps the weak knee’d impeachment charade was judiciously timed to distract attention from the Iowa caucus precisely bc the left wing of the neoliberal-establishment-corporatist Washington DC Consensus Party realized early on Iowa would require some dirty plumbing to sanitize the result to their liking?
What do you think?

Sandy • 4 years ago

Absolutely agree! Well said.

Nadia Repich • 4 years ago

Thanks LOTS for the chat with Dennis! Very Good points from RS. I like Dennis. I like Bernie, BUT--as part European, I think in the end, Bernie decided to take the safer route. I'd CERTAINLY go out and vote for Chris Hedges if he ran for President--our American Hero--as someone mentioned. Chris for President. Second comes Bernie. OMG Dennis, Biden? really?

Sandy • 4 years ago

Chris Hedges has no interest in running for any office - do you blame him?

StarryOrange • 4 years ago

Senator Martin Heinrich (...like Himmler) favors the removal of President Trump from office in this impeachment hoax.

StarryOrange • 4 years ago

...sounded like he accused President Trump of promoting "Russian conspiracy theories."

(...amazing how the 'projection/accuse-the-other-side-of-what-you're-doing' thing keeps happening.)

StarryOrange • 4 years ago

A vote for Representative Gabbard is a vote for Senator Biden... or maybe President Trump, some might say.

Lydia in Phoenix • 4 years ago

The HEALTH INSURANCE INDUSTRY is the SILENT ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM in our healthcare discussions. Did anyone really think it would go down without a fight? I hear people naively saying things like, "we'll just get rid of private health insurance" like that wouldn't create HUGE upheaval in that HIGHLY-PROFITABLE INDUSTRY, which is no doubt deeply entangled in financial markets and individuals' investment portfolios. HELLO! And yet that industry saw the writing on the wall and scrambled to remain relevant by contracting with the federal government to MANAGE THE ADMINISTRATION of MEDICARE BENEFITS for the Federal government via "MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLANS." Isn't it interesting how that suddenly became our new normal, just like pulling a rabbit out of a hat?! So what's next for those not yet on Medicare? Will Americans catch on and demand something similar for all the folks now using private healthcare insurance provided by or purchased through their employers??

StarryOrange • 4 years ago
"...Zionist Jew " socialist " millionaire Bernie Sanders..."


...not sure why you (R.R. in the deleted post to which I reply), ...why you could be labeling Bernie a 'Zionist.'

Maybe 'Zionists' (whoever they might be) view him as their most formidable adversary(?).

jerry • 4 years ago

Zionism is just another term for Jewish liberation.

Bernie claims to be a Zionist, but he panders to those who demonize and dehumanize both the Jewish State and Isarelis.

It's that pandering -- via surrogates like Sarsour etc -- that causes Progressive and Liberal Jews to move away from Sanders. But Sanders calculates there are more Israel haters than Jews in his base, so he's free to jettison his Jewish brothers and sisters.

His candidacy has put Progressive and Liberal Jews in a bind if his block should somehow wrest the nomination. If they vote for Trump they will be hurting the country; and if they vote for Sanders they will be mainstreaming hate for Jewish liberation and self protection, which is like putting poison in the mouths of their own children.

Hopefull, the 70% of the party will at some point coalesce around a single candidate so as to not be so fractured, so that the small Sanders block can't take control over the majority -- a la what Trump supporters did to the Repubs.

buckguy • 4 years ago

I’ve followed Kucinich ever since he was a race baiting city councilman in Cleveland. He’s never reached out to African Americans. His own administration as mayor was a bit like the Trump administration—very closed and sychophantic. He lasted on term and alienated a wide variety of constituencies. As a Congressman, he sponsored no important legislation. The idea that he is some oracle or can lead us forward is beyond me.

Jerry Engelbach • 4 years ago

“... all that has melted away like some insubstantial pageant faded, leaving less than a rack behind.“

I have to admire a person who can effortlessly quote Prospero from The Tempest, even if the substance of the interview is old news.

Paul Easton • 4 years ago

It seems he used his long vacation to complete his education, among other things.

Wh00pDeeDooDaa • 4 years ago

And why does Bernie keep people mentally trapped inside a Soulless party? duh.

Scheer always avoids the core question [same w chumpsky] ... as if on purpose.

justic4all • 4 years ago

Bernie is trying to take over the party and return it to what it once was under FDR. What he's doing is no different than Trump taking over the soulless Republican party. The way our system currently works with the electoral college, it would be next to impossible for a 3rd party candidate to win.

Wh00pDeeDooDaa • 4 years ago

Live and Learn. you are being misled. Obama had a total DNC congress. THEY ARE ALL Bought. Bernie is the only one not taking money. He is a Token Leftist symbol allowed to succeed only to mislead you.

justic4all • 4 years ago

No one is misleading me about anything. I have no illusions about (either) political party, or that they're all bought. Where I disagree with you is that they're allowing him to succeed. Now that he's suddenly had an unexpected surge, they've suddenly galvanized, and are doing everything they can to sabotage his chances, just like they did in 2016. And if by chance he overcomes that, their fight against him will continue. They're already trying to stack the deck at the convention to destroy his platform, but were he to become President, he will get to reorganize the DNC. However, no single election right now, even the Presidency, is going to change anything policy-wise in Washington because the entire Congress, both parties, are corrupt. If any change happens as a result of Bernie winning, it will happen over time. I think this article, ironically from Bloomberg, predicts what could realistically happen with a Sanders win: https://www.bloomberg.com/o...

Wh00pDeeDooDaa • 4 years ago

bernie and "the squad" are token leftists / sheepdogs

the dnc national congressional support system is totally rigged
aka the dccc
aoc dropping out of the org won't change a thing

Ron Ruggieri • 4 years ago

Show me any successful " political revolution " in history that grovelled before some existing power structure ? The French Revolution of 1789 ? The American Revoution of 1776 ? The Russian Revolution of 1917 ? The Chinese Revolution of 1949 ? The Cuban Revolution of 1959 ?
No kind of SOCIALISM - democratic or otherwise - will emerge from the core of the completely rotten Democratic Party .
I like a lot of what Bernie Sanders says but now he has as much moral integrity as the Wizard of Oz. He TELLS you he will support the nominee of the Democratic Party . That could be Zionist Jew " socialist " millionaire Bernie Sanders endorsing Zionist Jew capitalist billionaire Michael Blomberg. And with the blessing of Zionist Jew millionaire celebrity Judge Judy . The Happy Democrat Family all interviewed on " Rabbi " Chuck Todd's " Meet the Press ".

Patrick A. Daley • 4 years ago

So you would rather Trump win again?

You seem to have some virulent anti-Jewish prejudices.....

Neal • 4 years ago

Dennis Kucinich: The Democratic Party Has No Soul ?
Rubber Soul.....................Democrats2020

StarryOrange • 4 years ago

Robert Steele: Are Eric Ciaramella and Sean Misko Going to Be Sued by President Donald Trump for Malicious Defamation, Perjury, & Tortious Interference? Paul Sperry Starts the Story, I Offer an Ending

Kelly Scott Gilford • 4 years ago

so the GOP are better? Not by a long shot.

didactic1 • 4 years ago

Soul died with Michael Jackson, synthesizers and corporate takeover of black owned labels.

Democrats never had soul. Andrew Jackson? Save World Woodrow? Fry em Franklin? Bombing Lyndon? Cigar Clinton?


ignatzthecat • 4 years ago

You forgot, ".....Big Dick Johnson!!!! LOL!

Kalen • 4 years ago

Dennis.. Democrats have no souls not because they lost it but because they sold it longtime ago to lesser evil of finance capitalism and turned away from greater evil , “evil” of human decency, humanity solidarity among working class, “evil” of equality, equity and egalitarianism of socialism itself deemed greatest “evil” of all for oligarchic masters billionaires who control all bipartisan political sock puppets and direct US electoral farce.

Now they sold DNC nomination to another filthy billionaire Bloomberg who for down payment bought himself place and support of DNC and MSM in next critical debate in another blatant attempt to railroad Sanders again.

Sandernistas are raging while their idol remains silent so far. Feel the rage Bernie, threaten those disgusting DNC goons with running as independent if railroaded again.

Have courage, don’t be coward like in 2016, take a stand and listen to millions of suffering people. Enough is enough, thievery of capitalism must stop and guilty of human suffering and death must be imprisoned.

justic4all • 4 years ago

I've thought this a million times before also, but from what I understand it's all but impossible, with our "electoral college" system, to win as a 3rd party. And Tom Perez can pull the kill switch anytime he wants on Bernie if he no longer thinks he's a "Democrat". I can only hope, given that Sanders has been saying the same things now for the last 50+ years, that if he were to win, then he could finally pick a new head for the DNC, and start to revamp it.

bill morrison • 4 years ago

Sorry, Dennis has "sold his soul to the company store". Tennessee Ernie Ford

John R. • 4 years ago

The majority of the US has lost its soul. Given up for trinkets and celebrity culture. And I've noticed that if / when one does exhibit soul those around them are critical because they don't understand what they are witnessing. My opinion and experience.

didactic1 • 4 years ago

Trinkets? John Smith, 1619!

Dmitri • 4 years ago

Same experience here; like a human survivor in the zombie apocalypse, or an increasingly fascist order. And as the word 'soul' suggests, this is more than a matter of different critical knowledge or information, involving habits of living which shape us - our feelings, our characters, our values, and so on - at more fundamental levels of being.

Ron Ruggieri • 4 years ago

It seems that a while back " Truthdig " editor Robert Scheer patronized New Atheist fraud Sam Harris and his " End of Faith " theme. But soon Chris Hedges got wise to him and the New Atheism :
[“Harris, echoing the blood lust of [Christopher] Hitchens, calls, in his book ‘The End of Faith,’ for a nuclear first strike against the Islamic world.” (“The Dangerous Atheism of Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris,” AlterNet, March 22, 2008) ]
What is relevant here is that I observed this obnoxious New Atheism everywhere was in alliance with Zionist Apartheid Israel vs. Iran ( always brainlessly associated with " international terrorism " ) . No military action of American imperialism or of Zionist Israel is ever called " international terrorism " .
Are any of the Jewish presidential candidates of the Democrat Party now debating issues in Iowa likely to break with Zionism ? And it does seem our new dear NATO ally, the Ukraine , with its first Jewish president, has potential for becoming a second Israel . But only with the right president in the White House ?
You can bet that this issue will get no hearing in the Iowa Democratic Presidential Primary .
Picture " socialist " Zionist millionaire Bernie Sanders finally endorsing Zionist billionaire Michael Bloomberg . With both soon rivaling Trump for popularity in Apartheid Israel. And both explain their position on Israel to Chuck Todd's " Meet the Press . " OUR democracy " recovering !

StarryOrange • 4 years ago

I used to spend hours trying to argue with those who imagine they're 'atheists' at some site I once frequented
(that ran numerous stupid 'Atheists are the Best/Smartest/...'-type articles... ...for some reason) for some reason.

(...still have a go at it, from time to time, but mostly argue about less important things.)

occupyRUScom • 4 years ago

Mr. R. R. etal
Interestingly, Both ZIONO-Shills, SAM HARRIS and CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS (Deepak Chopra, Dali Lama etal) Know My ass, from Sally Quinn's (Ben Bradley's Wife) and Jon MEACHAM and David IGNATIUS etal, ONFAITH (NEWSWEEK (Before Sold to DAILY BEAST's Tina Brown) and WASHINGTON-POST ( Before Sold to Jeff BOZO) etc.*
* Mitt Romney and Hillary+ Know of me to. All U have to do is mention, KEY word: JOZEVZ!
BIG note: Most of Everything that happened till today I [WE] predicted since 2006...( Especially the un "Great Financial Tsunami" of 2017/18). HINT: I'm known as the "ASCII-ARTIST".

didactic1 • 4 years ago

Good to see American public Ed encourages diversity. No illiterate left behind.

Ron Ruggieri • 4 years ago

It looks like I have been BANNED ON TRUTHDIG for the same spurious reason I was BANNED ON THE WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE ... I am perceived by neurotic Jews - Zionist, anti-Zionist, or crypto -Zionists as a " resident Catholic, anti-Semite, fascist ". When I refer them to my blog to correct this untruth my COMMENT is immediately " DETECTED AS SPAM ". The wonders of " OUR democracy " . And sad to see the generic Left repudiate the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization .

Dave • 4 years ago

You're experiencing the wonderful "tolerance" of the left.

You know, the mythical thing they say they have but never practice.

occupyRUScom • 4 years ago

I [WE] Agree that 'WSWS" is a Pro JU Site. And are either Silent when Israel does bad things or Write (w/out Criticis'n'm).
BIG BIG Note: Unlike Brooklyn Boy, BERNIE, I [WE] Are "SOCIAL-CAPITALISTS!"
NBote: Interestingly i have a genuine tee-Shirt (from a Family member), from Brookly's, James Madison H.S., which Bernie SANDERS, Chuck SCHUMER,, Ruth GINSBERG et al went to.
Note: Jerrold NADLER went to Stuyversant H.S. (after attending Yishiva).
Sooo, is this all a Coincidence?

didactic1 • 4 years ago

Do tell why a dialectic materialist traditional Marxist Lenimist group is JU(HA HA, you are as subtle as a pooping Parrot) when the essence of Judaism is belief in an intangible, infinite Unitary Divine Being. Are you plagued by seizures?

Ron Ruggieri • 4 years ago

What interests me is what predisposes an individual to brand opinions anti-Semitic .

occupyRUScom • 4 years ago

O.K. last reply:
Keep in mind that "Ant-Semite, means 'Anti-SHEM" (Moses Biblical Character in his CHUMASH (Bible) where his Racism shows through and through via [HIS] "DRUNKIN [Racist] NOAH" story.
So the GOY's and GENTILES or HERETICS, even the 'Kiffirs' (Arabic) are from the Rejected 'HAM' and 'JASPETH" (Both Sons of Noah and Brothers of SHEM) but Today [WE] See that SHEM abused his Inheritance and thus abused US! *
Please See a great "Freudian Slip of Genuine Prophecy" at:
GEN: 21: 15-17 et seq .... Where 1/3 OF [Today's, nay biblical days] iSRAEL/Canaan aka Palestine goes to Israelite's (the LOVED) via ISAAC followers and 2/3 Goes to Palestinians/Cannanite (the HATED) via ISHMAEL followers. *
* HAGAR was/is GAZAN Palestine, talking about birth-Right and Inheritance there of! It means PALI's (Arabs) Rule over Them by 2/3 (and rightly So)! Unless they ignore Moses's writings (includes Rabbi Jezus's Too (see: JOHN 4:22 (Salvation is of the Real Jews, nay Fake JU's)! Oooops, and EXODUS 4:16 (INSTEAD of GOD/HASHEM) Oye Vay. :))

So its a good thing the Zionist Trick (fake 'Peace-Plan) just days ago, Blew-up in their zionic faces.