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DocJimmy • 4 years ago

Trump winning the election is probably the ONLY thing she HASN'T LIED ABOUT...!

SerfCityHereWeCome • 4 years ago

Yep, even Biden himself got on board the Trump Train when he hilariously endorsed him in Missouri ystdy...I wonder which of his keepers drew the short straw and'll have to tell him about it?.

Ann Onymous • 4 years ago

Biden is showing signs of dementia. He recently introduced his wife as his "sister". He couldn't remember the most famous lines of the Declaration of Independence Yet, in 2016, Hillary had the audacity to say that Trump is "unfit" for the presidency.

Daniel • 4 years ago

Having taken care of my Mother as she slowly faded away to Alzheimer's I would have to say that Creepy Joe is more likely in the first stage of it. Mixing words up, forgetting things ingrained in memory, confusing someone with someone else, statements that are confusing and make no sense. All early signs. The excuse that it's due to being in a hurry during extemporaneous speeches doesn't cut it either. It's been his job to do nothing but make speeches. And it seems to be worse every day.

Ann Onymous • 4 years ago

If Creepy Joe gets the nomination, I hope DJT will make an issue of Joe's dementia.

fidel • 4 years ago

If you believe anything shitlary or ohomo says do the opposite. Those people are parasites living off America taxpayers. String em up. I approve this message. Amen

Mandy Martin • 4 years ago

So do I

Linda U • 4 years ago

hildebeast-sleepy joe both big losers

SDofAZ • 4 years ago

One big loser talking about another loser. Hum?

Guest • 4 years ago

No doubt and when we look at this video of Talib's district in Michigan I think we realize we need him more and more.


disqus_fIj0Z51fMq • 4 years ago

Tiger, thank you for airing this! As disgraceful as these Moozies are to We The People, everybody had better wake up to the reality of what is going on!
Thank You

Guest • 4 years ago

You are so welcome. I am on a Mission since coming home from the war in 2004 to get Americans to wake up to the problems that are here and look how it has gone to this in those short years.

disqus_fIj0Z51fMq • 4 years ago

Thank you for your service to this great Republic!
I follow your posts & am never disappointed, your content is spot on.
This Islam crud that is trying to take over and dominate is very real. Any one who can not or will not see it is an idiot of epic proportions!
Keep up the good work!

Guest • 4 years ago

Thank you so much. You are welcome for my service a family tradition. Please share any video, any post, you find that you believe is good to bring everyone to the understanding of what is happening all over America. It pains me that our news does not follow or report what has happened in Europe after the invasion of 75% Muslim men nor are they reporting on what is happening in Europe today now that Erdogan has armed FAKE refugees and opened the flood gates once again. Watch for our borders to be flooded also since the federal judge has stopped Trump's keeping asylum seekers in Mexico.


disqus_fIj0Z51fMq • 4 years ago

these dipsticks here that
refuse to report on what is going on and the libs that are allowing open borders somehow think they will be exempt from the wrath of islam. last time i read the quran, there were no more exceptions for anyone!
It is sickening what has happened to most of Europe and that’s exactly what they have in mind for us!

Guest • 4 years ago

Exactly right. There is much more to the story.


Guest • 4 years ago
Renee Spaide • 4 years ago

Yes Thank you Tiger!

Guest • 4 years ago

Again welcome.

Guest • 4 years ago

Satans minions have invaded a portion of our country and must be stopped. They're only between 1% & 3% of the population but they are a virulent infection. The Koran dictates all Muslims are at perpetual war against Jews, Christians and all competing ideologies and religions. To the Muslim all non Islamic members of civilization are the infidel, Kaffir and heretic governed by the demonic forces that actually created and control thier Orwellian cult of death. The Koran is a handbook of terrorism, invasion, intolerance and hate. It is full of lies, hypocrisy, contradictions, insane barbaric laws and scientific superstitions. It perverts religious ideals and distorts and lies about Biblical Scripture. It denies His Divine Sonship with God and Christ as the chosen Messiah. It claims the militant fanatic, polygamist, pedophile false prophet is the final arbiter of Gods Will. This same misogynist, false prophet who advocated raping and genocide to further the demonic cult of Islam, went insane in his last years and was poisoned by the Jewish concubine whose husband he murdered. One has to study and read the translations, history, origins, politics and insane religious beliefs to understand the overt and existential threat of Islam. It is the antithesis of the worlds faiths civilized by modern reformation.

Guest • 4 years ago
Guest • 4 years ago
Renee Spaide • 4 years ago

Thank you Tiger!

Guest • 4 years ago


donl • 4 years ago

This is NOT America! Can't be! Anti-America yes, but Not the real America. Who the hell do these people think they are? Get them the hell outta here.

Guest • 4 years ago

Too late. They are embedded in our country like ticks. They were brought here by the hundreds of thousands by Obama and placed across this country in every single hamlet and town.


Guest • 4 years ago
Guest • 4 years ago
Askjrsk • 4 years ago

Thank you, Tiger.

Renee Spaide • 4 years ago

This is America...please go back to your own country! I hope Talib is voted out and deported!

Guest • 4 years ago

We would be hard pressed to get them all out. Trump is banning any from countries that harbor terrorism and he is going after those here with a history of terrorism etc. What we can do is educate everyone on Islam and it's intent for any country it becomes a majority in. We can also make sure they are not voted into any office in any of our towns, cities or states. It will be difficult because organizations like CAIR , that was investigated and deemed a Terrorist organization protect them. Obama stopped the investigations into them and we also have Muslim Brotherhood , which is banned in the ME that has been in our country for 50 years. Do not think our congressional leaders are unaware of all of this. They have been told since Ollie North asked for protection for himself and family from the Islamic loons.

Under Obama many investigations and many admissions by FBI, Homeland Security, Southern Command etc. of what is here. ISIS along with vile enemies all over our country. Trump knows and he told us during the campaigns but as long as the evil exists that is in our country from the Left American hating politicians we have to fight hard.


Renee Spaide • 4 years ago

I was aware but the situation does seem to be getting worse. I remember 9/11 and I cannot believe all who have forgotten. Obama pushed for this society? He was a horrible President!

Guest • 4 years ago
Guest • 4 years ago

Indeed and yes Bush took us to war right after that slaughter and our "Mission" was to keep the enemy off our shores. As he brought them in by the thousands then Obama doubled down on it. WE are infested.


Guest • 4 years ago
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dave holt • 4 years ago

There is the enemy, right there.

Guest • 4 years ago

I went to this Muslim protest in Ft. Lauderdale. There was a block cordoned off. I stood with my Israeli friends. I was stunned at what I saw and what I heard. There were snipers on the roofs of the buildings to protect us, there were police on horseback, on motorcycles in cars. The Muslim women on the other side of the street were calling us every name in the book. They were calling for killing us all. They are here in this country and they are now in our infrastructure and people best to be prepared cause one of these days they will strike within.


Billy Wilson • 4 years ago

This is what Obama brought us .

Guest • 4 years ago
Guest • 4 years ago
Guest • 4 years ago
Guest • 4 years ago

And they are thick as fleas across this country.


Sid Real • 4 years ago

They have no one that can beat President Trump. Not even the He She Michelle Michel Obummer!

Carey Gilbert • 4 years ago

( she's a lier and a dumb bitch )

iamtrue • 4 years ago

LOL...When it happens,,,,everything will have come full circle...

Askjrsk • 4 years ago

Sorry Hillary slim as Biden’s chances are, they are much greater than your chance at the WH ever was. Hillary you are a LOSER.

John Redman • 4 years ago

Good reason to compare but not contrast them. They both deserve to rot in jail until they collectively rot in Hell.

Mr. M • 4 years ago

It looks like their at a circus. How fitting.

Billy Q • 4 years ago

Get ready for the mob to attack her it’s amusing to watch