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LibertarianCicero1 • 3 years ago

The chances of winning are not low. We have legislatures in three battleground states talking about decertify their election results because of the evidence of voter fraud. Wisconsin is booting out 200,000 illegal votes, which would shift the state to the president. In Pennsylvania, we have the state legislature revealing that there were more ballots cast than people who voted, which proves fraud and can overturn the results there. In Georgia, members of that state's legislature have said that their results can't be trusted, and may be decertified. If Congress or the state legislatures have a backbone, and stand up against the fraudulent election results, the president can still win. Kindly stop playing into the hands of the RINO Surrender Caucus losers like Adam Kinzinger and Pierre Delecto. I will also add on that the rag known as the NY Post is owned by the parent company of Fox News, a "news" outlet that has gone anti-Trump, so this is just more of the same from the Murdochs.

figaro86 • 3 years ago

"You had every right to investigate the election. But let’s be clear: Those efforts have found nothing."

Let's be even clearer. Somebody or some group has the Post's cajones in a tight grip, people
in a position to seriously hurt the paper financially and otherwise. The outrageous claim that nothing
has been found is enough to throw the NY Post in the same journalistic dung heap as the NY Times.

WhiteFalconOne • 3 years ago

Tell the folks who started it, to stop....defending oneself isn't starting, anything!

SheerPolitics • 3 years ago

The Trump brigade is getting close to something...they've got the leftests (including those with a R next to their name) scared.

Scotty • 3 years ago

We're in for even more insanity once the Obama/Harris administration takes over.

sallyjohanna • 3 years ago

Devastating not being able to trust the media that is suppose to root out the truth for themselves as invested citizens and all Americans! Now they are full of nauseous irresponsible opinion you can't trust!! This election was stolen, in my heart of hearts I believe that! God help us prove it....pleassseeeeeeee! Still I went and early voted for the GA Republican Senate candidates...I hate the fact that this year POTUS election and the runoff are on brand new machines...was that truly necessary!?!? Or is it the way they stole it??

Leota 25 • 3 years ago

The American vaccines from Pfizer and Maderna are being deployed all over the World as of last Saturday in unprecedent time and scale without so much as thank you USA and President Trump.

Just on this basis alone, these imbacils at MSM, Congress, Courts, and other freak shows do not deserve even a headline attention, much less this president's any valuable time.

mst3kcrow • 3 years ago

Catturd ™
I see Twitter is letting "NY Post" trend because they wrote a negative story about Trump - the exact same news outlet they banned and suspended for writing a negative story about the Bidens.

Broccoli Free Zone • 3 years ago

NY Compost.

K-Bob • 3 years ago

(I fixed the busted links - reload the page)

K-Bob • 3 years ago

Two things to inspire you...

1) a pretty important document relative to PA vote discrepancy...

PA Lawmakers: Numbers Don’t Add Up https://t.co/jfhH8Av21p

— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) December 28, 2020

The latest Steve Cortes video is amazingly good...

Americans increasingly acknowledge that the Biden “win” in key swing states was a rigged scam.

Let’s count every legal vote.#ChalkTalk
👉 pic.twitter.com/7BwESXpWwE

— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) December 27, 2020
KS • 3 years ago

Just like Biden (plagiarism), some posts are talking points taken from those in the media that committed suicide years ago and recently. Dead journalism.
Not one thing to back up their rants except hatred for our President Trump.

Hookman2020 • 3 years ago

Does anyone really believe ALL republicans will stick and vote together against the dems? This election means nothing more than numbers, that’s it!

Guest • 3 years ago
57Matty • 3 years ago

What's not good for the nation is a fraudulent Presidential election.

57Matty • 3 years ago

Even Susan Powter knows that the election was rigged.

K-Bob • 3 years ago

There’s a name I haven’t seen in well over a decade.

Make that two decades.

sky puppy • 3 years ago

"David replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord
will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel! And everyone assembled here will know that the Lord rescues his people, but not with sword and spear. This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us!”

As Goliath moved closer to attack, David quickly ran out to meet him. Reaching into his shepherd’s bag and taking out a stone, he hurled it with his sling and hit the Philistine in the forehead. The stone sank in, and
Goliath stumbled and fell face down on the ground.

CS Law • 3 years ago

So, Believe our lying eyes? https://www.infowars.com/po...

DemsLie • 3 years ago

NY Post tabloid = waste paper

Dulaney Logan • 3 years ago

The post has been better than the Times by a long measure, so I'm disappointed. But it's the editorial page under pressure, and not Michael Goodwin who is the only one worth listening to at the Post.

Spacecoastz • 3 years ago

Its not just about President Trump fighting....but for all of us who find a fraudulent election unacceptable. Call you reps...call your Senators....Pray to God for a righteous outcome.

FL_Deplorable • 3 years ago

Hardly surprising...
What they don't seem to understand is that "consent of the governed" is now hanging by a thread. If Biden becomes President, that thread is going to break!

moskorov • 3 years ago

For those who have backgrounds in mathematics; probability and statistics; signal processing; and/or digital forensics, it is 100% likely that vote swapping, vote padding, and other forms of frauds were committed, not just in the background states, but in most of the country, which was a surprise.

For those who understand what the key indicators of who will likely win the presidency, understand that enthusiasm, enthusiasm, and enthusiasm is what wins election. Hence, there was no way that Biden would be capable of setting a record in the number of votes received, while winning the smallest number of counties nation-wide for a presidential campaign. The probability of this happening is infinitesimally small, hence, has never been done before in the history of the country.

Investigation into all aspects of this election should be a Number One Priority for the country because the observed fraud included (a) a high-level of sophistication applied nationwide, (b) electronic voting machine connected to the internet which violated proper election protocol, (c) election machines with extensive vote manipulation capability (they are computer-based and computers can apply vote-swapping algorithms!) and (c) involvement of foreign entities.

K-Bob • 3 years ago

I have a background in all of those. I agree.

Although “digital forensics” is a very broad category, so my experience there is somewhat adjacent to netwok-related forensics.

The real net experts have the star graphs of the network connections to the IP slots of the vote tabulating machines.

KS • 3 years ago

Only give up when God says so.

TownHallBlows • 3 years ago

It was stolen and it’s not insanity. We aren’t going to have another fair election again. The RS and others should be calling on our favorite senators to stand up along with those in the house. We aren’t a democracy we are a damn republic and when something is rotten it’s why the framers put this into place.

nolalady • 3 years ago

The post does not speak for us. We saw what happened. Very disappointed with the post. We had better see our reps speak up to help present the facts on the stolen election, or the republican party may become buried in history.

Renny • 3 years ago

No, don't give up. Ever. He rightly won this election. He IS our choice for president. NY Post can go take a hike off a short pier because we're talking about election integrity and there is no going back from this steal. Sure. Forget it. Move on. No. You stole my vote you creeps.

5GREYHOUND6 • 3 years ago

The Republican party may not realize it now but in the future they are in for a shock. They have lost the Republican Base and most likely in future elections because of the Republicans just standing by and watching an massive fraudulent election take place and they have remained docile like the gelding known as Mitt Romney and the RINOS that want Trump to just accept the fraud and go away, people have lost faith in the Republican Party and the Republicans in both the House and Senate. They said the Ga election is necessary, maybe it is and maybe it isn't. If the democrats want Statehood for Washington DC and Pureto Rico, many of the Republicans will go along with it, if the democrats want to pack the Supreme Court, they will go along with it. Trump was a fighter and still is, a very important thing to remember about Trump, he had a very good life prior to becoming President, he didn't need the abuse that he has received for the last four years and he did it because he loves America and he did a good job of running it. In many ways, Donald Trump is the same stock as those patriots who signed the Declaration of Independence, the signers were all hunted down by King George.

PirateinTraining • 3 years ago

Keep fighting, never give up Sir!

pybop • 3 years ago

Levin tweets TRS quote.

pybop • 3 years ago

I copied Levins tweet from @marklevinshow....and it directed me to TRS

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K-Bob • 3 years ago

Might be necessary anyway.

ghalv • 3 years ago

No evidence?? ... ABSURD delusion... I will NEVER click on a Post article again.

shelbysbest • 3 years ago

75 million people is nothing to thumb your nose at New York Post. Most of us will feel cheated without a serious investigation, and who is going to care about doing one without President Trump in the W.H. No thanks!

Guest • 3 years ago
Northpaw • 3 years ago

Perhaps the NY Post is as you posit trying to prevent civil war, that does appear to be the motive behind the Republicans who are urging President Trump to quit now. The choice is between war and dishonor as Churchill said in 1938 of Prime Minister Chamberlain after he signed an agreement with Hitler. Winston added, you chose dishonor and we will have war; same result I’m afraid this time here.

K-Bob • 3 years ago

By setting up a civil war.

Excellent plan! /sarc

JAOWG • 3 years ago

I think that is a foregone conclusion. It's just a matter of how long it will last.

Camilla Loubry • 3 years ago

Actually, by denying it, they are ensuring that it is going to happen. Either that or some states will succeed.

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ssohara • 3 years ago

NY Post is a fair news source. They endorsed Trump's re-election.

I don't want a President Biden. But at this point, what can Trump do? Hopefully, he has options. Fingers crossed.

Guest • 3 years ago
Camilla Loubry • 3 years ago

As long as he doesn’t concede! That would make Biden and his government legitimate. You absolutely cannot legitimize fraud of this proportion! They succeeded once and if that stands, they will never stop!

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TFwimbling • 3 years ago

He's even more half dead than that. Knowledgeable people can see that his entire head and face are one pasteboard of plastic surgery. (What a sissy.)

CC • 3 years ago

I believe Trump fights hoping to prevent the corruption of every future presidential election which is the patriotic thing to do. The Demonrats are perfectly happy with a one party state like all communists.