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tonylion • 2 years ago

There were periods before the industrial revolution much warmer than today.

Pre-industrial data shows the earth was much warmer than now during the two lengthy periods called the
Holocene Climate Optimum roughly 8,000–6,000 and 5,000–4,000 years ago.

And it was as warm if not warmer than today:
3,000 years ago during the Minoan Warm Period,
2,000 years ago during the Roman Warm Period,
and 1,000 years ago during the Medieval Warm Period, when Scandinavians farmed in Greenland for over 300 years.

Man had nothing to do with those warm periods and will not be a factor in any future warm period.

Ives • 2 years ago

Ice core studies provide even more revealing historic evidence.

There have been 10 ice ages during the past million years, approximately one each 100,000 years.

The last ice age ended 20,000 years ago. Seas rose about 120 meters and for the last 5000 years have stabilized along with temperature stabilization, The more frequent warming and cooling periods cited above will continue for another 80,000 years when the next severe ice age will be at its peak and ocean levels will drop.

Learn to live with it.



Tricky Eddie • 2 years ago

No fair using logic and history!!
You must be some kinda white soopreemasist.

Sir Lurksalot • 2 years ago


Tricky Eddie • 2 years ago

Thank you.

OneForFreedom • 2 years ago

Begone vile denier of the cult science of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change! (/s)

tonylion • 2 years ago

The real Climate Hysteria motto:

"One cause to fool them all"
"One cause to blind them"
"One cause to rule them all"
"And in total darkness bind them!"

Sir Lurksalot • 2 years ago

The fanatical "green" zealots gathering in Glasgow are a real and present menace to the populations they control.

basno • 2 years ago

Over 20 years ago Al Gore said the same, I was supposed to be living on the beach years ago as the sea levels rise. Waterfront would have raised the value of my home tremendously. I want to sue the alarmists for my lost equity because of their lies.

Loyal Democrat • 2 years ago

So what if we agree to forsake all oil, gas, and coal use? Yes, people will freeze to death in the winter and our economy will return us to the lifestyle of the Cro-Magnon, but we simply have to lower our expectations. If we as Americans can set an example whereby we sacrifice millions of our citizenry to the weather, starvation, and disease, perhaps other nations will be shamed into doing the same. After all, as stated in the article the earth has warmed a whopping 1.1 degrees Celsius over the past century, and any moron can tell you that the world has never been hotter than it is now, so it is certainly worth sacrificing billions of lives if it means that a summer's day 100 years from now is stabilized at 85 degrees rather than a lethal 87 degrees. We must be willing to kill people, otherwise we have no hope of saving lives.

Tricky Eddie • 2 years ago

But it's okay--that 3 tenths of a degree will save us all!!

Snarkremark • 2 years ago

The Glasgow conference give many people who believe in nothing something noble to believe in, but where they don't have to do anything right now.

"Just believe and you are good," is a cheap religion.

Criteria to attend:
Can I fly in on my jet?
Will there be cocktail parties every night?
Will the media there interview me?
Do I actually have to do anything?

Don Currey • 2 years ago

You can grow a hell of a lot more crops in a warmer climate. Just say'n. Damned fools... all of them!

ontheboard • 2 years ago

The head line should read " TEMPERATURE RISES 1.5 DEGREES SINCE THE END OF THE LITTLE ICE AGE 171 YEARS AGO ALMOST INSIGNIFICANT, can be considered noise in scientific analys.

FederalFarmer • 2 years ago

You shouldn't try to confuse the issue with facts. Don't forget, the seas have been rising and glaciers melting since the end of the last Ice Age.

Ragnar • 2 years ago

I could only make it halfway through the article. A clarion blast of "FOR SHAME, FOR SHAME...." from my subconscious Greta Thunburg made it impossible to concentrate.

carpe diem 36 • 2 years ago

Maybe someone will invent a way to capture the greenhouse gases to save the world? Is anyone working on such an invention?? I wonder.

Sir Lurksalot • 2 years ago

With all due respect, I believe that the world faces considerably larger problems than pearl clutching over mankind's contribution to so called "greenhouse" gases.

louisleftypounder • 2 years ago

Yes, Mother Nature. Wonderful invention of hers. They're called trees. (Sorry, I couldn't help myself).

Ives • 2 years ago


At least for transportation and waste management.

Using high temperature oxygen fed gasification the 300 million tons of municipal waste produced in the US could produce 1.2 million tons of pure hydrogen and more than 300 million tons of pure CO2 ready for sequestration in depleted oil reservoirs. This provides replacement of 20% of the gasoline used for transportation assuming it is used to power hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. This eliminates combustion engine emissions and methane gas emissions from landfilled organic waste. Plastic of all kinds are excellent gasification feed stock.

The system is water quenched to cool the synthesis gas and water treatment systems designed to collect sulfur salt and volatile metals mean none of the unwanted elements are emissions. Inert material is melted then water quenched and the end product is non toxic.

The same system could recover heavy crude oil as Hydrogen and CO2. CO2 is needed to increase oil production after which it is sequestered in the same reservoir the oil vacated.

I almost forgot. Financial studies show private investment is profitable for this commercially proven technology.

So what does science really say about all this?
Science says theories that cannot be tested and observations that cannot be replicated are scientifically meaningless. They are the stuff of speculation, fiction, and charlatanry.
More to the point, there is NO science that can tell us whether the planet will be warmer or cooler decades in the future, much less with an accuracy of a tenth of a degree. The "man-made global warming crisis" is 100% BS.

Larry W • 2 years ago

Not to pick nits, but India surpassed the US to become the second largest emitter of CO2 in 2019. The US has reduced emissions in each of the past 8 years and continues to lead the world in per capita reductions in CO2 emissions. Meanwhile, the other largest producers are still trending upward. Destroying the US economy, when we're already making great strides, is a foolish waste as long China, India and others continue to increase their emissions. (And BTW, the planet has warmed and cooled every 20,000 years or so for millennia without any fossil fuel emissions, so there is really no reason to believe man can appreciably change the climate, anyway.)

FederalFarmer • 2 years ago

It was probably mastodon flatulence that ended the last Ice Age.

OneForFreedom • 2 years ago

Good thing we killed 'em all off :) Supposedly, anyway. They probably died from some virus but we're blamed for it.

FederalFarmer • 2 years ago

It was Trump's fault. He killed off the dinosaurs too.

MILES E DRAKE • 2 years ago

Failure is not only baked in the cake at the latest festival of hypocrisy and condescension in Glasgow, it is integral to the recipe. The core of the plan is world economic domination by Red China, and this requires that the rest of the world, including the dying First American Republic, be pastoralized. The new model is nothing but the old British Empire, with Beijing and Shanghai and Guangdong in place of London and Manchester and Liverpool. The rationale for exploitation this time will be "the climate" and "the children" rather than "the white man's burden", but Americans will clearly be the "lesser breeds without the law" in the New World Order. The rest of Europe will be India under the Raj, and what used to be America will be Africa economically as well as societally and demographically. What Donald Trump and the resurgent Republican party are after is reversal of the new colonialism

George in PA • 2 years ago

Other than a handful of useful idiots, no one really believes the climate change horse crap. If they did, they wouldn’t be flying around in massive private jets and using insanely huge motorcades.

They just realize the climate change and pandemics are the easiest way to power. And that’s what they crave.

And it’s really frightening how many are willing to give it to them, without even a thought.

Dave Hansen • 2 years ago

99% of the people screaming about climate hysteria are rich. Really rich. Notice that? They usually have their own private fleet of jets. Sometimes you can smell fake a mile away and these climate alarmists are fake as professional wrestling. They have a fake media to prop them up. Fake feeds fake. They demand you stop driving your Ford F250 Superduty as they cruise around in their fleet of private jets. Fake. The final big stupid about this whole summit isn't who was there but who WASN'T there. China wasn't there. Russian wasn't there. India wasn't there. China and India are the worlds biggest polluters and they have ZERO plans to change but the rest of us are supposed to tax and tax and tax our citizens and send the money to Europe and ....what? What then? Nothing happens except we get poorer and they get richer. Same ole BS.

corporate_serf • 2 years ago

Failure? Depends on the goal.

Is the goal stop the increase in temperature? That goal might or might not be achieved. The variation in the earth's climate is not really predictable. That is what chaotic means.

Is the goal to ensure that right people get rich and the elite get a far greater control over people's lives? Yeah, the political processes around the Glasgow meeting will probably achieve that.

Geowa7 • 2 years ago

I'm looking forward to the "looming apocalypse." No more Democrats. No more loud mouth predictions. No more Kerry. No more AlGored. No more Biden or Obama who have had their waterfront homes devoured by the sea.

OneForFreedom • 2 years ago

If only that'd happen, but it won't. I'm sure they'll be proclaiming the sun will become a red giant in 5 billion years if we don't stop producing all that CO2 NOW.

It's a looming apocalypse I tell ya!

starknakedtruth • 2 years ago

When the climate alarmists are able to explain the numerous warming and cooling periods during the last 4.5 Billion years of earth's existence, WITHOUT the assistance or contribution of burning fossil fuels...

Then I'll start paying attention to their dire threats and end of world predictions.

Gary B • 2 years ago

These people act as if air conditioning has never been invented..

Gary B • 2 years ago

And we are having record lows in Oklahoma right now, soon to be followed by normal temperatures.. The same as it has been for the 50+ years I have lived here..

Hairy Bergeron • 2 years ago

Our ancestors survived the ice age, when "high tech" was flint tools and animal hides. We did it by hunting Mastodons to extinction with nothing more than pointed sticks, and by throwing another log on the fire on those cold evenings.

I think we can figure out how to survive a little warm weather, if that's what it takes to allow 5 billion 3rd-worlder's their chance to experience the 21st century!

JIm G • 2 years ago

But you know the enviro-whacks won't be happy until we all are living in grass huts eating our cricket flour biscuits while shivering in the dark.

OneForFreedom • 2 years ago

Or we're all 6 feet under. Seems they'd be happy with that outcome too.

JIm G • 2 years ago

Mass graves make Marxists giddy

CJdriver • 2 years ago

Seems the new royals’ unilateral and unchallenged mandate to “earn” collective ecological salvation will provide some very enjoyable junkets for them while relegating involuntarily participating merely selective and necessary (ugh) masses to immobile and frozen luddite status. All the while “non participating” volcanoes have, are and will do their inordinately warm co2 thing along with the chicoms and russia. Maybe kerry can have his crew fly his jet into a lava vent and plug it, at least for a second or two?

Covertjeff • 2 years ago

If the goal is to find very expensive faux-solutions to an imaginary problem, failure is the best possible outcome.

Barbara • 2 years ago

After flying to their exclusive party on 400 private jets, with hundreds of idling, gas guzzling, armored SUV's ferrying them around from one booze fest to another (God only knows what goes on in those places) the same bloated gloating jerks have the nerve to even show their faces in public?

Tricky Eddie • 2 years ago

Which "Last, Best Hope" is this one gonna turn out to be?

tonylion • 2 years ago

Man made emissions have zero impact on the climate.

MrToad21 • 2 years ago

The Biden administration is prepared to give US cash dollars to everyone sitting that "climate change" table as a way to apologize for The Bad Orange Man (and give themselves a little something, something through 'Big Guy Cuts'). Only a fool isn't making a gigantic wish list to hand to Joe Biden and US taxpayers to pay for their Trump caused national trauma.

And we won't have a say in the matter because Pelosi will declare "For The Children! For The Children!" and ram it through via Congressional loop holes and / or "special rules".

And communist China, India and Russia are laughing at all of us...

civark • 2 years ago

You can succeed in selling snake oil than the climate change hoax.

Tak18 • 2 years ago

"Colossal MistakesStakes as Leaders Meet to Talk Climate," ran the headline.

Fixed it for you.

JIm G • 2 years ago

I like that Lurch Kerry is called a "czar". For I know what the Russians did to their last czar. Wouldn't miss him a minute if it were to happen to that 2 faced gigolo louse. Time is past due.

kj B • 2 years ago

Why is it that only one side of this is ever able to speak or present hypotheses and predications? Only one side gets enormous federal funding? Only one side is given air time. It’s about manipulation and control, destruction of the US and the rights of the individual and sovereign state.