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JCKarlo • 13 years ago

Now those annoying PSP commercials with that Marcus kid talking crap about phone apps can suck it.

Brandon • 13 years ago

Those are sooo anoying aren't they!

Christian Bale • 13 years ago

Retina display screenshots! http://img683.imageshack.us...

Michael • 13 years ago

Until the iPhone has more than just touchscreen accel/gyroscope for input then maybe Apple can talk. Gameplay is just horrible on mobile phones.

Isaac • 13 years ago

Yes, as a touchscreen, accelerometer, and gyroscope are already 3 more input types than the PSP, the options for the iPhone/iTouch are sooooooo limited. (sarcasm)

JC Karlo • 13 years ago

Why are you even on an iPhone gaming site if you think mobile gaming controls are horrible?

Besides analog controls aren't the only satisfying form of game controls out there...there are plenty of games that utilize the idevices' touch and gyro interface on unique ways that are on a different league of enjoyment, one that the psp or ds can compete with at the moment.

I might add that the gyro is an excellent alternative to analog sticks for fps games

JC Karlo • 13 years ago

Can't compete with*

anon • 13 years ago

@JC Karlo
You are out of line. The better my phones gets and the better the games get the more I believe an external controller is in the future for my iPhone. That doesn't mean I shouldn't play some games with the touch controls, it just means accessories should be encouraged and the sooner the better.

Next year when the 2Ghz dual processors and separate GPU units hits our phones then why can't I play PC/Console quality games with analogue controls(via bluetooth) on my iPad or on my iPhone connected to my big screen TV/Monitor?

I would add my voice to the some touch controls are HORRIBLE chorus. Because they are and Tilt is even worse. But they are OK for Angry Birds but they suck when I want to play SF4.

Fredrik Olsson • 13 years ago

Angry Birds, Flight Control and Doodle Jump would be soooo much better with analog stick on PSP. *NOT*

With diffent controls comes diffent games, turns out many of the diffent games are really awesome games as well.

grubjelly • 13 years ago

Whoa, that makes up for Apple's crappy keynote soundtrack.

dogface • 13 years ago

Couldn't search for it for some reason but found it in the end. Now downloading. Ooh aah!

Metalbear • 13 years ago

OMG. Nuff said.

Jenz • 13 years ago


Der-Kleine • 13 years ago

has anyone noticed that in that one PSP ad the guy shows LAME CASTLE and here is EPIC CASTLE?!?!?!?!? :D

Eli Hodapp • 13 years ago

Ahahaha, good catch.

Der-Kleine • 13 years ago

oops, Epic Citadel, but it sounds similar.

Abe • 13 years ago

Put up a gameplay video...Sucks that I got a iphone 3g so wanna check this out

SalsaMD • 13 years ago

Look at the keynote video from today towards the beginning.

Legoshoes • 13 years ago

This simply blows me away.

Beric • 13 years ago

So it crashes on launch on my touch 3G on 3.1.3. Does it require 4.0?

Jenz • 13 years ago

Do you have a real third gen or the 8Gb "third gen"?

Calpa • 13 years ago

It requires an iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, 3rd Generation iPod touch, or iPad..

Ben • 13 years ago

Not working on my 3G touch either (32gig model, OS3... quits right after loading screen). Power-cycled the device, still not working.

Looks great on the iPad, though.

Beric • 13 years ago

Yeah, appears to require 4.0, as everyone with 4.0 has no problem on a 3G.

Too bad, as I'm not gonna lose my jailbreak.

bynary • 13 years ago

Requires iOS 4. It runs smooth as silk on my 3g 32gig iPod Touch.

Steve Pye • 13 years ago

No, it doesn't require iOS4, otherwise it wouldn't run on the iPad. For those having a crashing problem, power off your iPad/iPhone (hold both the home button and the sleep button) then boot it back up (hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears). Worked immediately for me after that.

GlennX • 13 years ago

It doesn't require IOS4 otherwise it wouldn't run on iPad. It presumably requires OpenGLES2.0 and it seems to need a lot of memory. In fact it's the only app i've had to reset my iPad for.

Adams Immersive • 13 years ago

Bizarre! I like it.

Adjusting • 13 years ago

How bazaar!

Maarten • 13 years ago

Tried it on my iPad. Crashes immediately after intro video. Probably an iOS 4 dependency in there somewhere.

MaGCoL • 13 years ago

It did the same thing to me at first. Had to reboot the iPad for it to work.

Chris Patterson • 13 years ago

Same, rebooted iPad and it came right up. Must not like low memory.

Paula • 13 years ago

omg! looks amazing on my ipad w/3.2.1.

DotComCTO • 13 years ago

WOWZERS!! I have this running on my iPad (for those who say it is crashing, just reboot...this is definitely grabbing as much memory as possible). The tech demo is simply stunning. It's pretty close to XBox 360 level graphics. The graphics, lighting and sheer speed on the iPad is stunning. I would *love* to see a game built around this...like Oblivion.

OK Epic...where are the games to go on this engine?!?! :-D

Jason • 13 years ago

Agreed, I'm now constantly wandering around, it's kind of peaceful, like a middle age myst.

I haven't found any Easter eggs.. Yet

madmud101 • 13 years ago

Does this work on the iPhone 3G or i it just an example for the iPhone 4?

GodSon • 13 years ago

Looks like I'll be picking up my iTouch 4G next week! :)

RiverOnFire • 13 years ago

Talk about stealing id Software's thunder. This engine looks incredible. Can't wait to try on my new iPod Touch!

RhythmMan • 13 years ago

Wonder if this will cause Sony to start promoting the PSP2. Because this blows the PSP away! Kudos to Epic and this engine

Christian Bale • 13 years ago

PSP is PHAIL!!! but shiiiitt its like a huge leap!! I mean they skipped PS2/GC/Xbox and went straight to 360/PS3!! This is incredible to have that on such a small device!!

RhythmMan • 13 years ago

I know, I wasn't expecting this big of leap either. Sony and nintendo need to step it up big time. Very happy to be an iPhone owner today :-)

Beric • 13 years ago

Still can't get it to launch after a reboot. I'm reinstalling it.

Jorlen • 13 years ago

Hrm not working on 3GS running 3.1.3 even post-reboot.

Beric • 13 years ago

Yeah, I'm on 3.1.3 as well on an iPod touch. I guess I'll have to wait until my iPod touch 4G to see the graphics.

RhythmMan • 13 years ago

I'm surprised if this can run on anything older than iPhone 4. Looks great and runs well for iPhone 4 by the way :-D

The_Unflattered • 13 years ago

I'm running it just fine on a 3GS w/ 4.0.1 and it's pretty close to perfect. At worst case, maybe 18-20 FPS. Most of the time, I'd say 26-32 FPS.

RhythmMan • 13 years ago

I'd update to iOS4 and try again

silentcorp • 13 years ago

Wow.... jaw on floor!

Between this and the Rage engine I'm pretty excited for the future of iGaming!!!

Zonko • 13 years ago

Very, very impressive tech. It's not a million miles away from 360 level. Texture detail is amazing too on an iPhone 4, but a bit less so on an iPad. (half the memory on an iPad).

Look forward to seeing what devs can do with this.

Yrogerg212 • 13 years ago

I don't think memory has anything to do with texture detail. That would be the retina display. Now, the memory may affect how quick you can turn the camera, or how quick the game loads, etc.