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A very polite cat • 4 years ago

Rushed ending, story not bad, could've been better.

Eric lenser • 2 years ago

I tried to start this twice already, but everytime I read the prologue, that bastard new student irritates me, and in chapter 1, that driver is focused more than mc.
This drives me nuts and quit

Agent47 • 3 years ago

Title - IDK, and there's no alt name, so I can't say if that's justified or not. But the english name, not really justified for the whole series if you ask me.

Genres - Action(well ofcourse), School life(hells yeah)

Description - Kinda justified, but that's just only the beginning, as it always in most cases.

Well I enjoyed the story throughout. After mid the action starts. The school life is shown almost throughout. Other than that towards the end, it become funny(some moments). Moreover, I won't say it was full on romance, but there were sweet moments, blushing etc. as it's school life. All in all you won't get bored. If you ask me I thought it was gonna end at ch 35, an alternate ending perhaps. But I get why the end was different as they had to make some things clear. I personally didn't think that ending on a funny note was abrupt.

9/10 I took away 1 point just for fun. Have fun.

Life is a lie • 2 years ago