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Andrew • 3 years ago

I could feel my blood pressure rise after that interview. That professor was clearly oblivious to the interviewer's point, and had no clue how to answer. "Yeah, lockdowns are bad...so...we should have more!" This needs to stop now.

Viktor Gutierrez • 3 years ago

Great interview, but the host misses the most obvious question: the NHS has had 8 months to get things in order, so what difference is another month to "be prepared" going to make? The guest also cites a lack of doctors and nurses. Does he think you can train someone to be a doctor or nurse in a month? Or even a year?

Li Guan • 3 years ago

The difference another month makes, if the data is correct in the interview, is 30 days X 2.4 billion pounds = 72 billion pounds and the additional suicides and deaths from delayed exams and treatments which wasn't quantified during the interview.

Wolfgang Breitenseher • 3 years ago

This sage member has one focus. That's it. He will gladly embrace a high death toll, as long it's not due to Corona. We have Corona every year. The estimated number of illnesses and deaths due to it is assumed to be 10-50% of the entire flu death toll. That's the typical ignorance of so called experts. It's the same with global warming. IHMO all these crazy experts are on the payroll of organizations which wants to bring economy down.

The truth is out there • 3 years ago

The hostess misses another obvious question. Sweden

Craig • 3 years ago

6:15 "Don't be silly. You're really being stupid"
6:40 "I said your question was a stupid question"


QueenBoudicca • 3 years ago

There is no evidence lock downs, or even masks, work. Mercola.com

Michael Freed • 3 years ago

There is no evidence that we should allow politicians who take corporate $ to decide things to make decisions regarding medical issues. If you're going to allow THAT illegality, THEN complain about the results, I'd call that hypocrisy.
We know this corruption has consequences. Now we're potentially looking at several of them. The same Big Pharma concerns that politicians on the take regularly bend over backwards for are affected by these decisions. The same people making THESE decisions weren't able to charge their cronies in industry one penny to stave off the supposed world-ending threat of climate change.
When will the lot of YOU grow the eff up and hold ALL the corrupt people in government accountable? When someone ELSE leads the charge? After the NEXT "it's too late?"
They will fake another economic crisis after this: they HAVE to, all you people who refuse to question government now expect it. As one of the few people who understands how you fool yourselves in ways we all suffer for, all I can say once again is thanks ever so much.

patriotsongs • 3 years ago

He was comparing the U.K. to "every other country"...except Sweden. He obviously doesn't understand that the costs of the lockdowns are not monetary, so he probably doesn't understand that the virus is not going away until it runs its course. Poor brainwashed professor.

Michael Freed • 3 years ago

Nothing is monetary: ever. People conflate the printing/generating of $ all the time, but this poor interviewee showed something: you can print as much $ as you want: if there is nothing to spend it on, then it's worthless.
$ is the measure by which we relate the values of the various goods and services available TO EACH OTHER. It has no intrinsic value of its own. Anything that says otherwise is a man-made manipulation requiring some magic formula to know how much of each currency is in circulation versus locked in vaults every second of every minute of every day.
So long as enough food is being produced to keep everyone alive, then the value of the $ can not change. If distribution is an issue, then the cost of distributing only those items affected goes up, not the value of $ goes down. You don't alter the scales when only gold or apples changes, the scales remain the same because not every item changes in value the same amount.
That is universal & applies to $ as well. It is a MEASURE OF the values of all other things & is itself neither a good nor a service. The ink & paper may be, but not $ itself.
All economic crises making it seem like $ itself loses value require man-made manipulations to create the illusion that this is so. All of them.

Wolfgang Breitenseher • 3 years ago

There's no life without economy. People will get this simple fact once economy is gone.

Mike from Ramsbottom • 3 years ago

Poor, extravagantly paid professor!

Rog Dawson • 3 years ago

Absolutely classic! God help us if this is the type of person guiding our government!

Wolfgang Breitenseher • 3 years ago

They are picking such fools on purpose.

Rog Dawson • 3 years ago

. . . and thank you Tom. You are a beacon of light in these dark depressing times.

Wolfgang Breitenseher • 3 years ago

Hospitals which aren't working on full capacity day in and day out are a waste of resources. As a matter of fact, 62% of emergency beds are empty in my country. Nurses are on part time and in a while they will start to lay off doctors. Coroners have the same issue, because this year is going to have a significant undermortality. This "scholar" in the interview is a scammer. He knows exactly that there's no pandemic. We know it since 6 months. The government must be following an evil plot or they are living on a different planet.

Andrea • 3 years ago

Scally (was ever a name more apt) was just working to his script, he couldn’t answer the question even if he understood it because the answer would be ‘no, it’s irrelevant, we’re doing it anyway’. He probably expected an OfCom instructed easy ride so that he can soft pedal the ‘It’s all the virus’s fault’ propaganda......SAGE press office are clearly not happy that the stupid people are catching on to the point that it’s the government sponsored lockdown doing the greater damage not the virus. We need to repeat ‘Lockdowns Kill’ and get that message out.

Peter James • 3 years ago

The pandemic finished as long ago as June. The continuing deaths and destruction are a result of faulty thinking by the likes of this professor

Wolfgang Breitenseher • 3 years ago

There was as much of a pandemic as with SARS and MERS. 770 died worldwide. There was not one single case of Corona found until today. There's no isolated virus, the "tests" are a joke and the people are scared and unable to think rationally. They even believe now that people who can't wear masks are murderers. The entire social cohesion is being destroyed on purpose.

Jim Bob 1028 • 3 years ago

This is what journalism looks like.

It is really pathetic that the US does not have a functioning news media that puts hard questions to anybody not named Trump.

Out of Blue Pills • 3 years ago

The question is, "Is the 'cure' worse than the disease?" The reply of the "expert"* is that the disease is really, really bad. This "reply" is NOT an actual reply. All it shows is that the expert doesn't even understand what the core issue is.

To be fair, the expert pivoted a few times to the (legitimate) issue used to justify the lockdowns initially: If we fail to at least slow the spread of the virus, then so many serious cases will appear at once that the health care system will not be able to treat all of the victims that will require treatment. The (pretty obnoxious, IMO) interviewer correctly pointed out that the billions of pounds of wealth lost to the lockdowns themselves could be used to mitigate the case-surge problem (e.g., buying ventilators, Clorox wipes, PPE, etc), but HE didn't understand the expert's (correct) reply that it doesn't matter how much money is thrown at, for example, the NHS; we can't train new physicians in a few months.

If the proposed shutdowns are intended to slow the spread enough to keep the health care system from being overwhelmed at any point in time, then it's at least arguably a reasonable policy. The expert was more or less saying, however, that even the economic damage caused by Covid-19 itself is so bad that locations that are harder hit by the virus tend to be made economically worse off than those places with a lower infection rate.

To this, I say: (a) no, duh, but that tells us nothing about whether to lockdown or not; (b) I'd like to see the data and regression analyses based on them, which I doubt exist, that demonstrate that places with lots of serious Covid-19 cases but no (or mild) lockdowns are made worse off economically than places with relatively few serious cases but severe lockdowns; (c) I'd like to see the data and regression analyses based on them, which I doubt exist, that demonstrate that places with lots of serious Covid-19 cases but no (or mild) lockdowns have higher excess deaths FROM ALL CAUSES TOTALED than places with relatively few serious cases but severe lockdowns.

The sloppy thinking surrounding Covid-19 is wondrous to behold. Even who is considered to be a relevant expert is badly thought through. Epidemiologists are experts in determining how many people will become ill and how many will die (and when) from Covid-19 in each proposed scenario (do nothing, suggested social distancing, ..., mild lockdown, severe lockdown). They and other statistical medicine experts are experts in determining how many people will become ill and how many will die (and when) from all other causes (e.g., suicide) in each proposed scenario. ECONOMISTS (or at least ACTUARIES) are the relevant experts in determining which scenario will result in either the least economic damage or the fewest excess deaths. Instead, the state trotts out Dr. Fauci, whose expertise may help physicians treating people with serious Covid-19 cases but is entirely IRRELEVANT to the policy decisions.

But I'm sure that these same confused elected officials will "build back" the economies (which THEY destroyed) "better."

* Who is no doubt a genuine expert in an irrelevant field.

Windlord • 3 years ago

I can appreciate the conversation of deaths vs deaths, but the Professor's response for lockdowns had no mention of therapeutics or cures. So what, that they get 'track and trace'. If they can't address a way of dealing with the disease, which it is clear that they can't.
Sounds like they'll be satisfied by knowing and tracking those that die (!?!); And then perpetuate lockdowns as there continues to be flair-ups, so the NHS is not burdened. It's clear their NHS cannot handle the virus regardless.
Is there no recognition of the efficacy of the Hydroxychloroquine azithromycin, and zinc, cocktail that has been so powerfully effective in so many places around the world? Are they really that backwards?
I agree, the strategy smells of manipulation, corruption or a hidden agenda.

anna • 3 years ago

OMG.. the one who is STUPID is this Professor .. how could someone as ignorant get so far into positions of "authority".. the Interviewer was very good.. He did not let up on this man's evasive answers.. Not something seen with our mainstream media.. with the exception of Fox in a few instances.

Wolfgang Breitenseher • 3 years ago

Simple. Just confirm whatever they are telling you to confirm. He's a useful idiot. There's millions of them. Paid tax mone. Up to the neck in the a**es of their superiors. Look at science. There's no quality in it anymore. It's being kidnapped by non-government (not elected) organizations.

Peter TRG41 • 3 years ago

First he admits he has taken 'collateral damage' into account.
Later he denies ('I am sure the government has....')
yeah rigt...

Li Guan • 3 years ago

Professor Scally was so set in his perception of the problem that he was totally blind to what was being said. A basic study of deaths from the lockdown (suicides, less cancer screening, delayed exams, postponed treatments, etc.) versus deaths with a lockdown (which should include deaths after the lock down is ended) was impossible for him to understand. It's concerning that such people are making recommendations about public policy.

Mike • 3 years ago

he seemed quite delusional that it's all the virus. and where do they get their numbers from if the lockdown is not done? models? the same flawed models that have been wrong from day one? And looking at other countries , I guess he prefers totalitarianism because the countries he's talking about are dictatorships

B.A.Frémaux-Soormally • 3 years ago

This poor (criminal!) Professor is simply acting under orders from the oligarchs and the Bill Gates Mafia!

The NHS was trying to kill me!

As soon as I had posted the following on my Blog, I was attacked on all sides, hacked, flooded with hundreds of Gates' viruses, and Facebook terminated my account around 1st of September 2020 without any warning!
Thursday, 19 March 2020
Former Head of Biology

Mike from Ramsbottom • 3 years ago

Thank you. So few of us know that the country is being run by Serco which is behind absolutely everything -- Serco runs our prisons, justice system, passports, border control, hospitals, so-called Covid-19 testing stations! Everything. And who owns Serco? Why - The Crown of course. Rather looks like our Royals have taken over the government! (Even to putting a be-Knighted gentleman in charge of the Labour party!).

Farang Explorer • 3 years ago

People are waking up finally and realize that the way governments have carried on with this so called virus is extreme and insane. May I suggest that the government is hell bent on destroying people's happiness and quality of life, eliminating freedoms, introducing new draconian laws, create financial hardship and destroy the middle class, all to make way for the coming Global World reset, which will be even bigger than this pandemic.

There are too many crazy people with complete power who want to do with the world as they see fit in the name of profit without regard to human beings. No amount of lockdowns, social distancing or wearing masks would stop a virus from spreading if it even existed and there has been zero evidence of its existence.

The tests are flawed and rising positive results only enable governments to exercise further powers. The vaccines will be equally flawed and it has even been suggested that vaccines are a way to have the population genetically bar coded. Vaccinations will be mandatory and if you refuse you will not be allowed to get on a plane or even leave your house whilst vaccinations will be annual and ongoing. No proper testing of the vaccines means people will be injected with cancer causing substances and will be genetically modified and made sterile.

This pandemic is stage one of the Agenda 2030 plan and people better start waking up and stop complying, don't take the vaccine, don't let police harass you and know your constitutional and legal rights because this is only the beginning. Don't be fooled again into thinking that once you get the vaccine things will go back to normal for you because there will never be a normal again. They are going to bring in new things and you will go insane so everyone needs to resist this right now.

Mike from Ramsbottom • 3 years ago

Now here's a thing-- Every winter our hospitals are filled to capacity, and the reason, we read, is that we have the smallest number of hospital beds per head of population than any European country - this after decades of Tory austerity. Then, along comes a disease so dreadful that we need to be tested to see if we've got it, and if we test 'positive' we are told that we are infected, using a test which can't diagnose a disease or tell if anyone is infected. -- And then Nightingale Hospitals are set up in our cities and overnight are populated with thousands of hospital beds! I have asked time again - "Where were these hospital beds magicked up from?" I have still not been given an answer! And if so many of us are dying of this dreadful disease, why is it that our NHS hospitals are half empty and the Nightingale hospitals completely empty? Of course winter is upon us and our hospitals will be full again. As full as they were last year and the years before? Or will we still have the wards closed to cancer, cardio-vascular and all other patients apart from those suffering respiratory ailments which will all be diagnosed as Covid? Influenza does not exist any more.

Kara • 3 years ago

With all of these interviews of professors, at least the young people at uni and considering what to study get a better choice about what sort of scientist you get trained by and end up like

nobel1101 • 3 years ago

Oh that's priceless! LOL!

B.A.Frémaux-Soormally • 3 years ago

I just earned 'another' PhD just by listening to that idiot Scally! It is the very best I have listened to since March 2020! My worry is whether the sheeple will SUE HIM or the govenment for such criminal operations!