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Thanks so much! I hope you have a beautiful day!
Fantastic article! I completely relate to - especially to the section about having faith. I learned somewhere on my journey that my lack of faith was really holding me back. It's a tough one too. But I love the advice on quieting inside to tame the outside world. My problem is I will go over...and OVER a problem or issue until I drive myself crazy.. time to stop that! once again, great article!
This post made me feel calmer, I sometimes want all the answers and pump my brain with questions but its a great message to focus on your life mission
Thank you for writing this. I came across this in a random internet search. I am a single working father, battling for custody and dealing with constant heartbreak. I really needed a new outlook. I am an 8th year disciple in a Wing Chun kung fu family, and it is a very wonderful practice for me, I haven't been able to practice in months because ive been so depressed. I saved this article in hopes it will help me get back together, but ill take any help i can get. Thank you again
Loved the post...
Thank you Jennifer. For some reason, after reading this after a stressful situation(past choice talking), I must say, "I love you". L0L. This post is inspiring. I appreciate it. Thank you:)
Really needed this today :)
Thanks. Needed this.
Perfect timing. Thank you!
Thank you. Honesty, I've needed to hear this and need to re-hear it lol. Going through so much right now, changes, financial tightness, career changes, perpetually seeking family approval and meaningful career (!) I've been afraid to center, meditate and enter yoga again because of what will come up but the signs (including this post) are slowly telling me its time to get this courage and turn inwards again.
Incredible post!!!!! I really enjoyed it with all my heart, it left me with such a beautiful lesson and positive vibes! really thank you.
I love this line Jennifer: If we can quiet our inner chaos, our outer chaos will simmer.
This post resonates for me in so many ways cause I do none of it. haha.. I work in ....politics where craziness an chaos are valued. That's how campaigns are run but trying to find peace, calmness and friendlier situations is what I try to do as challenging as it may be.
I think I try to do your last point to remind myself why it is I'm doing what I'm doing. Why is getting a candidate or fighting for a policy important. Whose lives will it change? How will it help vulnerable populations? That sort of of helps me stay somewhat calm or collected. Ok, I'm not there at all but can visualize myself being calm and collected. haha thanks for sharing!
Great article. Sometimes it seems I can't "turn my brain off" during times of stress or anxiety and this article helps me to remember that perspective and inner calm really do make even bad situations so much better or at least manageable. Thanks!
I love this post as well! Thank you so much for sharing. Exactly what was needed.
I think most of what is here is good, but there seems to be something missing. Sometimes we're pushed into the chaos - our boss keeps pushing and pushing for more and more - work faster, harder, etc. When circumstances move beyond what we can 'manage' through mindfulness and meditation, action is required. Action that moves us to a loving place - a place where I lovingly protect myself from the chaos. In physical conflicts (war zones) that would mean removing oursleves to a safe place. I think the missing step is to discover and act in a way that protects our emotional well being - which may mean removing ourselves, even temporarily to a safe space, or speaking up for ourselves and 'drawing the line' on what is reasonable, etc.
I love it! What a great point that I totally missed. Thanks so much for the feedback. And wishing many blessings to you my friend!
I LOVE this post!!! Thank you for sharing your experience, wisdom, and such a beautiful message!!!! :) :) LOVELY!