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Godwin Dalli • 2 years ago

I firmly believe that when the investigations would be completed (sic), the first hurdle by the accused lawyers' would be "Prescription" and the government will boast that the institutions are working and " rule of law & good governance" are the order of the day.

Matthias Wille • 2 years ago

I hope you are still young and I wish you a long life. You will need it to see investigations to be completed, let alone getting anyone behind bars. I'm 58 now and I have no hope to witness it in my lifetime.

By then of course the culprits will have seen their Maker too.

Cesare Borgia • 2 years ago

Which magisterial enquiries are still ongoing? Easy answer - the ones where the persons of interest are the Castille criminals.

j brincat • 2 years ago

Same stories recycled again and again.

How many are still interested?

Time to move on and if need learn form the mistakes.

Luciano Chetcuti • 2 years ago

U l-kriminal/i jibqghu igawdu u ahna nkomplu nhallsu t-taxxi ghalihom. Mhux hekk tghid? Hallina

Matthias Wille • 2 years ago

There is no learning factor other than if you want to get rich quick, make a career as a prime minister. And or make sure you are in his or her inner circle.

And from your bitter posting, I guess Your mistake was that you didn't manage to get into the inner circle.

So what did you learn from it?

j borg • 2 years ago

he is in the inner circle

J Calleja • 2 years ago

I want to see them behind bars. If it was you or a priest the investigation would have been done and dusted in weeks if not days. I can't stand the fact that our servants (elected by the electorate to serve us) are still pulling our and justice legs years later. And come to that I would also like to see high police officials being charged for not doing their duties. Only by doing so political diehards will learn.

Mandy Mallia • 2 years ago

What an ignorant comment. Thankfully, there are people who actually reason with their brain, rather than repeat rubbish mindlessly, and such people - myself included - will never give up fighting until justice is truly served. And when such justice is served, it will be served for us all, including yourself, whatever your opinion is.

Now toddle off back to watch Super Wann.

Cesare Borgia • 2 years ago

Firstly, how can you learn if all that you are interested in doing is moving on without getting to know what these "mistakes" were? Something tells me that you are not really interested in knowing (because maybe you already do) and, especially, learning. Secondly, these were not "mistakes". They were actions coldly planned and executed.

Joseph Azzopardi • 2 years ago

Is that how it works in your world? A crime stops being a crime if you wait long enough? It stops being a crime if not enough people are interested? No, sorry to disappoint you. A crime is a crime.

Neil Dent • 2 years ago

Oh how you'd dearly love for these stories of massive scale corruption to just go away, brincat. And for your filthy comrades in arms to be left in peace, without due justice being served.

Well, keep hoping brincat. But while the public has become largely indifferent, even numb to the breathtaking scandals that had emerged on a near daily basis since March 2013, many people don't forget (less still forgive) so easily.

You can either like it, or lump it - but feel free to keep up the truly stupid comments like this one, in the meantime.

Francis Vella • 2 years ago

The LP will never learn from mistakes. It's history. Mistakes by your LP are not mistakes......they are decisions, j brincat. I think Joseph Muscat said we'll learn from our mistakes after his first audit as PM on the Cafe Premier saga. But did he ever learn? He was also backed in all his doings by all government MPs.

Sarah Camilleri • 2 years ago

Is there an investigation or criminal action being taken against the St Vincent de Paule contract deemed irregular by the NAO and the collusion relating to the Gaffarena case, amongst others?

V Zammit • 2 years ago

The small fish will be put on the fast track. Like Luke Seguna.
The big fish will keep on going and on going, because we know who they are.

Samuel Borg • 2 years ago

Eating pizza or walking the dog in Sliema seafront

Eddy Privitera • 2 years ago

But they never ask what happened to the mother of all corruption - and PROVEN - scandal - THE OIL PROCUREMENT CASE which happened under a PN government !!!!!!!

J Degiorgio • 2 years ago

Given that this "mother of all corruption" was detected just before the election of 2013 and that the PL have been in government since, perhaps you shuld ask your friends.

Gordon Cook • 2 years ago

I wonder why that is Eddy?
Your friends in Castille have had 9 YEARS to investigate and prosecute but nothing has happened.
WHY is that?
Maybe there is something your friends don't want to surface?

Matthias Wille • 2 years ago

Maybe because all involved found a new home in the PL headquarters.

Well, it would be at least a somewhat valid excuse why the labour governments since 2013 did not even start ONE investigation into the matter.

Carmel Ellul • 2 years ago

Ask your dear friends in Kastilja why they stopped the investigation that Dr.Gonzi started.

j borg • 2 years ago


R. Zammit • 2 years ago

Simply because people in their right frame of mind do not ask about something that is already know! To spoon-feed you, the mafia in government had not tackled this scandal in 9 years because some of it’s members were also involved!

Mandy Mallia • 2 years ago

Criminal proceedings in that case are actually still underway, unlike in any of the cases mentioned above.

R. Zammit • 2 years ago

Simply because people in their right frame of mind do not ask about something that is already know! To spoon-feed you, the mafia in government had not tackled this scandal in 9 years because some of it’s members were also involved!

Stephen Borg • 2 years ago

Eddie the mother of corruption is the Electrogas deal, accept it

Rod Enderby • 2 years ago

and what did the PL government-from 2013 do about looking into it then?

Neil Dent • 2 years ago

OF COURSE WE ASK, EDDIE!? WHAT ARE YOU GOING ON ABOUT? Many of us have been asking about it for years!

But Eddie - your filthy party has been pulling the strings for WELL over nine years now, mere days after the oil procurement scandal was broken (coincidentally) just days before the 2013 election, by MLP fan-boy Balzan.

But incredibly, the last and only concrete action taken in the case was by outgoing PM of the day, Lawrence Gonzi - and the last good and decent PC the country had, John Rizzo. Then? NOTHING, Eddie! Ma' tisthix tohrog bihom dawn il-kummenti?

M Vassallo • 2 years ago

Why do you think your corrupt friends did not proceed on the Oil Procurement Case, eddy.....or you do not think.
Obviously your friends are involved eddy!!

A.Mifsud • 2 years ago

If corruption inquiry conclusions are drafted before they even commence, its pointless holding them in the first place! Corrupt Malta, Mafia State!

For the sake of Malta I truly hope the corruption is exposed and rooted out and those involved, albeit remotely are prosecuted.

Albert Beliard • 2 years ago

And put into jail for their crimes.

Joe Fenech • 2 years ago




Carmel Ellul • 2 years ago

or wait for them to die of natural causes.

Mario aquilina • 2 years ago

Dan il-process ta' din il-grajjja korrotta QATT MHIE SER TISSOLVA RUHA! Ghada-pi-t'ghada kollox ser IMUT FUQ RUH OMMHU!

Guest • 2 years ago
Matthias Wille • 2 years ago

Yep, a shockingly long list. And it doesn't end there!

christopher richard • 2 years ago


Albert Beliard • 2 years ago

You should have placed Mafia Boss Joseph Muscat at the top of the list.

Albert Beliard • 2 years ago
Caruana Galizia was leaked a huge cache of Electrogas data in the months prior to her assassination, for which Fenech is among those charged.

If she had received a huge cache of ElectroGas data, she and her son Matthew and her sources should have detected something suspicious between GEM Director Yorgen Fenech, Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri who were found to have secret companies.

A. Caruana • 2 years ago

Under the corrupt Labour governments we have, none of these scandals will ever be solved. There is no will to conclude them as it will expose Labour politicians.

Samuel Borg • 2 years ago

Just forget it , nobody will go to jail it will all end under the carpet , we are living in a banana republic

Albert Beliard • 2 years ago

Former prime minister Joseph Muscat, once a good friend of Fenech, has denied knowing of 17 Black’s involvement in the deal.


Give us a break, Joseph Muscat! Boss, it's going to backfire on you.

Pule' Carmel • 2 years ago

These are all cases where putting investigators on overtime at double pay would have benefited Malta. In the days when the local dockyard was run by Maltese management, it was common practice to put people on long term overtime to solve simple problems, while for the bigger problems, experts from abroad or outside the dockyard were asked to assist, so that the ship would sail on its planed schedule. Air Malta seems to encourage their workers too, so why not the investigators on these cases??

Richard Curmi • 2 years ago

Simple, all investigations, inquiries etc are ongoing because for the big fish the delivery of justice itself is ongoiung in not delivering what it is supposed to deliver except in cases like stealing a can of tuna.